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  • How To Use An Earring Loom For AMAZING Jewelry Results

    March 23, 2025

    How To Use An Earring Loom For AMAZING Jewelry Results

    Learn how to make these Sassy Fringe Earrings in a short amount of time.  Join Danielle for this Jewel Loom School tutorial. She is using the February Creative Soul kit, but you can use any section of a pattern...or make your own pattern! Then add these swingy fringes for an eye-catching design!

    Save 15% off your first order, plus Get 3 Free Patterns:

    Buy the Earring Looms, inspired by Danielle, & save on warp thread waste. Great for small pendants, also! Made of sustainable baltic birch wood.

    Shop Looms and jewelry making supplies at

    Did you know Jewels has a Book? It’s true! You can get a digital copy of the Jewel Loom Inspirations book here:

    You can find Jewels here:

    Where to find out more about Danielle Wickes:



    hey everyone thank you for tuning in for
    um this month's bonus earrings for the
    creative Soul um looming workshops and
    kits so today's uh project is going to
    be worked with the earring Loom and so
    these are sold in pairs and the link
    will be in the description for where you
    can get them um and they are perfect for
    earrings just like the perfect size and
    I'm going to be using the beads from
    February's creative Soul I'm going be
    using the thread from from February
    creative soul and a few other things
    that I'll have out are things like
    beading needle um toward the end I'm
    going to be using an ear wire and jump
    rings and then some tools to do that
    stuff with but in general you'll just
    need that and some thread scissors and
    that's everything you need um let's dive
    into how to make these gorgeous
    earrings to get started let's put 10
    warps onto our micro tiny wisdom Warrior
    the earring
    Loom and so you're going to want to
    the and sorry my thread's getting right
    down to the middle here but you're going
    to want to start with an end from
    working from your spool and go ahead and
    tie a double
    knot onto the little Notch that you see
    there so there's our double knot and now
    we're just going to bring our spool side
    thread underneath and up and through the
    Combs on the
    loom down across the bottom
    Combs and you want to cross underneath
    the back comb here and if you use your
    thumbnail or your fingernail you can
    kind of guide the thread up through the
    comb and catch the next one here
    just like
    that and you'll repeat that on this
    side just going to get that tail thread
    out of the way
    there and so just carry on like that
    until you have a total of 10 warp
    threads and once you've got your 10 10
    warp threads bring that extra thread
    over and wrap it around a few
    times and then I'm going to go ahead and
    tie a double knot onto that Notch and
    the best way to do that is either use
    your tail thread now I already trimmed
    my tail thread because it was getting in
    the way you can use your tail thread to
    tie to in fact I usually do that but
    this time for some reason I trimmed it
    um but what I'm going to do here is just
    cut the
    bread free there and bring it up through
    that Loop that I'm
    holding there we go and I might repeat
    that one more time
    there we go so whichever way you get
    there just get those 10 warps on there
    and you'll need to tie the extra thread
    that you've got I'm going to trim that
    tail again just because it really does
    tend to get in the way while you're
    working all right so let's get started
    with our
    looming all right and so I've got my
    loom warped with 10 warps and I've got
    my beads ready to start looming I've put
    them onto my mat in order of the pattern
    um go ahead and bring a wingspan of
    thread um off of the spool and cut it
    and thread your needle a wingspan about
    65 in or so and then bring your needle
    underneath the warp
    threads and the warp threads are just
    the ones here on the loom and the thread
    that we're working with here is often
    referred to as the weft thread so I'm
    going to string 2 a this is just the
    first row of the pattern in this
    case but so there's my first
    row stringing that down and then just
    for the first row just to get started
    what I usually do is bring the needle
    back through those beads as a way to
    stabilize them while I work them
    underneath they should sit nice and
    there and then go ahead and work work
    with your ey side to prevent puncturing
    these warp threads bring your needle
    back through the be
    staying above the warps on this return
    trip and then go ahead and do a slide
    test you can use a business card a bead
    scooper just make sure you can slide
    it and so this is my tail thread here
    and I would recommend leaving about
    seven inches for
    that let's do the next row together and
    bring your needle under the
    warps and I'm going a string
    the next
    row there we
    go slide that
    down and just bring that needle back
    through all
    right so that's how how you do the the
    looming part of this
    design if for any reason you feel like
    your tension on your warp threads is too
    loose um you can tighten it up using the
    tassel maker if you bring the tassel
    under and prop it up on the side it
    looks like this from the side
    that can make your warps tighter if you
    feel like it needs it I didn't feel like
    this one needed it as much but I often
    do feel like I need to add that so I
    just wanted to share that that's an
    option and so I'm going to complete the
    pattern here and then we'll do the next
    together all right and so here is the
    finished loomed piece and it works up
    really quickly because it's just a nice
    little short
    pattern and so we're just going to
    remove it from the loom
    you will need to trim the knot part just
    the knot part don't cut the other
    threads but just this part that is
    knotted here on the
    side and free
    that looks like I just need to free this
    one other little side here it's my first
    one there we
    go so when you do that when you cut the
    knot essentially what it will do is it
    will free these first two sides for you
    so this one and that one and then to
    remove the others just take your
    thumbnail and push those threads off of
    comb it'll just fall off the other
    side and now you'll have your beautiful
    Loom piece
    here and it doesn't really have a front
    or a back or a top or a
    bottom um so whichever direction you'd
    like to lay it out is fine and we're
    just going to pull in the warp threads
    it won't take very long and since we
    worked with the eye of our needle it
    should work really well so usually what
    I do is I'll start with some chain no
    pliers when the threads are really short
    sometimes you don't need it sometimes
    you can just pull with your fingers show
    you what I mean so just pulling yeah
    actually it's it's nice and
    loose but when they're short down here
    like this when you have to kind of get
    your fingers in it's easier with a pair
    of pliers to just
    pull so you want to
    start with One Direction so in this case
    I went and I pulled the up
    Direction and so my next one is to pull
    down so now I'm going to pull up and
    we're going to do this all the way to
    the end and as you work this the loops
    will get longer and they might try to
    pull their friends along so you have to
    help read the other Loops from it so you
    just want to isolate one Loop like
    that and when you pull it will just hug
    the bottom of that
    bead and so on so just keep going like
    that until you've pulled in all of your
    warps all right so we've got all of
    those warps pulled in I'm going to bring
    my camera down a little bit here so that
    you got a little bit better view so
    we're starting to do some tiny things um
    on your design currently you're going to
    have two long strands and two short ones
    you can start by weaving in the two
    ones and you may not need both of the
    long ones but I keep them till the end
    just in case um because sometimes you
    might have a little more or less we left
    than I perh perhaps have but for sure
    you're going to have a really long warp
    strand oh and what I'm doing here is um
    so this thread was the tail of our WFT
    thread the thread we started looming
    with and it's exiting from a bead that's
    how you can tell and you can see how
    it's kind of on one side of the warp
    what I like to do to get started weaving
    in is I'll jump over that warp and go
    back through the bead and that way I
    don't lose that
    row and so what you see here is it's
    about to hug that
    thread so just like
    that and so that's what we're going
    for and then you can just weave by going
    under the weft threads in the
    piece so just go
    underneath go through some
    beads and repeat that about once or
    twice more and then trim your
    thread all right and so my other short
    strand is a warp strand it's the very
    first one that I pulled and so it ended
    up remaining pretty short all right so
    it just thread that thread the needle
    with the the remaining warp thre you can
    see it's pretty short so but it is a
    warp strand meaning it is actually the
    Strand that is running all along
    here so we can't go back through a bead
    or what will happen is it will loosen
    this top row so what you want to do is
    go over the edge bead and then through
    the rest of the
    row or at least through some of those
    beads in that row I usually
    go through a few and then start doing
    that same process for weaving in which
    is where you just kind of pick up one
    two just try to grab three of those
    ws and always pretty gentle tension with
    this um this type of weaving in go
    through a few beads in the
    row and repeat that
    and then go ahead and trim
    that and so now what we have left are
    these pretty long strands this is my
    leftover warp and it's it's got some
    pretty good length on it which will
    probably more than be enough for my
    Fringe I'm going to set it aside for now
    I've still got my needle on my left and
    I'm going to bring that into the work
    here and use it to create the loop for
    our ear wire and this is kind of a
    creative way to do it it's a hidden Loop
    it sits on the back and it just kind of
    tucks away a little jump ring that you
    can attach your ear wire to and so from
    the front as you're wearing the earring
    all you see is this little peak of metal
    and so that's kind of a cool look right
    let me show you how to do it you want to
    basically take the if you're working
    with your W you will need to jump over
    the warp and go back into the
    row if it's a warp jump over the bead
    and go into the row
    and in either case bring your thread to
    exit from one of the three beads I kind
    of just I overshoot the first one and
    then go
    to the uh further further away of the
    three that are in the center we're going
    to square stitch two three sorry three
    rows onto those three and I just match
    the colors so let me pull this away
    quick your thread will be exiting from
    that bead and just matching the color go
    ahead and pick up a color
    B and note that your thread's coming out
    of the position kind of on top of the
    bead so I'm going to pick up another
    bead and go through it from the
    bottom which just is going in a circle
    right and so this is square stitch it's
    going to sit
    it's going to sit like that for a minute
    not super tight yet but don't sweat
    that and go back through that
    bead all right and now pick up another
    bead I'm matching the color C that it's
    to and then go through that bead
    from the side that's toward you going
    out away from
    you see it's going to sit just like that
    and there we go and one more we're going
    to match color B
    again and just make sure that thread
    stays on the top
    side and so far we've got that now
    reinforce it by going back
    through all three of those beads right
    there and then go ahead and go through
    these three
    again and that completes a row of square
    stitch let's do that again two more
    times to create our little fold over
    button that we're going to use for
    putting our ear wire
    on so again I just grabbed a color B
    looped through the bead that's adjacent
    to it here's a color C
    going just through that
    bead and up through the
    bead color
    B down through just the
    be pull tight and then head up through
    that color
    oops there you go it's going to try to
    pull in all of its friends they always
    that so there's another row of square
    stitch complete go ahead and reinforce
    that go through all
    three and go through the three you just
    in let's repeat that one more
    time there's
    one and
    two so you see we just Loop through keep
    that keep that thread top
    side so it doesn't hug the entire um
    little section we're creating
    right and there we go another row just
    like that Loop
    through and loop
    through okay and so this design doesn't
    have a front or a back so really doesn't
    matter which side you choose can just
    fold it
    over I think I'll fold over this
    way so this will now become the back
    side of the
    earring and once you do this step you've
    kind of identified which is the reverse
    side of it and then what you'll want to
    do to connect it here at the back is
    notice how we created three rows so
    we're just going to count down three
    rows one two 3 and I'm going to go
    through the first bead that corresponds
    with the center three in that
    row pull that
    tight and now go back
    through that bead so you see we're
    Square stitching again but we're
    treating the new
    bead as this one we created so that
    joins those two that go back through
    this bead and Carry On Through the next
    and now we're just going to go through
    the C color C in the
    middle and then head back
    through the middle bead and the next
    one pull tight keep that tail out of the
    way there we go and now last but not
    least we'll just join this Edge
    bead and bring it through just that
    one so now you've connected that section
    back there you see how you can get a
    jump ring through that pretty cool
    reinforce that one time by going through
    row and going through this
    row all
    right and from here go through another
    bead or
    two I got through
    one and weave in here on the reverse
    side using the same method we were using
    before where you just pick up a few left
    thread I usually go through three rows
    like that make a turn head through a
    few I hit my L my lamp above
    me there we
    go and so just like
    that and given how how much this is
    supporting I might do that one more
    time now I have a lot of thread left
    here on this strand
    so what I might do with this strand is I
    might take it down to the bottom so let
    me show show you where we're going
    next the next thing we're going to do is
    with whichever strand you have that's
    long so I'm currently weaving in
    somewhere around here I'm going to just
    bring it down here and we're going to
    add Fringe strands on the bottom
    center five of
    them so you'll have one two three four
    five and so that's going to leave these
    two Edge ones
    unworked for this cool little almost
    tassel looking
    centered little thing of
    Fringe so let's carry on and bring the
    thread down to meet
    that all right and so I've just used
    that weft traveling method to bring my
    thread down
    here and ignoring the first two beads of
    the row you want to go through the next
    one in from The Edge so the third in
    from either Edge doesn't matter which
    one you start and now we're going to
    string a fringe pattern and that Fringe
    pattern is it's pretty much up to you if
    you like what I did I started with five
    of the color B and that's the color I'm
    exiting and then I did three color C and
    this will all be in the pattern too and
    then I went one two one two with colors
    d and
    e and then I decided for three of the
    bright hot pink color a as the middle
    and then just string that out in
    Reverse to meet the um make the pattern
    symmetrical so far so good and then
    we're going to put five color B at the
    bottom and here's how to do that little
    that little kind of I did this for a
    weight it's kind of like a little
    blossom but so I see how I've got five
    here the bottom what I'm going to do now
    is I'm going to pick up three more color
    B two and three and I'm going to skip
    the last three of those
    five and then I'm going to go back
    through all of those I'm and to bring my
    thread all the way up to meet the
    work and try not to skip any of those
    beads that you're going
    through there we go
    and just kind of you know get the
    tension right and then you'll notice how
    when we started this Fring strand we
    were exiting from this side of that
    third bead we went through it so now all
    you got to do is go through that third
    bead from the opposite
    side and when you do
    that it's going to hug that bottom bead
    with the Fring Strand and in the same
    motion go ahead and Carry On Through the
    next bead in your row
    and so you see it's just going to hug
    that Center you can almost kind of see
    it if I loosen the tension that's the
    goal with every bead now that we're
    going to be hugging we're going to
    string a strand and then come back
    through in the top Direction and head
    through the next
    one so carry on like that when we get to
    the middle strand the pattern is just a
    little bit of reversed it'll be in your
    pattern but I just matched the color I
    was exiting and just swapped color C for
    color B
    all right and so I've gotten down to my
    last little set
    here let's head back through all of
    those and usually when I reach the work
    here at the top I'll pull The Fringe
    through but then what I'll do before I
    go through the bead is just kind of hold
    everything tight get it to hug the
    bottom of that bead and then again I'm
    going to go through that bead from the
    opposite direction that the thread is
    exitting so that it will hug
    it and now my Fringe is done so all I
    have left to do is weave in and then put
    our earring Hardware onto the top of the
    earring all right so let's get some
    chain nose pliers and um I have a jump
    ring here that I think is about 6 millim
    it's just from my stash any any jump
    ring is fine in fact 8 mm 6 mm I think
    the only thing that wouldn't work is if
    you want smaller like 4 MIM would
    probably be too small but just test it
    you'll have something and go ahead and
    your bring your jump
    ring through that Loop that we've
    created and my 6 mm is a tight fit but
    it actually is going to look really cool
    and I recall when I was setting up my
    one maybe switching sides to kind of get
    it around the thread you don't want it
    to poke the thread just be careful of
    get it to come
    through so you see I've got it through
    that if you're working with 6 mm it's
    like the tightest fit um but the result
    is really neat looking so kind of worth
    it and I'm just going to wiggle these
    and work them so that they're nice and
    connected and there you see what happens
    it just looks like it's part of the top
    of the earring which I really dig and
    I'm just going to open the ear
    wire and pop that
    oops there we
    go so there's our super sassy Earrings
    made with our February palette from
    creative Soul or
    julum all right let's see how these look
    so I am trying them on for the first
    time let see how they
    look and apologies all my my bright
    lights are in the way here but all right
    so these are so cool and these are going
    to become some of my new favorites I say
    that every time I make an earring and
    put them on but I mean it every time
    they're so pretty they're so cute so um
    yeah I'm just going to wear these rest
    of the day why not they kind of match
    what I'm weing so yeah I hope you loved
    this project I hope that you will um
    continue to do your creative Soul uh
    tutorials we're going to be releasing
    march here pretty quick I've already
    started on the March content and um I
    think you're going to love it so until
    then Happy looming