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  • Unleash Your Creativity: How to Make a Beaded Purse Charm on a Beading Loom

    December 06, 2024

    Unleash Your Creativity: How to Make a Beaded Purse Charm on a Beading Loom

    Create a beautiful beaded project, while you learn to warp like a pro on a bead loom, learn the tips & tricks to weaving a seed bead pattern with 20 beads across, & learn to finish your loomed jewelry like a professional! And you can use this stunning piece in several different ways...a pendant, keychain, purse charm, etc. Your imagination is the limits. Danielle Wickes & Julianna C Avelar gives you ideas, also! 

    This tutorial is broken down into 3 parts, so you can easily find the steps you need help with, after reviewing the tutorial & coming back later. In this tutorial, Jewels & Danielle both use the Pocket Moon Loom, which has a 2.5" wide & 3.5" long work area. The loom is made out of sustainable baltic birch with a beautiful design. You can stain, paint, use markers or colored pencils on them, as long as you do not use water based products on it. The Pocket Moon Loom also comes with a wood needle (good for fiber weaving), a wood comb, plus the pattern used in this tutorial, which was created by Danielle Wickes of Danielle Wickes Designs. Get your Pocket Moon at this link:

    You can also make this pattern larger by using the Jewel Loom Mini Moon Loom, which has a 5" x 5" work area. This loom also comes with a wood needle, comb, & the free pattern used in this tutorial. To make the pattern larger, use Size 6/0 or 3/0 seed beads. Get your Mini Moon Loom here:

    Learn to warp like a pro, using 21 warps, taught by Julianna "Jewels" Avelar, in the below video.  

    Jewels teaches the tips & techniques for beading a 20 bead across pattern on a loom in the below video.

    Danielle shows how to finish your loomed project like a professional, teaching various ways each step or finishing touch can be done, besides giving suggestions to change up the project.

    Supplies used by Jewels in her woven project:

    Get 3 Free & Easy Bead Patterns for signing up to my Newsletter:

    Shop Looms:

    Did you know Jewels has a Book? Its true! You can get a digital copy of the Jewel Loom Inspirations book here:

    You can find Jewels here:

    Where to find out more about Danielle Wickes:

    • Follow Danielle’s YouTube jewelry making tutorials:
    • Follow Danielle on Facebook:
    • See more Danielle inspiration on Instagram:



    Video 1:

    so I am going to show you how to
    warp a pocket sized
    Loom specifically the pocket moon
    loom and you can see that it's it's
    rather small just about the size of a a
    pocket You've Got 2 and 1 half in across
    for a beading pattern and a work area of
    3 and 1/2 in down so 2.5 across 3.5 down
    and the overall size of the Loom is
    about 5 in so from this point right here
    to the bottom
    point just about 5 in and then three
    full inches
    across so perfect for making it your
    travel bom I think it's absolutely
    adorable I'm going to be weaving um my
    warps with some Wildfire this is the
    .006 and this is the gorgeous
    blue now you could use
    A5 mm hemp cord by
    hemptique um you could use some other
    materials and they would just lay on the
    grids because as you can see the grids
    are small all right and by the way there
    are 44 44
    grooves okay and then if you look up
    here at these thicker teeth on the top
    left the top right the bottom left and
    the bottom right you've got these little
    indentations which make it helpful to
    tie onto all
    right so without further
    Ado and now I'm setting up my loom to
    accommodate the pocket moon and
    stars just gorgeous adorable so fun
    cannot make cannot wait to make this uh
    the pocket moon and stars pattern this
    is by Danielle
    Wix so I am going to need 21 warps
    because I'm going to have 20 size 8 O
    too beads going across so you always
    want one more Corp then you do have
    beads going across so this
    pattern has I wrote The Little Numbers
    here that's just a little tip for you by
    the way I like to have the numbers going
    down and
    across um and so there's 20 beads going
    across so I'm going to need
    21 I wrote it down 21 warps all right
    let me just give you a little um kind of
    let you know what's going on here this
    is my left hand all right and this is my
    right hand and the loom is pretty much
    in front of my body okay and I am
    working from the spool and so I'm not
    cutting a particular length of wildfire
    for doing the warps I'm leaving
    everything attached to the spool and
    I'll be working from the spool so to get
    started what I want to do is I want to
    attach my Wildfire to the top left um
    tooth up here all right the one with the
    indentations and so let me just make
    sure I might even just like prop up here
    a little
    bit just to make sure you can see so
    I'll take the wildfire and just make
    like a little Loop it just helps me
    to um anchor it onto
    this this piece right here
    and you can do two knots just doing some
    simple knots
    here okay there we go and I'm just
    making sure it's nice and secure now did
    I just tie onto I
    did I just tied onto the tooth next to
    it on accident oh well not really a
    dealbreaker um but let's see here I
    don't want to waste so it's it's so not
    a deal breaker but what I really wanted
    to do was only get the knot around this
    one but if this happens to you um don't
    worry about it what I will say though is
    always make
    sure that between that knot all right
    the knot that we made right here and my
    pointer finger make sure that there's no
    looseness okay lots of times people tell
    me that they're warp is jumping out of
    the groove um or they're losing tension
    in that first warp and what I have found
    is that if your knot does not follow you
    right because again here's my
    knot and I've got the pressure in this
    right hand and I'm really consciously
    sure that it's nice and taut all right
    and then I'm going to bring that
    down and I'm just going to place it into
    that first Groove again keeping
    everything really nice and tight and
    then I'm going to lay that down and then
    you could see my thumb right so see how
    my thumb helps out like now I'm I'm
    doing this left hand right hand dance so
    the thumb the left thumb is helping to
    hold the
    wildfire and then I'm going to let that
    let that go and so it's this it's this
    dance and you have to decide for
    yourself like you know well did that
    work for me or if I hold it this way I'm
    I'm still keeping my tension so I'm just
    showing you how I maneuver my hands and
    then you can play around and see what
    works for you now I do want to point out
    that I um I skipped a Groove because
    we're using I need to skip a Groove
    so that that Ado will fit in between the
    warps so again I'm just you can see how
    my left hand now is holding the
    loom and I'm letting that
    Wildfire go up into that Groove and then
    I'm going to bring it back and now my my
    pointer is acting like my thumb did
    before right so I've got like tension
    with my pointer and then I just kind of
    like let it slip into place and let's
    just make sure we're all good yep
    good we're just going to keep doing this
    motion until we have
    okay I always recommend that if it's
    your first time warping with a
    particular Loom that you practice like
    don't be so hard on yourself thinking
    that the first time out it has to be it
    has to be perfect especially if this is
    something new now
    ha all right look at Jules is having
    some teachers having some teaching
    moments here so I'm undoing myself
    I went over one too many grooves but
    look it look at how I just kept
    everything in place I didn't freak
    out I moved my fingers around so
    basically what happened was I looked
    down and realized I had skipped two
    grooves got a little
    overzealous so yeah so you just you know
    you want to pay
    attention it happens to the best of
    us yeah it gets so excited that we want
    to make our
    project okay so yep looks like I'm back
    track so just keep the process make sure
    that everything is really nice and tight
    make sure that I'm only skipping one
    all right nice nice work juls okay and
    again we're just going to we just keep
    going back and forth we're going around
    see I got really nice tension again my
    pointer is just kind of helping
    out and you can always you know let your
    fingers rest a little or help each other
    out right it's like a team team effort
    with your left hand and your right
    hand okay and and I can see this guy is
    going to get in the way so we'll scooch
    over and
    again got to see make sure I'm in the
    groove perfect so nice this is warping
    up really really
    well this is a lot of warps so you know
    this is
    um this is definitely going to um
    possibly take take a little patience a
    little trial and
    error but I believe in
    you and we've got this okay so we're
    just going to continue on
    and again we're
    doing we're doing
    warps okay and then I'm just holding
    this and then you can see like every
    once in a while I'm just pushing the
    Wildfire to the
    side okay and we're down in the groove
    yeah that's looking so good
    nice okay and then we're going to drop
    and it's like I got to sit push back a
    little bit just to kind of like see the
    grooves and see the wildfire and you
    definitely want some really good
    lighting all right
    so um again I'm just going to you know
    you could always do sometimes what I do
    um for giggles well not really for
    Giggles but like if you're making a
    project like this and you don't want the
    Spool in the way you can always like
    unwarp and then figure out like well how
    many yards was that and then next time
    if you make the same project you can um
    you know you could just preut but it's
    not really that big of a deal breaker
    I'm keeping the Spool in
    okay and let's just take a look at how
    how this is coming together that looks
    really nice really good stuff okay and
    then I love the
    sound okay so we're
    almost whoa whoa whoa whoa
    warp warp gone wild
    okay I'm gonna
    see I know there's
    44 warps so I know we still have a
    couple more to
    do because skipping everyone would be
    what four
    um uh what would that
    be would almost be all of them I
    think I'm going do whoops we got to get
    okay so let's see what we got and here's
    a little little trick I just learned so
    one because sometime it's really hard to
    like see the warps
    right I don't I know about you but
    anytime I see a loom warped I just oh my
    gosh I almost like Ser I'm getting teed
    I don't know what it is I don't know if
    it's just like the symbolic of like the
    warps and then you have this image
    anyway I'm going to pull let me get
    together okay one
    two one two three
    four five 6 7 8 9 10
    11 12 13
    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 oo look at how
    close I was I just need one
    more one more good eyeball girlfriend
    wait did I just skip two grooves might
    have just skipped two yep okay so this
    is our
    21st right oh my gosh now I'm second and
    guessing myself hold
    on who knew I could have so much fun
    with a camera and a loom all right one
    two three four
    five six seven8 nine 10 11
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    perfect so isn't that a great little um
    tidbit right there just being able to
    look at the warps on the top it's like
    you have this built-in base so that you
    can see the contrast between the warps
    and the wood where it's so hard you know
    and how long have I been doing this 30
    years right I've been counting them this
    way like oh let me do that again so I
    love that little tip okay all right now
    what we got to do is we we need to tie
    off so I don't want to lose my tension
    um so I'm just kind kind of I'm coming
    over here and I'm going to
    wrap the excess Wildfire around a couple
    of times just to know that I'm really
    anchored oh gosh
    Jewels I love this you're like okay
    teacher you're just like me all right so
    then I will um for giggles I'm G to I'm
    going to make this cut kind kind of long
    just to you know show you that in the
    beginning if you need
    to you know just get a little more
    confidence when you make it a little
    shorter I hate to waste but um the other
    thing too is I'm going to bring in my
    flat nose like I love a pair of flats
    when I'm doing any bead work I feel like
    they're my third they're my third hand
    right they're my companion hand so I'm
    just I just want to get the wildfire
    that's awfully
    Wiggly I want to get it
    um underneath those warps so that I can
    keep it really nice and tight basically
    at this point I'm just trying to get a
    knot and so
    um you know again some of these things
    will you'll be like oh well I can do it
    the following way I know Jules did it
    her way but this way works for me and
    that's what you you should do whatever
    works whatever works for you
    right so are we good oh my
    heck look at that good good good I'm
    telling you right now the
    success in the first warp is by keeping
    that tension like I showed you at the
    beginning of the
    video that knot the knot always needs to
    be facing you it needs to follow you
    like even on any of any of the Looms
    right you always you want that knot to
    be looking at you and then you're
    bringing the Wildfire or the material
    the warping material towards you right
    so like I'm pointing towards myself
    right now and you remember in the
    beginning I really was holding on to
    that very first warp thread nine times
    out of 10 that's where people lose their
    tension and then this first one is all
    Wonka doodle and and you know it's
    hanging and you're all frustrated but
    you know you're going to have a little a
    little give in the wood looms but you
    know not much this is beautiful a
    beautiful base um to get started and to
    to make our pattern that I'm super
    stoked about so exciting so I hope that
    this helps you to really understand the
    process of warping the pocket size uh
    Loom and you know take my little notes
    about how my thumb helped out and how my
    pointer finger helped out and you know
    how I was going back and forth and even
    though I made a little boo boo up here
    there was you know not the end of the
    world it all worked out so these are
    like the little things that you're going
    to learn along the way um and I always
    like to be real about my teaching I
    don't really do any editing
    because I want you to feel like you're
    with me and if we were in a classroom
    and I screwed up you would be with me
    and we would correct it and we would all
    so boo boos and all are here so good
    stuff all right um definitely going to
    come back I want you to practice warping
    your loom the next time we get together
    we will have the uh pocket and moon
    stars pattern and we will begin to uh
    make this really fun Celestial pattern
    together we're again we're using
    patterns really simple we've got we're
    calling out a purple a gold and a beige
    and I will put in the notes of this
    video what colors I ended up choosing
    because oh my heck tell me this is not
    Gorge look at how gorgeous these three
    are together and that's all you need
    three size 80
    beads all right I hope this was helpful
    and um I love love love getting your
    comments I always answer and so you're
    going to need your pocket size Loom
    you've got your Wildfire your um pattern
    and choice hopefully you're going to
    follow along with me for the pocket moon
    and stars I used some scissors I love
    having my third hand buddy around and
    yeah and so I think we're all good okay
    I cannot wait to see um see your warps
    let me know if you have any issues leave
    comments and please if you're not
    subscribed subscribe to the channel it
    just really helps us out um and yeah and
    like the video and man if you wanted to
    share it that would be super cool all
    right have a beautifully blessed day and
    we will see you again
    Video 2:  
    in this video I am going to show you how to use
    a pocket sized Loom the pocket moon loom
    with a seedbead pattern the pocket moon and stars
    pattern by Danielle Wix and this particular pattern has 20
    beads across and and 18 down my loom is already warped with 21
    warps across because we need 20 little Alleyways for the size eight ho ho seed
    beads to fit into now when I work with a pattern I'm
    usually let me show you where everything is at here um left hand
    right hand the loom is in front of me so my body is closest to the bottom of the
    Moon here the moon loom
    and what I like to do I mean really it's just a personal personal
    choice where you put the pattern like you might want it on the right side you
    might prop it up on like an easel um I have just found that if I put
    it to the side and then I take a ruler or another piece of paper to you know
    guide me down the pattern so that I know what row I'm on that helps some people
    will take like a like a piece of paper like I just let's see let's bring this in here's a here's an old envelope so
    like you know you could you could bring in like an old envelope and then it covers up the rest of the pattern and
    I'll bring that into the picture here so you can see all right so you could do something like that so that all the rest
    of the pattern is covered or you could do a ruler I mean really whatever helps
    you to you know guide your way down this process I'm I'm going to try the little
    baby ruler let me bring this in this is a really really old school thin ruler I'm going to try that see how that
    works for me and I'm working with the too 8 O
    uh excuse me um I've got a gorgeous transparent rainbow teal galvanized gold
    and a gorgeous opaque luster beige um you could literally use any three colors
    you want because the moon and the stars in the sky could um have many
    possibilities correct so I did cut my Wildfire I'm working with the Wildfire
    again let me bring that Spool in for you so this is the wild Wildfire blue it's absolutely gorgeous um
    006 and I cut about 2 yards okay I not
    I'm not 100% sure that's going to be enough to get through this pattern it's my first time making this pattern so I
    don't know for sure but that's what I'm going to start with because anything any longer is going to just get kind of hard
    to um handle and so and so we don't want that let me just get um my tools out of
    the way I've got my scissors and and everything so so what I'm going to do is I'm going
    to do a little trick my friend taught me Danielle um where she just starts picking up the beads so we've got
    one so I haven't even like added my I didn't anchor my thread normally I
    will anchor my thread to the first warp right here like with a a little knot
    but but Daniel does it different so I'm going to do it the Danielle Wix
    way she's awesome sauce it's always great to learn like from your your friends right so like you you're
    learning from me I learn things from Danielle Danielle learns things from me she likes my products my community like
    it's just so cool we just have like fun okay so I got to concentrate because I got to pick up 20 beads so far I have
    picked up one rainbow teal and one galvanized so how I know this is that
    the the chart is telling me the A's are the um General color of purple I chose I
    chose the rainbow teal the B's are the gold I chose some galvanized gold and
    then the C's are the beige so that's how I know okay so I had to do 18 here so I'm going to concentrate okay let's
    see we got one two
    three four five
    six 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13
    14 15 16
    17 18 okay so now that should be 20 20 beads all together so there's two
    4 6 8 10 12
    14 oh I picked up too many didn't I
    two 2 4 6 8
    10 12 14
    16 18 20 right okay I'm confusing
    myself oh my gosh I'm really giddy about this project I'm not sure why but I think I'm just super excited about it so
    um I'm just going to bring my beads down here I don't want to get all tangled up so let me let me scooch that out of the
    way and I'll bring what's going on into the camera all right so
    basically I'm letting all the beads just very carefully get kind of like to the bottom
    here whoops oh are these gorgeous or what I can't even so pretty I love
    working with woo especially on a pattern that's just like
    Freedom okay so now because this is a lot this is a lot of beads across in the
    first row is always a little more fun than humans are allowed to have so I'm sneaking the tail
    underneath the warps and I've got to get all these bad boys and I feel like I need a little bit
    more out here to the left so this first one is just going to be we are going to
    need some patience because we got pop all these little guys up come on now
    baby come on just got it yep okay
    so see this is one of those real teacher moments right so we'll get there it's
    just going to be a little entertaining okay I need a little bit
    more tell over here I'm afraid I'm going to lose that so I'm going to put my needle to the
    side and and then we're just going to drop
    these in this is where a little bit of patience comes in right so we'll just
    start letting them lay down and you know not for nothing we
    could for Giggles let's try to get like the far the far right ones in there okay
    okay stay up in there okay so I'm just gonna start oh my
    God this is so funny it's only the first row it's only the first row
    Okay so I'm trying to get back in
    here it's going to come together don't worry but see it's better that we do this together because now you know right
    you're going to be like H this is what Jules went
    through and it's really only because of the amount of seed
    beads and then so like if I get them to lay on my finger like that let's let's like yeah there we go come
    on now get in there
    okay and so what I'm thinking is like if I could just get the needle through the first few right and
    then walk that over come on one by one and we got to
    make sure we're on top of the warp and it looks like we are
    so all right we're going to do
    this oh okay am I looking good how come I have a spread right there though that's not good so I got to back
    out okay let's go oopsie there we go right
    see this is where some people would like edit I'm not editing this if I have to
    suffer you're suffering with me I mean in all honesty it's just good
    right because then you know that it's like oh okay well Jules went through
    this and we just have to be be
    patient you just have to be patient I just fell did I fall I hope I didn't fall okay and then I got to
    get once we get past this first row it's going to be easy peasy pumpkin squeezy I
    promise okay so I just want to get those positioned
    cuz what's going on here okay come on now okay so I'm going to I'm going to
    just angle and
    then okay just everybody over I'm like Whispering at him now okay come on
    baby all right we're almost home stretch home stretch
    but it feels like did I not pick up enough beads oh
    I'm going to so be upset at myself what happened here how come I
    don't have enough beads did I drop one no because it's a it's a oh here we go here we go oh I
    got to go back out oh my gosh a whole video on trying to get
    these little book these little as my Portuguese grandma would say these little bukas
    suas oh my gosh so we're backing out we're backing out oh my
    goodness okay so see I didn't we didn't get this guy in his little Alleyway so
    we need to do that
    we're still one off aren't we because this has to go where am I
    losing it at is it right
    here so I do one and then the other one will just pop over it's like come on guys give Mama give me a
    break we're almost there we're almost there come
    on okay come on
    okay is this gonna do it is this gonna do it [Music]
    please yay did we do it oh my gosh if I am not on top of all the warps I'm going
    to like totally be upset because the reason will be that one of the beads will drop and then I'll have to start a
    lower so please be on the top please be on the top
    oh my gosh I am so cracking myself up how many minutes was
    that hey it's it's a Friday night date
    night me my loom and my beeps did we do
    good thank you Jesus oh my gosh yay okay
    awesome all right now the rest of the the rest should not be so
    challenging all right so I want to leave myself some room because this is 18 rows
    long so we're probably going to be looking at um about
    two 2 and a/4 in so I want to center it so that looks good
    okay okay so that means we can go to the next the next row so I'm taking my
    needle and I'm going to come under the warps thank you for hanging in there I
    hope you hung in there and you didn't like turn the channel um because that was a good
    learning moment all right I'm picking up three of these to die for galvanized
    gold and then it looks like um let me get my ruler back over here so I can
    count I'm going to need one two three one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 10
    11 12 13 14 so
    1 2 three
    four five six 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 rainbow teal
    um another galvanized gold and two more
    teals so one two all right let's do this again this should go this should be
    better this should be better [Music] okay so you know we are working with a
    pretty wide pretty wide surface here so once again we're just going to be
    okay it's always good to know what you're up against because then you don't feel like you're doing something wrong
    you know what I mean like it's it's good to see it's good to see how
    this is really working
    okay so I know that first part looks
    good and again the most important part is not only do they need to be in their own little Alleyways but this needle has
    got to be on top of the warps
    so and um so far so good
    whoops where you at buddy it also needs to go through the bead let me just make sure to where we
    threw there okay it looks like we're through there okay good so that one wasn't as
    bad oh wait a minute what happened here wait a minute I'm glad I caught
    that I've got a double I want to back up to too much
    okay so what happened here we got this little guy and then we got this guy come on get
    in your own little
    space okay wait we have one to many boots no we
    don't I got three did I pick up too many rainbows along the way
    it's like my eyes are playing tricks on me isn't that a
    song what do we got here we had two oh I picked up oh Jewels I picked up too many
    um Golds okay hey happens to the best of
    us right good to know good to know okay so we need to get rid of one of these
    Golds I picked up too many I I think um the point in this
    project in this pattern is that you got to pay attention right so not necessarily that
    I'm not but I'm also trying to teach and tape all at the same time here so when
    you are doing this just learn from me that you need to pay attention um go at
    a pace that's going to help you to um not lose your chariot
    all right so I feel like come on good okay
    so okay so again let's just get the part that's working right so let's get in
    here because this will help so we're going to get the parts that are working
    and then it looks like we got to bring bring that over come on
    now I feel like after we get through the challenge of the second
    row second row it's going to make it better okay okay so boom boom now I got I got a
    guy over here that needs his own lane okay and then you need to come over
    little buddy
    did we do it man what a team effort that [Laughter]
    was what a team effort that was oh my goodness all right we did it
    we did it holy guacamole all right so let's yeah there
    we go see I just I could feel it now see how see how we were like able to come in
    together all right what that's at 21 minutes I want to like do some big time stamp wow we did it okay because now now
    things are more positioned and tight and the warps are a little closer and so
    yeah this is fantastic okay so let's do another one so we're coming under the
    warps and I'm going to pay attention here I have one rainbow one
    gold three teals one two three and I
    have one 2 three four five six seven I
    have eight beige so I got to come down here so one
    two three four five six
    seven eight and then three more rainbows one two
    three and three gold one two three and one
    rainbow okay now this should be a lot
    better okay so we want these guys to pop up into their Alleyways
    [Music] there again we can start to go
    through got one one little guy
    there come on fellas
    no you got to come over a little there we go there we go just a little finessing
    little more a little bit more fuss again I just want to make sure that I'm
    On Top O I'm a little is it there yeah it's there shiny part okay cool yeah you
    want to make sure you're on top of the
    warps okay so that was better right that was
    better awesome okay so it gets better it definitely gets
    better okay fantastic all right back under I'm going to do a few rows with you because I want you to see that it
    gets it gets easier all right so we got three teals one
    two three and then I'm going to have to count let's see one two three four five
    six 7 8 9 10 11 12 creams or opaque
    lusters down here so one
    two 3 oops three
    four five six 7 8 9 10 did I say 12 1 two three
    four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 and
    I've got 2 4 6 8 10 11 one more 12 okay and then
    two rainbows one two and a
    gold and two more rainbows awesome so our first stars are
    starting to pop up
    I love when they snap in that's like the sound of bead
    heaven right okay so awesome so we'll get the needle I
    like getting the needle you know in on the rows that are being cooperative
    because that just really helps the process right you can see that how it
    just oopsie again making sure the needle is on top of the warp so
    important okay oh my gosh so pretty I'm going to bring this up to the
    camera here okay so there's our there's our first star and there's our second
    star look at how gorgeous this this is coming out that's so pretty
    okay so I just kind of keep snugging stuff in makes it helps with the beads
    here okay all right so we're going to come
    under and now I'm on the fifth row awesome so we're going to pick up
    one two and a cream and six more rainbows
    one two
    three oops three four five yep that is
    six right three and three six six rainbows and then
    seven opaque so one two three four
    five six 7 three more rainbows one two three and
    then finishing off with a gold all right now we're getting our
    Rhythm down getting the Rhythm down here okay
    and Okay so
    okay whoa what's going on
    here oh got to get this one
    over okay so I got I see yep there we go
    okay okay so I want to make sure I'm not distorting my my pattern so I've got to
    kind of take a look here when I get this row done because while
    I want this to be nice and tight I've also got to make sure I'm not you know
    pulling so that it's not going to be might have to do some fangling let's
    see see let's see okay all right so coming back under
    what row was that that was five so now I've got seven seven rainbows
    one two three four
    five six seven rainbows a
    gold and three three two
    three and six of these guys one
    two three four five six and then three
    more three more rainbow one two three
    yeah those are good sounds snapping right into the the warps
    so it's just manipulating the beads a little bit in this
    process okay and then again so like I now I'm just like really kind of checking out my sides I want to make
    sure I mean I've got like a little snuggly going on here I'm I think when I
    take it off everything will be fine it's not like a deal breaker um oh my gosh I'm just so
    excited about this okay I'm GNA keep going I'm gonna keep going all right um
    focus Jules okay five right I don't want to be on the wrong one two three four
    five six okay row seven is one
    two three [Music]
    four five and then one
    two three and then three more of these
    gorgeousness and 1 2 3 six one two
    three five six and then two more
    two more rainbows we have almost a half of a half of a quarter
    moon all right so hopefully just you
    know uh oh what did I miss Jules what' you do I know I picked
    up I didn't pick up enough oh my eyes oh
    boogers okay well whatever I needed six of those bad guys yeah
    [Laughter] Focus all right that's all right that's
    all right because we're just gonna just going to get them off of the
    needle and we'll just do it again so yeah so we don't want to have
    to to rethread our needle so let's let them drop okay all right always good to see
    these things see that everything can be you know everything's savable all right
    so let's do that again I did not pick up enough so the seventh row had six I only
    picked up five so that was my bad two
    three four five six and then it had three the three
    gold so I did everything right except for the first part okay and then three again but you could
    see how like I just slid the beads off of my needle and then just picked
    up so we're all
    good I got I know I'm out of camera right now I'm sorry I'm just trying to pick these back up
    okay back on track it's a wide project you know it's
    it's it's not our normal little seedbead
    bracelets but it's going to be so pretty it's already so pretty okay so let's get
    our needle into the part that's [Music] cooperating and
    and we got a we got a barker okay
    um yeah so I just let the needle like tell me right I don't force things
    okay good so there we
    go all right I'm going to do one more row so we can see that third star
    okay and so row eight all right pay attention
    um okay let's see we need one one rainbow one gold 1 2 3 four five one
    2 3 four five and then another
    gold and one two three four four okay and then
    whoa how many of these bad boys we got three we got seven so let's get these in
    the picture here I need seven so one
    two three four five
    six seven and then one rainbow
    okay so let's get this up here so um you're probably wondering well what is
    this and I've got a you know like I I feel like we can do a we could do a
    pendant we could um you know to hang off of like a
    necklace um I'm also feeling like I've got this
    really gorgeous blue velvet crushed like tie dye
    really awesome material that I got um and I was
    thinking like wow it would be really cool like to do a backing and then it could just be like a little topper
    whether it's a gift topper but I think we could go in a couple different directions don't you
    like it's really got the potential to be really cool all right
    um that was row eight so you know I'll do one more one more row will get us
    halfway through and then I feel like you will have had some opportunities to see
    um the struggle you will have been through the
    struggle with me on the first a couple of rows so you kind of know what to expect right um I would love to hear if
    you have a resolve right because everybody everyone has something a little bit different okay so let's pick
    up um three gold and okay I got to count because what is
    that four is that nine so two four 6 eight nine nine rainbows so one two
    three four five
    6 7 eight nine rainbows and then we got
    uh seven seven of the
    that's three four
    five six seven and then one more
    rainbow okay all right so this is row
    nine and I mean hopefully you could really see like once we resolved you
    know these little the little issues with you know
    getting everybody into their little proper Alleyways here so let's get the
    needle into the ones that are playing nice we got a little guy here
    who's who's kind of all right so where's the needle
    at so I just like to drop these and then let
    them yeah there we go so I'm kind of like backing off and then I'm letting
    I'm letting them find their way by the way like if my needle wants to do this I
    let it and then I just bring it I bring it back in so you don't have
    to struggle with it you don't have to fight it and be like oh you have to go straight in it's like if it feels like
    it's going to go better at an angle just do that
    okay all right oh I lied one one more because now we're going to do another star I can't leave you with a half with
    a star who doesn't have its bottom okay I'm
    sorry I this pattern everything right now is just making me very happy like even with the two row struggle I'm super
    stoked about this pattern and this little Loom like it's all making me very happy okay so one and then what is this
    the six all right pay attention because this is where I get all mixed up when I get
    too giddy okay three 4 5 6 and then it looks like seven yep
    seven of the one two 3
    four five six
    seven Okay so so that's going to leave me with
    eight more rows to do and I am going
    to finish them and then there will be
    the oh what's going on did I did I forget
    something oh did I not pick up that last rainbow is that what I did not do look at I was doing so good how did I miss
    that I missed that final pickup there we go okay
    so let's get this up here and what was I saying yeah so I'll finish the next
    eight rows um and then there'll be the
    third part to this series so the first part was the U warping of the
    Loom which will be um at the end of this one it'll take you
    back in case you land it on this video
    first um I will make sure that the end of this video has the uh link to how I
    warped my loom are we good oh my gosh I really
    just can't this is so cool I can't I know you're dying too you're like go finish it girl get to part three all
    right so I've got yeah that was my 10th row so 18 row rows I have eight more
    rows to do and um and then the third
    part to this series I will remove it and we will finish finish the piece off I'm
    so stinking excited I'm going to bring this up let's see if I can't I want to bring it up how how's that does that
    look good that's so good oh my gosh what a
    trip too right like doing it and then you have you have the beautiful moon
    pattern and our gorgeous um our gorgeous lady
    body oh my goodness yeah I'm loving this color palette but you know what you could do
    any three colors I think you could do any three but I really love the rainbow
    transparency of the teal I mean look can you see I'm not too sure if you could see
    the sparkle but the galvanized gold come on now now those are cool that's a
    really great color okay well we did it I'm going to do the eight rows and like
    I said um the video that shows you how to warp your pocket size Loom is going
    to be tagged in this video um at the end here and I would so appreciate it if
    you're if you're not subscribed if you would subscribe and if you would like the video that would be amazing and um I
    hope you stuck through the first uh several minutes there I'm going to definitely do a time stamp so people
    know little bit of a struggle in the first two rows but I think it's really good that we did that
    together and um yeah so leave your comments I always answer I love talking
    to you and um I hope you are enjoying this it's like a secret like what's
    going to happen next all right have a very very blessed
    day and look out for part three
    Video 3:
    so today I'm really excited to show you in this three-part series how to remove
    your Celestial pattern from your pocket moon loom and how to actually finish it
    and so usually we like to think about how we're going to finish our project before we start it and so I'm just going
    to admit that I didn't really think about that and so I was so excited about
    the the possibilities and obviously the cuteness of the pattern that I just
    started to bead away and then it dawned on me oh how am I going to finish this
    so you're probably wondering well how did I even get to this point there is a
    part one and a part two in this three-part Series in part one I show you
    how to actually warp this small loom and in part two I show you how to bead the
    pattern which by the way is 20 let's see what do we have we have 20 beads across
    and I'll just be honest with you watch part two because it's a real learning
    experience where um if you're not used to having so many beads on your needle
    and so many orps it was a really good lesson of how to get that first row to
    stay it was like trying to trying to train a puppy um it was a very
    interesting thing I'm sure that my very special guest and actually the designer of this pattern Danielle Wix is probably
    gonna have a little trick up her sleeve that maybe she will share with us I did kind of have a visual in my mind and I'm
    wondering if she and I are thinking the same thing so I'm super excited about
    that so in addition to this small loom specifically the pocket moon loom I also
    used wildfire and I use the color blue you could certainly use like a 1G or
    what you'll want to do too is probably match whatever color palette you're working with and then with the purchase
    of the pocket moon loom uh you got a pattern and you can see that I marked mine up so I put one through 20 up here
    at the top and I put one through 18 on the side because it really helped me to follow my
    pattern I also ended up uh picking some specific colors and I wrote out those
    colors over here to the coordinating a b and c now this pattern uh leaves the
    color freedom for you to choose basically we went purple gold beige you
    can mix it up and use whatever colors you have um these are too size eight
    beads that we are working with and if you are interested the beads that I used okay
    this is a gorgeous galvanized rose gold super yummy A Light Beige and the
    transparent rainbow teal which you can see let's see here I used most of that
    so for the sky that's the color you're going to end up using the most of
    with the beige being next and then I barely touched my rose gold for All of
    the Stars now these colors are on the homepage of juwel so I do have
    some in stock if you want to buy them again their too 80 beads and this is my
    color palette but again you can totally use whichever one you want I also want
    to let you know um let me show you the loom when it's not not warped and beaded
    this is what it looks like so we have the beading grid so these are your
    little beading teeth right here they're very close to each other so that they accommodate the smaller seed beads
    excuse me like the 11 O's and like the eight O's and then you have your wonderful little notches up here where
    you're going to tie off we've also got them on the B uh bottom makes life really easy and then the teeth basically
    are uh wider so you know you can always play around and use a wider warping
    material as well it's just going to end up laying on the teeth because as you can see these are super tiny uh we've
    got 2.75 going across three and a quarter coming down so it's the perfect
    little size for a precious little pro project and that's why I named it the
    pocket moon loom I will give you a sneak peek at the mama there was a mama so whoa she
    doesn't even fit into the here we go this is the original Moon Goddess uh
    Loom and she has a five across by five down beading area if you do go with this
    Loom I am going to go ahead and make sure that you have the pattern with it
    as well but the special and how we've been teaching um is with the pocket moon
    loom this was our gratitude offer gratitude is still going strong and
    thank you thank you thank you for um all of your orders it's just been such a
    blessing and so grateful to Danielle as usual for making such a fabulous beaded
    pattern for us so without further Ado I am going to bring myself up and Danielle
    Miss Danielle and there I am hi so good to see you I miss you hi
    Jules I missed you too I know it's like I was trying to think when the last time I know well every month we talk because
    we we birthed um a new era of creative
    soul and everyone is loving it and we've been doing the seedbead edition of the
    creative soulbox um and it like we can't I can't even keep it in stock it's like
    it goes really really quick and I think I think we only have like five subscriptions left so like if
    you're not a subscriber to the creative Soul then you're not guaranteed to get
    one of those kits so you know something to think about you don't have to I'm just telling you the details so you
    don't get upset if uh if you really wanted one so yeah so it's really funny
    Steph yeah Stephanie accidentally bought two and um she's going to see if her granddaughter wants to wants to learn on
    that so awesome very good okay so Danielle thank you for
    Designing this very precious seedbead pattern I knew right away when you know
    I birthed the pocket moon loom I was like you know we really need to give give the buyer the person the jul loom
    Community member we need to give them something to make and right away I went to you and I said do you think you can
    take you know the idea of the artwork and TR you know translate that somehow
    into a pattern and let's do you know so that we can actually get it done
    and you were so accommodating um I I love mine I don't even want to take it off it's so
    pretty it's gorgeous right I just yeah I loved I loved how I loved how you kept
    the colors neutral like in the sense of purple gold beige like knock your socks off with
    whatever you need three different colors the moon the sky and the stars and they
    could be whatever you want and so I know that you have your color variation um I
    was so excited to make my project I didn't think about finishing it which I'm always preaching I'm like
    know how you're gonna finish it before you start it you know and then I did the same thing and so while I was back East
    I was like reaching out to you and I'm like oh my gosh Danielle do you have ideas because I I'm yeah and I knew you would
    so I appreciate you so much I know the entire Community does and so I'm just going to let you take over and can I
    tell you something your tip a couple of weeks ago and I do believe it was on the
    earring Loom okay which yes you talked about counting your warps face down like
    this when the warps are are on the solid wood
    girl you know how easy that makes it to count your warps Oh yay I was like she
    yeah I was super I use that I use that like for myself I was like oh wait a minute Danielle Danielle taught me that
    and taught everybody and I'm gonna do that and I was like oh it is so much easier aome I'm glad that helps yeah
    sometimes with this manys it's tough right yeah so so the other thing that I want your
    inp put on so I don't know if you had if you watched part two but in part two I
    started beating and I'm not gonna lie trying to do 20 beads across kicked oh
    yeah my butt and but you know it dawned on me afterwards that perhaps I could
    have even with the needle maybe if I just went under over and then I opened
    up the warps do you think that would have helped me get that first row up they better what did you do yeah um you
    know it's definitely when you have that many beads it's it's a struggle no matter what you're doing yeah um the
    only thing that really helps is um because you know some people will knot to the side and that stops the beads
    from going any further to if you're right-handed to the left yeah um so what I did just temporarily was I brought the
    uh WFT thread above the leftmost thread just for a second just while I was doing
    the feeding okay I just made sure and brought it right back under before I did the overpass okay yeah because I know
    you start a little different than I I do but um but I do believe if my memory
    serves me I did actually I did I I did
    start it the way that you start it but yeah you'll have to watch it
    you'll have to just just go fast forward 20 minutes and that's where all the pain
    and suffering comes in but you know what also it was a great learning opportunity for not only myself but I think the
    viewer to like understand that that first row with all those beads could be slightly more
    fun you know it's challenging to do a first row with 20 beads I matter matter what you're doing you're gonna probably
    at least have to you know use your fingernail to like pick a warp or two over some beads I did I did all your
    little tricks girl out while you're doing it yeah yeah it finally worked out
    but it was funny I was like I'm not going to stop I'm not going to edit I'm just like I want people to know like
    okay first row can be a little funky but you'll get there so very good okay um
    really quick I just I do want to let the Canadian folks know the can Canadian members like unfortunately there is a
    big strike going on in Canada and so you know USPS is not um not delivering and
    UPS is charging like and atics like the the shipping is just like off the charts
    crazy their prices what's that rais their prices for Canada I haven't check
    I just feel like um I don't know I can't tell you that they raise their prices but I can tell you that when my Canadian
    people are telling me that the option is just like insane um there's Wendy is
    dying to get the earring looms and and I was like we have to wait because it's
    just you can't pay that much money for shipping I'm not letting you pay that much so it'll all work out and um you
    know that's why I'm going to keep the pocket Loom and stock by the way and yeah so it's all good it'll all work out
    and so are the beads with a gratitude offer no they're not with them but you could buy them separately the beaded
    pattern is with the pocket Loom yeah but the beads are separate so all right Danielle I'm gonna let you take it
    over okay and teach me because I got to get this bad boy off of my loom all
    right well let me know um I had not settled completely on what it would become yet I have three ideas and
    they're all different but we could we could talk through how to do all of them and I yeah I love that no let's do that
    because I I and also just as a side note not that this is what we're doing but I mentioned to Danielle
    earlier that would that not make like repetitively like if you did this
    pattern on one of the larger looms and you did a
    pu yeah it would be stunning it would be it would be ridiculously stunning so you
    you could go down to 110 I could yeah and this Loom is uh
    combed great for 110 as well yes you could you could do 110 and you have a
    little smaller pattern which could be repeated over and over as a bracelet okay or it would be earrings because
    it's smaller yes yes yeah I you know I think that my original thought was that
    it would be like a really cool pendant you know I kind of visualized like some loops and then I was like okay well neie
    has that really beautiful teal blue ice blue silver silk that can be you know
    and and you have it I have I don't have the teal but I
    have some colors behind me yeah yeah that's kind of like what I
    thought would be really cool or you know like if people sometimes they have extra chains or cords you could do something
    cool but tell me what tell me tell me tell me tell me your ideas so here's
    mine and one thought that I had in fact the first thought I had was Pur charmm
    oh are so Trend right now and you could put a big bead and then a little clip
    and you can put it on a quick link you know or something like that I love that okay okay so we got two different color
    I loved your idea of a pendant yeah no that's yeah but I
    love and we could share that too because it would just be creating a little chain right okay side and it could be worn
    long I feel like this would be a long pendant and you could even do some Fringe we did something like that
    together on an earring once that yes that would be so hot and since they're we can get into that Ado very
    easily to do the French and not stress like about breaking a bead or you know
    whatever that case may be so awesome idea awesome yeah and then your idea for
    the cuff was also brilliant couple ways you could do the cuff you could pattern out on a larger Loom or if you want to
    use this Loom finish it off of this one and then do some Herring bone from
    either side and a little bit smaller that would just because this would probably cover the entire top of your wrist I think yeah I think so so if you
    did a little Herring bone band around the back it would just be at the back of your wrist and you could either button closure that or so that's another way
    and then an ornament for your tree oh my
    gosh what like I love that different ways that you
    could so we could pick a f i don't know do we have a do what
    what's getting everybody excited in the chat do does so we've got ornament we've
    got um we've got the pendant idea well I
    mean what do you set up to do what's going to be most easy for you to do I think they're all equally easy some of
    them will take longer to show completion like for example doing the Herring bone band coming out from the sides would
    it's super easy I could show starting it and then show finishing it
    video stringing so stringing the save the cuff idea because I think that's
    like a whole other ball game we could do that as a class too like a separate project and yeah I think so te can be
    used for any project so you just get in there and just go from there yeah I
    think so so I I see a purse chain charm I see
    ornament yeah in instructions for purse charm and ornament could be the same it's placement so for an ornament I kind
    of pictured placement in the center okay and then if you're G purse charm one
    thought I had was would it be cool to suspend it like that as a p charm so absolutely I would see it I would see it
    at an angle I would see it angle so that was the vibe I got but it would be the same type of little Loop I'm thinking
    just a little mini Herring bone Loop that kind of folds on itself nice and strong easy to reinforce and then you
    could um you know put that anywhere on any of these edges yeah so we've got
    okay now now we just went three to two so we got three ornaments two purse charms and I feel like those are like
    together we could that technique you feel like you could demo and be like it could be either or yeah
    okay let's do it let's do it okay it awesome let's do it roll out my sleeves
    here we go very cool oh and I have I think I
    have some quick links with me they're not required but um beon has these like 25 millimeter Hoops have you heard of
    those you could always just yeah they look like uh let me get one really quick
    um they look oh I'm holding the wrong camera they look like that okay like at
    the craft store or even just in your junk drawer at home probably keychain
    okay that's an idea but not required if you have and you want to use it it just depends like how you're going to attach
    it to your purse if you wanted to get one of those big swivels you get one of those really big like lobster cloth
    swivels there's like a bunch of things in like mac world that would work for this but so many things okay all right
    go down to the C down to the table then Joan do you wna get rid of me and or
    however we need to do this there you go yeah okay so our first
    little trick here is to get it off of the Loom yeah that's what I'm curious about yeah and that's it's actually um
    you guys are going to be bored because I've done it a bunch of times for you but it never hurts to see it again yeah
    you're gonna see it with a lot of warps this time it's G be a little crazy almost as crazy as our um our pouch was
    that we did I believe how many warps did that one have I forgot already oh gosh
    yeah a lot a lot so I just I did my knot
    originally okay you you just clip the top knot on the top
    left yeah okay even though it looks like the bottom that's actually your top
    left yeah what I did when I when I warped it was I had the knot tied here and then I did trim the tail of that
    knot because I knew I wasn't gonna need it okay so I'm gonna cut
    one just that one side just the one side not yeah right I need to get a little
    light in here I can't see and that will free your warp that is
    on in this holding it in the right orientation here um okay it's free the warp that's on your leftmost side just
    here at the top okay and then from there what I usually do is I just take my
    thumbnail and I just pick each of these free that works on the in Loom and I don't know is it g work on
    this Loom yeah I'm going to see I'm hoping it will it's going to be a little tricky on the first one but as you get
    them off I think it's Gonna Get Easier but I hadn't thought of that until just now believe it or
    not I do have a backup plan if that doesn't work let me free my in this case
    because it was odd count we also have another knot here on the bottom okay and
    it's okay free that one as well okay so so I'm so maybe that will help us get it
    loose so you're going to free the bottom MH so now this one's free too and see if
    that like loosens it up and it should loosen it a little bit my tension was really really tight yours might not be
    mine was no mine's tight because I'm a tight I'm a warper man I'm a you know so I might actually just use some
    pliers but I'm going to be super gentle about it because I want to take care of my loom
    yeah oh I see you're doing let me get my flats and see if I can do the same I
    think it will help if you grab both at the same time and then just kind of give that a pull like
    that and now I've got one free so that's gonna help a lot that sound is not pleasant
    friend that sound scared me Mama sorry you might have in the door because um
    one of my kids is coming to get a Lego okay that might be what you heard but you could have been hearing this too no
    it's it's me I hear it I hear him snapping oh god oh you know what my thread actually just broke so we're
    gonna go with our plan B uh oh okay let's go ahead and trim it oh where are
    we GNA trim um let's go ahead and just trim as close as we can because we want to make these as long as we can down
    here at the botom okay and I'm just gonna show you how to weave these in
    okay but yeah on the earring Loom they're a little shorter so they're a little easier to get free oh so well
    interesting that's said I think it'll still work okay okayy well we're I mean this is the
    old school way right like we did already have you already cut them on only want
    to cut uh one side so the top or bottom okay so just cut one side yeah way we
    can at least Reduce by half the number that the number that we have to pull or that we have to weave back in
    yeah so if you just cut one side and so for me will you please well yeah there you go I was gonna say will you show
    your bottom yeah so my bottom I still have loops okay cool and at the top I
    have free ones okay and that's gonna be okay I was a little worried I was kind
    of hoping it was be a little looser but I went crazy with my tension yeah no I I feeless with it
    yesterday there so far so good we got that ready so we're going to need to
    ignore this Edge one because it is alone it's the warp strand that's running this
    whole side we're gonna have to weave that one in okay these are our WS leave those over here but we should be able to
    pull all the others up okay and so I'm going to start
    with these two so see these two right here which is
    the the leftmost and then the one right in from there yeah and I'm going to go ahead and just
    just I'm going to use my pliers just to give me something to grip with hopefully they'll be strong enough to
    pull and you're pulling away from you yeah and they're going to be really
    tight at first because that side warp is always quite tight so I actually found that pulling one one at a time was easier so see what I'm doing I'm just
    kind of going one [Music] one and
    one and that made my Loop there at the bottom just go right there
    okay so this is going to work pretty good and so now we have a lot more here at the top to weave in that's going to
    make it a little easier because they're a little short for weaving in at this this length you would need like a short
    sharp needle but that's going to work pretty good all right so I'm going to do that same thing again with the next
    ones so the next ones being the third and the fourth warps that are coming in
    there so let's just pull those yeah I'm not having good time getting
    them to move together so I'm actually going to pull them independently yeah I'm pulling I'm
    pulling very slow and independently here we go so there's my
    first four so that's what's happen in
    there it's like half magic trick zaka says Danielle's magic
    trick but we're just doing the just going to get those bottom lips to come up there we go
    yeah and you know one other C every other warp that that has been cut
    into and actually here's an idea I wish I'd had earlier actually be really cool is if we
    did the loose ones on the bottom you could just add beads and turn them into Fringe sure could yeah okay nice okay
    now I need to make another one because that would be so cute I wish I thought of that oh and if
    you were using fiber like something you could fren yeah it's going to be a purse charm
    right so now I'm oh hanging on steady on here's a great idea what if it was
    braided cord and we did the Lumi just normal like but then the bottom here you
    just like Let It All Fray out oh that'd be really hot that' be so
    cool see that's a problem with me is I get too many ideas even like yeah yeah
    oops pull that one a little bit how's yours going can I ask question
    just um you're saying like you know if we use cord and we can let it Fray at
    the bottom instead of using cord as a warps because we want that tight thing
    you know how you have the loops at the bottom before you pull the loop you know tighten the loops against the bottom can
    you feed some quart Bo through that or would that be too much stress oh my goodness no that would be that would be
    amazing like like for each of these Loops you could lar notot a more like um
    interesting kind of like multicolor braided cord or something like that or tassel cord you could Larks knot it to
    that Loop and then tighten that Loop up and that would be so cool oh
    wow that's amazing whoops he we need to do another
    version of that so we can show that Joan can you just bring my overhead
    up so they could see mine I was trying to do that but I got
    okay so here's my my bottom so I pulled up all of my my
    Loops correct and then this was actually beating thread
    from from warping that I warped back there's my side if I'm correct there's
    side and then this was the original it's hard to see and then this is that
    far that far one so I think I'm good I mean like yeah right yeah it looks good
    okay so there's me there's me okay Jan sorry you could get rid of
    me I think I'm almost done with pulling mine up as well okay and just don't
    tighten that one last one okay so yeah I noticed you have to like really look at the bottom and make sure that you know
    you've gotten it tight enough I feel like I want to just do a little more on that
    one let's go to there I just want to finish it and then hold it it's so
    pretty and it feels so yummy so many beautiful things it can become I'm going to grab another needle
    really quick let's see find of those and I've got let's get another
    plier I'm going to get some chain nose pliers and just flatten my ends and let's start with The leftmost Strand
    here so that's this one right here yeah and it might have a knot on it mine does
    so I'm gonna trim that okay trim that KN off I gota get light back up
    here and are we putting a needle on it yeah I'm GNA go ahead and throw it on a needle
    and so I'm just going to take this Edge warp here and I'm going to go over the EDG
    most bead on this side okay because it's the warp strand so we don't want any of our beads to fall so if we go over it
    and then what I'm doing here is I'm picking up the WFT thread so if you remember the thread is the the back pass
    of beads that you kept over the warps but in the beads yeah and so I'm going
    under those and I went under the first three there
    and the thing I like about doing this method is because we have so many strands here yeah we're gonna have to
    pull them all through in this method we can choose the location where the strands go so they're not all going in
    the same place gotcha you don't end up with like the first three rows being the thickest in the whole thing you know
    yeah and do this twice for each strand so I went under three or four three or
    four is fine and then I went through a few beads in the row that I ended up in after doing
    that so here I've gone through one two three and four pull through that and then now I'm
    just going to go through a few beads in ter and if it starts getting short on you you can go through the ey side
    sometimes it's easier to get an ey side through when your thread's short okay and from here I'm going to go ahead and
    just burn that off okay burn or trim with some Flush Cutters because Wildfire for me is like really
    yeah really strong but a little hard to cut yeah so there one down and a few to
    go okay I'm just go ahead and do that a few more times and I'll keep going until
    we've got at least a corner where I can demo creating a little Loop
    yeah but this is actually um cool to show because I don't think I've ever showed the whole process for weaving in
    I've always do the tricky the trick pull thing yeah no this this is
    fantastic and so now I've got this warp so this is the warp that's running running that location yep so we're going
    to jump over the second bead and again I'm going to pick up left
    thread that's in between those beads now let's go for four since we did
    three before try to get under just the top
    one so just like that pull that
    tight go through a few beads just going to do that one more
    time and four beads
    down and then we'll head over that
    way and what what a great little um card topper gift top like I just feel
    like it could also just be a precious little oh you know what you could um go
    to the of a gift box yeah like I'm thinking about all of Eileen Hall's um really
    cool you know her die cuts that make you know Taj mahals
    and yeah all that stuff that she does that would be really cool yeah it
    just seems yeah like I'm just visualizing how beautiful that would be and I bet you there's a way that you
    can make the chords if you were doing a paper crafting project you may be able
    to SK this weaving in part yeah because all you would have to do then is hide
    them like and even with this as a purse chm yeah you didn't want to have a a both back and a front you could lose
    some felt on the back and hide your warps that way yeah I got to get my burner okay oh
    and sometimes I just use fles Cutters too I think the burner is just optional okay if you're if you like using a
    burner I just kind of like it I think it's quicker than my flesh cutting yeah
    but I think they're both equally great ways to to do it yeah you just want to make sure you can see what you're doing
    so you don't yeah like tear up your
    project and this seems like it will take a super long time but to be honest it really doesn't take that long yeah I
    mean I'm yeah well and when you're focused and you're not trying to demo and talk like it's it's you
    know it's G to go quick and so after you do that second
    little loopy through through you might want to go through with your eyes side just because it's a little a little tougher to get your needle through but
    in addition to that there's always the trick of short Sharps which I like to use a lot
    okay those are my go-to when I've let my thread get a little short yeah um those
    are kind of kind of cool to have handy you know we all get going with our seed beading projects if you're like really
    into the weeds of seed beading yeah I I know people who cannot live without the short needle because they get themselves
    in this situation well exactly and the jom needle is like amazing but as long
    well you need it for this because this one the need yeah yeah
    exactly so everything every tool in our toolbox has its like has its role and
    it's data sh we not just collecting stuff people exactly that's what I tell my
    family when they see my craft room I'm like uhuh like you don't understand everything has a purpose everything in
    here is required all right yeah yeah so
    funny okay oops here we go I'm speeding up a
    little bit let me know if you have questions I'm just going Z through it yeah no do do you because
    um because yeah that's cool so um eh oh is that e she is that e
    e here oh hi e no I don't know it just says eh I don't know if that's eileene I think she's on a cruise
    somewhere oh that's awesome I know she was live from a cruise doing a jewel
    loom uh project with her Loom and I was just busting up I was like oh my gosh so
    cool um but whoever that is is asking what is the best brand of Flush Cutters
    I mean I'm you know I like beeton's hand tools I I know that there are options
    out there that range and price I mean what's your take um Nee and I both love Lindstrom
    but they're on the pricey side yeah like anything out of Germany especially like is always going to be I don't know where
    they're from but like German tools are usually a lot more
    expensive yeah the ones that I use are the this brand but I've had these for a
    decade oh my okay well yeah and they're just they're going
    strong good okay so how are we doing on time I could keep going but I have enough real estate
    to show yeah I mean so what well what do you have next to show so next was I was
    gonna create a little miniature Loop and um the little Loop will be made
    with uh it'll be two columns so you're going to need to place it anywhere on
    the top row here that has four beads coming out or even side would work too it doesn't have to be the top it could
    be the side yeah whatever wherever you think you can demonstrate the best to get the message across I'm cool with and
    I'm sure everybody has for the most part you know understands the concept of weaving back in the the warps so all
    right yeah in that case I think I'll Let's Pretend because you've seen that process that you know it takes a hot
    minute but then once you've got it all of these go away and you would need to do the same thing with just this Edge
    most one it's a little short but you'll want to weave just to make sure I mentioned this one right here you'll
    need to independently weave in each side okay so like this side will need to get yeah that's I yeah but that's still half
    the journey you know by pulling at least in half of it yeah and then anywhere along here or here or here anywhere
    you'd like you can start to make this Loop and that based on where you place it can become what you're hoping it will
    become like if you put the loop in the center four here at 20 beads across you would have you could have an even
    midpoint it would be right about there so that's one place you put it um you can put it right on the edge which
    is what I think I'm going to do or maybe even just one over I think I'm gonna do right right on the edge but wherever you
    place it that's where it's going to suspend and so it'll either hang kind of like on the side like that or right from
    the center okay now and I feel like you could even do that over here too but I think it
    makes sense on the top I don't know the style so at this point I just want
    everyone to understand that Danielle would continue to weave those um top
    warps back into the body of the P of this beaded piece before time we're just
    going to go ahead and uh work on the a closure type concept
    so yeah yeah and so what I'm noticing here is that um you're going to be very
    surprised I I did my weaving from the top to the bottom which I almost never do but my long like working thread that
    I have left it's at the bottom so I'm just gonna need to bring this up to do the next step but wherever you have your
    longest strand bring it to the position uh where you would like to put your Loop and that can also be a new strand that
    you weave in if you like um I'm going to go ahead and just get this one out of the way really quick
    this is my what would have been the tail when I started looming so this is The Tail Of My WFT okay I'm just going to go ahead
    and find where on the side it's coming out of so here on the bead it's coming out of this side and my warp is right
    here I'm going to jump over the warp and go through the
    bead get myself to like I right about
    there I will say the thing I like about weaving the warps back into this the body of this piece is that I feel my
    piece becoming more stable like oh that's a really good point yeah because
    first ter you might want it to not be as flexible as you may want like a cuff bracelet to be yeah especially it won't
    curl that way yeah no it's really that's
    brilli that's super cool yeah I think that is definitely helping mine is getting much stronger too yeah can you
    feel that it's kind of cool yeah so it's a time honored way to do this
    particular thing I mean this kind of work is um you know there's really no machine
    that can do this I don't think no be done by people's hands it's not gonna have
    heart I was just watching a YouTube video about this crochet dress that somebody made 40
    hours go like you cannot make that on a machine because I guess there's no
    machines that can do crochet I did not know that because there's knitting machines right but like there's no
    crochet machines and so I'm like hey that's really interesting something that AI can't do oh my gosh right yes yeah my
    grandma was my Portuguese Grandma crocheted I have all of her crochet hooks her needles um they're all these
    amazing colors I'll have to share them I would love to see them yeah I I enjoy
    crocheting and knitting I'm not you know super proficient but I'm I can
    pretend some people are like cool they know how to do it really
    well I think I'm kind of a noob at it like I'm sort of okay at doing it but not yeah I still follow other people's
    patterns it's not like I'm making my own patterns yet although I've done it one time oh my gosh that would be amazing
    but I had to I had to focus so much on like schooling myself on the you know
    the terminology and the way they do the shorthand when they do the written patterns
    yeah since I'm a visual um I learn visually so for me I really want to use
    those charts like where they they write out the shorthand like diagram of the Stitch but I don't know what they're
    they're they have meaning like you have to study out like what they mean you can't just wing it oh that's where I'm at on that
    Journey oh buggers so it's really important I just I just found a boo boo
    no um probably because my lighting is not light enough right now um make sure
    that you're picking up that warp because if you don't it's just laying on it and
    now I have a ribon oh no mean which did you I'm
    having trouble visualizing what happened exactly okay here can you can you go to
    my overhead Joan real quick
    so you see that ribbon right there oh I see so I didn't my needle didn't pick up
    the warp I literally just was on top of
    the warp I wasn't picking up the warp okay so now I have so it's okay I'm gonna um I'll just fry it with the
    zapper that would probably be okay because you've got gonna have to be it's gonna have to be
    yeah I think that's okay the middle um one little thing that I love about it is that um particularly with
    these threads they I wouldn't trust it to like a closure on a bracelet for
    example yeah but something like this that it does cauterize it and it does act like a tiny little bit of glue I'm G
    leave it until I can like get this under a spotlight to see what the heck happens oh I actually I could share one other
    little tip or trick about bur okay you could take me off Joe yeah and I mean if you want to show it on yours too but
    when you're um when you have a burner if you can you know how you can touch it
    right to the thread but if you have one that gets super super hot or even like I don't know one of those little candle lighters if you hover instead of touch
    yes just before everything starts getting softer and softer and you finally do the the little to zap it
    touches the other threads around it yeah I do do that I don't I usually go in
    with caution you seen the ladies doing the Mac reels where they they lighter it
    and then they take their finger while it's still hot I know I oh my gosh that's so crazy it's kind of the same
    thing you're just warming it up and then when you do that final burn on it it's and it's like a little bit of glue like
    you had a tiny tiny bit so there's there's always away that's my whole my whole thing always all right so I got my
    thread where I wanted it and so I decided my Loop is going to be these four Edge but you can pick any four that
    you want okay and I'm just going to work with my purple seed
    beads and you don't need many you know just a little handful of them pretty good all right so I'm going to pick up
    two and what I'm going to do is I'm going to
    go you can e do the warp thing or you can actually just go back through the two beads it's up to you I might do both
    just I like to kind of lock it in a little bit so I did go under a little warp there but that's optional so
    through that and what it's going to do is it's going to pop those beads like that and then go ahead and just go through those two
    beads so if you want you can just pick up two beads and go through the
    two oh shoot oops oh okay either way is good I just I did go
    under the warp just to to kind of make it tight but that at this point you don't have to do
    that I just have my little goofy things that I do yeah no that's I mean it's good to share all of that
    because it's helpful for sure and so it's looking like that and
    to the seedbead Nerds already you're gonna say oh that's Herring bone Stitch so this is actually how to do the cuff
    thing I was talking about where you just hering bone out the middle it's G to make a nice strong Loop
    very stinking cool and then I just brought my needle up through the first
    bead and so now I'm going to pick up two more okay and for this one you just want
    to go through the bead that is next to it so so just through that second bead oh
    wow pull that down and the beads are going to do that they're going to pop like that
    it's single column Herring bone now I'm just going to come up through these two we only have to do a
    very short amount of this so it's not going to take super long yeah no I'm super stoked to learn that you know how
    I am with all those words it's basically it's just like I
    mean somebody gave it a fancy name but it honestly it's go back through the bead and loop
    around go back through the bead and loop around I like that that makes me feel better we went back we went through the
    second one and then we're just going to come up through the the two here on the right or sorry on the left this is my
    left hand okay this is and I don't know my left or my right so please ignore
    me should hear how badly I get made fun of in my family when I give directions in the car oh my
    God family right means left and left means
    right so there's our first Herring bone Stitch um that's crazy okay so it's it's
    almost like a Pico but it's one bead more because a Pico is usually three
    yeah exactly you're just doing doing two every time so now I'm picking up two more here and I'm only going to go
    through the second bead here so just just like that
    okay super easy when you pull that the same thing should happen again sometimes I help it a little bit but it should pop
    just like that for you I'm just going to come up with these
    two so just through those and what this is going to create
    is a strong little suspension and I'm wondering if if you can already see how
    this could become a necklace it would take a long time but yeah this is a one way you could start a chain if you
    wanted to yeah yeah that is like oh that's so empowering Danielle you like
    it yeah that's really empowering for me because uh I don't you know hopefully
    others too like just seeing like oh okay I do my basic seat Beed pattern and it's
    super cool and I'm bringing it home and then I get to learn like this whole
    other level technique
    it's like you're Maring off Loom and on loom right now it's like this beautiful thing that's happening oh yeah wow right
    I actually think looming is the more advanced technique anybody who can handle looming doing everything we just did
    this is this is a piece of cake compared to that that's so funny because I'm so I
    you know I think that when I've just been such an on Loomer my whole you know my my whole life right so so I get
    intimidated when not on the loom but I'm watching you and I'm like man this is a
    really great way to empower people to do both is cool thank you oh my gosh this
    is really cool I think like for some reason I think people think like seed beaing of of them seed beating is
    difficult but then when they find out how easy it is they're like hang on yeah it's like some conspiracy happened to
    like make people think that some conspiracy that's awesome get the more I
    the more I question you know what I
    mean yeah that's cool I I'm I want to sit I'm gonna do a time stamp on this
    video so that uh so that people can get to the different sections that they want to get to and I cannot wait to sit with
    what you're doing like I'm really excited about it oh I see Karen's backing me up she's
    saying yes looming is harder than off Loom seriously so Karen says looming is
    harder for her than off looming that's so interesting oh and I'm
    like off looming to me is harder because I don't you know
    because it's not what I do all the time oh my gosh girlfriend tell me about the middle is that an
    opening no they're woven together yeah no they're it's just a band and you can
    take this out to whatever length you want but I think what I'm gonna do is I'm GNA go ahead and call that good and
    let me tell you how many I've got okay one two three four five six seven eight
    nine 10 11 12 I've got 13 of them 13 you can 13 people Lucky 13 who's
    playing bingo right the best sales day every month for my grandfather at his shop what I love
    that my great-grandfather I should say oh my
    gosh and so I'm I'm gonna go ahead and put this quick link on here and you could use anything honestly yeah you're
    gonna blow our minds right now I can feel it you're just gonna blow our minds and so it's just gonna hang like that oh
    stop it and Let's Fold it over no it girlfriend we're just gonna connect it
    to these two all right I must learn this it looks like that
    wow that's so cool it's G to be strong too yeah and you're right this could be
    this could totally be for the purse or uh you get one of the thingies to hang
    your hang your ornament yeah you could even leave this Loop by itself without anything in it and just put one of those
    Christmas hooks like on it a Christmas hook
    yeah the thing we can never find oh my gosh and so there's like more than one
    way to do this next part but like the easiest way is probably identifying that we're currently exiting out of the bead
    that I feel like lines up with this one right here here if that makes sense okay so I'm going to go through that bead in
    this direction okay and I'm going to go all the way through it so I'm going to go through this bead and the next
    one so those two right there and that should just bring that right down like that so it's going to be a little open
    on the side for now but we'll just go ahead and come up through that bottom bead right
    there and just pull that jeez my mind is so blown right now
    oh so great I mean I'm still weaving in my warps but I'm watching to do that too
    totally out wow and that is correct that is called a hering that's a herring bone
    single column Herring bone single column Herring bone okay and what I'm doing now is I'm
    reinforcing that path that I was just showing by just through them again so I came up through this bead and
    then I jumped over and went down through this Edge one here okay and then now I'm just gonna Loop through I'll do it again
    because I want to make it strong so go through one more time so just come up through and then
    when you do that you can come up through more than one bead and you can make the turn at any
    place that you'd like and so if you come up to the third bead head down through its adjacent third bead whichever one
    and this is kind of already giving you a head start on weaving it into wow and so now I'm going to go through
    this one more
    time all right and so let's go ahead and weave it in just GNA head back this way
    wow this is like so far from
    expectation like I'm so thrilled right now oh I'm so glad yeah no this is I was
    worried I didn't um I was worried that my idea was to like a you know like it
    wasn't um enough details you know like no this is so
    cool no it's so good you're empowering so many of us right now I love
    it and I all doing now is just weaving in the same way we were doing all the warps right yeah same old thing that we
    were doing it just takes like a long time to do all the them yeah that's okay I
    mean and so I'm gonna try to do that burner thing I was talking about okay so
    I I know I wanted let me show you so I I know I want it to when I when I burn it it's going to
    be making contact as it lays down on top of all those little threads in there now I don't want to damage those threads but
    I do kind of want to encourage them to bond with the I'm about to trim so I
    just kind of like fire it up and just hold it kind of close let me see if I
    can move it a little bit my demoing dexterity is I do I
    usually do it flat on the mat if you can Envision it yeah and then I'm just going to kind of before I burn it I'm just
    holding it next to it and then when I burn
    it using my fingernail just going to push it down I could feel it was a little hot
    now the um spot that I burnt see if I can show it to you oh it's so well
    hidden well it's it's in there somewhere but it's like basically
    just bead and it just kind of disappears wow okay I really like that I got what
    you're saying it would it be too crazy if we made two of these so make one take
    it off make another one just like it sandwich them together and connect them
    the side like we did the Dell Soul pouch yeah yeah put a little loop on it now you've got a little coin purse yeah no I
    was sitting here wrapping it around my finger trying to figure out how to make it like some really cool hippie chick
    ring but I'd have to be my fingers are so chunky I'd have to have I'd have to
    have more more space on the sides but you know how some girls uh wear those really
    long oh yes yeah you know what I'm saying like a tube because I just keep
    envisioning this being a tube um sewing the two sides together
    but I yeah it's so oh gosh it feels so cool so I was
    um so Joan do you want to bring the two of us back up
    together so I so I got everything but my shorties
    here I don't have I'm GNA have to look for a short needle I don't
    ever yeah I think you have so let me look for him first and if I can't find him I I will send out a SOS oh you know
    what the short needles that come with the creative Soul kit those I have some
    of those okay cool beans so I'll do that um but Danielle I missed the part where you talked about this this guy and this
    what did you say um so on the very edge just because of the way we took it off of the Loom yeah these
    these were the ones that um oh I think we got to get you back up hold on oh sorry can we get her overhead back up so
    she could show us please okay so when it was when it was
    on the loom yeah we we cut it free on this side and then we had a a side that
    also on this side that was cut free and I was able to pull
    um because of the way the way that it worked we were able to pull all of them but this Edge one does that make sense
    so this is actually the edge warp yeah that runs along the very side and it's
    it's just a little bit short okay so the best way to weave those in and just um
    you know keep that in mind like when you're cutting it off the loom preserve as much of that length as you can so yeah cut it back here gives you as much
    as you can only cut one one side either the top or the bottom it just only cut one okay
    um and then I flatten the ends to get my needle threaded easier because I'm going to use um the one that comes from the
    creative Soul kit so this okay cool it's actually the one I've been using this whole time okay they do make shorter
    ones though there are shorter ones in the craft store like um they embroidery section but will work on an 80 seed bead
    okay and so this one I'm gonna want to go over because it's a warp thread right so I'm
    G to go over a bead okay it's super super short
    and so I'm really I'm going right to the edge here I'm probably only going to be able to get it to go one time in this way
    yeah but I have another little trick to show it's a desperate trick but it has saved me many a pinch okay do this top
    and bottom um so I got this one through now there's no way I'm gonna be able to bend it again like that so yeah go ahead
    and take it off your needle yeah and then put your needle where you want that
    thread to go yeah and then just thread it
    again oh good man we are like screaming out the T tips in this one I love it I
    can't I can't wait to go back and do the time stamps because it's be so fun to like see all of the the little beating
    nuggets that were being were being uh shared so
    good it's funny because this is one of the naughty seed beater trucks this is the one for when you let
    your thread get to Too Short you know like in seed bead weaving you get excited and you keep going and you're like oh oh you're like okay you're like
    oh no so this is the desperate move
    yeah there we go Sometimes It's tricky to thread it like that but yeah super possible if you have one of those
    magnifiers that's a win and then of course side trick so this is so short
    but we can go our side and and then go back through that's
    a great thing too about these being SI size um got that where we want it
    yeah okay okay nice we'll have to do the same
    thing with that little one okay all right good so you were just basically doing the same thing so same thing but
    with way less length the difference there in length we have super Game
    Changer on the hering bone I mean I can't even I don't even know who I am right
    now I so excited about that so excited let's get us back up
    here so thank you thank you thank you that is
    that's so cool it's like you know what I love most about things like this is like you you have how do I say this you know
    I love the building of the collaboration right you know it's like
    okay Robert and I love every year to do a gratitude offer to say thank you like
    to really produce a really sweet Loom so you know this gets birthed and
    then it's like okay what what is the community what would they'd like to see
    you know and then bring in Danielle like and then okay that's so cool it's such a
    cool seedbead pattern and then you just whip out the haing bone and thank you for
    being so willing to just um be fluid because that's how I am I don't I don't
    always like to be like d d yes it's good in some situations but like you came to the table and you're like we could do
    this we could do that and then these two are kind of the same way and I love that and I think the community loves that
    because they're all saying wooo and yeah there's a lot of sharing going
    on and so I'm grateful to you and I'm I'm um so grateful that Joan is in the
    background like keeping us all dialed in and throwing up tags when people are asking questions and um and so she's uh
    part of this precious family and uh and it's so cool so Zach is saying fabulous
    fabulous wait van tabulous session nice yes Danielle is a creative
    soul for sure and we're so lucky to I just I'm always gonna thank the
    little earring business card thing oh that like literally brought yeah it like
    literally changed our first of all it made our relationship oh I know well I was I was
    stalking you before that but I'd wanted to beat you for a while
    like it solidified the on Sam's and I'm like Sam yes I know and I had not met him and so
    you know we're talking about like years ago when Danielle and I were at the sh same show uh and and I had these cute
    little business cards and so it's just it's interesting where creativity can start where relationships can start and
    that I love that about this community I feel like we're a very relationship driven group of people and we love
    supporting one another and just really um hey I'm really great at designing and
    developing looms like I I'm just gonna say that right but I'm not always I'm
    not always the one to make a pattern I'm not and I'm cool with that like girlfriend you do it right or girlfriend
    what you know how to do like that's what makes it all
    fantabulous yeah because we each have a strength and and I'm so happy that my
    looms bring so much joy and inspiration and um so grateful to you I truly and
    I'm not just saying this like watching you do that Herring bone thing because like At first go this is how crazy this
    is what how much I don't know you were saying that at the beginning of this the Herring bone I'm like what kind of cord
    is that what is she talking about I it doesn't even dawn on me that it's a
    stitch such a goof I used to think of it as like a um a textile we like you know
    like the professor's jacket like you know hearing I love that yeah but but
    it's so thank you for Maring an on loom project to an off Loom technique and
    really empowering all of us to realize that we could do that oh for sure yeah
    there's lots of places we could go with with all kinds of combos like that so oh even you'll go crazy I will go crazy and
    I'm in I'm all in for that kind of stuff I think it's really really good because
    it just shows you know just teaching and learning something like as long as you're learning I feel like you're a
    brain is happy when your brain is happy your body's happy so yeah yeah thank you
    Danielle so much thank you I'm so incredibly appreciative H for everything
    that you do and I know that we're working on the December creative Soul um project and we've got our colors and and
    it looks very sexy by the way very holiday sexy if I don't say so I don't
    know what she's doing I just know the colors and they are very
    sassy and so I'm thrilled I'm really excited about it and I think the the
    colors they're going to they'll go into January and become really good even valentine colors so they're oh yeah G
    like be good through the seasons here that we have coming up oh good good yeah no you're so good at that and I'm so so
    grateful to you so thank you enjoy your evening with your babies um your babies
    your your young your let's say not middleaged young men great time with
    your sons finger because they've got me for
    that and thanks everyone for hopping on and joining us um again the pocket moon
    loom is still still available we're going to keep it up and um same price
    through the holidays I'm not I'm not going to take that away from you I love you so much and whether you get the
    pocket Loom or you get the uh big moon loom okay um and we're going to make
    sure that you get the pattern I'll make sure that Robert includes that and so you know this size is great for the PO
    holders for um that would be incredible like how are we going to beat across
    that I've not tried it but I've woven I do the weaving I do you know fibers so
    yeah we should do we should do a macroand oh yeah yeah we should do one where the the the warps become something
    that you not together a v okay yeah it'll be fun
    okay I love it thank you I love that I love that that's so so good all
    right thank you everyone for watching and uh let's see yeah so Danielle do you
    have a Saturday thing going on I do yeah I'm actually with Stacy this weekend on
    Saturday oh my God I love Stacy we still haven't connected but we are talking privately and hopefully you know we'll we'll we'll get a a thing going at some
    point but so Stacy and Danielle at uh two 2m Pacific and we're launching a hit
    that she designed oh my gosh stop okay so on your YouTubes mhm at 2m on this
    Saturday Stacy and you are working on a project and it's with a new kit yep it's
    wire like wire wrapping and she did all she did all the samples so oh my go I
    get to be I get to be surprised oh I love that I love that yeah she's she's playing with a loom so yeah she's Loom
    curious for sure I think she's gonna be doing some projects oh God I'm gonna use that Loom curious that is so
    adorable that is so keep showing it people start hang on I can do that yeah
    yeah you can't do that I I know it's funny yeah it's good it's good stuff okay so tune in make sure you watch
    Danielle Saturday and um I am working on some
    recorded videos how-to for you that I think are going to be really fabulous
    and so every Thursday at 4 pm either live or pre-record and
    always always a how-to with heart and um and sometimes we have
    delicious guests like Danielle and we always have Joan Joan is always here in the background so we love Joanie anyway you
    all have a great evening I gotta go grocery shopping we'll see you later