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  • The Most Cmmon Question I Get is "Can I Warp with This?"

    March 15, 2025

    The Most Cmmon Question I Get is "Can I Warp with This?"

    Are you a beginner at using a loom? Or have you ever wondered what materials you can use? Learn from Jewels and Deb Floros during this episode of Jewel Loom School Live. They discuss the different types of materials that you can warp your beading looms with and the pros/cons of using each. This tutorial is great bor both beadweavers and fiber weavers. I bet you will even find something you will want to try to give your jewelry a new look! Watch the tutorial below.

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    the most common question I get when it comes
    to weaving on a loom is take a wild guess the most common
    question I get is can I warp with fill
    in the blank for instance can I warp with wire can I warp with ribbon can I
    warp with material like I'm always being
    asked what can I work with jwes if I am making projects on a bead weaving loom
    and I always come back with well if it ain't moving it's fair
    game so that kind of like leads to a wide VAR iety of materials that you can
    use and so welcome to the channel I'm Juliana a lot of people call me jewels
    and you're more than welcome to join in and call me that I'm the inventor of the
    jewel loom beadloom right here very popular and when I refer
    to the word warp w r p I'm talking about these guys
    all right the warps go from the top of your loom to the bottom and then back up
    again so we refer to it as the foundation of whatever you might be
    making so whether it's a beaded bracelet um some fun and funky
    earrings or a woven piece the warp threads are your foundation they're like
    the basic of your story what's going to hold my story is it going to be
    something really strong is it Whimsical is it
    flexible is it sassy like real leather real leather
    cord is really fun to warp with but there's a whole thing about that and I'm just so excited and honored to have you
    here and a couple well gosh not even a couple of months ago but just a wee bit
    ago I was at the two on gym show and my lovely precious
    sweet gorgeous friend who is also an amazing jewelry designer came up to me
    and we were so excited that we found each other and well I'll just tell you who it
    is the beautiful amazing talented Deb floros is here with me
    today talk but yet we're mat ing so we have you know in honor of you I wore the
    funky earrings that I got inspired to make you're like you got like all these
    colors and I'm like you know in my burgy so good job on us for matching yes
    yes yeah hi you know it's um it is really I think there's two questions
    that that are are quite common and the one being can I warp with this you know
    what can I warp with and and it's and it's a lot and then the other one too of course which we'll H we'll have to play
    with sometime is you know how how do I finish my piece right I would say those are the top two questions you
    know how I and what am I warping with and I did that all the time and it was
    really cute the way that you even presented it because you were like I have these boxes and they're full of
    stuff and do you think and I was like we have to take this to the juwel Lim community
    um to to educate them and let them know you know hey and and so my my thing
    during this um time together is that when you pull out something and and talk
    about whether or not we can bead with it or warp with it sorry I want to refer to some of the the Looms and their grids
    and so if you're saying well Jules what is a grid I hardly know what a warp is
    okay these are the grids right and so periodically while Deb is kind of showcasing some of her items I'm going
    to swoop in with one of the Looms and talk about the grid and what would work
    best so without further Ado my friend um what you got what you
    got well so I you know I am still a beginner in the whole world of weaving
    um I mean your looms um are what introduced me to the whole concept and I
    was always envious of people that had these beautiful woven pieces and so I I
    kind of started my journey with more of the like textile things like you know
    and and like the like um this is sorry silk and this is like some
    Chenille yarn and so I Associated that with like
    hemp cord so my experience is with hemp cord but hemp cord on the wood looms not
    on the blue looms okay so that's my that's my main kind of point of
    reference but I I know from watching you know watching you and watching everybody
    else that works with the Looms that um typically if you're working with the
    blue loom you're work working with the the fire line or Wildfire or some
    equivalent of that I do have a question though when it comes
    to the you know the thread that we all you know associate with the blue looms
    okay can can you use this on one of the wood looms oh gosh yeah yeah totally
    100% yeah yeah so I 9.9 times out of 10
    am using wildfire beeton's wildfire in one way shape or the other like if
    they're not my warps I use them for my WS WFT TS and and basically you know let
    me just say if somebody uses that word it also is your weave right so it's the
    going back and forth but yeah so you can use the Wildfire
    on any one of your looms that I manufacture with my name on it I mean
    you can even if you wanted to use it on nay silver silk loom and yeah so yeah definitely
    Wildfire is in my humble opinion the best and so I've been using it like for
    Neons and and prior to that I the only reason I didn't use it because I didn't know about it so yeah most definitely
    and I think for a little clarification with with that
    okay so on your jewel loom on your original jewel loom and your baby Loom
    the these are plastic looms these are flexible plastic not bendable I can't
    say that enough and they have they have what I refer to as I'm just going to
    come up a little closer the beading grid up here and they have these grooves
    right so they're very durable they there the groove is it was made for
    Wildfire okay so back in the day when we were just starting off we were using
    Wildfire for our warps and our WS also known as the weaving part we were sewing
    on clasps end of day right um the Grid on
    the I'll just bring this big guy wait okay the Grid on
    the large wisdom Warrior all right so let's just a lot of
    wisdom hey girlfriend the book is in process um if you see those tiny tiny
    tiny tiny little tiny grooves all right so those are the grooves on the wisdom
    Warrior bead Loom line they're very tiny
    and they're made out of wood they love Wildfire they love wildfire and they fit
    in there just beautifully and they make exceptional warp
    threads okay so you know would you necessarily
    want to use the silver silk loom with the Wildfire you for your warps you can
    but it was really designed to accommodate silver silk chain and so let
    me just tell my people who don't know what that is this is silver silk chain this is our lovely friend uh n company
    and he produces silver silk chain look how gorgeous I know you have some too
    and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the um oh that looks
    like maybe pipe chain P I had it before we came on and I lost it so you know
    these looms that have the bigger grooves were really intended to accommodate
    thicker material and so yeah knock your socks off use
    Wildfire on them it's okay but there's other looms that were kind of made for that but not a deal
    breaker so right all that's why I asked because I associate that that one in
    particular so that that was where I did I think I did this project okay on loom
    and I think I did this one as well and I was think thinking you know in my
    beginner brain like Oh The Wider the space The Wider the
    material you know and because silver silk is pretty I mean pretty wide yeah
    so I didn't think that I would ever go that path but I started to think about
    well could you and is that the best thing I I probably still wouldn't do
    that but it sounds like you could you can you can do it if you really want to and who knows what what it might you
    know produce yeah and you know the way that I designed the
    Looms like with the original jewel loom you know part of the patent you know are
    the buttons right because it eliminated all of the waste in beating because when
    you know instead of going around and around a loom you're tying off yeah so
    when I'm designing these looms I'm thinking about well what is the what's going to happen on this Loom what's G to
    be birthed what kind of a story is gonna want to tell and so we design it to
    accommodate the nodding and the application and so you know you would
    just have to you know you'd have to tie off on one of the teeth and then your Grove you
    know you let's see this groove would probably accommodate to 11 o maybe three
    so you're not you're not going to have like the same spacing but again it's doable I don't want you to feel like oh
    I invested in this Loom and I can only do silver silk I want you to play around
    to your point go ahead and try the Wildfire I think I think you can do it I know you can do it okay all right so
    then along the same vein so a lot of people that use Wildfire or fire line
    may use the too 1G product it's a
    slightly different um manufacturer of a thread so seed beers use these
    interchangeably but some people prefer a oneg so if someone had 1G could they use
    oneg for the blue looms and or other looms yeah first of
    all too girl forever love too can't get
    enough a too um so um and the one is like you
    know it's like it's delish right um I would absolutely you could absolutely
    warp with it on the blue looms and then as mentioned before let me bring in the
    smaller um wisdom Warrior because she's not so large um you know on those grids that
    would be fine what I find with the oneg though so I love the Wildfire because
    the beetle on Wildfire is strong it's
    very strong and it's grippy it's grippy grippy such a great way to describe that
    and and so when you're when you're making you know chunky
    monkey gorgeous bracelets that have like a trem amount of Glass on them you want
    that base with your seed beads to be really strong and sturdy
    so I'm going to use WG mostly in my
    weaving but I'm not going to put a big X over it for warping like you can
    definitely do that um it might even be a nice baby jewel loom product because you
    don't typically use as much as you would on you know yeah and it's just flowy
    it's veryy is it's very smooth it's
    Dancy yeah here's the thing that you have to remember about warps like if I show you
    this bracelet right now you don't see the warps no so I would say 9.9 times out of
    10 your warps seem they disappear like maybe on your wall hangings on your
    fiber art you might get a little bit more of a glimpse of of your warps so um
    superg is more superg one G is costly
    right it is definitely more costly and um so I would just tend to use it for my
    WS when I you know when I'm weaving in my be but you but the answer is yes you could use
    it I've not used it on on like n's Loom or Eileen's Loom or the new rooted Loom
    all those big grid looms I've not and I honestly I don't know that I'd make that
    choice to do that yeah I probably wouldn't yeah I don't think so so Nyo I
    would say this the same answer would probably be for like Nyo because it's kind of the the beadsmith equivalent of
    oneg in in my humble opinion I started with Nao well actually I take that back
    back in the day 30 some years ago with a lean um we were warping and we
    everything with fishing line we were going to the we were using fishing tackle
    line to to create with and then you know we had Nyo and so that's actually where
    you know the two materials that I mostly was using like 30 some years ago in fact I wonder if this is fishing line H I'm
    not 100% sure some of I'll have to find one of my bracelets because I know this one looks like it's the warps
    are Nyo and this is like I don't know this could be 30 20 at least 25 years
    old so nao's pretty like it's it's it's a strong it's a strong material but yeah
    Wildfire hands down okay I am I always
    think of fire line for seed beading work but I think Wildfire actually would be
    my choice for the um the warping on the blue looms that would be my choice yeah
    because it is so grippy yeah and they have that ultra fine now so you could play around with
    the ultra fine to see like how you feel with that when you're doing like your looping work you know that's what I love
    with the oneg or like the Nyo like it's it's just more it's a little more flexible but again I'm you know I'm such
    a wildfire fan so yeah but yeah yeah we all have our our favorite things we do
    we do let's let's go in a different direction because this is something so I
    am a big um Mac girl okay and I love the
    micro macra so I think I I we did this project um and this is all macade on and
    we did it on aom and this is all that tiny waxed poly
    kind of cing and um our friends at hemptique actually just introduced some
    poly cting in very small small small small sizes okay but I've got you know
    I've got this is um like a waxed multicolor cording yeah um I love this
    stuff for Mac um but tell me like is this good for
    warping and with what with what kinds of looms yeah so I mean that yeah hemptique
    is hands down like I love them Clara's amazing and they're a
    family-owned business and they're here in California uh closer to San Diego I believe and um and so their their
    products that they have are sustainable and I love all of that I love all of
    that so I feel with the plastic looms that if
    I'm going to try something try it on the jewel loom or the baby jewel loom first
    to see like you know how how it works um I don't have any questions as far as
    like the hemptique product lines go um the 0.5 regular hemp cord it is a
    beautiful match I'll bring in let me bring in the pocket Loom so the pocket moon loom that we
    introduced in November of last year she's got the beading grid right and
    then she has some bigger teeth so um like the5 mil cord hemp te hemp cord
    would be would be great it loves that little Groove the one is a little bit
    bigger yeah when you talk about those waxed
    situations they're lovely yeah they're lovely I just am
    wondering obviously all day like I mean the jewel loom is is suited for just
    like so many things um I've not tried that wax on the wood I'm really careful
    with my wood looms really careful because just because it'll fit in the groove I'm I'm always cautious like even
    with the wire um we you know like if you did you know Laura Mena comes to mine
    with her her gorgeous crochet I think I think she uses 28 gauge
    maybe but I'm always concerned with the you know the bead grids you know and and
    so I would always say like if it's artistic wire which is my favorite Wire by the way um I would say the thinner
    the better so like a 28 a 30 even a 32 but the wax I would say I'm feeling
    like no problem on the bigger grids yeah
    agree I'm just not knowing right now whether or not it's going to produce any
    type of weird sticky stuff in the bead Grid in the wood bead
    grid yeah I feel like so this the hemp te the new
    hemptique so they came out with I think three new sizes so I've used their
    larger sizes I think I think this was done with
    hemptique probably this one too yeah um and you know this when I saw this little
    thin this is 45 MIM okay it tiny yeah and this isn't
    waxy so like this is this is a wax yeah this is not so I feel like this would
    actually be I think it'd be gorgeous on the wood Looms with the bead grid I
    think that that would be very very interesting to warp with on the bead
    grid on these on on the Looms that have them so all the wisdom Warrior wisdom
    Warrior mini wisdom Warrior um the earring looms which are
    Danielle's Danielle's like the co-parent yeah yes um the large wisdom Warrior the
    small wisdom Warrior the micro and then the earring the pocket Loom has the beading
    grid the original moon loom has a little bit her grid could be
    considered a beading grid but it's a little bit a little bit different it's not as tight but I think that any of the
    Looms that have this really tiny yeah I mean I'm just like glancing
    over at at my big girl o and I'm just thinking you know that might really be
    cool it could work yeah what is the product called it um so it is waxed but
    I I say that when I compare the wax on this this is the less expensive I don't
    even know the brand of this um this is you can see how shiny this is but um
    this is um so hemp Teek waxed um waxed bonded and round thread
    it's multi-purpose and nonf fraying that's my on that and I I can
    pull out in a second there are a couple additional sizes that they released as
    well and they're all sort of in this smaller vein yeah I like that poly versus hemp yeah but this feels this
    does not feel waxy like it feels coated but it doesn't feel waxy yeah then I'm
    all in I'm definitely all in and Carmen this car I will and Carmen Cruz says I'm
    a beginner and I appreciate all this great information I have bought some hemp and other materials but was not
    sure where and how to use it so thank you Carmen for for letting us know that
    this is is good for you because that's why we're here um you know eileene um
    hloom that I did for her she's got you know that similar Moon Goddess grid so I
    bet she would love that as well for her um you know for her she does the spines to
    her journal dies I know she's so crazy she's so so talent I bet she would
    really love that so we'll have to make sure um by the way myself and eileene
    and Ann from bellcraft we're all gonna be at the Chicago show in May for H&H I
    don't know if you're going or not but anyone who's attending look for
    bellcraft because we will be there I'm not going but I will be virtually um
    representing Jesse James beads at the event doing a little bit of an
    instruction with um something that they're sharing with the bellcraft folks so I'm excited about that okay right on
    I love that that's so good so good so yeah so I'm all in okay all right then
    here's some other products very similar products um beadon
    belon yeah and then bead Smith s laon
    yeah um both nylon cords I don't think
    these I I don't think they're waxed I I don't see anything about wax but they're
    you know they're a little bit bigger than um what we just looked at I'm
    trying to see what the size is on the cording but I I know a lot of people
    work with eslon for nodding and I've used it for um
    Mac um some nodding too I would think this would work but not sure which um
    Loom would be best for this kind of a product yeah I think that um I think
    that those two because I'm almost 100% sure that years ago when I was on JTV
    with the jewel loom that the eslon was an upsell and I'm almost sure I that
    yeah so yeah I definitely again I all day long on the jewel looms the original
    blue Jewel looms baby Loom no problem at all um I would say Eileen's Loom
    absolutely I would say it depends on the size because again 0.5 hemp cord lays
    into the beating grid on the wisdom Warrior l s beautifully 1 mm you you can work with
    that but it sits on the grid okay it
    sits yeah see this one yeah this is this
    is 0. five this is hemp hemp cord and you can see that it it fits into the
    groove so if I want to use I guess I don't have a 1 millimeter on the loom
    anywhere um it'll it'll like sit on the grooves even on the doesn't Nestle in
    necessarily right so you know you've got these little these little dips right you have the little
    grooves and and so if the product won't like wildfire obviously lays down in
    there beautifully 05 lays down in there beautifully but excuse me anything over that is
    going to lay on top of the on top of the grooves does that um if it's laying does
    that present any problems with like things shifting around or um you just
    have to be more conscious of the fact that they're just laying but it's never
    derailed me from from creating that way so for instance um
    you know I've made a piece where where the warp threads were out of
    denim yeah you just you just take your old Levis right you just take your old
    Levis and then what you do is you're GNA cut
    strips as long as you can go my little legs are are short so you're not gonna get you know you're not gonna have like
    yards with my legs mine either yeah but you definitely
    definitely warp with like a long and it just lays on there and so it does
    present for a very creative experience because you're also like
    trying to get your beads and but they're it's beautiful right when it's all done and so I'm thinking that shouldn't be
    your first project on Al Loom I'm just just saying that probably should not be your very first attempt
    Al they would get an award for something like that like some kind of an award
    yeah and it and it yeah and you yeah what is what is Celia says are you sure
    you're not running around trying to start a new trend with those yeah well let me just say I am on my way to my own
    very pair of Daisy Dukes so I better get my
    squats better start working out well I was also just thinking like I don't know
    if you remembered my old company jewelcraft but we had this gorgeous beaded Fringe and I was just I have some
    so I was thinking oh I could sew some on to here I'd be like quite the thing you
    would yes yeah yeah those those will be my Vegas Daisy
    Dukes Lord but yeah okay so I'm going to set the fabric
    aside for a minute because I have I have so many questions related to fabric but stay on like cording and thread I love
    this product for a lot of different things I'm sure a lot of people have it
    the silk oh yeah yeah gri and silk has a
    needle attach which you could cut off um it comes in so many sizes which I think
    is confusing to people um but it's you know generally used for knotting pearls
    y um I've used it for nodding any you know other beads I've used it for
    macra yeah um but I've never used it on a loom and I thought gosh there's some lovely silk colors out there that would
    be pretty yeah what about warping with the silk yeah I mean I absolutely I
    would just go back to that same point of like you know because I I also look at
    price point when I'm thinking about my warps yes no and so beeton's Wildfire
    just being such an exceptional product at a great price um for what you're
    getting and and you know that you're in the for the most case you're covering it up right so when you have that Silk
    product it's so beautiful and I'm assuming it's a little bit higher of a price point um maybe not too bad I do
    think they I think they make it are they making it here now or did they still make it overseas I don't
    know sure but um I feel like it's one of those products that unless you're Pearl
    knotting yeah it's kind of an like people don't know about it or they have some and they don't know what to do with
    it because it's just been stuffed in a drawer and truth be told I have a lot of it that I've just you know accumulated
    over the years I did Ed to KN with the very large larger sizes of it but like
    some of this like the number three is super tiny I mean it's a nice tiny
    little rad you know I'm thinking I'm thinking that that would be gorgeous
    like for obviously the pearls and then like the cck glass or Swarovski Crystals so
    like if I were doing a ring yeah I would you know warp with a
    coordinating wildfire color if possible and then I would use that Silk with my
    pearls and my crystals yeah and now I need to make
    that ring because that sounds really pretty yeah we're getting all kinds of ideas
    here we're about it I I like the idea even if I'm the only one knowing it but
    if you're making jewelry for sale I think this would be a a good point it's like you're using
    uh you know how can I say this like you don't drive around in a m in a Mercedes with
    Volkswagen car seats right and there's nothing wrong with that if you
    do there's AB I'm just trying to give you an analog analogy right so like if I'm making a
    gorgeous ring and I'm using my top quality you know Japanese seed beads and
    I'm using you know gorgeous pearls and swarovsky crystals yeah I want to make sure that
    my warps and my wests are a material that's going to you know yeah
    complement that whole that whole presentation natural
    s look that that's jewel blue too so that oh my God that's why I pulled this
    out so I have all colors I'm like oh my God this is this is Jewel that is to die
    for that is to die for yeah yeah Carmen wants a tutorial on the on the uh on the
    ring so we better write down all these things better get these ideas written down yeah but I think that you know that
    whole line I absolutely on the original um blue looms the baby and the original
    jewel loom and then um I think it makes sense with the wisdom Warrior looms
    because they have the beating grids you could use it with the pocket Loom you could use it with Eileen's loom for sure
    she might enjoy that um is she upside down yeah like I said her little grids
    are so yeah if you had a bigger um I don't know like it's not a gauge but
    like a bigger size of the silk yeah then that would probably be better in that
    Loom or in the maybe even in the silver silk loom yeah or or yeah can you
    imagine somehow warping that along with silver silk chain side by
    side that would be to die for
    that let see how that might look yeah now this is a smaller cord but I
    mean I don't know I mean know you'd have to put it up there you know like maybe the silver silk is on the edges on the
    far left and far right and then the silk is in the middle and you could even pre-
    string the beads onto the silk and have them floating yeah so still show off the silk
    and maybe maybe after after you put one bead on do like a little
    macra I don't know yeah you could just like have more fun than humans are allowed to have with
    that and if you use a like a clear crystal or a clear glass bead the color
    of the thread yeah would go through yeah kind of fun I'm gonna definitely say
    that that whole silness that whole world would needs to be married to you
    know like the same Quality Glass you know Pearl Sor offski
    check glasses even Gorge so something on the same level to
    make it tell a really complete story with with the same
    yeah all right I'm going to possibly take up a mission to use some of my silk
    yes yeah for sure okay um I have other questions so
    we've talked about hemp yeah um and I I love hemptique I've got a ton of
    hemptique but I wanted to show this because I'm sure some people don't you know don't know about hemptique or maybe
    have access to it as easily and maybe they're going to the craft store and they're seeing this kind of a product on
    a card yeah you know you get a bunch of colors sometimes together they also I
    think card the naturals um in different sizes so some
    of their products have different sizes and then some of them just have different colors yeah um I'm not trying
    to say what's better here but I'm assuming that this cord is also very
    usable under all the other situations that like a hump Teek would be right yeah and I've seen those and I've had to
    pick them up on you know cases where I just had to run to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and you know grab something so
    yeah I think it I think you know it all comes down to like is it important to
    you do you want to be working with a sustainable um products or you know like
    so yeah I think you can go I think you can go either way but I'm always going to be behind you know the Mom and Pops
    yeah and it's yeah it's trust I mean I feel like it's a it's a quality it's a
    better quality oh it's so I've used I've used both but I prefer the the hemptique
    product yeah if I can if I can get my hands on it so yeah yeah and this is
    antique on my earrings and so I'm you know I'm not super allergy prone but I
    would want something close to my face that I knew where it had been so I do
    know the way him te you know produces their product so yeah well you know if
    if people this would be a good practice like if you have this practice with it
    right yes and I get a bunch of hemptique like load up on the hemptique after
    after you practice and hermy has a great comment she's saying that the her the HTI is softer right and stronger and and
    it's true because I've noticed that what's at the mass level um is a little bit more rough but if you you know in my
    one video where I talk about which Loom to start with i because like if you've
    not loomed and you are just like whoa you know I'm not ready to to invest in you
    know the large wisdom Warrior right now but man this looks like a fun time I say
    start off with you know the baby jewel loom because the price point is right under
    $10 pick yourself up some of that cord at you know one of the mass shops or
    your local independent whatever and you're not going to waste you're not going to have a waste you can you can
    warp with the cord and you can and weave with it to you know get your
    get your bearings yeah get your bearings just to try it out and you're not like in to trying something new you're not in
    a hundred bucks right you're in 20 bucks and sometimes when you make your way
    around these craft stores you can go and you'll find these like clearance things
    and so you might find something like this on clearance and you just put that in your little bag and carry it on out
    and use it to practice and yeah and then you can get really good and then you Buy
    hemptique in all the colors and all the sizes yeah and yeah and yeah to okay in
    some some yeah um I'll let you answer this question before I go says I haven't used
    my goddess yet how much should I use on it can you show the
    Hem hemp again oh how much how much hempty cord would
    you or or cord in general I mean it just depends on what you are using what
    you're making I mean you could end up using many yards to go all the way
    across um 17
    inches 17 inches long eight over I mean
    have I I know I've done it before and I'm sure I wrote it down somewhere you know it's probably gonna be several
    yards worth of cord I can I could take some yarn later
    Carmen and like just faux warp my my loom real quick and I can let you know I
    if that's your question okay this is a weird one um but
    I used this for my weaving so my wefting um this is um like a twine like
    a really cute twine oh that's so funny you have that okay it's like a it's like a tiny yarn kind
    of and um I did a I did a really funky bracelet in fact I'm not even sure where
    that bracelet is I thought I I didn't bring that in tonight but I used the a black this is purple and white but I
    used a black and white and I used it on hemp but I like my opinion is this
    probably wouldn't make a good Warp but you tell me do you think it could be a
    war so it's really funny and this is the honest truth okay
    so and we did not talk we did not from my lips to God's ears we did not talk we
    did not we did not no so uh back during Christmas time I was
    standing in line at TJ Maxx and this was you know how people pick stuff up and
    then they decide they don't want it impulse purchases it's in the impulse area like get me through this line this
    and this and this don't look and I was like oh my gosh that would be like so
    amazing and it was like I don't know $7.99 and I got it with the intention of
    thinking that I was going to make coasters oh that would be cool
    I warped with it and then I we I used it as my weaving for the booooom on the
    boooooom and I took it off and the flipping thing fell apart it twisted because it's
    twisty it's twisty so I was gonna talk about this so
    I don't know if that's the same experience on that smaller one but boy
    this did not go well for me and I that is fantastic like that makes my
    heart sing I did I did I think I had a it was not this exact same one but I had
    a black and white I wish I knew where that piece was and so I I warped with
    hemp and then I did I did this and then I got to about the center of the
    bracelet and then I had this like silvery thread stuff and I did a little in the
    center and then I started again with the black and white so it's cool but I found
    it hard from a tension standpoint to get it right because it's kind of it's just
    kind of Loosey Goosey yeah you know it's like air it it's there's nothing to
    yours is like air and this one is like that's like a brick yeah like a brick
    and and it's twisting and it's really great for wrapping gifts but um I would
    just say I don't know what I would say because I got so bummed that I didn't go
    back and try to warp again and then use something else as the Ws yeah because
    that might have been stinking cool and so I do have some red sorry ribbon and I
    might be brave enough to warp again with this and then go back and use the the
    weaving with the Sor ribbon and see what happens but um you know sometimes these
    That's How come I always say if it ain't moving it's fair game if you don't have to put it down um
    so sometimes I think that this is a perfect example of where I was like why not like it's staring at me it's a great
    price it's really pretty I think I want to do this and I had a fail but I didn't
    go back and try again so think for Giggles I will try again and
    let everybody know how know how it goes because it really is a beautiful and and
    in this case the warp would
    present in the project especially on a coaster and it would be gorgeous so I
    will try it again I'll try it again I'll take one for the team try it again okay well that is very cool because that's
    huge and it's really cool yeah um that kind of makes me think so like I when
    I've been collecting all this stuff because I I I'm embarrassed to show and I'm not going to the package the bags of
    stuff that I have um I have a lot of stuff I've been collecting and what what my thought process is is well if I can't
    warp with it I can weft with it and I can accent with it and I can do all
    these fun things and so um so I have a lot of stuff and I'm thinking to myself
    well if I can't workp with it I can definitely use it you know I've seen all
    of your pieces that have all of the fabric and the beads and the fun accent
    so so my thought was this and probably several other things like it are
    probably not good for warping but this is a piece of fairy silk and it's been
    WRA yeah it's been wrapped up so it needs a little training but it's a black
    piece of fair F silk fairy silk is so lovely it can be a plain color it can be
    multicolored and it's got the you know the thread on the it's sewn on the
    outside along both edges and it goes like down to a point where it's thin at
    the that's typically how a fairy silk would work um this is actually not silk this
    like a faux fairy silk but I do have fairy silk too and this is a fun
    material to to work with for you know designing jewelry but I don't know that you could
    actually warp with it uh does it have an opening can you put anything in it or is
    it no no okay so yeah I wouldn't waste it I what it's fabulous so I would want
    to show it off and so you know like when I used yes you know these pieces on here
    you know like this is a really nice SAR ribbon like some silk sar's are better
    than others and this is higher end more delicious one but what I'm seeing with
    that is do you remember the other night um or in the video on the rooted
    Loom where I took the fibers and then I pinched them so that
    they would you know they would be fluffy and sticking out I could see that with the fairy
    silk I wish I add some because that would just be really pretty yeah reallyy
    use it for your your WS so while you're sharing that um how do you feel about
    yarn and there's so many kinds of yarn like some yarn that's super chunky and
    some yarn that's really thin then the yarn that we used for this project I did
    for you that has all little squiggly things hanging out like yeah there's so
    many different kinds of yarn but what is the general guidance on Yarn yeah I mean
    the general guidance is that if there's an estate cell sign in your neighborhood
    you go you go because chances are somebody's been stashing yarn their
    whole life um yeah I mean you the yarn
    is like perfect for warping because you know that's what this is you know
    the this is um yarn that I warped the rooted Loom
    with and I'll make sure that that video is tagged in here somewhere so this is
    just you know basic yarn nothing fancy or smancy but yeah all day long I would
    have I would just have a bag which I do full of yarn you know and and so in the next
    breath what I would say is that I tend to use that basic plain yarn in different yarn yarn
    yarny yarn old fashioned good oldfashioned yarn before they made it fanc State sell yeah and then you know
    like I I've told the story so many times about you know this was at aoui place in
    ohigh you know the ske and when I walked in it was like almost 50 bucks for that
    thing and it's gorgeous though I mean it's like
    and so I'm going to use that for my WS I'm not going to hide it and it costs a lot but you could yeah
    just get a yarn I'm thinking like you get the plain yarn and you do your warps
    but then you get all the fun yarn and the Beautiful Rich yarn and the fancy
    yarn and do all of their weaving with that and you've got this beautiful soft
    piece this was this was like a Chenille yarn that I had
    expensive no this was yard sale yarn
    like it was in a bag of like just stuff wow and I used um some hemp so just some
    brown hemp and then I um I added some lace this is like um like stretchy lace
    in there yeah that's so cool and this is so soft and cozy and so like that's what
    I'm thinking but I didn't really think that you could warp with it so now I'm super excited ah
    Danielle we need t-shirts
    t-shirts okay so the next thing you you touched on this a little bit um I've
    done I've done weaving with it and that's sorry silk and I am a sorry girl
    to like to my core yeah totally so but can you warp with
    it oh yeah these are warp this is this is the warp what
    happens what happens you have to be really careful when you're warping with it because it can it's it can be frail
    and so then it will it will uh tear so when I'm warping with the denim or the
    Sor ribbon any of that type of texture I'll leave the metal rod into the jewel
    loom so that yeah because sometimes it'll stretch like I even say that with a leather cord sometimes that leather
    cord will stretch and if you take your Rod out you'll be like flat lines you know on your loom so um yeah
    definitely definitely can use in fact one of the projects in the book is
    warping warping with sorry ribbon using it also in some of the and adding some
    beads in so yeah and even so the sory ribbon is so precious and it's it's
    so um non like what's the word evasive like it's not harsh or anything yeah you
    can even like lay that on your on your wisdom Warrior looms and I would be fine with that and definitely on all your big
    teeth girls you know like your your um your big grids that would be fantastic
    and I think be easy it would be easier on those big teeth for a beginner um
    exactly yeah yeah I also um I have um
    some sorry yarn have you seen that where people make sorry into yarn yes and
    thear waste it I would not want to waste it as a warp I would want to use it for
    weaving but um that's a beautiful like bougie yarn to use yeah yeah oh my gosh
    yes um you mentioned leather yeah a few times scares me but I
    know but I know that it's similar to like so a lot of people have made those
    wrap bracelets I'm thinking it's very similar to The Wrap bracelets with leather tell
    me about how you can workp with um yeah I mean with the with the leather again
    if you're using it as a warp on the original jewel loom I would leave the rod in the loom because it can stretch
    if it's faux leather it doesn't it doesn't stretch
    like real Lea yeah and the other thing when you're warping with real leather is
    that you have to be so careful because again it's another product that will I
    mean it's fragile so it could break could tear yeah yeah so we nicked or
    something g i I want to show you I should have
    grabbed this but let me see if I can find it really quick one of our very very
    first creative Soul
    projects of course it's hiding right now you can never find it when you want
    it right my gosh it was the red Joan
    knows which one I'm talking about maybe she knows where it
    is knows you know these boxes were um organized at one time of course I don't
    have it let me see I don't think that's
    that's not Le this might be leather um but yeah you have
    to you definitely have to be careful when you're warping you know with the leather and
    so this one o I love that one I remember that one this yeah I love these darn
    beads so much so beautiful God I love that you just have to be careful when you're going back and forth and you're
    warping warping with the weather it's weather with yeah definitely with the weather that's hard to say weather yeah
    um but and and even on the original jewel loom so I'm a big fan of one
    millimeter everything right like I love 1 mm hemp cord I love one one and a half
    two millimeter leather so those sizes are
    going to sit on top of the grooves they're going to sit on top of the jewel loom baby Loom grooves they're going to
    sit on top of the wisdom Warrior looms they're going to Nestle into the silver
    silk loom um the Ruden Loom but I like I like
    faux leather as well because yeah you know it's cheaper and looks really good Ian
    yeah and and some people you know they don't want the real thing so faux faux leather is absolutely fine and you can
    usually find it for you know a great thing again I yeah
    so yeah it's um I don't know here's an example of of warping with wire it's
    kind of hard to tell but these are all wired warps in this project wire like
    like craft wire artistic wire that's on my list too yeah artistic Wire yeah see we think
    alike um warping with wire on the original JW Loom is like hands down one
    of my most favorite things because it's ridiculous how cool it is
    it's just Yeah you mentioned certain gauges you prefer um what would you
    prefer to warp with what's your preferred right so um so to just let
    everyone know the lower the number in in wire so like 10 gauge
    is what my mom used way back in the day to make all those human forms like it is
    so heavy 10 gauge 12 gauge it's wire super super thick right so the lower the
    number the thicker the wire the higher the number the thinner so like our Laura who does crocheting with wire I think
    she's in that 28 gauge to 32 SO2 right here at 22 um so I you know I
    would say 24 okay6 are the middle of the road if
    you feel Brave you can try um
    22 I I got a lot of like like 30 like that I haven't used for anything yeah I
    would just make sure that it's not going to like break yeah it should if it's artistic wire that's for sure but it but
    that's thin and that's what like needle tatting people use and crocheters use
    that so I would say 24 and I I just kind of don't want you
    putting wire on your wood looms okay I
    won't but it feels like if you have that small gauge wire that you could do it on
    the the blue loom very easily it's right in those grooves this was made on the
    blue loom this was made on the BL so you know if it's a 28 gauge you can I mean
    and this is 28 what I have't I mean 26 and it's super super fine so like you
    know maybe maybe I would get Brave and try it on the pocket Loom I don't know I just
    think that artistic wire and the original looms are best okay because not
    for nothing also it's kind of like the project that you're making too like you really have to think about why you're
    using the certain materials on your project yeah yeah know why am I going
    you going you know this was this was one of the creative Soul projects and I wanted to just show like
    this really cool sturdy you know funky piece like a
    framed yeah yeah and there's another piece in the book that was with
    wire so I just feel best if it's on the blue Jewel looms versus the wood
    Loom okay all right I have a few more but I got to slide over because I I
    forgot one brand so let me grab okay I got two hi I got two kinds of beading
    wire so Beeton beading wire or like a soft Flex this is a a colorful you know
    this is a metallic what about beading wire right so I um have played around
    with it a little bit again it's a little bit more high-end yeah I think it has its purpose
    with that said I know that Trisha from um you know Trisha our dear friend
    Trisha she actually used the beading wire in a project and knocked it out of
    the park like it was really really really pretty and the cool thing with that is that you can then take it up a
    notch and use crimping techniques like pre- stringing the
    beads crimping and then you have like a floating bracelet right so it's a whole
    different level of but if I'm not mistaken the price point on
    that yeah but you could do like so all of the companies do more of an econ so
    the econoflex from soft flex and then you could use a seven strand for from
    beon so maybe that's your you know sort of test run is using something that's a
    little more economical that is still a beating wire and sometimes you find some
    random weird brand like at a garage sale and you could play around with that too
    that same that same yard sale where you found the yarn you might find um some
    cheap cheap beating wire too you never know yeah yeah know there's all kinds of
    opportunities for savings that's for sure if you dig deep enough all right um
    I'm I'm Inna generalized because I've got so everybody knows what stretch cord is you know like your stretch magic and
    then I've got this like this funky colorful stretch cord this was also from a craft store really stretchy so I could
    see this as fun like accent this kind of thing accenting you know more um weaving
    but have you ever warped with stretch cord like a stretchy cord so you know
    who first played around with that is Christian from from JTV when she was on
    Julie yeah yeah so she she's a she's genius hand genius yes jewelry genius
    um and so I think it's an interesting idea for sure to use it
    um again you're kind of trying to work with a material that's
    stretchy and you're always trying to make your warps with the most tautness
    like you know to play a little guitar counter to use a stretchy cord yeah it's
    kind of counterintuitive for sure so I'm not taking it off the table by any means
    and um it it it's not non-abrasive so like you could definitely play around
    with it on your wood looms because it's not GNA you know probably not g to hurt anything but I think
    it's it just you know I'm not against it not putting X through it I'm not
    putting an X through it no okay two more one we kind one we've
    kind of talked about but what about embroidery thread like I I used that as a little
    bit of an accent on a piece that I made it was a fail I didn't warp with it but
    I I wondered because it's also very I mean it's very much Loosey Goosey like our twine kind of very Loosey Goosey and
    it's um it's multiple fibers and they don't necessarily always St together
    really well yeah especially if it's not a high quality embroidery thread so just
    just wondering just curious yeah I mean the first thing that comes to my mind is like to play around with it on the tiny
    looms right like on the pocket Loom or the earring Loom because it could be interesting on the earring Loom again
    you're not going to see it because yeah you know but if you have some and you're trying to do something on a budget it's
    probably cost you know it's it's a good cost I'm
    personally not going to choose to warp with it because I think it's too too flimsy but would I grab some if I needed
    something to teach with or to do my my WS with on a smaller project probably I
    mean you yeah there's a thousand million colors um so that's another bonus for
    the part of it okay last one we touched on it fabric so
    we talked about denim oh yeah I have this vision and I did buy all of the
    things and I I I'm still gonna do it so I don't want to share it but but it's
    fabric that um I feel like I need to wash a lot to get it kind of loosened up
    because it's out of the package was somewhat stiff so Fabric in general like I I know
    I need to probably cut some strips of my fabric for
    sure um what does that look like I mean do you have a project that you've done
    in the past that you can point to like a a class or anything that you did I do
    and again let me let me just peek over here
    I mean we can always we can always share it later but I I just that is a that is a curiosity to me I'm so I know I can
    like I can weave it but to weest it is I'm so curi or to um warp it I'm so
    curious about so well that piece is not coming um forward but of course the
    piece I was looking for so this yeah this was warping with the leather and um
    you know was a great class because it really challenged the the creative Soul Community to you know learn learn a new
    technique and and and be successful so this is with you know the denim but it's
    woven you know so I W this is H cord but um yeah darn it I I know in the jeel
    loom Inspirations book there's a project with that again I would keep the rod in
    the loom I would get it around the back button as best as I could I would
    probably even pull out my blue painters tape oh and tape it down to the back you
    know so like you know just visualize instead of him cord all Denim and it's
    really Big And Chunky so you're going to have to like use some painters tape and then just warp with it like you normally
    would yeah or the silver silk loom I would think might be good for something
    like that or is that then if you wanted to make the strips even thinner or to
    Bunch them up and you know oh my gosh there's so many possibilities because you can SE into it like you know like I
    sewed in all of these gorgeous beads into this bracelet yeah that's just so
    it's just so Bohemian and fabulous and there's something about the fabric and
    the use of different kinds of fabrics so I have I have one more and this one's for Joan um
    H panny hose panny hose yeah who did she said that I mentioned that I didn't I
    don't remember saying you could weave with pios oh my God I that is so funny I mean
    I think as long you know i' obviously I would I don't know they would run I wouldn't they run I would think so but I
    guess like you stretch it like maybe if you just stretch it really
    thin I don't know I mean it would be it would kind of be like the stretch cord concept like could you get it to be
    taught enough that it would be a found a good foundation
    yeah but that I had to ask I had to ask yeah for sure no I know and she's she's
    actually checked out already because she's like I gotta go and eight sorry sorry I'm keep all my
    questions to party early God bless her for showing up this because she's on the
    East Coast timeline so um I think I asked everything I was thinking about
    like I know there's probably more that that you know folks have have thought of
    themselves but those are just some of the things that I was thinking about and now I'm actually inspired like some of
    these things I wasn't thinking I should try but maybe a few of them I might try
    I I really think what it comes back to is if you are a beginner and you've not
    even made anything yet you know because this is a lot of information right so
    again I'll direct you back to the small entry level baby jewel loom you get a
    pack of of of you know cord or something from your local your local uh shop and you
    practice warping and weaving and you just get that down and then
    I think that the next step from there is that you're you know you're warping your original jewel loom with hemp cord
    you're doing the bead work a single hole bead and you're making one of the most
    basic bracelet projects because then it's really easy to add you know a
    button a wood button and call it a day from there I think that you will
    intuitively grow into all of these other different ideas and really at the end of
    the day I feel like what you choose for your warps is like what what are you doing if you're just
    making if you're making jewelry like Jewels I'm pumping it out for a boutique yeah craft fair right or
    I'm making gifts like you know there's just going to be some standard warping
    procedures the beetle on Wildfire is my base and I'm weaving stuff in or I'm
    using hemp cord um by hemptique to for my warps and I'm you know weaving in all
    of my gorgeous ribbons um yeah but then when you get into the other looms like
    the rooted Loom the sun Weavers and you start doing and and even
    the silver silk loom when you start storytelling when you start weaving
    because you're G to tell a story then I think so many of the things that
    we talked about like come into play because the bigger looms like the rooted Loom just lends itself to all of this
    fun stuff so yeah but again I'm just
    going to go back to if it ain't moving it's fair game like because I have this visual of like could I
    somehow this is crazy could I somehow get grass like the
    plant you know the big grassy plants yeah yeah
    yeah I know like I think I like blacked out for a
    minute like that is an awesome idea yeah so I dare dare you I dare you to do that I
    dare you yeah yeah so that that would be a very interesting base and I'm not
    exactly sure how to preserve it I think I think definitely using it for my WS my
    weave you know my weaving part could be interesting but um yeah there are people
    that make baskets woven baskets out of that stuff so so why not it has to be in
    a basket shape I that's why I'm just like every time I see a piece of a a
    grass plant I'm like oh keep walking you're yanking it out of a
    neighbor's yard home yeah don't go to the plant store and start cutting grass but big
    trimmers I I think that there's always a place for our you know very streamlined
    basic jewelry making we're trying to accomplish whatever our brand our
    collection might look like and I use those words whether I'm making it for as
    as a hobbyist or professional like it's your style so you know and the and all Jew looms
    kind of take you into a different expression yeah yeah and it just it all
    everything together the loom the warps and whatever you're weaving with all put
    together is your story there it's such a big part of your story such a big part
    everything that we do so for Me weaving is all about story telling even you know
    this bracelet has a story right you know this bracelet reminds me of when I was
    able to empower all of my students in the creative Soul you know monthly
    subscription to say you know what we're gonna go wide and we're gonna warp with leather
    and you're gonna have practice and this is not the project where you're gonna be like H you know and and everyone was
    successful I don't believe I had to send out any more leather to anyone um you
    know and just everything is an expression that I do like one way or the other something about wherever I'm at in
    that moment whatever I'm Desiring and that's what I feel like weaving is all about yeah it really is
    and I think when I when I sit down um I have to be ready for the story like I
    have to be ready to put the story together sometimes if you want to make something
    fast sometimes you can't tell a story fast so um perfect for that yeah so you
    know um but I I think it's um it's so exciting to think about all the
    possibilities of what you can do and maybe today somebody's gonna say you
    know what I'm gonna try the twine or I'm gonna try the you know whatever that
    they they saw us talk about I mean we go from hatbands to Funky
    earrings to Super high-end materials
    to making bougie lamps
    lamps I love that I love that yeah it's like yeah it's just like a big story
    everything and to your point again sometimes we're just making a bracelet whatever but we're pouring our heart and
    soul into it and it's you know there's moments in every piece where you just
    chill out yeah I like to leave a little bit of me in everything I make so and
    with weing you do it all comes from my heart anyways so like these you you
    invest you I think you invest more in this kind of technique because it's just
    it's a very Zen thing too it's just so great move that that material back and
    forth It's ful it's like it's super slow
    Zumba yeah it is and get so many comments about that like how it just helps people to chill out yeah yeah I'm
    all about it I'm all I'm down all right so we're getting a lot of
    really positive comments and I love that and I love that this is so helpful and
    if there's something else that comes to mind um that you know you want answers
    to uh please ask us let us know I know we talked about it about a lot of
    different things and I would just say try it like it's not going to hurt anything you know just be I say that and
    in the next breath I'm just always going to say but you know caution on your wood looms to make sure that you're not using
    like you know Towing chain that might not be good yeah Towing
    that's not that it wouldn't be good yeah be good so but dab I appreciate you so
    much and I'm so grateful that from that moment that we found each other what Hall what Hall were we in uh I think we
    were I know we were at the I think it was the gem mall I think it was the gem Mall tent yeah at GLW and I only went
    over there because I was trying to find Annie from Jewel tool me too both and we found her and then we
    found each other and so it all worked out and I'm so grateful for you and so
    anything that we should tell everybody where to find you coming up like what's going on this weekend um you can find me Monday
    morning at um live I have my Monday show on artbeads so every
    Monday morning I do a little designing and we do a little shopping while we design um I've got got a couple things
    coming up next week but um I um yeah this time of day it's but I always know
    Monday morning that's where I'm definitely going to be but you can find me on all the all the socials and um and
    hopefully we can come up with another something to um share with folks I'm I'm
    totally in I'm all down for it we're definitely gonna do this again so thank you so much we all we appreciate you we
    love you and thank you for like bringing I have like wow you brought a
    lot that is so great so great all right lots of love coming to both of us we
    love our community so much thank you ladies and gentlemen I don't know all of you delicious
    people love you Danielle and Sandra and all of our peeps Lori Lori
    that's so cool Lori thinks that she might have bought the same funky uh yarn so that's fun oh my gosh I would love to
    see what she could do a phenomenal designer herself so as so
    many of our community members are just just so good so bye Melissa okay thank
    you so much everyone for joining um make sure to subscribe make sure to like
    leave me comments and um and for Deb if you have any we're really good about responding to that and um you know you
    can always share but this is a part of both of our businesses being on the
    YouTube so it really really helps when you subscribe and you like and you comment
    and you share and you show love because uh this is part of our jam and we're so
    grateful so incredibly grateful so see you all next next Thursday if I'm
    not mistaken um will be the sassy Fringe earrings the bonus to the creative Soul
    subscription box that Danielle designed and that's going to be um it's ready to go so next Thursday that's what we'll
    have going on so until then see you guys