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  • Creating a Perfect Beaded Bracelet with Correct Loom Setup

    September 01, 2024

    Creating a Perfect Beaded Bracelet with Correct Loom Setup

    Learn to set up & warp your bead loom, including different materials you can warp with, in this episode from Jewel Loom's Back to the Basics series. This is a fantastic tutorial for beginners, especially those nervous about using their Jewel Looms for the first time, plus for experienced bead loomers to get some tips & tricks they may have not heard before or have forgotten. Julianna C Avelar (Jewels) even explains how to protect your loom & how different materials work on the loom. Grab your loom & practice along with Jewels. Watch the tutorial below.

    To learn how to bead on the loom with one hole & two hole beads, read  watch the tutorial the "Advanced Techniques with Bead Loom Beaded Bracelets Techniques" at this link: 

    The Jewel Loom store sells the Jewel Loom & Baby Loom individually, or you can buy a Beginner's kit with both included. This kit, also called the Bracelet Starter kit, even includes the following: a 6 pack of Jewel Loom Needles, a Spool of Wildfire Beading Thread, 4 Strands Czech Glass Beads, 2 Yards Beading Cord, a Baltic Birch Jewel Loom Button, & a Jewel Loom Bead Loom Stand, which turns your Jewel Loom into an upright loom or keep it from sliding around, if you lay it on the stand!  Shop for your Jewel Looms & designer looms here:

     Here are basic tools Jewels recommends for bead weaving on the loom:

    Though Jewels recommends learning to warp with hemp cord, Wildfire beading thread is an excellent thread to both warp & weave in beads with. We quite commonly use it to weave the beads onto the warps, no matter what material we used for the warps.  

    Hemp Cord by Hemptique is a great cord to use for warping, especially as a beginner, plus it adds more colors & dimensions to your designs. And it comes in 2 thicknesses - .5mm & 1mm:

    Videos Recommended by Jewels during this tutorial:

    Kit to the Blue Bracelet Jewels showed:

    Sign up to hear from Jewels via email when new Jewel Loom tutorials are released, having a special product sale in the shop, & tips and tricks for creating on a bead loom along with more! As a Thank you Jewels is offering you 3 Free Patterns for signing up!

    Did you know Jewels has a Book? Its true! You can get a digital copy here:

    You can find Julianna C Avelar here:

    Join the Birthday club and receive Free Shipping on your order placed on Birthday.

    Please contact Jewels with any questions you have about her looms:  email -



    I am taking you back to the
    basics the basics of working with the original jewel loom beadloom and there's
    no perfect time right let's just do it let's get to it I'm so excited
    everything started with the juwel loom bead Loom and from there it's blossomed
    into all of these beautiful wood looms behind me and I really wanted to talk
    about the original jewel loom and the features of it so a lot of people this
    past month got the um they either got the original jewel loom or the starter
    kit so I know yesterday I want to say and I am sorry if I'm annunciating your
    name incorrectly but I think it's on Jal
    a n j a l i I'm not 100% sure so if it's
    enunciated a different way please let me know I also believe that I think it was
    Mary there were so many people so if you're one of those people that uh that
    got your hands on a jewel loom a single jewel loom or the jewel
    loom starter kit welcome welcome welcome congrat congratulations I hope that this video and these next several weeks uh as
    we go through the uh basics of how to work with the jewel them I hope that it helps you so a big hello to everyone
    watching thank you so much I'm Juliana Avalar the inventor of the jeel Loom be
    Loom and I'm really excited about this it just really came to me that we needed to go back to the basics and talk about
    the loom and how to work on it so this is what we're talking about the
    original jewel loom the uh Loom that I invented and that I have the US patent
    on it is a design patent us 676
    comma 879 I had it memorized earlier it is up
    here and I love saying that it's just something I always think to myself if I ever get a tattoo it'll be my uh my
    patent number but I'm way too chicken so I'm not getting a tattoo all right so
    the jewel loom the original jewel loom is manufactured by our friends over at
    Beeton Beeton is a very big jewelry
    manufacturing um company out of Pennsylvania uh here in the United
    States the products are distributed all over the world and so with that the jewel loom is pretty much like
    everywhere in fact I had somebody on the YouTube channel from Dubai comment about
    her jewel loom and so I thought that was so incredibly cool and um yeah so we
    have a great partner with belon who manufacturers the original jeom and they
    also make the baby and they also make my needles which are super super popular
    they're long and I can't actually work with any other needle now um they've got
    kind of a a bigger eye so they're super super cool to work with and very comfortable in your hand hi
    Melania oh I just made your name really exotic
    Melanie I was like because I was saying anelie and so like I'm in my roles right
    now I'm just in in the rolling of names I don't know what I could do with you Joan Joan
    maybe it's just the way that I enunciate it right okay so with the original jewel
    loom when you get it you have a metal rod and that comes in the package this
    is the packaging here's a side note in
    some markets and I think what I want to say is that at
    Michaels and I believe leave Hobby Lobby and maybe on the website
    correct me if I'm wrong somebody um the jewel loom has a
    bag but you can only get that I think it's at both Michaels and Hobby Lobby
    and maybe beat because I've had a couple people order from me and they don't get the bag I don't have the bag I
    can't get the bag the bag is reserved
    for certain accounts okay so you might want to you know just know that all
    right and um I don't know what that what that means right there
    Michaels yeah Michaels has them online and so you can't go into a Michaels
    store and find them there but you can go um online and get them and you can get
    them at Hobby Lobby and they are oh okay says I have that pouch it was Hobby
    Lobby okay awesome she has two of them well lucky you I think I have one I have
    a protoype I don't even have I don't even know what's actually out there I'll have to get Beeton to send me um to send
    me a few so that is the jewel loom uh the other
    thing like I was mentioning is that the jewel loom comes with the rod and let's
    just talk about the plastic it's super super super important to
    know that the plastic is flexible it's not bendable so you're not
    going to take your jewel loom and try to fold it in half not going to happen it's a flexible plastic not a bendable
    plastic therefore the way that you work with it is really important so that you
    don't put too much pressure on it and end up snapping it in half because you thought you were going to fold it like a
    compact it's flexible not bendable the other thing too and Joan and I laugh
    about this all the time and I'm sure there are people out there who kind of laugh at us but we have literally found
    that in colder climates the jewel loom can get a little stiff the plastic can
    just get it can get a little like like it do want to go anywhere right so
    literally we rub our hands with it and we just kind of warm up the uh the
    plastic on the jewel loom I know it sounds weird and crazy but it's just a
    little thing that we have actually figured out and we find to be true
    lesle big hello coming out to you girlfriend and if I think Danielle just snuck in hey mama I love it when D shows
    up okay so the other thing about the loom is you're going to see these two little holes you're going to see a
    button on the um top top left top right bottom left bottom right and then if I
    turn it to the back side this is the back side you're going to see a button down here at the bottom and you're going
    to see a button down here um or up here at the top the grid okay so this is your
    grid this is where your Wildfire your Beetle on Wildfire lays into your one G
    lays into that as well um other materials like your
    wire Hey listen we've got a big we got baby mama we got we got a celebrity in
    the house I hle what's going on baby mama Hey listen I have got to give the
    biggest Hello to Aaron Reeds Community who is doing a huge makers virtual event
    right now I do believe that you can still check it out Aaron Reed R Ed I
    don't know if Eileen's got a link for us but the one and only Eileen Hull is in
    the house she's watching a warm welcome to all of her community as well we have
    two different communities joining us um outside of the jewelry world we have
    paper folks from Aaron Reed's community and Eileen Hall's community and of
    course our very own delicious jewel loom community that you know I love you love
    you love you Eileen has just posted the link Eileen is watching from the
    Facebook and so um it's Aaron readed and somebody else is saying something
    creative art spark a she says I heard about you she's in oh Scrappy Shack I
    got to get on down there to the scrappy Shack because that just sounds like a lot of fun hi Gloria there we go okay
    Joan is gonna find um that link I think you can still join I know
    there's part of it is paid part of it is um free content I think I'm I'm I think
    there's a little bit of both and so um Aaron Reed is like a
    Powerhouse she is if um she does cards she does like
    say she's just really a cool just like a really cool human first and
    foremost and she's a paper crafter um Eileen Hall who some of you a lot of you
    have met uh you know how incredible she is and that I love her um Helen Georgia
    is amazing and Melanie and her gals yeah I'm sing a trip to Georgia here I love
    it okay too funny okay um Eileen says
    right you can just watch the free videos or watch it all got you okay so there's options you know us girls we like to
    have options but anyway big shout out to both of those communities thank you for
    for tuning in I know that earlier you saw the um ien
    hole Loom okay got to get that out of my face uh basically you know when you look
    at a loom what you got going on is an item that's typically in some
    sort of like rectangular shape and you've got a top
    and you've got a bottom right you've got a top and you've got a bottom and then in between that space is your warps and
    so Eileen's Loom was designed for the paper crafting Community for bind you
    know to decorate your binding on your journal to make bookmarks to
    make fun things for your cards so hi Sherry great to see everybody a Jenny
    says we caught her during napping well you better wake up mama you're here now wake up so what I
    want to show you about the original jewel loom again going back to that metal rod that comes
    in the package all right so jewel loom and the package top of the loom bottom
    of the Loom how you going to know that it's all in the way that you're working with it there's not they could go both
    ways right this could be the top this could be the bottom this could be the top this could be the bottom all right
    so when I um when you first start you
    want to put the rod into these two holes
    and the way that I do it I gotta stand up and you can certainly do it from
    the table but this is how I do it okay so I take first of all let me just make
    sure that I'm all nice and demure okay so we're going to take the
    metal rod and see this bottom hole right here I'm going to take the one end of the
    metal rod and I bring it up and then I put it up against my biley all right and
    then I pop in in that Rod don't ever
    Force the metal rod into the hole okay if it didn't go
    in all right what I would have done is I would have shifted my jewel loom around
    and then try it again all right in this case it worked out both times easy peasy pumpkin
    squeezy and now what you can see happened is that the jewel loom is in it
    warped position okay and this is what you want now if you're working with the
    baby Loom the baby Loom I should have taken this out we just pop her out
    really quick the baby Loom is always in a
    warped position so if you're like slowy old juwel I don't even know
    if I'm into this bead weaving stuff on a loom and I don't want to go and make a
    big huge investment on something that maybe I don't know for sure I'm going to like you can get a jewel loom a baby one
    all right I think it's like $10 if you look online I'm sure somebody's got something going on right a baby jewel
    loom it's always in the work position and it really is the
    most easy loom to start with at the right price point so that you can
    see if it's even an art craft that you're going to enjoy
    okay so that would be the baby Jewel boom all righty
    so you can tell and I'm going to refer to Eileen's Loom because I know we've
    got some paper Crafters joining us today Eileen's Loom is ready to go she doesn't
    need she doesn't need the metal rod okay she's good to go she's a solid piece of
    wood sustainable Baltic Birch made right here in the US absolutely gorgeous
    sturdy delish she's ready to go so just as an
    FYI in case you're like I didn't get no metal rod with my een Loom you don't no
    other Loom other than the jewel loom comes with a metal rod because it's a
    what is it a flexible piece of plastic okay
    so um once the
    loom is in this position what are we going to warp with
    and that's probably one of the biggest questions that I always get is Jewels
    what can I warp with what kind of materials you're going to have your
    go-to and I am a huge huge huge
    huge fan of beeton's wildfire I really I
    feel like 10 times out of 10 I'm using Wildfire especially when I'm doing the
    sewing part right like the weaving part um I do play around with my warps but
    having Beaton Wildfire 0.006 is what I typically use now they
    have come out with what's called a Wildfire it's an ultra thine so it's
    thinner but this stuff is strong and it's gorgeous there's like pink and blue
    and beige and white and and red and black
    and and green am I missing anything there's like several colors and they're all Divine so
    Beeton wildfire 006
    is what I always have on hand all right love it um the other
    thing the other materials what else can I warp
    with how about some Sor ribbon yeah you can warp
    with ribbon now ien today which if I'm
    not mistaken you can go back and watch what eileene did today she took
    some oh heck what was it called een she took some stinking uh what did
    you take where's my word she took some something cool and she did something cool to
    it she'll she'll Poe she'll tell me what she did um I think I have it on the tip
    of my tongue it seam binding yes so she took some seam binding she ended up
    coloring it and so and she used it she used it to on her Loom and so you know
    this is a sorry ribbon sorry ribbon can um some people say sorry sorry s a r i
    so however you annunciate it if you're like if you're from New York and New
    Jersey you might be like it's sorry Reon right like I don't know and um whatever
    however you want to say it it's fine with me but you can use sorry Ren to
    workp with that's what I did look at what I did here I tied it around the back button and I literally used it as
    my warps it's pretty strong I mean look at that the
    warp the warp the loom is still warped no because you know the metal rod will
    come out I'll show you that in a minute okay so you can warp with sorry ribbon what else can you do can I back up no
    I'm not going to back up okay this is yarn okay you go to your yarn shop in your
    cute little precious town because I need you to I need you to support those small
    businesses you guys we've got to support those small businesses listen it's great and everything when you go you go to the
    big box I get it but we got to support small business so if you are lucky
    enough and blessed enough to have a shop in town that's got yarn God bless you
    because they they need they need you and we need their yummy stuff this is a very
    thin in fact actually this might actually be a floss no because I did
    have it on a ske this is like 12 years old I don't know um but again look at
    how the julon keeps its warp I'm telling you that's why it won an award it's so amazing oh awesome Rhonda thank you for
    that okay so this is just like really thin yarn floss like all day long and I
    swear if they don't like practically give away floss it's not that expensive you can find that at your um local
    retailer as well one okay what did I want to show you I wanted to show you
    because look at how delish sorry ribbon okay on the loom and
    then look at this what silk thread be strong enough I feel like we've had that
    conversation and I want to say yes yeah so this is this was
    my what was that this was by Jessie James project Jesse James beads I did a
    project with them for one of their winter camps we made a loom just for
    that and then Sarah was so gracious to send me um the delicious product and
    then their beads so this is a great example of um we warped with we warped
    with hemp okay and then we did our weaving with the Sor ribbon and the beads now
    this can definitely be accomplished on Eileen's
    Loom E's Loom is only six and a half inches long though and so when we're
    talking bracelets I know that I believe she shared a
    little tip today in her video about how to extend the ends so you probably going
    to want to go check that out because I didn't get to stay and watch um but I
    know Eileen's like an engineer so she probably did something like magical who knows but yeah isn't this fabulous so
    again warping with hemp and then we with
    the Sor ribbon love that okay what else can we which by the way I just want to
    say I just want to say Joan and I both agree that if you are a beginner
    like aneli I've got to know how you annunciate your name um you're gonna
    have that starter kit that you bought okay and
    we put the hemp in that kit because Joan and I both agree that if you're a
    beginner warping with hemp is like hands down the
    easiest it is a very forgiving material to start with and so
    this would be an example of a bracelet that the warps were
    hemp okay okay and then what's super cool is it makes it easy to just tie on
    your button okay so hemp is definitely definitely easy
    and I'm going to show you that so we're just speaking two things right now all right last but not least oh I want to
    show you leather this is a bracelet that the warps were
    leather okay Isn't that cool so leather is
    really cool but let me give you let me give you some insight on warping with leather leather
    is I don't the word that's coming to me is
    temperamental is that right leather is delicate it's um you know if you pull
    too hard it could break and so you just want to be really careful
    stretchy I mean yeah it can stretch like if you leave your project on the loom
    for a while but it can break if you pull it too hard
    and if you're working with a fine leather but is it awesome it is so good
    look at it's so good and it just makes your piece like a million bucks right
    hey you may not be into leather God bless you you could use you could use a
    vegan source of um faux leather cord plenty of that out there so you do not
    have to use like a real leather and that would be fine whatever whatever turn yeah jul remember that show around
    four years ago where leather was used on the Jew Loom and the rod was taken out
    and it stretched and went flat oh was that with a creative Soul project
    or was that no it was a regular show you had somebody else on so to your point
    Joan when you're working with that real leather leaving the rod
    in because I I remember now Joan's like remember yesterday I'm like no and then
    she comes out of nowhere with remember four years ago no Joan I
    don't but I had to bring set up yeah because of the I would leave the rod in no matter what leather you use it and
    and thank you thank you Mama Joan and and to that point she is
    1,000% yes and silver silk we use silver silk on Silver Silk's Loom so okay
    listen I want to show you one more thing that you can warp with and then I'm going to do the demo okay but I wanted
    to go through all of this stuff all right where is it at is this one yeah this one is this one is leather
    okay this look at how sweet this is all right this was one of the
    creative Soul projects the warps are what do you think
    the warps are do I have any
    guesses I would use a 1 mm on up Sue on your leather cord
    anybody have a guess what I what I use to warp this bra this necklace
    with any guesses what do you think I warped this bracelet with and this
    gorgeous what do you think any guesses I'm going to let you catch
    up this is from the book what do you think
    ien for the win all right you can warp with
    wire I know I know your life is complete your life is complete you can
    warp specifically because again just like beeton's wildfire I'm an artistic
    wire girl until the cows come home like that's my baby all right so
    now you can warp with 26 gauge you can work warp with 24
    gauge you could live on the wild side and try 22 um you
    could I'm going to say you're pushing it after that and I'm going to tell you
    that I don't want you using the heavy wire on the wood looms you can use 26 or
    24 gauge on the wood looms but I need you to consciously really be careful because
    you are taking wire and you are taking wood two things you know kind of like
    oil and water right like you have to be careful and you have to go light you
    have to go with the thinner wires so 26 gauge you could probably do some 28
    gauge it might get a little too fine in that size so with wire the higher the
    number the thinner the wire the lower the number the thicker so 14 gauge wire
    is what we used to play with with doing um yard art 14 gauge 12 gauge 10
    gauge 30 gauge and 32 gauge wies right you're
    crocheting with like our our Laura Mina okay um I don't know if she crochets
    with 28 or not she might but then you have like this you have like this middle
    here and what we were doing with paper Crafters in the 1900s is we were working with 26 gauge
    24 gauge and 22 gauge you can do that all day long on your plas looms but when
    you're using the wood looms I want you to be really careful okay so um Jenny
    says I even watched you do it and I couldn't think what the word was oh yeah from earlier with Eileen that's so funny
    okay what else do I want to tell you really quick because I do want to show you how to warp and I want to talk about
    that um if you're going to do wire on your on your loom wire cutters nylon jaw
    pliers all right can't live without those I love to have flat nose pliers
    on hand um I use the flat nose to
    smush flatten the end of the Wildfire before I put it into my jewel loom
    needle scissors um a bead
    scooper I swear I love this freaking tool a bead Wildfire cutter I love this
    tool I can't get I should have more than one um sewing tape measure Aaron had a
    cute little sewing tape something today it was in a case I need whatever she had
    okay and by all means if you want to have a um solid ruler you could do that
    too no one's going to no one's judging this is a this is a cork and
    I've got my hobby all in it and I've got my jewel loom needle so it's a way to
    kind of like store your needles glue you never know uh
    toothpicks uh blue tape these are things that I have in my
    loom Arsenal and I'm just sharing them with you okay these two like you may or may not along your journey use them but
    these are just some things that I have have all right so what else do we got
    going on here I'm going to keep my scissors and I'm going to put
    this to the side over here got a big old hunk in a was six
    foot or eight foot table now it's so awesome all right so I'm going to put this over here I do want to show you let
    me just show you for Giggles um here's a jewel loom with Wildfire all right this
    is wildfire he that that's a good warp all right and
    look at that by the way your warp here's here's your your warp threads
    right but the distance between the top of your warp threads and the belly the
    bottom right here of your jewel loom should not be more than 2 in and sometimes again I think that
    people pull it so tight not remembering that it's flexible
    plastic not bendable so this is a good warp this is a good distance here's the
    top of the warps here's the top of the belly of the jewel loom and this is
    about 2 inches okay you don't want it to be more than that so this is a good
    example all right so I'm going to put that to the side and I've got my jeweling that we set up earlier and I'm
    just wondering I think we want to scooch over a little and if I were some
    hemp okay so again the hemp cord comes in
    your jewel loom bracelet kit it's sold separately but it
    comes with the starter kit so if you got a starter kit um this is going to be your first
    step now when you're working with your jewel loom I tend to work with it in
    this like it's in front of me sometimes it's a little bit at an angle Trisha
    works with it from side to side and I noticed some people at Jewelry Television Min moons ago when I
    was teaching there they also worked with it side to side I don't know how Danielle does it
    but um you're going to get to the same place so it doesn't matter and that goes that goes for your wood looms too right
    so when you're working with your e Loom it'll be fun to hear from you all how have you been working with it are you a
    side to side or are you straight up and down in front of you I mean like I'll
    start this way but then I kind of go sideways let me know in the comments
    over here like which way do you work pointing away like this Danielle I think that's what she
    means and the other thing that is different and Danielle did um a video
    for us for our monthly subscription program showing how she sets up the
    jewel loom for her seedbead work and it was just so adorable to watch because we don't start the same um
    but we get to the same place and I love that I just absolutely love that I flipped my loom all over the place okay
    that's not me that's Joan pointing away from me okay
    okay honestly it doesn't matter you can work with it pointing away from you you
    know at some point when you're when you're weaving you're probably going to be a little sideways you can go from side to side you can lefties
    righties in fact Trisha's is it Trisha or Amber one of them's left-handed not
    too sure Lori say she does it straight out okay cool all right so I'm going to
    um I keep scooting over I just started looming about the wisdom Warrior girlfriend I did the warp side to side
    weaving is kind of all over the place Sue remind me did you get the large one or did you get the um small
    Warrior how exciting I just get I'm oh wait I think
    she got the large because I think I remember this now I have to get you later I didn't get the links for this
    month month's box okay for August you better yeah text
    me leam okay um so let me I just want to see really
    quick here make sure okay Joan do you want to put the overhead up and um yes
    the large one okay she is so fat okay let me just Joan one second where is it
    at where' It Go which way do I got to go okay there's the large
    there's a large wisdom Warrior she's got a choker on her I think the choker has been on her for four
    years get that project done oh my God so funny okay all right lean just um uh
    text me honey okay I tend to turn okay it's so fun You're Gonna Get You Got
    you're gonna get to where you're going no matter what all right so let's go ahead and go to the overhead and we're
    going to talk about the warp and um hopefully you can still hear me because I know sometimes are we good
    Joan I don't know if she said yes or no but somebody you're up just a me let me put it back
    up is this where you have to put me in a little box or can you hear
    me we can hear you okay okay okay
    so just to give you some perspective of what's going on here this is the top of the
    Loom and this is um these are the buttons right you've got one on each side this is my right hand and this is
    my left hand okay and if I just kind of
    come into the view here we've this is the bottom of the Loom and so what we're
    going to do is we're going to take our hemp and I
    just do a little I call it a little air knot like a little Loop right and you
    don't want to waste so you kind of want to try to get it to the point where you know you're not wasting too much of the
    product and we're going to put that on the back
    button and we're going to tie it and then I'll do that again
    okay and then what I'm going to do is I'm turning the loom over so that it is
    now facing upright it's facing towards the ceiling this is the top of the jewel
    loom and this is the hemp and I want to show you something because I just felt
    it you need to pull whoa whoa whoa you need to pull whether it's wildfire hemp
    whatever material you're using to warp with you need to pull it towards you
    because this knot needs to get as tight as it can so that you don't lose the
    tension in your first warp this will make sense just follow me so again the
    knot of whatever material you're using to warp with needs to be facing you it
    needs to be facing the grids it needs to come along with you in other words it
    should not be like all the way back here because just that little bit of
    looseness is going to screw up your first warp and you're not going to be happy so make sure that the knot is
    closest to the grid and that it's coming with you as you go up and over your
    grooves and let me get in the camera here this this is a 1
    mm yeah 1 mm hemp cord it is too
    thick to lay into the grooves so what are we going to do we just let it lay on
    top of the groove if this was um half that size the five the 0 five it would
    fit in the groove so when your material is too thick to fit into these little tiny grooves it's going to lay on top of
    the groove all right so now I'm going to flip the jewel loom
    over and I'm pulling that hemp cord all the way down
    to the bottom and I'm going to ultimately be
    making a bracelet that has three beads across so I need four warps so this is
    my first one do you hear that
    so that's got nice tension I don't want to lose that let me come down to get it
    kind of in a more full full range all right so we don't want to lose
    that so we're going to flip it over again wrap it around that back button
    and because I'm using 6 mm um ConEd shaped beads for this
    project I will be skipping three grooves now I've done this at least a thousand
    times times I can eyeball the grooves and I feel like that's the
    right the right uh skipping yeah one two three and then I'm going to come back up
    to the top and I'm going to lay that down onto the grooves because again it's too thick
    to go into the groove and then I'll flip it over and I go
    around the back of the button you see how my pointer came in to help secure
    that turn and then I'm going to lay it down flip it over and come back
    down I can see I'm just probably over one too
    many okay and then we're going to bring it all the way
    down once again I'm flipping it
    over coming around that back button and this is my last warp so we'll lay that
    down on the grooves and then come back
    up okay and then I'm going to got like a lot of stuff here let me
    scooch these other Jewels over and get in the camera and then I'm going to come
    over here and wrap it around a few times the cool
    thing with the hemp is that it's so nice and thick that it like locks itself
    in and so at this point what we want to do is we just want to make sure that it gets secured uh with a knot however you
    get to the knot is you know like if you have a special
    way that you end up doing it you just want to knot it off and keep it secure
    so I kind of do what I'm doing doing and then I just want to make sure
    again sometimes they'll come in with the original tell this is a little short but I think I can at least get yep I got one
    good one in there okay and I think for
    Giggles let's just do another one for
    Giggles okay all right perfect and then I'm going to turn it over now here's
    something I want to point out to you do you see that there's no material between this button and this button this is part
    of the patent so these buttons allowed less waste so in other bead looms you've
    got like just a ton of waste and when you're working with an expensive product like wildfire oneg or real leather you
    don't want to have any waste and so the cool thing is that with the jewel loom
    you don't so we're going to turn that over all right and now this is the part
    where the rod comes out and Joan can you bring me back up because I feel like it
    would just be better okay let me no
    worries okay um just bring it to me because I'll stand up to do this I think
    it'll be a better shot okay plus I just really want to show off my Shaw okay just kidding um so here's
    the loom even with the hemp we have like a nice little strum
    right nice little strum we've got a really nice distance
    let's bring in the tape measure let's see how I
    did should be what do we got yep do we have like our two in kind of hard to see
    yep I'm going to do it sideways hold on I just I really want to make sure yeah
    that's 2 in okay so again the distance of the top of your warp threads to the
    belly of the jewel loom should not be more than two inches if you've got more
    than two inches from this Center area right here from the top of your warps to
    the belly of your loom you have warped way too tight and you need to loosen up
    okay I'm just telling I'm just here I just saved you some therapy loosen up it should not be
    more than two two inches okay so what we're going to do next and I can tell I
    got good warp I got good warp that first warp did really well because why because
    remember I had my knot and my knot followed me to the top so where people
    usually get frustrated is if they're going to have a loose warp it's going to
    be that first one it's usually the first one and typically the last one because where
    does your hand like you know like you just somewhere along the way right the
    not didn't follow you perhaps um and maybe you lost control on
    the last on the last warp but don't beat yourself up because you're learning something new so not the end of the
    world but this is really good warp if I don't say so myself so now what we want to do is we want to take the rod
    out all right now I'm here to tell you ladies and gentlemen um you're G to
    find some demonstrations out there where people left the rod in um it was
    designed to take for the rod to come out and this is the reason why so I'm going
    to stand up and I'm just using using my bile you don't have to but for demon
    rtion purposes I'm showing you what I do so I have my pointer on my left hand I
    have it resting on top of the warps all right and my sorry did I say my right
    hand my left hand my left finger is resting on the warps this is my right
    hand okay and what I'm doing is I've got the rod and I've got it placed up against my belly here and I'm just very
    carefully going to lift up on the rod pop it
    out and now the loom has ever so slightly expanded even
    more okay so we had good warp before but now we have awardwinning
    warp okay so that's why you take the rod out
    so that your jewel loom just ever so gently
    expands so that your warp threads because in weaving everything is about
    the warp it's about your warps and especially when you're doing bead
    weaving when you're working with fibers on your goddess Loom um you know it's a it's just a
    different process you're working on your een Loom it's just different but with the jewel loom this is why we take the
    rod out isn't that great is
    there is there a top bottom to the rod no it's all the same thing
    or right I is there a top and bottom to the rod the rod no there's not a top and
    bottom or pop out on either end let me tell you about that that's a really good
    point so if I if I'm going to put this one to the
    side okay I'm going to bring in another jewel loom that's got the rod in and no warps
    okay if I went to take that Rod out sue if I
    went to go remove this out like the top and it didn't want to come with me I'm not going to force it
    because the plastic is flexible it's not bendable so we have to be
    gentle okay so I go to take it out and it's like I'm coming out so what you do
    is you don't force it you transfer the tension and you pop it out
    okay don't force the situation be your jom's best friend be
    your bestie to your jewel loom no worries about typos since I got the 25 in Wood loom for my grand daughter for
    Christmas for her birthday whoa I got to read all that
    again okay did that help Sue listen the bottom line is just don't don't force
    your plastic to alom right you just yeah I told you what that good right two
    inches this is going to protect your plastic right you're not you're not bending it too much um you're going to
    warm it up if you're in cold climate this winter I know that sounds silly but it's true and um I just think it
    stimulates the plastic I don't know I'm not I'm not a scientist and um and then
    you're not going to force the rod in and you're not going to force it out so okay that helped okay you can
    always ask me again I don't I'm I'm in for questions I love questions I've
    actually been known to I picked up the phone and actually called somebody yesterday and she did not return my call
    because I'm trying to help somebody okay I just S I think I saw something here since I got the 25 inch wood loom for
    granddaughter for Christmas this year for her birthday would getting this Loom give her another type of
    weaving did you lesie which one did you get did you get
    which Loom did you get you got to tell me which one 25 inch is it the oh it's 25 inch it's got to be the The Warrior
    why can't I get my like Direction this
    one okay you bought your do you bought your granddaughter the large wisdom
    Warrior for Christmas is that what I hear you saying are you the best Nana
    ever yes okay I see a yes okay and has she ever loomed
    yes there's a big difference uh I shouldn't use the word
    big well it's a big difference because it's a big Loom yeah she loves to weave okay so
    with the large wisdom Warrior she's just gonna like she's gonna have to like belly up to it right and get to know it
    because it's a big girl is 25 Ines long like I crack myself up
    when I'm working with her because I like put her under my arm and so she's just going to have to like
    physically understand how to work with that size of a loom um it does set up
    differently and that there's no
    Rod what does she weave on right now she has the unlean one too okay she has the
    unlean one I mean um to me the original blue Jewel looms
    are where people typically start but they're your
    companion everyday looms you're going traveling you throw
    your baby jewel loom in your bag right or you throw your original jewel loom in your bag because we're all meeting up in
    Seattle next year by the way for this trade show everyone's got to bring their
    jewel loom or their e Loom so I don't know I mean I don't think you have to
    but it is a different experience first of all she's not going to have a lot of waste so if she only has a large wisdom
    Warrior she's going to have 25 inches you don't want to make a bracelet on that Loom unless you're going to make
    two at one time and she has the unlean loom
    well yes exactly portability yeah because these things weigh nothing right
    so I'm not going to tell you no I'm not going to say that she has to but
    everybody should have an original chill Loom let me just put it that way
    everybody should have an original chill Loom no matter what you have okay so I
    got to put this back together because I want to show you how to um with wire really quick okay also when I put the
    rod in I do like a little wiggle wiggle because I just want to make sure it's in
    there so all right I've got some I've got some
    wire crazy mess right here this is some artistic wire and I'm going to get my nylon job
    pliers those are not them okay
    and oh my God I love nylon jobs all right so I just pulled a piece
    out of my
    stash so okay so working with this
    is because this was just in my stash this is 26 gauge this is 26 gauge wire
    and so what we're going to do is Joan do you want to go down to the B to the bottom really
    quick scooch this out of the way okay so it's going to be very similar to what we
    did earlier but because it's wire we don't have to tie knots that's the one
    cool thing about working with wire so I don't again I don't want to waste but
    I'm G to wrap it around a few times just to kind of get it in there
    and then you know we can we could do a twisty doooo twisty twisty thingy right
    here just to kind of keep it keep it dialed in and so again we'll
    just make sure that it's not a knot but it's like a twisty ending you know it
    it's still facing towards towards the grids now because this is 26 let's see
    is it going to fit in the groove yeah kind of fits in the groove look at that sweet so we just do the same
    thing but with the wire we have to be a little bit more tender because the wire
    can be a little kinky and so we're going to lay it down
    again into that Groove and then we're just wrapping it
    around like we did and we're just going to lay it
    down and we'll bring it back up so it's just like working with the
    hemp just like working with Wildfire same process you're just tying on to the
    back of the Loom onto that back button wrap it
    around and lay it down in the groove and then
    whoops y oh I got a kink oh boogers yep so you want to make
    sure that you um get your kinks out of your wire before and I'm not going to tie this off I'll come back and I'll
    correct that but it's the same exact
    process this one really sounds like a guitar okay again if any if you lose
    your warp tension it's usually on that first warp or the last okay pretty simple and then you
    would just wrap it around the back I'm not going to cut it because I want to go back and clean that up and not
    waste but same process okay bring me back up if it did not fit is there a
    workaround um I need the what did Terry say first she says if it did not fit
    Jewels is there a workaround can I don't know what the beginning of that question is
    okay we'll see if that comes Terry said something and I don't know if what didn't fit if the wire does not fit the
    grooves okay anytime a warping material wire Sor
    ribbon leather hemp cord
    uh torn denim okay anytime that doesn't fit into
    the groove then it lays on the groove right let's bring in the Sor ribbon see
    how the Sor ribbon is laying on top of the grooves okay see how the 1 mm cord hemp
    cord from hemptique which I love hemptique see how it's laying on top of
    the grooves so anytime a warping material cannot fit into the groove it
    lays on top of the grooves and that even goes for Eileen's Loom or for the large
    wisdom Warrior it just lays on top but again with the wood looms I want you to
    be ever so cautious and careful when you when you if you decide
    uh to to use I don't know where my brain just went if you
    decide to use wire and I would sit I would stay with the 26 gaug and the 24
    gauge because it's thin and um you know again you just got to be very careful
    with the wood and the wire the two very different materials textures touching each
    other so just be careful okay I'm so s you're not it's okay we're all silly
    we're all silly so that's really the beginning
    of of weaving on a loom right you've got some tools that you want to have handy
    um you've got your looms the different types of looms you've got wood looms you've got the jewel loom plastic loom
    and you can see that really there's a variety of warping materials um you know
    this is you know we did this at the Bellon event so these are Eileen's amazing
    Journal dyes I love them um and
    we did binding you know we covered we covered the side here so this is the Sor
    ribbon oh and I think there's some beads involved and then you know just did like a little cute little thing here for a
    little hinge and um here's another
    one yep see this you put like your papers in here I lean knows the terms I'm not doing it justice I'm just
    telling you it's it's cool look at this look how beautiful and she put like
    little on its little bottom and its top look at the beads so stinking cute right
    such a cool way to decorate you know your their projects and then these were
    made on Eileen's Loom as well so this was just a cute funky embellishment that
    I added to a card that's all Sor ribbon and some
    beads and this was just like a funky bookmark that got done one day this is one of our buttons one of the Jew loom
    buttons a butterfly okay and yeah I mean there's just so
    many um so many things that you can do so many
    things that you can literally warp with um I made a loom specifically for
    silver silk I did see that in my in my feed over here um you would use the
    silver silk loom with the silver silk chain there's really not an alternative
    to that those two are specifically married together Eileen says I'm doing
    great there's a video you made a well back it is oh yes yeah so there is
    Rhonda Rhonda just mentioned there's a video that I made and uh it's where I
    basically talk about every Loom you know if you don't even have a clue and you're
    just like I want to try it but I don't want to spend a lot of money again you
    could probably find the baby jewel loom I think we have it for $10 I can't tell you right off the top
    of my head but I think it's like 10 um you know or if you just are like hey you
    know what I I really like to try the full size jewel loom you can do that if you're like listen I don't want any
    plastic and some people are very particular and I respect that and so you
    could go into a wood Loom the small wisdom Warrior is a very similar
    footprint to the original jewel loom and so there's many different options the
    large um Sun Weaver originally known as the weaving goddess Loom November 2019
    Jewelry Television is when she came out she is just awesome like do you see all these cool things I did back here whoops
    you see the where you at see the wall hangings see that big guy that blue
    beautifulness and then the long drapey thing those were made
    on that big gorgeous girl back there the large sunweaver
    now you can do jewelry on her in fact on Jewelry Television that's what we were
    doing we made CH a choker and um yeah it is a wow it's so cool do you have a
    tutorial explaining how to loom on both sides of the Goddess
    um okay on the goddess wisdom Warrior you mean I love it when people call ER
    the go it's just like every Lum is the goddess but really that's the goddess okay I think what you mean Sue is the
    large wisdom Warrior and you'd like to make a guitar strap so Peggy if I'm not mistaken by the way if
    you all are there's a Jew Loom group it's a it's a free private group I is it
    called jeul Loom by Juliana or jul yeah juwel Loom by Juliana it's a group on Facebook everyone is
    fabulous okay here's what I want to say about that Sue's question is in regards to weaving on both the front of the
    large wisdom Warrior and the back and um you're there's a gap right there's a
    gap between the front and the back somebody in the group did do a
    video on how to not have the Gap the problem for me is that I can't
    tell you that you're not going to maybe hurt your loom that sounds so
    dramatic and it's not even that dramatic okay but I don't
    know but she's she is a top-notch designer she knows what she's doing but
    I can't tell you that it's okay but I think the link is in the groom in the groom in the
    group that's all I can say about that so if you want to try it you can try it and I think that would be amazing Linda and
    Dan Oliver watching from Evansville oh my God stop Linda it's so good to see
    you a I love that um her name's PE I think it's Peggy
    right Joan is it Peggy or patty patty yeah so if you join the juwel loom
    Facebook group you could just tag me oh here comes Joan Here Comes mama I think it I think it's Peggy but I'm going to
    look it up and try to repost it okay yeah and again I'm just listen I have
    nothing to do with this video I she's a very well-respected artist designer
    person she's phenomenal she figured out a way to work on both the front of the
    large wisdom Warrior and the back she has a technique I I'm if you try it you're on
    your own I don't mean that to be a booger I'm just saying it's not my technique so you
    can watch the video and if you have confidence in doing it then knock your socks off and go for it and she's a
    really great instructor so try it I guess I should try it too but I'm
    afraid I like the space in between like that was to me the space in
    between from working on the front of the Loom and going around to the back I don't know that was just part of the
    spiritual process for me like I I like that but for a guitar strap I guess you know you probably don't want that
    anyway thank you for spending time today thank you to both Aaron and Eileen's
    Community for dropping in I adore you thank you so much and for the juwel loom
    Community it's so great to see you um I just love all of your little names and
    your little faces that I get to squeeze on through the interwebs and I hope that that helped um
    you know if you've got one of the other other Looms one of the wood looms there's so much content on this YouTube
    channel if you go into search and you just put like large wisdom Warrior or
    Eileen H Loom or um the boo boo Loom I mean the dog's got his own loom for
    goodness sakes right so you can go and look at the different um the different
    videos if you are in the juwel liom group all you have to do is tag myself for Joan and we can find a link for you
    so the weavings hanging on your curtains with the blue look like the a like a
    little dress that's that expensive you know what ske of yarn I bought in ohigh
    ohigh California you just like you drive into ohigh in your
    pockets because like everything's very bougie in oh high and I was going there
    for a hot minute it's like City next to me and um I went into a yarn shop and
    there was the most gorgeous yeah and it took me a year
    right was it a whole year before I would drw before I would part I it's like 50 bucks I think it was
    like 50 bucks I was like for you but it's gorgeous and I bought it so there's
    that all right Eileen you're so welcome I'm so thank you for being here that was so sweet okay everyone have a
    beautifully blessed evening next week next Thursday what we'll do is we'll take it to the next level and we'll
    start weaving in our beads and so we'll work on that and um what I might even do
    is kind of mix that up a little bit you know maybe not just work with one type
    of bead but perhaps I'll get a little crazy and um and I'll I'll weave in
    different sized beads for a good time all right thanks Danielle thanks
    Brenda and Sue thank you Jenny and Melanie and everyone that was here Terry
    thank you um and you know what if you have any questions you could text me and
    um we have a free texting community that you could text me out with your questions so have a beautifully blessed
    evening and I'll see you next Thursday