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  • How to Make the Bright Lights Vega Nights Bead Bracelet kit on a Bead Loom

    September 09, 2023

    How to Make the Bright Lights Vega Nights Bead Bracelet kit on a Bead Loom

    Learn how to make a beaded bracelet, embellished with loops & decorative beads, on the Jewel Loom Bead Loom using seed beads and Czech glass beads. You will learn how to make your base by creating warp threads on the loom, then embellish it with decorative beaded loops with the Bright Lights Vega Nights Kit. You will love this bracelet with the fun dimension & different colors. Jewels teaches you how to do the embellishing with loops & adding special beads in the center of the loops, which gives the bracelet a different look, plus adds more color to the design. In this four part tutorial, Jewels breaks it down into 4 parts: warping your loom, weaving the base, embellishing the base, and finishing the bracelet & adding the closure. By making it in 4 parts, you can find the steps you are looking for in the tutorial quickly. Throughout the tutorial, Jewels also gives helpful tips  for this project & that will work in any of your loom projects. Take your weaving up a notch & see how Jewels creates this gorgeous piece of jewelry.

    Below are the tutorials for each part:

    Part 1 Warping Your Jewel Loom Bead Loom:  

    Part 2 Weaving the Base of Your Project on the Jewel Loom Bead Loom: 

    Part 3 Embellishing the Base of your Bright Lights Vega Texas Nights Bracelet:


    Part 4 Finishing Your Bracelet & Adding a Clasp: 



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    Transcript Pt 1:

    well hello
    so I wanted to get a a jump jump start
    ahead of it all of those words
    um on the live that I'm doing on
    September what is today September the
    2023 and so I wanted to get step one
    part one dialed in and um so that I
    could really focus on the technique so
    here we go
    um I'm going to be working with the
    beige wildfire
    and I'm also going to be working on the
    original let's see original Jewel bloom
    and I'm using of course
    a jewel loom needle
    and I'm going to be working with the New
    Bright Lights Vega night so Vega Texas
    has a print on my heart forever and a
    day and if you haven't heard the story
    you know I broke down
    um in Vega and the dispatcher was
    amazing and the deputy that sat
    um with us until the tow truck came was
    just seriously an angel you know totally
    a God God sent angel of protection I
    believe so I put together this um kid
    it's a modification of a kit I had put
    together for a memory pouch and so I
    thought well we've done the pouch let's
    do a bracelet so this is a gorgeous 8-0
    Rosaline luster color and it's just so
    so beautiful and then I've got a
    11-0 that I'm going to be using for the
    loops this is going to be the base and
    then if I need 80s for sewing on the
    clasp later then I can pull from here as
    typically a tube of eight o's with these
    bracelets let me show you the bracelet
    by the way so you know what the heck I'm
    talking about so this is the bracelet
    it's called Ocean's desire this
    particular one this was in my book
    um we're going to be doing this so the
    first step is to build your base so
    we'll be doing one two three four five
    six we're gonna go six across with the
    eight O's and for my wrist I have a six
    inch wrist
    so I'm going to build the base I think
    it's like about five and a half long and
    then the clasp now this is a this is not
    the clasp that comes in the kit because
    this is a reel
    this is a real silver
    um expensive oh my heck I think I paid
    like 30 bucks or something
    for that class but um yeah so we're
    gonna do that and then
    um just as a separate idea if you only
    wanted to be the middle of your bracelet
    we did this in the past this is this was
    the Earth Tone kit one of my most
    favorites we warped with um hemp and I
    love love love love love this and it's
    such a fun fun design so you could
    always just do the looping in the middle
    of your bracelet if you chose to but
    with this particular demo
    um project I am going to be warping and
    using the Wildfire for both the warps
    and the wefts so
    I don't know you could still just do the
    metal totally well we'll cross that
    bridge when we get to it all right um
    let me show you the kit that I put
    together for you there are
    um gosh at this taping I think there
    were we were down to 15. so this is a
    combination of Czech glass that you're
    going to get in the kit and it's a
    variety nothing is the same
    um you'll probably have a big one or two
    focal beads in there that you can or
    cannot use in this project and then I
    also put together
    a bag full of gemstones now I'm just
    going to put those in my hand I'm going
    to take out the three buttonhole clasps
    that you're going to have in your kit
    because we're going to sew our clasp
    onto this project so I'll just put that
    to the side and then there's some aqua
    Jasper every little baggie is a little
    bit different the main
    gemstone which is man-made is the aqua
    Jasper but then in some of the kits I
    sprinkled in little chips of
    um like a topaz quartz and I don't know
    there's come a couple other it looks
    like some lapis got in this one so just
    a fun fun assortment I'm going to keep
    this to the side just so as I'm building
    my projects I know where to pull from
    and so yeah so this is our new kit and
    it's all right here if you want to take
    a lookie and um like I said I think at
    this point we were down to about 15 of
    these and so yeah all right I'm gonna
    push I'm going to put all of this to the
    side because for this part one we are
    just going to focus on building the base
    which again is just going to be this
    area right here so let's go ahead and
    clear the area
    should have some backup uh backup noise
    right beep beep
    and oh I'm also have my scissors and my
    Flats on hand
    they kind of act as a
    third third hand there
    um let me bring in the jewel loom so I'm
    going to put the rod in the bottom hole
    and let me just kind of give you a
    visual too so you know where my body's
    I um this is my left hand this is my
    right hand and this is my body so if you
    look at the bottom of the jewel loom the
    bottom of the jewel loom is closest to
    my torso
    and what I'm going to do is take the rod
    and I'm going to put that in the bottom
    and then remember your jewel loom
    not going to force it oh
    let me pull back out hold on see when
    that happens that's such a I love it
    when that happens
    turn the loom and just kind of
    reposition the tension don't ever force
    it because the jewel loom is made
    from a flexible plastic not a bendable
    plastic so do you see what happened just
    right there when I first tried to put
    the rod into that top hole it was like
    yeah I'm not going to have it I'm not in
    and so
    um and so yeah so I just turned the loom
    and and repositioned it and and it
    worked so all all good but definitely
    something to remember about the loom is
    that it is you know it is a flexible
    plastic not a bendable plastic so I'm
    working from this big old ginormous
    spool of
    I'm going to turn the loom over and this
    button right here is closest to my body
    all right and I'm going to just make
    a loop and we're going to put that oh
    and I tell when you're when you're
    working with the slider color
    uh wildfire
    you got to pay attention because it's
    very light
    I guess I could have pulled some black
    out but I really just for my project I
    haven't made a full bracelet in a while
    so this is going to be really fun for me
    and um and I want Brown
    and so let me just get a little bit of
    this loose here so we're going to be
    going six across which means we want
    warps and I'm working from the spool
    and so let me just bring it up here I'm
    going to lay this down because I'm just
    working with a section of the Loom I'm
    not worried where I really start I just
    kind of typically start off to the side
    here from what I would refer to as the
    middle lining up with that back button
    so I'm going to lay
    the Wildfire into one of the grooves
    and then I turn my loom over and I help
    to guide the Wildfire all the way down
    to the bottom
    and I'm just eyeballing it okay if you
    want to get technical and count you can
    but really just kind of eyeball it I
    think you'll be fine and then I'm going
    to turn it over again
    and now I'm going
    around that back button now I'm working
    with the Ado so I want to skip one
    flip it over again bring it all the way
    up to the top
    skipping a Groove
    flip it over wrap it around
    and we're just going to continue to do
    the same motion same process here
    skipping a Groove
    oh it looks like my
    Groove down my
    did you pop back in I'm going to fix
    that later I'm not worried about it
    so my my thread bounced over one
    but it's on the bottom so I'm not gonna
    no kitten
    and we're just gonna let me come up to
    the camera here
    so what do I got four so I need seven so
    I gotta do this a few more times
    this is my last my last one
    if you ever feel like you need to get a
    grip just do see how I I grabbed it with
    my pointer because you don't want to
    lose your tension so if you ever need to
    readjust your hands so what do we got
    one two three four
    five six so I need one more I need seven
    warps because I'm doing uh six beads so
    it's always one more Warp than it is
    the beads you were doing across
    Ed so there's my seven and so now what
    I'm gonna do and let me just give myself
    a little
    space with that
    um so now I'm just gonna grab the warp
    and I'm going around the button make
    sure you don't grab the metal rod
    because then your warps are going to get
    loose so just go around that back button
    a handful or you know a few times
    and then I'm going to put pressure with
    my thumb
    and then I'm going to come over here and
    a waste so I'm just going to clip it
    I don't know I have
    several lunches I guess you could say
    and then what I'm going to do is I'm
    going to find the end
    ah it's so light colored
    and then I'm just coming under all the
    so the goal here is to get a knot and
    really however you get to that
    um you may be like oh well Jules I I do
    it this way and that's fine whatever way
    you do it the goal is to just get your
    first knot so that you don't lose your
    tension Okay so
    so that's how I did that and then again
    so I'm just going to come under all the
    and grab that little Wiggly towel
    through the loop
    and pull it up
    so probably okay with just those two
    knots so I'm going to go ahead and trim
    and wonderful okay
    so where was that area
    you know what it's so far down I'm not
    going to worry about it I might try to
    fix it but I think it's fine so what I'm
    going to do now is I'm going to remove
    the rod and I don't want to confuse you
    so let me tell you what happened down
    here my my warp my thread went over too
    instead of one at the very bottom
    it's not a deal breaker because I'm
    making a bracelet I'm working up in this
    area it's not going to like ruin my
    project I I'm just not going to go back
    and worry about it so give yourself some
    leeway to make a little boo-boo like
    that and
    call it a day it's not going to distort
    anything it's all good so what we want
    to do now is I'm going to take my
    um in and listen if we weren't recording
    this would I have stopped and gone back
    and corrected it probably I mean but
    again people are so hard on themselves
    and if it's not a deal breaker for the
    project then then just
    don't worry about it okay so I'm going
    to take my pointer I'm putting it over
    the grooves just to hold it now for this
    I may need to let me see if I could get
    it without putting it on my body I think
    I'm gonna have to push this end up
    against my chest here
    oh and once again it doesn't want to
    come out that direction so I turn the
    loom around transfer that tension and
    then again
    pop hey hey
    all right awesome oh my gosh
    okay and then typically the distance
    that you want to see between the bottom
    of the Warped jewel loom and the top bed
    of the warps it's a good it's about two
    inches maybe a little bit hair more but
    I've seen people wear man they have
    they've just done it a little too much I
    would you know you got to be careful
    because again the plastic is flexible
    it's not bendable and also when it's too
    tight you're losing the base you're
    losing the length of of the warps for
    your project so I would say again that
    from the bottom dip here of your jewel
    loom all right where it's warping two
    the top bed here to the top of the warps
    you want about a two inch it's about a
    two inch spread nothing too much far
    over that okay
    so listen we are already into this for
    uh just about 15 minutes and what I'm
    gonna go ahead and do is I'm gonna come
    back I'm going to upload part one and uh
    we're actually going to have a part two
    and then tonight when we go live that
    will be uh part three because it just um
    you know you I just like to keep things
    in chunks
    simple chunks so that you can um you can
    learn better uh with with what technique
    you need to versus sitting and watching
    something for so long all right listen
    that's that's a good warp that's a
    really good warp all right I'm gonna
    upload this and then we'll get started
    with building the base
    Transcript Pt 2:
    hey I apologize for all that fan noise
    in the background didn't realize it was
    so loud but it is a hot day in New
    Jersey as it is throughout the country
    um I've turned it off for this one and
    hopefully I don't melt I have got a
    little surprise for you I'm gonna do a
    sneak peek on a new item
    and um check it out
    is that so stinking cute
    oh my goodness absolutely love it and
    this is the new boo-boo bead board it's
    a little it's a little paw we're making
    adjustments to the little piece of cork
    there it'll be a little bit smaller so
    that you can put your needle in
    and yeah isn't it adorbs I'm so stinking
    in love with it it's a little boopa okay
    let's get let's focus
    all right so I am
    going to pull my um my loom into the
    shot here I've got my eight O's my
    uh luster oh my gosh these are so
    they're beautiful Okay so
    it's going to be pull this back out
    so like I mentioned earlier my um
    my wrist is six inches and so yeah so
    it's just a little bit over five inches
    that I'm gonna build so it looks like
    it's five inches in like two rows okay
    so when you're sewing on the clasp
    basically typically
    um it's going to add like almost an inch
    so it'll it's going to depend on how you
    like to wear your bracelets this one
    this one's really snug so
    you know I don't want to get myself
    locked into here before I get ready to
    tape but you can tell once I lock that
    it's a snug fit
    so if you want this to be a little bit
    more loose I would you know maybe only
    minus a half an inch from my wrist size
    knowing that the clasp is probably going
    to add on another inch
    so yeah so I actually might make this
    one a little bit longer now that I think
    about it so let's see where it goes
    um again one tube of Edo's should get
    you pretty far close to maybe an eight
    inch wrist but
    um you know you might want to have some
    extra and your base can always be a
    bunch of different colors typically
    you're not seeing the base unless you
    only do the beading in the middle and
    then you will
    and so um it's up to you what you would
    like to do all right so I'm going to
    bring this back in I have my jewel loom
    needle and here comes the fan
    I don't know what's worse just letting
    it run or having it randomly come on it
    it's hot here y'all and I don't really
    know that um
    I can get away with it not coming on
    because it is so hot
    and it just might be what it is so
    um let me find the end of my thread I'm
    working with about two yards
    and so I'm just going to take the end
    and I want to center it on the jewel
    so I'm just oh God it's so hard to see
    the end of that I always lose it come on
    buddy all right so just a little a
    little loose knot there a little tie on
    I usually start right below or right at
    the top hole so this is my left hand
    this is my right hand and this is my
    body and this is the loom away from me
    okay so we're going to bring all of this
    to the left side of the Loom
    and I'm going to come under the warps
    and I'm going to pick up six eight O's
    one two
    and these are a Toho size 8-0 you could
    certainly use
    if you wanted to but in the kit you're
    getting the tohos
    so we're just going to get
    all the beads into that in in between
    the warps there
    and then I'll take the needle
    and I'm gliding back through the beads
    whoops I was
    gliding back through the beads and I'm
    on top of the warps
    okay and then I take my right hand and I
    help to stabilize the jewel loom by
    holding it down in the middle and this
    is first row is just going to kind of go
    everywhere just let it glide take your
    and we're pulling and we're pulling and
    then we're going to give it a nice
    little tug
    and on that first row I like to
    turn the loom and then I'm gonna go back
    through that row but this time I'm going
    through the bottom
    of the bead and I'm going
    easier said than done
    okay yeah so I'm going under the warps
    and this is just like
    my little way to secure that first row
    from not going everywhere especially
    since we're going to be
    sewing on a clasp I just kind of want to
    give it a little extra
    and then of course I'm going to go right
    back through it again
    and I'm only going to do it that one
    time because I still need room in that
    first row to make my Loops to sew on my
    clasp so I don't want to take up all the
    space in that hole all right so there's
    my first row it's it's really nice and
    secure really straight
    and I'm in the right spot so now I'm
    just going to continue that same
    same technique same motion picking up
    six beads
    and by the way there is a part one to
    this series in part one I showed you the
    kit that I was working with and all the
    different supplies and then I warped the
    loom and at that point we were into it
    at 15 minutes
    and I just wanted to make it easier for
    you to watch and consume the content
    and um
    so I'm not sure that this is only going
    to be 15 to do this entire base we are
    already approaching seven so we'll see
    what happens
    you'll you'll get the gist of what I'm
    doing and I may just be able to
    um to stop and then
    during the live I'll be showing the rest
    of the process
    so you're just gonna keep doing this
    this is building your base
    um if you just wanted to make friendship
    bracelets this is what you would do you
    would just make the bases and you could
    if you weren't going to do looping you
    could certainly just use 11 O's
    and um and or Adams they're always fun
    or six O's or whatever you want
    the technique is what it is right the
    process is what it is you warp your loom
    and then you build your base if you want
    a thinner bracelet then you would use
    less beads
    oh yep just always want to make sure
    you're on top of the warps if you're not
    on top of the warps and you were pulling
    and you were pulling
    um then you got to that point your beads
    would fall off if you were not on top of
    the warps
    and by all means if you wanted your base
    to be you know multi-color you could do
    that you could do a pretty ombre I have
    project in the book with where I used
    cubed beads
    I made in an ombre
    pattern so where the shading you know
    the colors
    they look what's the proper term I'm
    looking for they fade into like you know
    different a different color pattern
    this part is very calming
    you know there's something very peaceful
    just picking up the beads
    and putting them
    onto the warps
    kind of shut your mind off and just
    so under the warps
    picking up six
    obviously you could pick up more
    make it something wider but you always
    need to know what you know how are you
    going to finish your piece right so our
    caught on my shorts our button um pretty
    you know dictates this
    this uh thickness
    we wouldn't want to go any wider with
    the three hole button
    and now the
    now it's off
    so it's let's see I guess it's not
    really what we would call summertime
    anymore it's September
    but in most parts of the country we are
    still experiencing hot weather
    and of course with the humidity it's uh
    you know
    even hotter
    now it gets so quiet it's so weird and
    now Brando's snoring in the back so
    probably have missed out on some snoring
    since the fan has been going
    I love working with the 80s because
    they're you know they're bigger and
    um they're easier to handle they're
    easier to see of course this light color
    is a little
    little challenging
    um you know you might want to have like
    an odd light or some sort of an overhead
    if you're working with the
    lighter colors
    so we're just counting along let me see
    where we are with our time
    and we're just going to pop them up you
    can feel them pop up in between the
    and you can see that you know every time
    that I pull through I'm just really
    making sure that there's no looseness
    but I don't ever want to pull so tight
    that I distort
    the um the warps meaning you know that I
    pull so tight that now they're kind of
    pinched in so you want to be careful of
    and again we're just gonna
    those up
    and I I use my pointer to really support
    that row
    and then again I'm pushing the needle up
    towards the ceiling as I'm going through
    just helps me to know that I'm actually
    on top of the warps
    let's see what is this five or six
    okay and then we're just gonna let that
    those up
    and I'm going through the top
    once you get your Rhythm down you should
    be able to get these bases done you know
    fairly quickly I'm going to do a couple
    more rows and then I'm going to go ahead
    and um
    go you know upload this video for you
    and you will just continue to make your
    base as long
    as you need to for your wrist size again
    I'm a size my wrist is six inches
    my oceans desire piece that I did in the
    book which by the way you can get the
    book uh jewel loom Inspirations is
    um in online everywhere but you can get
    it on Amazon so I actually have an
    author page and everything there and I
    don't sell it in the jewel loom shop
    it's you know the size of it and
    everything makes it a little awkward for
    shipping is from my standpoint anyway
    with all the things I sell and um you
    know I can't offer free shipping on it
    so if you're a Prime member and all that
    good groovy stuff but look locally
    um many times your local bookstore will
    have it Barnes and Noble
    Sheriff Hobby Lobby and has it on their
    website or in their store but they do
    carry the jewel loom and Michael's has
    it as well and so you know it's a great
    book like I'm not just saying it it's
    just because it's mine
    um but it really is a great book so
    oceans desire is a the you know the
    project that we're making but we're
    making it with a different color palette
    called Bright Lights vegan nights
    and um
    so yeah so I'm probably going to make
    mine about five and a half inches long
    because I don't want it to be so tight
    and then I'll gain another half an inch
    three quarters of an inch with the um
    with the clasp
    where are we at
    we're at 15 minutes so I'm just going to
    to work on my base and then we will have
    the live
    September 7th
    2023 they'll be alive to start the
    and chances are you know that sewing on
    the clasp I'm I'm thinking is probably
    going to have to be also another whole
    part because this is a big project you
    know sitting down and doing this project
    all at once
    is a lot and and so I used to do these
    on the lean's creative living and we
    would we would work on them during our
    breaks and so it was it was a process
    you know a few day process of just
    working on it and doing the loops I
    would imagine if you sat down it would
    you know it could be a Five Hour project
    just depending on how fast you go and
    but it's a beautiful beautiful sacred
    weave it's very special and I'm always
    excited to share it with you and to
    um you know to show different color
    combinations so I hope that helps you to
    get started and again when I see you on
    the live September 7th 2023 we'll take
    it to the next step and and we'll go
    from there all right have fun
    Transcript Pt. 3:
    whoa I was coming in Fast and Furious hello hello welcome to Jewel school
    Jewel School Jewelers school we were just talking about the jewel School live event with JTV and so um I'll be excited
    to to hear from those of you that are going to be attending in a couple of weeks I believe it is and so
    um Joan's going to be there and so we'll be we'll be minus Joan on uh one of the
    one Thursday after next yeah she's in the background doing peace signs um Thursday after next so but um hey we'll
    make it work uh we we will miss her and I will try not to end the stream
    um when I'm not supposed to so hello Maria hey everyone I'm Juliana sometimes
    I forget to introduce myself I just you know I just feel like the whole world knows who I am but that's not the case
    I'm Juliana people call me Jules that's my nickname and I am the inventor of the
    jewel loom the uh blue portable easy to use jewel loom that we're going to be
    playing with tonight and uh being alone is my manufacturing partner they make the original jewel
    loom they make the baby jewel loom but um yeah so you could find the jewel loom
    all over the world and that's a pretty cool thing I still need to get a map because I want
    to see where the jewel loom is I want to like start asking people uh so yeah and then we have our beautiful wood looms
    that are manufactured right here in the U.S in Missouri uh by the lovely Robert
    and Karen and the boys the boys bless the Looms before they go out so but
    anyway what are we doing what are we doing Maria Leanne Robin everyone's coming in welcome it's a Thursday night
    it's 7 P.M Eastern Time 4 P.M Pacific Standard time so I am now
    in New Jersey um and so I just want to give a big shout out I'm doing my jersey girl hoops
    my jersey girl Hoops my New York my East Coast hey
    I'm loving them my girlfriend Jackie she had a pair on and I was like I need
    those and so she brought them she brought them over so I'm loving it I
    love a big pair of Hoops I just think they're way too much fun hey Mel how you doing
    so good to see you sweetheart um yeah so oh good Maria loves them
    but I was on a a two hour Zoom uh and then a Facebook uh for the industry
    today and I forgive me I've got my my sexy voice which some of you may not
    mind but if I clear my throats that Joan's cracking up if I clear my throat
    a few times that's why Hey listen earlier today um I went ahead and I uploaded part one
    to this project which was warping the loom okay so that's part one and then uh
    part two was me actually showing you how to build the base now when I ended part
    two I didn't have the whole base completed because at that point we were already 15 minutes into it and I wanted
    to just like show you what we were doing talk about it and and then off air go
    ahead and finish it tonight we're going to be focusing on the loops and so the
    loops are these fun dimensional uh pieces this is the oceans desire
    bracelet this is the one that I did in the jewel loom Inspirations book which
    if you don't have that I would say go ahead check out your local bookstore to see if they have it or if they can order
    it for you um it's on the Barnes Noble uh but it's also on the Amazon
    and so if you're a Prime member um you could probably I don't know if you get free shipping with that I think
    so um I don't personally carry it in the jewel loom shop because
    believe it or not selling a book in addition to all the other things books are just like
    they're weird with packaging whatever and so you know uh please you know visit
    the Amazon visit the Barnes and Noble but by all means if you have a local bookstore go to your local bookstore
    because I'd like to support um the small bookstores as well funny thing is
    I'm not attached but I'm like next door to the town Bookshop here and so my
    girlfriend's like you really need to go introduce yourself because she'll probably carry your book and maybe even
    your loom and you could do an author thing and blah blah blah and I'm like oh my God so cool yes of course I should do
    that all right so let's just see what's going on Jeanette's in the house how you feeling Sue I miss seeing you
    very cool very cool yeah so we're going to go ahead I'm going to show you the looping we're going to work on that
    um the kits um I reworked one of the creative Soul kits
    we had some left over and so I reworked it so that you can make this bracelet
    I want to say that there might be 12 kits left it's called Bright Lights Vega
    nights not Vegas but Vega so if you heard the story about me breaking down outside of
    Vega Texas and the deputy that sat with us for
    quite a long time until the tow truck came that whole situation has had
    such an impact on my heart and so I was like oh you know this kind of reminded
    me of like if the if the lights were on the patrol car and the tow truck lights and all those big old truckers driving
    by which God bless the truckers in the U.S I'm just gonna like pour my love out
    on you I don't even know how you deal with others on the road because I saw some
    stuff like people would pull in front of Truckers they're not going to be able to stop okay so
    please don't pull in front of a trucker you're not going to win and it's really
    really dangerous and so yeah so my heart just like goes out to the to all the truckers in the U.S I I just was ah I
    just couldn't get over over what they had to deal with on my cross-country trip I saw a lot so uh in the photo and
    I don't know John why don't you go ahead and and let's go down to the overhead
    okay perfect and let's just see here
    I'm gonna try to get I'm gonna pull this out for a second so I can show you
    all right so we have a huge assortment of glass beads and there's going to be
    all kinds of different shapes and sizes there's a ton of Aqua Jasper
    um there's other gemstones in here as well but every Kit's a little bit different
    so but you will definitely have the Jasper the aqua Jasper but as far as the other gemstones it might be topaz cords
    that might be lapis um but it's a variety of different
    stones and you're going to have your 11 0's and then I've already used my 80s I
    guess I could have grabbed another kit so it's a tube where's that here we go
    so it's a whole tube of Edo's this is a lustered Rosaline absolutely gorgeous
    this is what I have left um after doing the length for a six inch wrist which
    I'll talk about here in a sec okay um oh and I think I not I think I'm
    going to add which is not in the photo on the website I'm going to add some
    bugles y'all if you saw my drawer full of bugles you would probably just I don't
    know you'd probably tie me up and then I don't know take them all because when
    I tell you I got bugles uh Mama's got bugles so I'm gonna put at least three
    this one is a twisted gold bugle let me bring it up to the camera look
    how whoops look how pretty okay so it just depends but I'm kind of
    thinking it would be fun with these bigger guys maybe to do like a fringed
    fringed look I I don't know that more than three would um yeah you could do a pendant too
    Joan that's very true so I just I saw the Bugles and I was like you know what I'm gonna share them they're just
    sitting in a they're sitting in the door they're sitting in the Jewel and they need to go out to everybody who buys a
    kit okay all right that's my my uh my I don't
    know bad interpretation of my East Coast accent so I'm gonna go ahead and bring
    in my loom and this is where I finished and I just want to bring the ocean's
    desire in let me scooch this up a little and so you can see that with this one I
    did go let me scooch it up I did go a couple more rows because this bracelet
    fits awfully tight and if I swell up I can't even close it so I decided to just
    go ahead and add a couple extra rows isn't this one Gorge the ocean's desire is really gorgeous I
    should try to put together that kit okay so
    um when I finished my base I still had plenty of thread so I didn't cut it off
    because I'm just going to go right into my loops and what I'm gonna do I I'm
    Gonna Leave the top row and I'm going to leave the bottom row without Loops so
    I'm in the perfect position to just go ahead and take my needle and I'm going to put some more light on
    this situation just so I can I can see a little bit better
    does that let's see I don't want to like blind you I hope that's okay Joan is
    that okay with that light now okay it just helps me to see better so
    um yep all right so I'm gonna go ahead and put a loop on
    three of the Edo seed beads so I'm gonna take the needle
    and I'm going to come through the first and then I'm going to come out in between that first and second bead and
    this is my right hand by the way so I'm on the right side of the Loom and then I'm just going to pull that all
    the way so I'm taking my needle and thread and
    the more beads you pick up the bigger and fluffier your Loops will be and the
    less beads then that you pick up the tighter your Loops will be so I like a
    little bit of a go home go big or go home so I'm going to go ahead and do one
    these are my lavenos two
    come on buddy I got extra light you should be easy to see um four
    five so I'm gonna pick up five eleven O's and I'm just going to grab one of
    the smaller decorative beads I'm going to refer to this palette as my
    decorative beads hey Nancy and one
    two three
    four whoops five okay then what I'm going to do is
    I'm going to go back through the first bead and then I'm going the needles going
    through the second bead and then it's going to come out between the third and
    the fourth beat and this is going to be my first Loop
    oh my gosh see look how fun seriously one of my all-time favorite
    this is how I learn this is all I ever ever ever ever ever did when I first
    learned we were making these on the aleene's creative show creative living show like Non-Stop
    so we were constantly making this style so again I'm going to pick up five
    eleven O's one two three
    four five and [Music] let's see what do we got here we got a
    bunch of little things going on we'll get some Duos oh this is pretty let me pick up this
    blue bead that's probably the hardest part to this is figuring out what beads to pick up
    because they're all so pretty okay so two
    three four five now I'm going to take the needle
    and I'm gonna go to the right side of that third bead and then I'm going to
    come all the way out and there's my second Loop so let me
    bring that up to the camera
    okay and now we're gonna do our third Loop and so I'm all the way out here on the
    um outside of that we'll call that the six speed from the right
    and once again I'm going to pick up one two three
    four five and you know what let me I'm gonna pick
    up a little gemstone that'll be fun that was all the way over here
    and one two
    three four
    five okay and then I'm gonna go to the right side of that sixth bead
    and all the way out and that's my third Loop okay so that row now has three loops on
    it already
    okay and then what I'm gonna do is I turn the loom around
    so that I can start to work on the next row so this time I could alternate so I
    could come in and I'll come out I'll go through the first two beads and then I'll come out
    the second in between that second and that third bead all right
    you could certainly make a loop on every single Edo I mean that would be
    something um it's gonna take a while and it's going to get really tight but it's a
    super cool look so again I'm going to let me make sure
    I'm in the frame here so we're going to do one
    two three
    for four five and
    um maybe I'll start to go well no I'm kind of you know since this is by my
    wrist I'm gonna kind of stay a little small I kind of I'm Gonna Save my big eyes for
    you know what's going to be seen so three
    four five and then I'm gonna go on the right side of that second bead and then I'm
    gonna come out at the fifth bead in between the fifth and the sixth speed
    okay so there's another loop
    and so again we're going to pick up five one two
    five and let's see what
    um let's get a little red in there so get this red oh I'm gonna get these
    guys out of the way
    so one two three
    four and five and then I'm gonna go on the right side
    and then all the way out
    okay so I have my first five loops and then once again I'm gonna turn the
    loom so every time I'm done with the row I turn and then I'm going to come through I'm
    going to repeat that first row which was on the loop on the first the third and the sixth bead
    so this is going to be a really fun bracelet super fun it's going to be warm
    and Fally but it's going to have like still going to have some punch to it
    so one two three
    four five and ooh this one's speaking to me
    look at that pretty one okay that's like a teal super pretty
    uh one two three
    four five so we're gonna go on the right side of the first speed
    and then we're coming through the second and then out and in between the third and the fourth
    oh that's really pretty okay and then so you can kind of see
    like by picking up five beads how big that makes your Loop so if you wanted
    your piece to be tighter then you would just pick up less um 11 0's
    and let's see I don't think I've used any purple so of course the hole on that
    guy oh cool so that one goes from the top to the
    bottom to three
    four five and where are you at okay so we're gonna
    go in the right side and then all the way out
    oh it's gonna be so pretty okay I haven't made myself one of these in a
    long time so one two three
    four five and let's see what am I missing
    let's see let's see let's see what can we go with let's oh let's do let's do
    um I feel like I need a pop of something I guess we'll do this little tiny lapis
    chip that'll work and then one
    two three four five okay
    okay and then we're gonna go out whoops
    out that bead okay
    perfect and then I'm going to turn it
    now in the book we do talk about how you can skip a row in the base of
    your project and if you do skip a row it just kind of helps the bracelet to flow
    back and forth let me see I don't know
    looks like I might have made loops on
    every single one of mine I just like that tight you know the the
    tight you know loot feeling of the bracelet so I don't think I'm going to
    skip on this one either so we just did three so now we're gonna go back to
    two so I just want to make sure I pull tight enough here so
    um coming out the second one
    and we're gonna pick up five
    and let's see what are we gonna do here this is always the oh that one's a cool
    okay and then I'm going on the right side
    of that bead and then out in between the fifth and the sixth
    oh my gosh look how pretty this is going to be a really fun
    bracelet like I gotta scooch some stuff over here
    okay so we're gonna pick a five one
    two three [Music]
    four five and
    I guess we could do like a topaz
    okay and then I'm gonna go to the right side and all the weight out
    and you see how I like help to guide the loops and I just take my time
    so pretty
    super pretty okay and then we're gonna turn
    I feel like I'm gonna need a new shirt for this there's a dress in the window across the
    street and I'm like oh my gosh okay it just got a little too tight here
    hold on my there we go
    this would look very pretty
    so again we've got one two three
    four five and
    uh oh my gosh oh should I do no I'm still a little too
    close kind of like to save some of these bigger guys for
    um the middle of the bracelet oh that's going to be a fun one
    color though what color what color what color [Music]
    oh look at this I didn't even see that let's do that white one that's awesome one
    two three four
    five and okay so we're gonna go through the
    first bead the second bead and then out between the third and the fourth
    oh yeah that's really fun okay
    and one two three
    four five
    maybe this baby blue one huh
    and then we're going on the right side of the third and then all the way out
    okay and then we're going to pick up
    the dark blue one Hermes in the background um
    um yeah what up and I can't see that I I get all like oh but I got that color there
    I haven't used any of my Jasper let me see if I have a small actually ooh what's that that looks pretty
    there's so many different cool beads in here I always like to give you
    cool cool beads let's see what we've got four five
    and we'll go all the way out
    okay and then we're gonna turn it is really pretty Nancy it's really
    pretty and now I gotta kind of stick my head in
    here so we had three right so it starts to get a little tight but
    it's really I like I like the look of that so I'm gonna do
    just that's the second bead so I'm only doing two loops
    and I do feel like I could do a is there
    oh there's only one red in here right now let's go ahead and oh but I've only
    got three red all together so I'm going to want to Pace myself with the red
    so let's put those guys over there oops I just lost a seed bead
    um oh you know we haven't used got a lot of those guys let's do a little lavender
    one two three
    four five and we're going to go in the
    side of the second bead there and then out and in between the fifth and the
    did I just see what I think I just did I did didn't I oh well I'm okay so let me show you what
    I just did because I'm talking and I'm demoing I only picked up one seed bead
    and then I picked up the decorative bead and then I picked up five more but guess what it's not a deal breaker it still
    looks cool and I'm not going to lose my Cheerios over it okay so you know something like that
    happens it happens and you could certainly back up and start over again but I'm not going to do it I think it's
    fine it'll be My Little Secret with you and the rest of the world
    for whoops four five
    five okay um
    oh that's kind of big though what about this big chunky now because he's going to take over
    oh my okay do this guy this is really pretty I'm gonna do that one
    and then one two three
    four five and then I'm gonna go on the right side
    oh I gotta really get in here I can't see okay so I'm on the right side of the
    fifth bead here and all the way out
    wow look at how much we got done
    I love looping I just can't even tell you how much I love it okay so
    we're gonna do if you ever do get to the point where you're just like you know what I feel
    like I need to not do something on a row and you want to skip
    a row you certainly can I'm I do want to go ahead and get in here and do you know
    what I might just do seed beads on this one yep that's what I'm gonna do because this guy got a little big and that's
    cool um I'm gonna just do seed beads I'm gonna do 10
    seed beads so one two
    four five six
    seven eight
    nine whoops 9 10.
    and I'm on the right side of the first bead then I'll come out that third
    okay yeah that'll be good so this will just be like my filler row so instead of
    leaving it blank with no Loops I'm just going to do seed beads
    so four five six seven
    eight nine ten
    that'll be nice because it all gets smushed together when I do that next row
    and then we'll just go on the right side and all the way out
    okay and then we're gonna turn
    what is the leftover beat that's so funny and gonna go through the first and the
    and I'll go back to making the loops with a decorative bead three
    four five oh what's that that's Gorge
    holy cow where's your hole at okay oh that's really cool
    so let me scooch up here a little too
    digging into my mat here three four
    five no four where's the fifth one
    and on the right side and then all the way out between the fifth and the sixth
    a little short here on thread oh look at how pretty that is
    this is going to have a lot of conversation
    so now I'm definitely want to sneak in some Jasper I think that might look super cool
    so one two three whoa whoa
    four or five
    getting a little tight in here
    there we go whoa
    oh I love it I love how this is speaking to this very cool
    okay wow that's a big guy
    um holy guacamole what am I gonna do what am I gonna do definitely feel like I need something here
    to balance this out so keeping the tension I want to make
    sure that Loop stays nice and tight so three what do I got five
    and what do I want to kind of snuggle up against the Jasper
    what do I let me see let me see maybe a piece of um like a tote oh yeah like
    here I wonder if that would help for it to ooh or do I wanna oh I don't know if I
    want to dangle that might make stuff ooh is that that's
    the same guy okay let's just do this one
    two three for
    four or five and I'm gonna come through the right and
    we definitely need to have something there in the middle so
    [Laughter] so pretty okay so now let's see what
    we're gonna do here one two three
    four five and I feel like it needs something
    I need color because I've got like kind of like a collage collection of
    a little bit of Pop there but I think I need pop pop so this looks good ooh or
    do I want no that's too much of the same let's go with this guy
    so one two three
    four five and oops make sure
    oh yeah nice nice call Jules
    okay and then one two
    three four five
    oh what's what's what's
    stir up the pot let's stir up the pot what do we got going on oh what's that no I got too much glue
    um maybe just one of them do you want one
    does it need to be I feel like it does I feel like it's got to be something in
    that size so let me see what do I got here
    don't want any more glue on that row uh and I only have one more white
    so I gotta save that what am I gonna do there's so many pretty beads I don't
    know what color I want um any ideas tell me what to pick tell me
    what to pick Amber topaz you want to think another Amber topaz there's like an Amber topaz
    over here am I not seeing something oh that's
    pretty rad to put that in the middle somewhere
    maybe one of these guys maybe that's the answer let's try that one
    two I I was thinking red too but I only have two more Reds
    so I kind of wanted to balance them so I'm just gonna go with this one
    okay this will work okay oh yeah that's fine
    that way we don't take away from that piece of Jasper what do you think let me bring it up to the camera
    um no it's not heavy to wear Believe It or Not Leon it's not now it's certainly not going to be a lightweight friendship
    bracelet like if you were just doing seed beads but no it's not
    um it's not heavy but when you have your Loops that go all the way around to your
    wrist you know if you're typing probably not gonna you know
    be the bracelet that you're wearing but it's definitely a cool statement piece
    yeah we did we got the men green right okay let me see how much thread I have
    and um I'm gonna do one more row here so
    we'll go ahead this will have two loops on this row we have probably just enough
    thread to do two more Loops so let's see so one
    two three four
    I wanna see I want to do one of these guys
    I can't see where are you at buddy
    there we go
    mess with me won't ya that's so sexy okay
    let's get our last Loop in here oh my God I can't even this is gonna be such a cool bracelet one
    two three four five
    and let's do we want to do one of these big guys I
    think so one
    one two three four whoops
    four or five
    and all the way out holy guacamole
    I just can't
    okay so I'm gonna turn it around and
    um yeah that's I mean I could probably figure out how to do three more
    how are these laying right now
    let me see if I can't get a couple more loops with this thread I hate to waste it
    three four five and I'm just gonna do something
    little so pick up that little guy one
    two three four five
    oh that's really that's like a slate oh so gorgeous
    one one two three
    four five and
    smooth that'll be pretty get really tight on my
    thread here one two
    three four five
    oh and we're gonna barely get one more out so we're probably gonna have to tilt
    tilt my loom here one two three
    four five and oh I think a baby blue oh no this
    guy see this guy what's the hole
    is it oh there it is I thought it was sideways
    so one two three four
    and five right nope four okay fine where are you at
    okay oh my gosh so so pretty
    all right so I'm gonna turn it around and I want to
    just go through that row
    okay and then come up
    here and what I'm doing is I'm just going to grab I'm gonna grab the warp
    and I'm just going to tie it off to it
    okay and let's see if I can't do that one more time
    okay and then I'm going to take the needle and push it down to the back so that if not goes
    okay and then I'll just Source my scissors I'm just going to trim it and then later
    on I'll take the Wildfire burner
    and so yeah so I'll just keep working on this and
    um and then I'll have the finished piece and then
    we're gonna sew on a clasp where did my class go
    where'd you go buddy oh so in the kit you have you have a button three button
    three hole button clasp and we're going to sew that on so I will probably do that as a part for
    all to itself so that I can really concentrate on sewing it on and showing
    you I know I've done that before but I think that it'll just be better so I'm
    gonna finish my bracelet off camera I do want to show you really quick so you
    know in the past we've done like this was the Earth Tone kit and we
    did the warps with the hemp and it looked really really cool
    um and then we just did the middle of our bracelet and that looked really cool so you do have that option that you
    could do that but I just haven't made myself a really big chunky bracelet in a long time
    so I'm super excited about this one it's going to be a special piece
    so let me turn off the lights and Joan if you want to do the honor
    oh my poor throat so prior to oh God it's so hot and humid
    I apologize for having the fan on in the back but it's hot
    so um yeah so before I came on Katie hacker and I were chatting it up and we were
    um she was having me do photos so they're doing something at interweave and she's
    like shows me a photo that the I from a long time ago and she's like can you do this
    but vertical you know like um landscape so I'm like up against the ball before
    going live and it's like one of these
    so when you see that you're gonna know that it was right before this live and I
    said to Katie I said you know you really need to come on with me and she was like yeah
    so we're gonna get Miss Katie hacker to come on and play and that'll be a lot of
    fun so yeah I know over the um over the fan you can't hear Marlon
    Brando you can't hear him snoring so but anyway so there were I don't know
    how many kids are left there were I think maybe 12 or something like that when we started very limited
    and uh yeah that's my story so I hope you enjoy that I can't if you do get the
    kid I can't wait to see your version of it you're probably going to have a lot of extra beads
    I would assume at least some you know you could probably stream some for some
    earrings or something like that yes it would be super awesome to have Miss Katie hacker on we love her
    thank you Robin thank you Sherry and Maria and everyone watching and everyone that will be watching and so again I'm
    going to finish my bracelet off camera I'll probably do one of those time lapsed
    things that I like to do I don't like to do something and then not have some video of it and then I'll do the sewing
    of the button on as a part 4 video in between now and hopefully soon I'll get
    that uploaded and then I'm dreaming of what we're gonna do next Thursday I'm not sure
    always open for ideas yes thank you Maria thank you thanks
    Joan Thanks Gloria
    thank you Jeanette thanks all of my all the peeps all the Looms All The
    Luminaries all right love you guys we will see you again thank you thank you thank you
    thank you
    Transcript Pt 4: