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  • Tile Ring with Picot Edges - Jewel Loom School Live with Amber & Tricia

    April 06, 2022

    Tile Ring with Picot Edges - Jewel Loom School Live with Amber & Tricia

    Want a different DIY look in a ring? Look no further! Tricia Giazzon & Amber Scott show how to make a ring from tile beads with a picot edging. Or, to mix it up a little, throw in a few small pyramid beads for a slightly spiky look! Grab your baby loom, Original Jewel Loom, or Wisdom Warrior Loom & let's get started!


    Materials Needed:

    Czech Glass 6mm Tile Beads -Pyramid:

    Czech Glass 6mm Tile Beads Amber Travertine:


    Your Choice of 11/0 seed beads:


    Choice of Looms:

    Baby Loom:

    The Original Jewel Loom:

    Small wisdom warrior:  also receive needles, 5 tubes 11/0 Toho seed beads, slider ends, and pattern.


    Check out the Jewel Loom Store for a large variety of beads, looms, & accessories to make beautiful



    hi guys hey hey welcome in for another jewel school
    live with every trish and doug whoops
    you know us we gotta answer yes gotta have fun how is the weather over there trish well
    we had quite the storm this afternoon i was just like almost constant thunder
    weird i was like why isn't it stopping it was like making me nervous as far as a
    like i'm not thinking is that a tornado roaring or what but it because it was
    raining so heavy but it didn't it stopped so yeah they did do a tornado
    oh did they at least here in state college it was clueless you know me i don't want your name
    no it came over my phone the radio wow oh yeah alexa didn't tell me i just
    forgot everything goes wild all of a sudden hey
    melanie welcome welcome hi melanie oh my goodness welcome everybody hi
    phillip i'm sorry you've been waiting for us for a little while there but glad you could join us
    um so yeah last day of march
    what's that all about it is see you keep me knowing what's going on
    hey you know it's all i do staying at home that things are just it's a whole different
    world it's a whole different world oh yeah if i didn't have the kids going to school regulating my schedule i'd have
    no clue hey sandra hi joyce hi guys
    so fun to have you though yeah and nicole's choice
    so excited to have everybody yes absolutely we're going to have a really fun project today thanks to amber it's
    going to be yeah i'm just going to share this a couple places while you're
    okay okay well yeah go for it so and all of you out there share it around
    hey rose so glad you could join us so share it to your facebook share it to instagram whatever let the let the world
    know we're live yes yes so tonight we're gonna make a ring you
    can make it on um the wisdom warrior you can make it on the original jewel loom
    but uh trish and i will be making them on the baby limb so if you don't have a baby loom you can
    still do this project so no worries on that
    yes and i'm going to switch cameras here
    all right now i'm going to post this and i am going to do the same here let me
    close my lens here for a second flip my camera
    well trish is flipping her camera i will show you the material so you'll need some wildfire
    i'm using the tan color um i believe that jules is out of that
    right now but you could use white you could use whatever color goes with the
    beads you have um if you're in the subscription group this is a great project to use some of
    those extra tile beads up the tila beads because we're going to be using them tonight
    and i'm using this is a six millimeter uh tile bead
    and uh i believe this is the amber tab um
    yes so and then we're going to be using these adorable
    six millimeter pyramids so trying to see if i can turn it on the side you can see it standing up there
    those are so pretty yeah so they come in um this one is a mix
    uh it's called five color luster and joan i'll share those with you guys
    um so there's five different colors and you get a strand of them
    so lots of fun now for the and then also you will need
    some eleven o's uh both lebanos but two different colors
    so this is the ring we're going to make so as you can see we have the three
    pyramids on top and then i made this out of leftovers so there's
    no real kind of order to it this is the sample ring so but tonight we can definitely
    make it a little more orderly because we'll have just the one tile color but if you have some other
    tiles that you want to put in there by all means go for it so it's a great little ring if
    you have like lots of little leftovers that don't match too you can throw them all together so
    pretty i like it yeah and then as you can see we're going to
    put the the edging i know somebody was asking in the subscription group about
    doing the loops on the side and that is what we're going to do tonight so like a rockstar nicole says
    oh hey yolanda okay i think i am set now okay
    so hopefully everybody can see so these are our beads for tonight
    now the first thing that you need to do is
    if you haven't done this yet is um measure your ring so a couple different
    ways it you can take a piece of paper as simple as that if you don't have like a
    you know a measuring tape or something you know a sewing measuring tape and you just wrap the paper around and you would
    mark it with your size and then you just come over and you would take it and you'd lay
    it out with the ruler and figure out how big your finger is so chris is using her
    sewing measuring tape there so you can see that
    mine i know is two and three quarters yes mine's two and a half i believe but
    you're using another finger that i am yeah i'm just using my ring finger so yes so
    right so zamber's very tiny girl mommy i don't know what i'm thinking i'm
    different okay i'm stopping i'm stopping stop so measure whatever finger you want to
    put it on you can even do your thumb and then um if you want
    you could get graph paper or or whatever
    or you can just lay the beads out to kind of know what you want to do
    so with my design i have just the three spikes you can do whatever you want you
    can do three of the same color you can do uh
    mix it up do something where it's
    like this you know so you're going to lay out what you want
    to put on i think i'll do this combo here and then i know for this finger
    with this the six millimeter beads i know i need 11 tiles to go around after
    my three um pyramid beads so okay
    now i'm going to lay it out so it finishes so that the pyramid beads are in the
    middle because we're the way we'll close it up at the end we don't want to put that near the
    pyramid bead on the top so make sure
    go sorry my son is at the door i'm in our office
    he's getting his shoes okay so um
    so yeah so just lay it out uh for what you want to make and that just makes it easier as we're going along and you were
    saying about it uh being in the middle could you go over that again quick yes
    in one moment that's fine okay so i don't know
    if you can see i don't want to lift them up and mess them up yet but
    i have my three pyramid here and so when i'm beading
    i'm going to go along and have my three pyramid in the middle of my design
    okay and then so then we will be connecting this speed and this bead
    together so like we'll be going through that bead a couple times so you don't want to see
    all that extra weaving um so that's why you would do that okay
    so we're putting those in the middle and then the towels on either side to the length that we're going to need
    correct correct okay yes i'm learning this pattern too right along with you guys
    then when you're done that you can go ahead and warp your loon so
    this we're going to use completely wildfire on art
    because you want it to be thin enough to go through the beads and it's not part of our design to see it
    like you usually use hemp or leather or something if you want to see it um
    but we're just gonna use wildfire
    okay so take your baby loom
    or yes measure out make sure your beads see trish doing that good job you want to measure out well thank you
    well i know myself and i'm like let's just make sure because i
    have a history of making rings either too big or too small so yeah i put too many beads on mine
    it's 11 total beads i was like that looks really big
    now we're at them that's what i have there's eleven
    oh that worked out good okay all right so you're gonna knot the back
    and then you're gonna come across the front and it doesn't matter you you'll need
    four spaces um so wherever vicky i'm sorry for interrupting you
    amber but vicky says you can always go all the way around if you don't like the
    the person you're giving it to
    yes so yeah for a comfort we're putting the spikes on top by all means if you
    want to put the spikes on the bottom and give it to someone you don't like as much by all means
    so so with the baby loom you need to really make sure you pull in your tension
    same with the wisdom warrior whereas the original loom you do hold tension but
    you also have the bar to create more um so you come around wrap it around the
    back knob and you're gonna count out four spaces
    in order to fit the tile so just one two three four
    wrap it around a couple times hold it taut get your
    clippers out it's real simple great for using those extra beads up
    trim that and now we're going to tie it off
    who's switzerland yeah i can't have it you quiet i think you're one of those
    i'm one of those people one of those people can't handle silence is
    yeah deadly all right
    so then you should have pretty good tension good good
    and then you'll need where'd my needles go you'll need a needle
    definitely preferably a loom needle yes i've got
    lots of those yeah not a lack of
    now for this one you probably only need a a wingspan so probably not much more than that
    so what i mean by a wingspan is just spreading your arms apart
    and there you go hi anisa welcome in honey we're glad you found us
    yay welcome welcome vicky says i have days i can't count tomorrow
    me too vicky yeah there's days you'll see my hands on here
    and i'll be like they don't they aren't responding to my brain they like oh yeah do you weather things well that was what
    me last week or whatever oh hey so i don't know if you saw what i did i
    kind of just did it if you get some needle nose pliers or something just squish the end of your
    wildfire that makes it go into your needle a lot easier and yes that's a technical
    term right squishy squishy squish
    i can't thread a needle off a black egg
    of course i don't have my magnifier either we got it blind as a bat
    here you think sonic will echo location will work
    maybe maybe it works for the bats exactly that's why i said it
    you can ask your husband i will can people have echolocation too
    hi bonnie hi honey welcome in well if probably the smart ones can so
    that they used me so so just take your wildfire and tie
    off a nut now since this is the only thing we're creating you can go towards the middle
    but just make sure you have enough room for your whole ring to fit so
    but you want to have nice uh long ends to tie off on the
    other side
    how we doing over there trish real good real good i actually am ready to roll when whenever you say the word to start
    beading so we're going to start with our tile beads and another good thing starting
    with the tiles we don't have to worry about the pyramid being pointing up yet we just can put the bead in but when we
    get to the pyramids we'll talk about how knowing now with the tile beads i really
    encourage you before you put it through to make sure both holes are open
    yes i have many times i've gotten it
    on there and then the second hole does not work yeah and trying to be dream um maybe
    that's already half walked on doesn't work too good i've been there
    so yeah so we're just gonna and i got caught in something
    i don't know what oh i like my pair of pliers that's always what my oh my goodness
    now i got caught on the baby limb oh that's a problem
    yeah all right so the first one's always the hardest but you go underneath first so just like any
    loom project we're gonna go underneath through the first hole and then back
    through the top through the first hole [Music]
    my string is doing a dance down the line here until we get snugging
    all right he said the first one can be a little challenging but once you get it in things pretty smooth
    then take the tile bead and i always point them down to remind myself to go underneath first
    and then back up through the top because you won't have the opportunity
    to see if your needle is under or over because we only have one
    warp tonight
    and same thing underneath [Music]
    sorry they're cracking me up i can't bloomers not looters two said lunar
    well vicky said we need a technical ditch dick see i can't even talk dictionary
    for bead looters oh my god anisa said no loomer's not looters uh vicki said
    i was wondering what we're loading jones
    although i do loot my food bill budget yeah for beads [Laughter]
    yeah i can't do that right now i have four kids
    and a pup can't do that all right so put the next bead on same thing
    top through underneath and through the top hole of the tile
    and then come back around over the top
    are you guys working with us tonight or working on your own projects tell me what you're
    making guys paul says for maybe looting beads etc
    yeah yeah that is usually the case i feel like i'm drowning in beads at the
    moment oh my goodness yes don't forget to go through the second hole i have done that before
    i moved on to the next bead i'm like why is this floppy oh yeah then you have to travel back
    yep and if i could just uh
    say something here guys i know when i first started i knew we're probably all pros now but when i first
    started i had a bad habit of pulling too tight when i was um
    you know doing the um wefting and i would indent between the beads and
    that doesn't look nice so make sure that when you pull it's not going to be too tight so you still have
    a nice form for your ring it's just a little tip from someone who's been there done that
    and i'm actually going to loosen this one up just a smidge because i like the way that it looks better
    so remember underneath
    and then over top we're just weaving along here and you can go from the top of your loom
    down or from the bottom of your loom up um as you see trish and i do it opposite
    either way works they both they both accomplish the task some people like to loom this way some
    people flip it around all the time whatever works
    as long as you get to the finish line the same the same finish line you're doing good
    so nicole says i'm working on custom order christmas ornaments nice
    whoa already i want to see those joan dice you say you're a flipper
    you flip her around paula it is good practice with two whole
    beads yes and it's so simple because you only have the one the one row
    oh sandra you're a newbie nice nice what loom did you get sandra
    oh vicky's a flip-flopper she flips her looms around
    see that should go in the dictionary too what are you how do you how do you loom
    i flip the flop i flipped the flop
    hi mormon we're so glad to see you guys in here with us hanging out having a little fun
    we always have a good time that's for sure try to anyway
    how are you doing over there trish pretty good i'm on my third tile so probably slower than you there but
    my my middle name is slow as my husband so uh anissa i would love to work with
    stretch court i have to figure out how to make that possible but we will we'll practice something and get back to you
    on that yeah yeah that sounds real interesting oh nicole i didn't realize that was your
    number one sale you have to show your shop with me i don't think i i know what it is
    hey buddy so glad you can join us honey um watching today we'll try tomorrow
    well we want to see pictures bonnie yeah that's a great way to do it like i have
    often laid in bed and watch somebody make something and then make it later yep absolutely
    so now when you get to the pyramid you need to think a little bit more about it you can't just
    put the bead on because now i do have it on the right way but if
    you put it in the wrong hole the spike will be pointing down instead of up so
    that could be a thing too again if you don't like someone you can make a more pointy inside
    of course when you take it off the loom you can flip flip it as long as you make them all go the same way
    so you want to go okay pyramid like this and go through the top hole
    oh vicky so you've done it she says that it's okay to loom with stretch cord but
    it's hard to close up i could imagine yeah
    well maybe we can figure something out so just like the tile beads you go
    you weave underneath and then back through the top um just and then make sure you do the
    second hole just like the tile beads i'm curious why we would do the top hole first
    uh so that your p well you're you're gonna do the different
    honey no no i don't i want to do right i thought you said that we go through the top hole or yeah
    but you're beating up like oh okay we're beating so
    yeah okay you would go through so let me let me amend that you so
    you want to go through the hole that's closest to the tile the last tile being that makes sense thank
    you so if you're you're beating from the bottom up it will be on the bottom if
    you're beating from the top down it'll be the top butt button oh my goodness hole
    yeah let's let's beat a button we'll get
    i was wondering i'm kind of like that doesn't look right
    no it doesn't the whole point is just to make sure that your spike is facing upwards right
    right so i'm going to ask because lord knows what i would have come up with
    yes and he said the tile beads are good to do it along with right yes
    so whatever pattern you chose i did two purples and then this kind of picasso
    pinky one but there is a bunch of different six millimeter available
    um you and as i said before make sure you go through both holes you don't want to
    get stuck having to undo work you can also before you start weaving
    you could go through the all the holes too it's just good to double check
    um because sometimes with the czech glass beads a little bit of czech glass junk gets still left in
    there yeah and a lot of times you can ream them if you have them off the loom yeah you know it's just once you get
    them sewn it's it just is more complicated when they're sewn a little bit yeah but you
    can always take them off that's the nice thing about looming yes thank goodness for that
    now see i made a mistake i see i forgot to go back through the top of
    okay the first the first hole so it's like hanging down so now i just have to backtrack see i'm
    talking and not thinking hey we are human we just
    just like everyone else we all make mistakes yes and then we're gonna pretend
    otherwise no we want you to learn from our mistakes and be better than us absolutely
    okay i'm on my third pyramid i'm cooking with you
    so just to let you guys know what's coming up in april yep you just keep going i'm going
    through the second hole underneath is we're going to have an earring month yes i can't wait
    we're actually going to kick it off next week with a pair of earrings and we're not even technically in april well yeah
    we will be this is the 31st oh my lord i have to get out more
    you do want to make sure that because you have the two hole beads that you don't have any
    extra string hanging out on the sides so you want to pull it tight enough that
    the string pulls back through all the way but also not so tight that you're causing
    it to to bundle i don't know what you want to call that yeah that was like a good word
    vicki you're keeping track of the words for the dictionary please that's when we need to add yes and vicki
    says uh where loomers not necessarily in the normal human category absolutely girl
    very true so yeah any questions i mean pretty much
    we're just gonna keep going here yeah this is a fun project amber i really like it and it'll
    be quick it's you know something that you can just whip up if you just want a quick project
    and yeah jules has some oops really pretty springy
    kind of beads oh yeah so that was kind of what we were going for with the ones that we picked
    so very pretty
    yeah her story get in there and i get lost
    [Music] oh yeah oh yeah that would be a pretty bracelet
    too vicky yes absolutely yes the the the original ring that i
    have actually came um [Music] was leftovers from a bracelet i have
    made so there you go i only had three spikes left i was like
    i gotta i'll make a ring
    all right so i've got my three my three pyramids are spikes as we're
    calling them done and make sure they're pointing upwards unless you don't like the person
    [Laughter] you could make a dog collar with these
    two yeah necklace for your dog
    yeah everyone really bailey would really enjoy that probably
    oh yes she'd chew that thing with pride anisa i always have a speech problem
    yeah my brain and my mouth struggle
    me too looks like i have two more here
    so i'll show you what i mean by the the looseness on the side here
    so i don't know if the camera will show it but
    [Music] i can see it a little loop there yeah kind of so then that means i just need
    to tighten it up a little bit more but not too much as trish reminded us
    yes and you can as you go guys if you're working on it and i if amber will agree
    with me on this or not but i have gone back like with my needle like if i see something's a little loose
    back here i'll go back and just take my needle and tighten up the stitches follow the
    stitches up and just pull them until i get it back up to the thread i'm working with and then you can get it back snug
    it's easier not to do that but you can how did you get ahead of me
    that is a very good question because that never doesn't usually happen i like unusual beads too anissa
    i'm meaning that oh my mom has joined us she thought i
    was funny saying having i'm pointing up unless you don't like the person yup oh hi
    hi honey it's hilarious yeah i gotta get my mom in here she'll
    have a good time on it to one of these dates oh my goodness she's a trip too she's a good lady
    yeah well next time you're at your mom's and since my mom will be temporary living
    here with us while we while i go through treatments we can have them join us
    online and say hi maybe on mother's day that would be fun yeah
    what unless i'm eating napkins of plenty what does that mean i don't like yours
    i miss something yeah i saw that too i just chose not to say it because i thought it's probably just me
    but no no okay so trish is you're finishing up there
    now you guys you have a choice um you can stay with your jewel loom needle i find doing the edging
    to be easier switching to a beading nude needle needle seat beading oh yeah
    um yeah something like those uh just because it's it's a little space
    that we're working with um it's not necessary but the jewel loom needle is great for the
    weaving part but the picot edging sometimes easier
    yes i think i'm going to use an 11. sounds good
    because the seed beads are smaller and we're going to be going in and out of them so
    and you won't need to reinforce this uh ring because of the edging we will be reinforcing yep that's great
    and i'm just gonna keep using the the string i have left over
    but and it should be enough to actually complete the project
    although i think i'm going to put a new pinched end on it so i can uh that might
    help get it through that eye easier you know yeah thank you
    nicole for the prayers vicky was meaning yeah the mind and hand coordination definitely
    all right so you're down at the bottom and you don't need to reinforce anything
    or not anything off you can if you want um just do a little knot on the end here
    before you move on just uh in case something happens to your thread
    and yeah i like that tip and you don't lose all your beads
    that'd be good yeah we don't want that no of course i got
    okay all right so i'm gonna switch needles here
    if you guys can see i'm at the top and you guys would be at the bottom whoever does uh the way amber does it but
    probably most people do it the way amber does of course that most people do it the way you do it are you
    always have to do things backwards it's my life
    all right oh my goodness [Music] so
    if you see my ring i did clear and a dark but
    you can make any combo you want i'll do probably
    do the same thing i'll do two light and a dark but you could do it the other way
    um uh totally up to you yeah i will probably do the same way
    because i love this color this rosaline lean i think it's called oh my gosh this is one of the prettiest
    colors in pink just love it yeah i think i'm gonna get a new
    new end to my thread here too yeah it makes it a little easier
    thank you carmen that was a great design by amber wasn't it she just and we're gonna put this little pico stitch on the
    side it's just adorable thank you she said she loves the ring
    oh of course you can see i need some new beading needles this one's a little
    dilapidated well loved send you some
    i don't know who that would be i don't know pray joan
    poor joan and she can't even talk to us she's just like talking about me she's laughing
    see guys we can see joan but we can't hear her so if you're wondering how we're always
    we know she can't fight back so yeah within words she could she oh my
    goodness none of my beading needles are in great shape here let's see if i have any in
    here oh oh oh i thought you have these guys somewhere
    don't you uh i do i'd have to leave my table
    yeah i have my yeah i keep a lot of my stuff downstairs versus my studios upstairs so i get that
    be very careful i have the written word on my side she said
    be very careful i have the written word on my side my goodness
    i don't know what that's in reference to well that's because i said we can pick on her and she can't fight back because
    she we can see her but we can't hear her oh right yeah right
    all right let's see if this one will work i bet it will all right
    you know i got everything else ready and i forgot to look for my beading needles what happens
    well trish if you want a show picking up sure um i'm just going to pick up one of the
    rosaline and then these ones are called amethyst gorgeousness and then another rosaline
    okay and we're gonna work that down
    and we're gonna go through the second hole i'm gonna turn mine this way just so i can see
    oh yeah because i can see that on there and then just give it a
    little tug pull through see now look at that guys
    little knot see if i can pop it out there we go i love those little knots yeah so there we go there's
    our first picot stitch there
    now amber do you do the other side at the same time because
    i know some people do one side and then go up the other or do you do both sides like go back up
    through the top and then drop back down or how do you like to do yours
    uh great question okay um i'm trying to figure out my nails that's
    fine that's fine don't worry about it i think i'm just gonna drop back down
    and go down this side and then up the other side sure
    sure we're gonna go with that trish will do that so there we go and now i'm back on that
    other side because i went to through the next hole down there so again i'm gonna pick up
    rosaline and amethyst and a rosaline
    and just grab the needles hold on this side
    you're okay honey take your time
    okay let's get that straight so we can get a real pretty picot
    mine's twisting there a little bit guys that's why i'm kind of struggling with it but i can't
    find any more of my beading needles there we go guys oh no oh they're here somewhere but you know
    well i can sure do the pico stitch if need be here
    for you that's the jewel loom needle [Laughter] these are all that's two so far
    great you take it away lady oh i don't know about that but we'll give her a go
    so it's just the same pattern guys we're just gonna pick up a rosaline an amethyst
    and another rosaline these the pico stitch is so cute i love
    it i don't know why i don't do it more often because i like how it gives it everything like a lacy side
    yeah you know why you do it more often i oh cause that's like me right there you know
    very girly okay
    what issue have you been having vicky you said with your silver silk loom project what what is it that's going on
    maybe we can help you
    okay so i'm just going drop them back down
    and uh three more beans i finally got one of them
    when you're ready you tell me you take over okay so we're just doing the same you're
    doing great our three beads back through
    i usually i think i alternate sides do you yeah yeah because of the um
    to reduce how much thread is going through the beads gotcha yeah that would make sense but we're going to live on
    the edge a little bit over here you go for it girl [Laughter] so there's what we got so far guys is
    that focusing sometimes it gives me a hard time
    is that focused i don't think no nope oh what's there
    oh right there right there it's loving your nail oh okay
    move your mermaid nail out
    well that's i know i love my nails too but they need
    to go soon i get a different pattern for the week
    now on this part you don't need to worry about um
    going over and under you just go you know through
    so yeah that's a good point so because of my knot i went back through
    and came over to the far side and i've picked up
    my three you know what you're right i do do one side at a time
    well that's okay either way works i mean you could do it either way you can do it however gets the job done
    like we always say there's no set and stone exactly
    you might need to move the beads around a little to get that little loop
    going very cute
    i just really love it i like the edging too so pretty
    this like i said this rosaline has my heart i think i'm going to be using that possibly next week we'll have to see
    i really like it
    pink is my spirit animal yes throw in some turquoise and you've got
    it all oh also guys while you're on here i don't know if you saw but over on
    jules channel i did upload the video or should say joan uploaded the video for
    us and i made the video but joan's awesome but i did um put the video up to put the
    trim on our sorry silk bracelets so that is on jewel's youtube channel
    and the the finishing off of the other ring that we made in there too that's right so this one
    will be different because it's just tile beads so we don't have the zipper method like we did with the other ring that we
    made well i'm glad you put that video up there because that was something like
    when i was an infant in this that i struggled with zipping up a ring
    that's a word you were an infant i was an infant with it
    [Laughter] i was i was just like okay what is this
    i mean you can make it's a different technique i mean i made jewelry for years when i started but
    it's a different technique and you have to learn the ins and outs you know and you learn
    by your mistakes just like with everything you know
    i'm trying to catch up to trish here do you want me to go slow that's no problem
    no you're fine oh thank you bonnie meaning it as a silly thing you know
    racing the pico stitch race um let's see vicky when going through
    the silver silk i have been putting seed beads on the outside like the pico edge
    and end up having to go back through two to three times to get outside
    lace on both sides simultaneously okay
    yeah vicky you could totally just do one side and then go back down the other side yeah
    which is kind of that's what we're doing here but
    you have more room in a silver sulk than you do in these beads yeah that's true
    so yeah so whatever way you can make the least
    amount of pass through and check because they do break they can break if you put too much pressure on
    them yes
    i feel like i'm flipping and flopping this loom around so much i do love the way this is coming out
    so cute does look so pretty i keep picking up before i go back through my brain is not okay
    it's not functioning well i i wanted to do that with this sorry silk bracelet because i was you have to go down and
    then up and then back down before you start the next loop and i was not wanting to do that
    down part i had to keep catching myself so it happens
    all right we're getting there slowly oh okay vicky that makes sense she's making a wrap bracelet so it'd be
    very tedious to to do one side and oh yeah yeah yeah that makes sense
    smaller projects it works yes
    i'm even just a simple bracelet you could do that on this on but something like a wrap bracelet yeah
    that's a lot of work oh you'll have to post pictures somewhere uh vicky love to see what you
    create yeah i'll be anxious the world is now opened up for silver
    silk in the living world and that's pretty awesome because that stuff is gorgeous it really is
    we just got to talk to mr neely and hope he can get some over to us because i want to play
    i know super fun mama needs some silver silk
    but yeah really pretty colors on that too
    oh my goodness what was the color you had sea foam
    oh that was like my favorite and the paint he has like a really pale
    pretty i don't know if it's like a rose gold or pink i think joan would know but
    um i really like that too
    yeah that's true vicky you don't need to reinforce that
    yeah that's true yep okay i am see
    are you ready to go daddy and you could leave just one side too if you really wanted yeah
    could just be like a lace trim yeah on one edge
    you could put some dingle dangles on it too yeah definitely do you know what i came across today are
    my i think these are my flower charms oh oh these would be cute like if you had a
    bracelet like this if joel still has those but they're really pretty yeah i don't know if she
    still has those that's a good question that would be perfect for spring they would put on is a little charm onto
    a bracelet or i mean you could do something on a ring i mean that'd be a that'd be a honking
    ring but yeah yeah paula i like the lotus one too
    angry yeah they're all pretty i i like them all oh yeah but
    and then you just work back down the other side this is the lotus right
    i don't know flowers so i think that is okay that works
    but yeah those are really pretty i like those i've put charms on rings i put buttons
    on rings yeah all kinds of fun stuff so just to think about though while you're
    going back through doing the edging on the other side make sure you don't go through the seed beads that you already
    put there um because it'll kind of make it the shape like misshapen
    yeah you're that your edge won't be as pretty that's for sure
    so i did one amber's probably ahead of me but it's okay
    but yeah and if you ever have trouble pulling your needle back through
    especially when you have this many goes just grab a pair of pliers and it it
    changes the force on the needle and you're less likely to break your needle
    and less likely to break your bead yes although i've done that and i have
    cracked beads before oh yeah me too but it was it was totally my fault because i
    there's times you can do that and times you shouldn't do that and it was it's times i shouldn't be doing it and i know
    better you know when you know the needle's not going to go through yeah yeah and you're just like come on and
    then fighting with it you know because you don't want to take it all apart right right
    yeah i've done that one before too
    oh he quit making the seafoam
    oh oh you pray has something just as pretty though i'm sure
    yeah i got that seafoam a long time ago he quit making the rose gold oh okay oh
    bummer yeah i need armor he has pink though i think
    other pink ones joan could answer to that one yeah
    she's our silver silk girl too yeah she is
    so how's bailey been doing for you really well i don't think she had an
    accident inside today unless she has since i've come down to the do the live
    right right that's great and she did find in the rain and everything so oh she was brave she went
    out in the rain yes and we took a nap this afternoon
    naps are so good especially with puppies yeah all curled up on my chest
    i kind of miss those days oh they are fun days
    when you're not cleaning up the pee in the poop right right and they're not true and like your favorite expensive shoes or yeah
    whatever but they're well worth all the trouble
    okay so mature here guys we're getting there all right
    i like when we can make a full project on here yes i agree it's super fun
    you can have you leave the live and have a beautiful piece
    oh and i i see joan posting up about our affiliate link
    so uh fyi if you use
    i didn't get to show it to trish yet but um i made a
    cute little seed bead egg like easter egg bracelet um
    uh i haven't put it together yet but i made the pattern for it so if you use our affiliate link tonight
    let us know uh let one you know i think it's mine we're posting tonight
    let me know and you as a thank you will receive
    um a free easter egg bead project so fun amber that's so great of you to
    do for them right yeah i'll be anxious to see that yeah i was looking at patterns like easter
    patterns online and i was wishing that i had had one so that'll be perfect
    well this is a really simple one so it's a really good beginner one and it's just different color easter eggs so how cute
    so real simple but i like simple too i was trying to do a gnome on it
    but i i couldn't get it to work so i'll have to keep playing with that yeah you'll
    get it eventually you always do with that stuff yeah that'll be super fun that you can
    do those patterns yeah yeah guys so that would be hopefully maybe something down the line too we can
    be doing is using some of amber's patterns yeah working on that
    yes ma'am you're very good with that type of thing the artistic end of things oh okay um
    yeah absolutely and i know i respect people so much that can draw or
    you know design that type of thing because that's one thing i can do a lot of
    crafts and a lot of things but art is not one of them
    well this is heart honey well yes i can do jewelry art no problem you know i i you know but
    um like to draw or paint things like that right that's not my forte that's
    okay each created to be able to do different things that's right
    my brother got that gene he can draw he can sing you know all that kind of stuff and play
    guitar so well that's why you got your hubby is to play guitar and sing right yeah
    that's that's right and i didn't even have to learn it i can still enjoy it
    sunday mornings are the best cup of coffee listening to my hubby playing guitar
    is that when he plays normally yeah yeah on the weekends he plays a lot more
    it's during the week of course he's gotta leave for work somebody's gotta make a living around this place
    [Laughter] yes yes let's see vicky has a kitty
    who has to have her nap in my lap after she's been watching her bird videos on my ipad oh
    my gosh so much for getting my book read that is precious vicki
    animals are the best the best i always say there's a reason that dog
    is spelled god backwards you know because i think it's a gift
    gift from god they are to me anyway yes
    all right so i've got my edging all done here see if i can get the
    camera to focus on it there we go pretty pretty
    so um don't detach your thread but once again we're just going to tie a safety
    knot here so if something happens to your prod you know your ring or something you won't
    lose everything so we're just going to tie a knot and then we're going to take it off the
    loom yay [Music]
    because you're still going to use this thread to finish your piece off i can see some earrings with this
    pattern too you could do like two or three rows of the tiles and the pyramids and then do the picot around the edge oh i'll have
    to do that yeah yeah i think that would be super cool that's so fun you're a true cat lady oh
    [Laughter] you've read an arts and crafts store for you oh wow
    that's really cool that you do all of that stuff oh my goodness
    my mom my mom yeah you can pretty much do any kind of artwork wow
    or craft projector that's wonderful so i'm taking her off the loom here
    okay i am almost to that spot here
    that's what i've got guys it's blurry again of course
    so you're gonna take your ends and you're gonna add them together
    because you don't want anything coming off there
    take your warps and knot them together this is kind of where it looks a little messier on the back side of the ring
    or ken don't tie your string in just
    just your warps here we're keeping the string attached and the needle yes that's correct
    because we're just gonna keep on going if you have if you need more thread then
    get more but if you don't just keep it attached one less thing to worry about one less knot
    for sure
    once you knot that i'm gonna trim them up
    [Music] make sure you don't trim
    your thread that you're using right now just and you can take your hypo cement while
    you're trimming and just put a little dab on that knot not i i just like to make doubly sure
    it's all secure
    and if you remember the trick take your hypo cement you don't want to squeeze it and then 8 million
    lots and lots of hypo cement comes out you just want to warm it up with your hand
    don't necessarily have to do this but i like to i think that's a wyatt trick i think he
    was the one that well he told me anyway i think i would warm it up like that yeah yeah
    so yeah i was getting the spillage yeah it'll come out real fast once it
    gets going so a little hypo cement and then trim down
    make sure you don't trim your nut that would be sad trim your what not
    oh yes that would not be good not not to be good not not
    all right so then take your ring and you're gonna fold it over on itself
    and take those knots that you just made and kind of push them underneath as best
    you can because you want them out of the way you don't want them popping up
    on top of your ring and then you lay it next to each other
    and you're not going to want to go through the seed beads just the tile beads on
    this because the seed beads can't take all the times that we go through
    so you kind of hold it together this is coming out of this
    tile bead up here so i'm going to go through the opposite
    the opposite side
    and i'll be a little loosey-goosey the first time and that's okay to get my end back in my
    gs hypo cement that's always oh yeah that's always yeah
    and then you can you can pull this one tight when you get it because you want your ring to hold
    together and thanks for bearing with us guys we're almost done here we're just
    finishing up now we come back over to the other side where we just
    where we are coming out of and we're just going to make a big loop go around and around
    until you feel that your ring's secure
    so and that's it you just keep i'd go around as many times
    like three or four times just to make sure it's pretty solid there
    and my knot keeps popping up and that's okay it's gonna be on the back of your ring anyways
    yeah and you can always just take your needle and push it down yeah through two sometimes that works
    once it starts getting hard you don't wanna this will probably be my last pass
    through because that was getting hard you don't want to break your beads
    you're at the end of your project no that's for sure
    there we go folks and then you just knot it off you can go up a little a couple
    rows if you want make sure once again you just don't go through the seed beads you can reinforce the
    whole ring if you wanted there's not necessary because we did do the picot edging
    so there's not a need for it but if you really wanted to you could so i went up a couple
    and now i'm just gonna tie a knot
    oh oops it's a manner oh yeah emma
    hopefully jeff didn't leave oh well uh it's about rides for emma i think oh
    okay so i was like who's texting me
    joyce says i think i would need an extra hand for this part well let's it's actually surprisingly easy
    once you get it oh go ahead i was just gonna say your thread does a lot of the work for you once you get it
    through like the first time because it pulls it together you know as long as you pull on it it can be loose at first
    and then once you start pulling the thread through it kind of does the work for you if i'm explaining that yes
    hopefully people can understand my words i gotcha but yeah i mean it basically
    just pulls it together for you okay guys there's my where i closed
    so that last knot i'm going to put a dab of hypo cement on
    or if you have a thread burners you can do it that way
    either way works
    and that's it folks beautiful project and i'm trying to put my good old hypo cement trying to put
    the needle back oh that is a job oh my goodness [Music]
    and there's our ring friends beautiful i'm just getting ready to tie
    my knot here that's such a cute project yay
    use your thread burner vicky yeah i do too sometimes
    i like my thread burner i do too my batteries are dead right now
    okay you're welcome bonnie
    oh and anissa's going to try a stretch up with stretch frustration
    i did this and i realized i had twisted the beads and had to pick out all the stitching and fix it oh vicky that's so
    sad oh that's uh probably i made it for this finger say that
    you're gonna call the ring a nissan mr spikey is that way
    spikey is done oh this is such a great project amber i
    just love it it looks beautiful i love it look at that that was less than an hour
    we were able to make that beautiful project yeah yeah great project thank you sandra i'm gonna
    flip back around here guys yeah i don't know vicky um
    if uh she ever put her batteries in her thread burner that's a good question i'm not sure what
    to ask her uh vicky was asking if jules ever put batteries
    gotcha yeah there you are here i am
    fine fun fun fun thank you amber that was awesome you're welcome thanks everyone
    for joining us tonight yes watch the replay suzanne it's a fun one amber did a great job she showed us how to make
    this beautiful ring hopefully my camera's not too blurry it is if i can get mine up there
    there you go yeah so mr spikey here
    we go the feminine version mrs mikey yeah and
    i was going to say something about will smith but we won't go
    no slapping anybody around right no especially with mr spikey
    oh man anyway we can edit that out
    all right guys thanks so much for joining us it was super fun as always and amber thank you my dear beautiful
    project welcome and don't forget if you use our affiliate links we will send you a fun
    seed bead egg easter egg bracelet pattern pattern not the bracelet
    a free pattern for you to make okay good i'm glad that helped you paulo
    that's awesome that's awesome you're welcome choice and don't forget april is
    airing april thank you everyone bye guys
    have a good one bye-bye and then