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  • Weave YOUR Story: Warping the Rooted Loom + Finding Inspiration

    March 09, 2025

    Weave YOUR Story: Warping the Rooted Loom + Finding Inspiration

    Weaving your Story on a loom; the Soulful Dance of meditation and prayer.

    Learning to weave on the loom & letting yourself go, relaxing, and designing as you go along is like a Soulful Dance of meditation and prayer. Julianna C Avelar shows how to warp & weave with fibers on the new & beautiful large upright "Rooted" weaving loom, made of sustainable baltic birch wood. As Julianna explains how to use the loom, she also discusses how easy & meditative you will find to use it. 

    Watch the tutorial:

    Buy your upright "Rooted" weaving loom kit here:

    Buy the large loom stand to turn your "Rooted" loom into an upright loom:

    Save 15% off your first order, plus Get 3 Free Patterns:

    Shop Looms and jewelry making supplies at

    Did you know Jewels has a Book? It’s true! You can get a digital copy of the Jewel Loom Inspirations book here:

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    hi everyone welcome to juwel loom School live this is such a special special time
    that we're goingon to have together I'm so excited um I'm gonna show you the new
    rooted Loom which is a large weaving loom and we're going to be warping and
    really what I want to communicate to you in this video is this this IDE idea of
    telling your story on the loom and I know that we've touched on that a little
    bit and you know what if you're new to the channel welcome oh my goodness welcome welcome I'm so happy that you're
    here um juwel Loom is my baby and we have a beautiful assortment of bead
    weaving looms and like I said today is all about the rooted Loom it's a weaving loom and it's perfect for telling your
    story through the expression of creativity and so what I mean by that is
    that you can gather your fibers
    gather um gor I get okay you want to know what I
    gathered this was staring at me okay a spool of artistic wire and I
    was like that's going to be a part of this story so and look it I've got my blue pearls on from the Czech
    Republic thank you and a blue top and um yeah so you
    know what's really fun is like where are you where are you right now how do you feel what kind of a story do you want to
    weave you know I'm really focused on just like
    deliciousness and happiness and but there's definitely been times
    When Mama's been sad and so I've told a whole different story you know like when
    like when when Grandma Avalar passed away right when my grandma Portuguese Grandma
    passed away I stayed up till 3 o'clock in the morning yeah beating this and
    this was all of the colors that reminded me of her she was so of the earth you
    know she was always in the garden always in the backyard tending oh my gosh we grew up on a ranch with an
    avocado tree let me tell you so everything about this bracelet was about
    my grandma Avalar and I just poured my heart and soul and the and I don't want to say that this is a sad piece but in
    the moment I was Pretty stinking sad so for me I gathered all of the things that
    reminded me of her um and that's really what the rooted
    Loom is going to to allow you to do all right so again welcome everybody to
    juwel loom School live I'm so happy to see all of your names I wish I could
    just reach out and like just give you a big juwel juicy hug and let you know how
    much I appreciate you and I miss you I miss seeing you so um we're gon to be
    doing this again more often and I'm going to push some stuff aside
    now how do you go about this what do you mean tell a story what do you mean Jules
    tell a story on a piece of wood right a tool a craft tool how do
    you do that well you gather the things that really speak to you in the moment
    so I've got some beautiful blue yarn I mean come on now gorgeous or what
    beautiful Blues really pretty Blues I've got a neutral you always need a neutral
    um let's what else just some more funky roving fibers I love weaving with the
    fibers you um some people take like this state of fiber and then they end up
    spinning it and then you know crocheting knitting but I like to use it when it's
    raw like that and then look at this pile so and then like I said the artistic
    wire is this ice blue it is one of my most favorite
    alltime colors like look can't get enough of ice blue wire so you'll gather
    things that speak to you different textures in fact when I was looking at
    all of this earlier I was envisioning like a piece of glass like a
    glass rod you know how people lamp work artists how they have those
    gorgeous glass pieces and they're like in a rod form right have one but that's
    what I was visualizing as the piece to like actually attach let me show you so
    like on this one I have a piece of a Sal salinite salinite am I annun
    annunciating that correctly and so I ended up using that as a part of my hanging system right and I wrapped it
    around with the um gorgeous fuchsia colored artistic
    wire you got to have artistic wire in Your Arsenal and then this is like it's
    llama I used to read Josh a book it um is your mama a
    llama when he was little it was like his favorite book anyway uh this is really
    cool really cool llama I mean come on now look how gorgeous that is so there's just so many opportunities
    to grab so many different fibers and textures and I was even thinking oh my gosh what
    if we make something on the jewel loom tassel maker right like this is not the right
    color scheme but I did this on the tassel maker I made these really fun denim
    earrings on the tassel maker and then what if that like became an
    embellishment that was on like let me bring this big guy in
    you know what if we added that right like to a piece so
    now you know maybe these are some beads that you collected you
    know maybe you got some on a trip that you know they make you really happy and
    so you've been waiting to use them some really cool Fabrics you know
    people have Fabrics from gosh lineages of I ribbons from my Portuguese Grandma
    I'm not even sure they could have come from Portugal I'm not sure so yeah you
    could collect I mean look at this so this is a piece I made right I've got a
    um shell I've got um seal
    glass so gather the supplies and it could take a hot minute right I don't
    have all of mine dialed in but I have enough to get
    started and yeah I just you know look how
    excited I get really really excited when I talk about
    weaving your story because it's so therapeutic and it's such a beautiful
    Soulful dance of meditation and prayer and I just I love love love the
    piece and Melanie says I need to get my big Gloom out and my tassel maker right
    on right on exactly okay so let's talk about her if you have the
    large sunweaver the rooted Loom all right the rooted
    Loom is the same footprint okay so we got a 8 inch wide
    by 17 inches down area in or you know to
    express ourselves in now if we weave her all the way around into the
    back what do we have Joan we have 17 and 17 is 34 inches right my math is good
    Joan says yes Joan is in the background so the thing if you're like
    well Jules I have the large sunweaver it's awesome large Sun she's back over
    there she is fantastic but I wanted as a fifth anniversary because remember the weaving
    goddess looms were introduced on Jewelry Television in November of 2019 and so
    it's been a little over five years now and I thought well where is she
    now where is she now and what came to me was this beautiful image of you know
    this gorgeous uh woman just holding up the
    things that she has learned you know what what you can visualize and think
    about well what are those Roots mean going into the Earth right what is it with her you know the
    branches everything that she's learned over the last five years come on
    now some of you know what this mama has learned right and then you know home is
    where the heart is hey maybe maybe you're a van lifer and your home is a van right on because I'm like following
    a bunch of you I'm so crazy but I just had this little picture of a house and a heart and so with my
    looms I really love to pour in a lot to what you see as you are telling your
    story so I do believe um I don't know if a dozen of them because I we really
    haven't launch launched it's just kind of been like hey so there are some folks out there
    that already got a rud and Loom and I am so looking forward
    to what they what they make um normally when I do my warp threads I don't really
    worry too much about like oh um what color I'm warping with
    because typically the warps disappear so you know you can go with a
    neutral um I'm going to use this deliciousness just because I feel like
    on camera you might be able to see this better and so I'm going to do that and
    we are going to very let's see we're gonna scoot
    stuff out it's always fun you know whenever I demonstrate with the bigger
    Looms with the uh you know with the big large wisdom Warrior
    that's where I'm like I miss overheads and a bunch of people telling me what to
    do all right so we're gonna take it down to the table and we are GNA get our
    weave on so are you ready I'm going to show you we'll we'll weave her you know
    I mean we'll we'll create her warps and then um and then we'll see where we're at
    with time and everything you know this might end up being a two-part series because
    this these pieces just don't happen really quickly okay like the one I just
    showed you right this took this took some time right and I think for those of
    you that are just joining I mean come on look at this guy right this is to die
    for and I sometimes think wouldn't it be Super Rad to
    like weave a second part and then kiss them together and then you'd have like a
    really cool Oho purse talk about telling a story okay so
    we're going to put that to the side I just I love that one so much all right oh my gosh okay this is
    really long by the way here's what here's what kills me with these
    pieces look at the back on this one look at the back look at the story I mean I don't know about you but
    like I'm really um I don't know I've always just been that person who like looks at something
    and I see something like I see a story and I feel like the backside of
    these woven pieces I mean come on this our little
    [Music] tush but how cute is that very cool I
    love love love love it okay so we're going to push that to the side carefully
    and again I'm working with um basic yarn you know such a great
    opportunity to like hit up estate sales you know make sure it's
    clean but any who okay let's see um Joan you wna switch me on over and see
    hopefully we can get okay oh look at her look at I'll bring her up to the camera but look at the detail on that
    laser it's so beautiful hi Carmen oh my gosh I miss you look at that with the butterfly look
    at that look at her hair I mean the detail is crazy we have
    such a caring and loving team that um that makes these in
    Missouri of the United States I had somebody email me today just wanted to clarify that they were made in the USA I
    said yes they are so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take uh one end of the yarn and then I'm just going to come
    over here and tie and if you are a weaver like a beading Weaver on a loom like the jewel
    loom you know we talk a lot about how you want those orps to be really nice and taut when you're doing this weaving
    and you're on the wood Loom it's a little bit different we're not going to like pull super duper
    hard okay so we just want to get that get that
    knot yes Carmen she's super gorgeous all right so
    whoops what's GNA happen if I ever make a loom that's just like I don't know
    like it sits on the floor how am I ever gonna tape that okay
    so I'm bringing so here's my right hand by the way here's my right hand this is
    my left and the loom is in front of me and it's you know it's not exactly the
    way that I would you know do this if you all weren't here with me but it's it's pretty close um Leanne she's eight
    inches wide seven inches long but um seven inches long 17 inches
    long let's see here yeah her her width is eight and her length is 17 but
    remember if you if you warp the front and the back you'll have twice the length so what 34 I think Joan Joan and
    I did girl math so I'm just going to bring it down here to the other
    end and this is good like again we're not beading we're weaving with fire
    fibers but we still want it to be like nice and taut so we'll go ahead and pull
    and then here's the bottom down here and I'm just going to wrap around
    and I'm going to skip I'm going to skip one one Groove
    and that's just going to dictate like what my weave looks like you'll just have to play around to
    see like what you know what you like so this is good again you just you
    know you're gonna have like a little little Loosey Goosey but nothing too
    major and then I'm going to come back up and I'm just
    skipping one Groove so it's very similar like when we're using our beading
    looms how we would skip grooves oh look at that one just like plopped right in
    there and
    whoops man and I'm telling you this quarter inch sustainable Baltic Birch is
    like so good it's crazy how sturdy this Loom is
    you know super cool super sturdy all right so we just
    popped out of there so I'm just you know I'm making sure that I hold the
    tension really well then we're just going to come up to
    here and
    again so now when you're doing this on your own it's going to go like a little faster but again I'm just trying to to
    keep you in the warping conversation
    here and we're going to bring this
    down so this is what we got so funny enough this green isn't like really
    screaming loud but it's fine hopefully you were able to see so
    pretty okay um well now this is interesting
    why what would I do if it was only this wide H because I'm kind of liking I'm
    liking this I'm liking this what could this be
    H okay I'm I think this is what I'm going to do because originally I thought I was
    going to warp like the whole entire Loom but you know what I'm like getting I'm just like yeah
    okay the creative process one two three four five six seven this is seven
    warps okay so that's about like I have let me see let me bring in my tape
    measure it's like a little shy of three inches wide but I I don't know like I
    don't know okay that's what I'm going to do by all means you can warp completely
    across so I'm just going to come down here and secure my end I'm just want to
    REM maneuver and when you're tying off you're
    just you know you're just trying to get a good old knot in there so that it doesn't get
    loose and what I'm going to do let me grab my
    scissors I'm going to cut a tail just a little bit longer than normal just again
    because I'm trying to you know not lose the tension and I'm
    going to hold it with my thumb see how I'm holding it with my thumb because what I'm going to try to
    do is like work this in here oh another tool I
    like to have on hand are my flats like I don't know these are
    just they act like a third a third hand okay
    cool and then let's see will that be oh awesome sauce okay so that was nice that
    actually grabbed grabbed it and then I'm just going to bring it back
    through so flatnose pliers scissors um oh and I forgot to show
    you okay this also comes with a needle look at this big old honking nice wood
    needle this is overflowing with gratitude right love that and it also
    has a gorgeous oh my gosh this I think I could comb my hair with this thing it's so thick strengthened in
    faith how pretty okay so those come with the rooted Loom um all right so oh my
    gosh all right here we go here we go what will we do first we will bring in
    I'm going to bring in this yumminess let's bring in this and to find the end
    there and I think I'll just start with two yards so I'm going to do two Jewel
    two Jewel arms oh whatever this is It's delightful
    oh oh whoa got excited
    okay so now you can use your needle or
    sometimes I just use my fingers whatever whatever works so I'm going to come in
    here and under over under we're just kind of under overing
    it now if you're sitting there and you're going hey juls can I add beads to
    this yeah in fact I'm kind of tripping out right now and I'm like looking around to see if I have any beads
    because that yes I'm finding some beads so so I would say that an 8 mm bead's
    going to fit in this little Alleyway so you could totally do that that that's going to be cool I'm gonna be hitting up
    this joint looking for some beads that that will work hey I just came from a
    big bead show so surely Mama's got some beads
    somewhere yeah that'll look so gorgeous to like randomly put some beads in some
    different spots which by the way I don't have to do every Alleyway so yeah I can see where
    this is going to turn into a two-part series there's just too much excitement
    so I just did like a little knot just really carefully right there
    just one time and then I'm going to come back in and so oh let me show you this
    let me show you this you ready you see how do you see how this is hanging down
    right so this fiber this gorgeousness is
    down and now I got to get it up and over this warp so I'm going to take the
    needle and I'm going to go over that warp and then under over
    under okay and then let's pull it and you'll see why I had to do it that
    way and when I have a long piece I just really like to help guide
    it so you see how it's going to grab that warp perfect now I don't want
    to pull too hard because I don't want to distort my warps and this is where I can bring in my
    comb my go bigger go home and look at that oh look it it's already oh my gosh
    the weaves just make me cuckoo for forever I love it okay let's keep
    going let's keep going you can see how you know you could literally like sit
    down chill out obviously I won't be there like chewing your ear so you'll
    have some peace oh this is really really really
    pretty okay so again I just want to make sure and I'm going to bring in the comb I'm just really pushing these
    together nice nice nice okay and then again you know this is
    this piece is down so I got to go over that warp and then I'm just doing over
    under and I'm helping to guide it right oh my
    goodness and then we're going to come under and we're just doing this simple
    motion back and forth back and
    forth boy I got to think now like what what is this GNA end up being like I don't know like oh you know
    maybe it could be well definitely could be a binder but no I don't think that's what it's going to end up being for
    me so we'll have to see um okay so let's talk about the
    distance between this top grid and where I actually started
    um processing processing okay so
    my my what I want to say what do I want to say I want to
    say that I feel like we need to I actually
    feel like I'm going to come down a little bit okay I'm come down a little bit and
    the reason why is that I don't want to get stuck with not
    having enough length in my warps to
    actually bind that to add that to knot that to wrap that to adhere to right my
    hanger so whether I'm whether I'm still
    thinking oh my gosh now I need to go back to Tucson this is where I need to be in
    Tucson when I'm weaving because I'm envisioning like just this gorgeousness of some sort of piece of
    gemstone love okay well we'll figure that out any
    who I'm going to leave this amount of space because I need to be able to attach to something right just and let
    me show you because I don't want you to be like Jules what the heck are you talking about so like how I
    attached this am I enunciating it right cell salite salite it's it's the stone
    that you know some people like say put by your computers and stuff like that because of energy like I don't know I'm
    not good at all that um but I wire wrapped around it and so I had to have
    like the warps to attach to I think it got a little short but it all worked out it's what I love about
    weaving okay so we're going to go and do a couple more
    rows but I hope you're seeing like it doesn't have to be weaving doesn't have
    to be hard at all in fact doing this weaving is very very simple in my
    opinion because you know you're just you're going back and forth on your
    warps um oh you guys really with me it's just
    like it's it's it's the little stuff come on now tell me that weave is not
    like Gorge all right and so so here's a visual if I would have not
    skipped one groove right these are my grooves the warps would have been closer
    together and the weaves would have been tighter and if I would have skipped more grooves the weaves would have been
    wher but I'm liking that Skip One Groove that's a really sweet look for this
    particular project I'm really liking that okay we have what four let's do
    five so we're going to come
    under um you know in addition to fibers you can use you know of course you know I love hemptique cord you could warp
    with the the hemptique cord that would be absolutely
    fabulous um Yarns Sor ribbons you know it's really
    endless I um what do I want to do I think I want
    to I think I want to go ahead and cut where's my scissors okay
    yeah hey this is a fun best project you guys this is a fun fun besti project
    because you just like get all your stuff you have your friends
    over no I wonder if neie is up to [Laughter]
    uh doing a little fiber fun huh so we're just
    gonna tie that a little and again do you see how I was really conscious of really
    you know not squeezing too tight so that I really will have like this nice nice
    width Okay so we've got that part all dialed in I will tell you this I will
    tell you this this is what I'm feeling I'm going to scooch down even a little
    bit more because I'm feeling a row of beads I feel like there needs to be a
    row of beads and you know what that row of beads is going to do it's going to lock in that weave really
    nice not necessary but for me I feel like that's
    exactly what and I'm just like looking around do I have any beads they're all somewhere out of my
    reach but that's what I'm thinking I'm gonna find I'm gonna find something and
    that's G to go across again I bought oh my gosh I haven't even put these on the
    website yet hold that thought hold that thought I think I know I think I
    know oh sugar I got some really pretty stuff but I'm looking for those big guys
    where are those big guys
    okay let's see does if this oh my gosh you guys are gonna die you're GNA be
    like girl get those on the website okay look
    what holy guacamole yeah what do you think what do
    you think I think that this will be amazing let's see I think these are
    only are they going to work well I'll tell you what I have some
    smaller ones too and so what might end up happening is that it's one of these
    and then like like a um like a like the the size of an 110 or a
    60 yeah I got Beats from the African village Judy and they sold out so quick
    and I promise next time I will buy more I just you know I wasn't gonna go and
    then God blessed Jill and neie and John and they were like girl you got to get here so I really
    wasn't in buying yeah anyway okay um
    that's the ticket and I'm gonna sew those in for sheries and I'm going to
    put those to the side okay so what could we do that's next how about we take some of
    the fun fibers this is really cool stuff we've
    had these in um our creative Soul boxes in the past
    oh come on now oh my goodness all right so when you're
    working with you know like this these fibers
    um you know you want to you want to handle them with care you're just going to like roll them
    open and what we'll do what we will do is we're just going
    to take a pinch let's just take a
    pinch oh my gosh yeah and then we're just going to carefully separate it and it might still
    be too big and then we could just separate it
    again okay you should see my desk so that's still too big yeah but
    but for me that it may not be for you you might be like girl I want to go biger go home you knock your socks off
    because you're you're weaving as your story um and I'm just going to do this
    again again this stuff goes Forever by the way like I bet some of you still have
    what I sent to you in your creative Soul boxes yes
    Lori Lori says she loves weaving with the wool roving and I would have to
    agree so the fun thing with the roving and I'm just going to kind of so I'll
    I'll use my I'll use my fingers with this kind of want to control
    it and let's just
    see you know so the fun thing is like you
    can you know you could just do fun
    stuff right I don't know but I feel like when it's all
    together you know like so this could be like the the Peaks and The Valleys of
    your story you know whatever experience you might be having
    like you know is life a roller coaster it's so cute oh my gosh John it
    looks like the baby eagles like they have their mouth
    open what um I saw that um yeah the
    babies so we we have a we have a big eagle
    person our our lovely Joan loves Eagles and she's so passionate about it it's
    really kind of cool I love when people have have a p oh
    look it see how fun that is did you see look it oh my gosh is that not
    cool so I just kind of like picked it up
    yeah all right so we'll come back under so we're always you know we always want to make sure that we're you know
    we're coming under and we're grabbing those side those side
    warps oh look at the blue oh my gosh I can't okay I'm having
    way too much fun
    um oh my gosh what do I want to do what do I want to do what do I want to do I
    want to grab my needle and just very carefully kind of like grab some of that blue but I gotta
    be I don't want to like maybe my fingernails are better look at how beautiful that is oh oh my heck let me
    come up to the camera
    wower wow okay the big be Nest not far from me yes
    has third third baby eaglet hatching yes I saw that on the interwebs the parents
    are really good about protecting them during the snowstorm Joan I think you
    need to make um a fiber art piece that represents the
    Eagles wouldn't that be pretty like it could just be in the Big Bear colors and
    so I'm going to come back through
    here okay I you know the camera is I think it's doing a great job but I really like
    in person these colors are so incredibly beautiful all right so I don't want to
    pull on that too tight um you may have noticed that I I didn't I didn't secure
    this end when I'm working with the fibers I kind of like to wait to
    see like what happened I'm going to tuck this
    down it's kind of nice to have this big old hunken needle to also help you see
    how I just did that so this now becomes like a design element right look how pretty that is and I'm not
    afraid to go back in with you know probably one of my alen's glues
    and like very carefully and very carefully like take a toothpick and and
    you know maybe give it like a little dash of white glue that I know dries
    clear I definitely ain't afraid okay so yeah and you could
    like finish this is I don't know maybe I have the big bear project with the
    eaglets these are my three little eaglets is that what they're called eaglets
    right okay so I think I'll bring these hi
    CeCe Carmen oh I'm telling you this blue is
    like knocking my socks off it's so pretty I'm think I'm going to leave like
    that that race right that that race carard
    look and then I'm going to come over here and just there's so much Freedom when you do
    this type of weaving in my and listen there are absolutely knots that I would love to embrace and
    work with you on um but I I just feel like this type of weaving just lends
    itself to so much freedom of expression I will leave these guys on
    until the very end until I know that I don't need them am I going to do
    something else with them am I going to add beads that would be a Lori plumber thing um she loves to do that type of
    type of look and I'm down for that for
    sure okay all right so you know we're going to we're going
    to add these guys in at the top which is just going to be like off the charts
    flipping incredible I I don't know if you
    remember back in the day back in the 1900s when I was with artistic wire and
    I did a lot with artistic wire and I made flowers and my mom made stuff I'm
    just I'm kind of wondering I don't know if I still got it in me I know I got it
    in me I don't know if my hands have it in them but I might do like I might like
    make a wired flower or something I don't know but I feel like
    this this definitely needs to be a part of this my time with artistic wire was like probably one of the most
    happiest career type of you know times so so I want that to be in there I'm not
    I'm not feeling this I don't feel like I want to take it down with a neutral I feel like I want to keep it up
    with the blues really focus on you know just all that gorgeousness and I'm okay
    with that I'll find something I'll find something different to do there and I
    feel like this might be I don't know that is pretty so this actually might
    come into play like a little later into the
    project and by the way if you're just watching now um I'm working working on
    the new rooted weaving loom and I'm just pretty much
    like I'm building my story and so my story ended up being about three inches
    wide I still don't know what I'm gonna use this for so don't don't be like Jules what is it I don't know I don't
    know I'm building a story I just don't know yet it's going to be interesting though
    you know that I don't do anything that's like not in my humble opinion these are going to be cool I've
    got some other gorgeous I have some top pazzy shiny ones too that I
    might I might add in so I think for
    now I'm gonna come back up and see if there's any questions Joan you want to bring me back
    up how is that how is that so much
    fun so yeah I think that you know you just
    gather because I'm just wondering too like I think I could do some of the denim wouldn't that be fun so like I I
    save my old pants like I will literally wear them uh
    oh I think we almost lost power I was telling Joan that if it
    started to flurry here in California I wouldn't be surprised like it is that
    cold it's crazy and I'm in SoCal so anyway um you can make strips like we
    did for the denim tassel
    earrings yeah I don't know where we're going but I'm having fun with this one I might have to go to I don't know what
    would I get at the beach I don't know if it's I don't know I don't know
    I like where it's going I love the color palette I love the smoothness I love the
    shabby chicness I love the shine so I don't know I'm excited about
    it though awesome good stuff Joan did I miss any
    questions or do do you think I need to hit on anything Joan's like
    no Okay so um listen the rooted Loom all of the wood looms are made to
    order by the way so they're not sitting around
    waiting we make them when the orders come in because we want them to be like
    in the best condition possible and so all of the wood looms
    are manufactured in Missouri at a sustainable Baltic Birch
    by the most loving family who has been doing this with me now for 5 years like
    it's been unbelievable five years so so amazing so grateful to Robert and Karen
    and Sheldon and Landon and and the rabbit I just remembered one
    question yeah which I gave them your email address but somebody asked about
    what's the best wood Loom to buy okay you know and I you know because she's been using a Jew Loom and she wants to
    transfer and I gave her your email address so you can work with her yeah I love that I
    love that and and know that you can do that know that you can you know like if you don't know where to go next if you
    started with the original jewel loom and you're always going to have the original jewel loom this is your staple I mean
    this is like right this goes with you everywhere but when you want to go to a
    wood Loom it really depends like what do you want to do next are you just trying to
    find the same footprint that's similar to the jewel loom and you want to go to the small
    wisdom Warrior or are you wanting to do bigger projects so if you want to do bigger
    projects and you want to do hatbands chokers necklaces then you'll
    go to whoa the large wisdom Warrior okay
    there's also the pocket Loom that is really small and Danielle's got something coming up on that so I'm super
    stoked to see what she's done and then of course you know we just started
    playing with our rooted
    Loom and you know 17 inches long unless you warp it on both sides now
    listen if you Warp the large sunweaver or the rudal Loom
    from the top all the way to the back and you have 34 inch you're going to have an open area
    here and what we have always called that since day one is the space in
    between I have an example hold
    please okay so you're going to have to use your
    imagination because this is a piece right this is a piece that's
    been whoa this is what happens when you weave
    the large sunw weaver or the large rooted Loom from the front to the
    back okay so this would be your front you come around the bottom and this
    would be the back but look at what happens here in the middle that is a space in between
    because the there's a gap it's continuous but there's going to be a gap
    and you're going to have to decide what that turns into this is my
    Gap this was my Gap and she holds this Gap I typically
    put Grandma's bracelet in here so when it's on display right so it's kind of
    like little meditation you know it could be where you put your
    Journal it could be where you put I don't know your Rosary it could be maybe you put your maybe this is on
    your prayer stand I don't know that's that's what I do and it's just so much
    fun so I don't have I told John Joan I stopped saying
    that it was 8 inches wide by 30 4 inch long because then everybody was like what do you do in the middle I'm like I
    don't know so that's why it says eight inches wide by 17 inches long
    and if you warp the front and the back that's what you get but you're GNA have this amazing space in the middle that
    I'm not going to tell you what to do with it that's on you that's your story
    that's the special part I love the space in between Carman says oh my god do you have a
    tutorial I don't have a tutorial on that that took a long time but I mean I really feel like I
    feel like you can get there kin you're like a really great jewelry designer so
    so we'll work together on it like we we'll figure out what you need you're giving me inspiration to make a springt
    runner yes and not for
    nothing remember how I always say this is like that I think there's something that it's called but like do you
    remember the really cool I think it was like a jackieo thing right like a
    scarf so like if you did all of this right and then you could put like a
    button and this could be like a really super cool
    scarf what is that called like a I don't think I don't I feel like it has a name
    we need a master class on that one we really do okay it would be a master class
    yeah so anyway I love this piece so much and man I I made this piece a long
    time ago you know this ske was at a yarn shop in
    ohigh I feel like it was 20
    16 the year 2016 a shrug yeah and I was um I was
    going to ohigh a lot ohigh California and there was a like super
    bougie yarn shop right like super bougie and I went in there and I found that and
    it was called mermaid and it was like 40 some bucks and I would drive by that shop all
    the time all the time and then I finally stopped and I went back and bought it why not
    why not I mean it's special right it's special so that would be great on flights when
    it gets chilly on the plane yeah you can make it out of an appropriate combination of materials
    that would just be warm and snuggly and you know and you don't have to like go
    all crazy with the space in between right I mean you could literally go back in there in there and hand weave
    something it's a llama this I love it and it also like makes me not
    want to breathe so I got to move that over um but yeah there's so many
    possibilities and listen I really just want you to have fun with the idea of weaving and you know there's smaller
    looms there's the pocket pocket moon loom was super super
    um popular with everyone during the holiday she just came out and um
    Danielle did a really cool beaded chain um a charm a charm right Danel it was a
    charm and it was made out of beads so we could you know we could see and
    you've also got well the boal loom and the moon Godus Loom are the same
    footprint so this is great like for coasters and this is just great like for
    every you know all little things traveling I mean really to answer your question
    about where do you go next I really would just have you sit with likew what do you want to do next what do you want
    to make next you know if it's simply just to go from you know one material to
    the other material from your jewel loom to to the small wisdom Warrior then
    that's easy but if you want to invest into your next Loom because you want to
    make something different then yeah but you know know email me we can we can
    hash it out and figure out what's best best for you Danielle says yep yeah so Danielle and I haven't
    figured out exactly how I God bless her she's one of those
    friends that we're like we'll go back and forth will be like da D D D D D D D Okay blah blah blah you know and she's
    so good with me because I just like squirrel and uh any just like I just did
    right now and she has a cool idea for the pocket Loom and we just haven't figured out yet like how to bring it to
    you so we have to do we have to figure out the the details on that but I'm sure
    it's going to be amazing and Danielle uh wix's jewelry is um
    she designs for jewel loom my company and she makes the creative Soul box
    project every month and uh we've been having a lot of fun with you know taking advantage of like these amazing checks
    seed beads that I got a screaming deal on and Danielle has just been
    making like Mike drop magic every month and so I'm super excited about that and
    so grateful to her this month uh is March yeah I think there's only a couple
    spots left so if you've been waiting to get into the creative Soul box you might
    want to do that sooner than later because I feel like there's only two spots and I know I say that a lot lot
    but really that out of everything there's like usually only two sometimes
    none so right now I think there's two spots left for March and that is on the
    website and don't forget if you if you're not subscribed to the juw loom
    uh world you um save 15% off your first
    order and you get three free patterns so it's not a bad deal huh
    Danielle is special she's awesome she's definitely special so always appreciate
    that when you when you subscribe to to the email subscribe to the channel um
    that's always amazing like comment I I
    do I feel like I haven't answered a recent comment about somebody was looking for the loops on the ring I
    apologize I just realized in this moment I didn't I don't think I said anything to you I usually I usually respond
    like all the time pretty quickly so apologies I'll find it and uh but yeah
    comment like subscribe and knock your socks off and share this that really
    helps that really helps us as well so okay all right listen
    next next week is the 13th
    right Deb floros so stinking funny we we found
    each other thank goodness and Tucson and we started talking and she told me um
    about how she had like all this stuff in containers and something about like what could she
    warp with because like it's not like okay first of all Deb's like an amazing
    jewelry designer but looming is definitely new to her
    so you know she's like still finding her place right with the
    different looms what speaks to her Etc so next Thursday Deb's going to be with me and
    it's going to be really great uh Deb has containers full of a bunch of
    stuff and we're g to walk through this stuff and figure out whether or not we
    can warp with it so it's kind of like a tag tag on right to to what I started
    today so that's that's next week and then the the last two Thursdays of the month um we've got
    sassy is it sassy sexy FR earrings I don't know sassy sassy fren earrings
    they're the bonus earrings to the creative Soul Community that'll be that
    Thursday and then probably that last Friday Danielle will be the
    March creative soulbox project and it could always be vice versa whatever
    works so we're very much about flexibility around
    [Laughter] here we like to roll with it we like to be we like to keep we like to be
    spontaneous and uh and on the whim Caroline says what
    supplies should we dig out for next week I would say if you go to your
    stash and you find stuff and you have that question
    um you know I I think I have the streamyard where we can invite so many people
    on if you like legitimately have some stuff and you want to C hop on for a hot
    minute and be like can I warp with this what do you think you think can we
    do that Joan we have to have Joan's permission but we have to know who you
    are because if we don't know who you are we're not giving you a link
    we got rules in this case they probably should email you so we know who to send the
    invite links too you see why you see why she gets paid the big
    bucks yeah she makes me look good yeah thanks Joan for saving my butt on that
    one okay Caroline says she has some yarn and fibers
    awesome Okay so um five o'clock It's Five O'Clock Somewhere and um Marlon
    Brando has been screaming at the back door he
    is Joan's taking off big kisses to Joan I'm so appreciative for you don't forget
    subscribe to the channel share it like it leave comments you've got my text you've got my
    email sign up in the jewel loom shop and uh just so appreciate you so very very
    very very much and we will see you next week Thursday 4M Pacific Standard Time
    have a beautifully blessed week everyone bye