So there I was, coveting a hat band at Cowboy Christmas, then again at another event 3 months later only to find that it was $$$$ and unable to be ordered in the colors I wanted it. So I thought... I'll make my own! Thank the Lord for the internet and google and ALL THE THINGS! Found my Jewel Loom through another artist who uses it too ("offthebeadedpath") And here I am beading like a pro already! In a week I'm done with my "practice band" (that's what I'm calling it) while I make this one with sub-par beads and wait for the beads I ordered for my remake of my coveted band! ;) ...and in the meantime I have about 10 more in the queue! I can't thank you enough!! Isn't life amazing? I love that 47 years down the road I'm still finding and learning new things!! Thank you thank you thank you! This will be a treasured item forever as I plan to teach my kids and grandkids and let them create too!
I am so glad I ordered this kit! It’s decided to make the bracelet and it turned out beautifully. It was easy to make and I have enough beads left to make more! I love my loom. It’s my new favorite thing!
Works perfectly! 😃
Its, such a nice palette of beads.I really love the pinks( seedbeads) , it makes everything pop. Nice for spring and summer. Its a nice blend of czech glass and seedbeads. I do like that it has a printed pattern, as I don't have means, to print out download patterns
From the pattern, I can see using parts of it already, for a shinny bracelet, earrings, ring ect. You can change, the colors for different seasons.
And also it has a great u - tube videos to go with the box. So if you don't know how to make it, can watch and go back, to parts of it, as you nake it.
OMG, I'm in love with this gorgeous lariat! Can't wait to make it! of course, I've never been disappointed with anything I've gotten from Jewels. You can tell she puts her everything into all she does. The collaboration with Danielle was a stroke of genius. They are an excellent creative team. I'll keep coming back time after time. Total satisfaction!