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  • How to Make Earrings - Easy DIY Craft Tutorial

    March 22, 2024

    How to Make Earrings - Easy DIY Craft Tutorial

    Learn to make three simple & quick projects, using wire & beads from the It’s a Hoot Creative Soul Collection in this Inspirations with Jewels tutorial. She demonstrates how to use the Coiling Gizmo to make a double coil pendant or earring. She shows an earring she decorated & made, using an owl charm. Plus, a tassel is made using 2 different types of fiber & decorated with a wood button and beads. Jewels also discusses different ways you can use this type of tassel. Joan also shows 3 different pieces of jewelry she created, using macrame, beading, & some wire wrapping, & quickly explains how she made them.

    The It’s a Hoot Creative Soul Collection contains 2 adorable owl earring charms & an owl button, made of sustainable baltic birch wood, for you to decorate, plus 17 strands of different sizes & colors of Czech Glass! There are less than 7 kits left & are only available while supplies last 

    Other Supplies & Tools used found in the Jewel Loom Store:

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    yay hello hello hello everyone welcome to juwel loom School
    live on March 21st 2024 my lands time is
    a passing by I am so excited you're here hey I'm Juliana the jul loom Mama the
    inventor of the juw Loom portable bead weaving loom and I'm so happy to see everybody
    coming into uh into the class as I like to refer to it I always visualize
    everyone like hanging out in the Halls waiting to get in um tonight we have
    gosh so many different things so many different things that I want to share with you
    so I'm working with the creative Soul kit from March it is the it's a hoot and
    I think there's maybe like five or six kits left there is a
    plethora of beads in this kit and I really wanted to think of
    something quick and easy to come up with and not necessarily on the loom but
    something that you could do right away and so I've got three of those and then
    at some point in the ball game here Joan is GNA peek in and she's going to share with you what she has made from the its
    aoo kit I mean these pieces are gorgeous they're floating all over the Facebook
    and everyone is complimenting her and resonating with what she made I am so
    proud of her for what she designed all on her own like a big
    girl she's like our closet designer you know like she'll just come out of nowhere with like really really great
    pieces and so I'm so proud of you Joan you did a phenomenal job and I can't wait for you to be able to show um
    everyone what you made so listen tonight tonight I am going to be playing with wire and so I have a background in wire
    working with artistic wire goes way back into probably the late 90s and
    so um I fell in love with that Medium the moment I saw it and um when I
    look at the beads and when I think about all of the different things we can do I still gravitate towards the artistic
    wire permanently colored copper wire which actually is with Beetle on now so
    pretty cool right so you can find all kinds of different gauges just um couple things to keep in mind here are some
    notes you need to understand the sizing on wire and so um you know 14 gauge
    would be really heavy wire it would be really hard to manipulate like 10 12 and
    14 are really great for like outdoor art um my mom actually used tin gauge wire
    way back in the day to make life-size humans and they were I'm not even
    kidding you and they were like a part of the artistic wire Booth display and so it was really really a sight to see and
    then when you are thinking about jewelry um and weaving and doing coils you know
    I tend to stay in that 24 26 gauge area
    22 in fact I do yep I did grab 22 today and so again higher you know higher the
    number the thinner right so if we get into the 30s what are we talking about we're talking about
    hair 30 gauge is like really cool to crochet and knit with um uh Laura Mena
    like our buddy um beautiful Laura she she used to crochet and and I think she
    still does with artistic wire but you'll be up like in the 28s the 30s and the 32 gauge so the lower the number the
    thicker higher the number uh the thinner so that is
    something to know there's permanent colored copper wire there's permanent colored copper silverplated wire which
    is the yummy delicious stuff like what I'm going to be using today this is an
    ice blue it's gorgeous it's 22 gauge and I'm going to be making a coil I'm
    working with the artistic wire coiling Gizmo I do have these believe it
    or not in the shop because I do every once in a while gravitate towards a wire
    workking project and so I do like to have that I don't have any wire in the shop but I have a feeling that there's a
    lot of you that probably have a lot of stash right I know that I was like destashing a lot of my wire several
    months ago so maybe you even have some of that um I'm going to show you what I
    did and then we'll get to it so I made this absolutely gorgeous look at this so
    this is a pendant this is one of the porcelain beads that came in the kit these are
    some check beads and then uh some little cute little check beads down here and so
    I made the uh wire bead on the coiling Gizmo and then I made all of the wire
    components and put it all together but I love this it's
    22 gauge ice blue and 22
    gauge Rose so it's the rose it's the rose gold color okay this
    one so here are some more notes when you're making coils you want your gauges to either
    match in size or the second one to be heavier all right I am using 22 and 22
    so we're good if my main color was going to be 22 ice blue I could take it up a
    notch and I could do 20 rose gold or I could do 18 and then your bead just gets
    more voluptuous let me show you a piece okay look at this piece right here so
    this is made with the heavier gauge don't pay attention to my poor oxidized
    silver piece Tammy hanan's probably dying right now maybe she'll have something for me to clean it with I made
    this necklace honestly this was one of the last necklaces I made on the airplane
    before 911 yeah so I used to take all my stuff on the airplane and I would bead
    and I would wire work and so this is an example here of a heavier wire bead
    okay so you could get all kinds of different looks and I love love love
    using the coining Gizmo the kit does come with five different
    sizes um one two three four five and then depending on which
    Dow you know you use is the size bead that you'll end up with I'm using this
    guy I'm going to go right in the middle so we're going to use this one I'm going to put these others to the side and then
    I'm going to go ahead and bring you down and I'm GNA be standing you know I demonstrated this a
    bazillion times on jewry television so it's been fun to set up
    for this obviously I don't have the studio people with me okay let me see I want to make
    sure let to make sure we get in here
    oh okay all right so hopefully well let's just see how it
    goes from here okay so this is the
    clamp you get to see my tennis shoes this is the clamp and I have it
    secured to the table now I'm noticing a little freezing going
    on and so hopefully I'm still I'm still
    okay okay so what I'll do next is I'm
    going to insert the Dow that I'm working with okay the Gizmo the coiling little
    mechanism here into the third hole and then I'm going to start with my first
    color which is the ice blue and again it's artistic wire 22 gauge and I'm
    working from the spool all right so I'm not um cutting a piece I'm actually
    working whoops got to get this thing off of there okay and I'm GNA go ahead and
    bring my n Nylon jaw pliers in I can't emphasize enough having a pair of these
    where are we at there we are and I'm just going to you know what um Joan what
    would happen if you bring up my other one I'm just wondering if we need both cameras on let's see what
    happens so yeah so maybe just a little so I'm working um working from the spool
    as I said and I've got the 22 gauge ice
    blue and I used the nylon Jaws to really
    help to get those Kinks out okay so these are really important and what I'm
    going to do next is I'm going to go ahead and let me move this again there we go
    maybe that's a little better all right you can get rid of me
    Joan so I'm going to take the end of The
    Wire where's the overhead cameras when we need them there we go okay cool beans
    and you can see the end of The Wire right here I'm just going to take it and wrap it around thep top of the handle
    okay you don't want to do too much especially if you're working with this nice more expensive artistic wire
    because it's the Silver Plate um and so just you know as much as you need to wrap around the handle there and next
    what I'm going to do is I've got the wire it's down on the ground and I'm
    going to place my pointer Marlin Brando's going crazy right now okay I'm
    going to place my pointer and it's laying on top of the Dow and then I
    bring in the rest of my fingers and the wire is like resting on my middle finger
    and my ring finger and then I've got my thumb okay and what I do is I just start
    to use all of that to help feed the wire
    as I'm pushing forward and you can see the
    coil coming together and you really want to guide it so so that the coil is staying nice and tight
    together okay and so if I find that it's pushing apart I might stop and then help
    to redirect it okay so we're just going to push
    forward and we're rolling and I'm guiding and the wire is actually being
    fed between my pointer finger my thumb
    and I'm just really watching what I'm doing you know this isn't really the the activity where you just kind of wing it
    sometimes too I'll use the edge there to kind of scooch that in
    okay and so the longer our coil the bigger the bead and I'm going to do a
    coil that is 3 in
    long and we're just going to keep keep
    rolling and so you do want to pay attention because sometimes if you don't and you think oh I'm just going to whip
    through this and go really fast your wire could literally start coiling
    itself back over the coil and that's not what you want okay so that is why we're
    taking our time we're feeding the wire up and over the coil as I'm pushing
    forward and again I want three inches so I'm just going to keep going here I'm
    working off of the spool that's down on the
    ground oop see I got a little crazy there and it can
    happen it can just happen because right and you don't and sometimes too like if
    you if your wire jumps on itself like that bring your nylon jaw pliers in and
    kind of massage that wire down there so that it comes up and
    over the Gizmo um in a more straight action okay so I'm
    going to back out just a little here because this is getting
    long and I do want to get that coil a little more
    tight so we're just rolling and rolling until we've got about three inches and I do believe that I
    close to being there so let's bring in let's bring in the ruler really quick
    what do I got yeah I'm going to do a couple more I'm just shy of a good three
    in so let's do a little bit more okay so
    now that coil is done and I'm going to bring this up
    camera a little bit where do we need to go this way
    okay let's see so I'm going to bring that out okay and now we're going to
    undo uh the little tie that we had and then we're going to slide that off we're
    going to bring in our wire cutters these are also from Beeton these are my favorites the blues I'm going to take
    the flush side of the cutter and I want to very carefully just
    just cut that off all right and so there's the coil and I'm just going to
    let that drop for now scooch it over and I'm going to bring in the rose
    gold which is absolutely delicious now you could reverse this and the main part of your bead could be the rose
    gold um whatever look you're trying to achieve is you know the first color that
    you would use and I use the ice blue first so I'm going to let that also
    fall I'm taking the top here the ending of the rose gold and I'm going to put it
    through that coil that I just made all right so now I've got let me get in the
    camera here
    so we're there we go
    okay got to go a little slower CA is a little jumpy for some reason so you can see that the rose gold went
    through the ice blue okay and I'm just going to let that coil
    fall all right so it's just going to fall I'm going to let it go out of my hands I'm going to take the Dow and
    slide it back into the holes and again I'm just going to secure the end of the
    rose gold to the handle and then this time I'm just making like a a little
    little baby neck right so like maybe you know like a quarter of an inch that
    looks good and then what I got to do is come down here and I got to find the first coil that I did and I want to kiss
    it up to that little piece of of um coiling
    that I did and then I'm going to take the tail
    whoops and I want to wrap that around the coil all right and now this
    is where the magic happens and I just so feel like the camera needs to be better
    so just give me two shakes of a
    leg let's see what I can do
    here okay let me lock this back into place the Acron Mount people hopefully
    will be at the show because I want to look into some better um
    options a little bit better yeah okay so what I'm going to do
    now is I've got remember how I'm going to take my hands right so I've got my
    pointers just kind of like hanging out resting my middle finger and my ring
    finger and my pinky are behind and my thumb is still over here in the front
    and so I'm going to help to guide the coil to go back up onto the coiling Gizmo so we're just
    very carefully right we're just going to start to see it snake
    itself and I'm really careful I'm just guiding the coil up and over and you can
    see how it's just like making a little snake type of look
    here and then when we get to the end we want to finish the exact same way
    that we started so we'll do like a tiny little coil okay and then we're going to pull
    that out and there's our wire
    bead the both the rose gold and the ice blue
    are 22 gauge so that second color always needs to be equal to or greater than the first
    color all right and so we're going to slide that off and I'm just going to back up the
    camera here so that we can get a better there we go and hold on I'm also going
    to do this h Lord let there be
    light all right so I'm going to come in with my flush the flush side and very carefully
    I'm just going to nip that off okay and then I'll come over
    here and I'm going to do the same thing and I'm holding um the tail there
    because I don't want it to fly back up and then I've got to do the same
    thing over here so I want to find out where this
    started whoops get back in the
    camera okay and so there's our wire
    bead so it's pretty substantial you've got two colors that are both 22 gauge
    and so you have a very substantial bead now what I like to do do is I like to go
    back to see because I can feel like this needs to be tucked in with the round no pliers
    I don't want that to scratch my skin or grab a hold of um my
    clothes and then we can just kind of like scooch that down a
    little yeah so pretty Okay so so then
    what we're going to do so just let's do a little stage I'm going to take this uh I'm
    going to take the clamp off you always want to be careful with that clamp because you know you don't want to catch
    your clothes or your skin with that either I'm going to pick my wire up from the floor so that I'm not put into wire
    gel and we'll just kind of rearrange here a little I'm just want ing too let
    me see let me see if this
    will help with coloring there we go that's a little bit
    better and maybe we'll do
    this okay so um let me just pull
    in let me just once again I'm going to pull in the finished
    one all right so this was one of the porcelain beads in the kit and the rest of them were all the check um glass
    they're just absolutely Gorge okay so I've got
    um it's so hard to like pick so I've got this really cool porcelain and then I've
    got like some of the hearts I thought that might be cool um what what else was I going to
    use I was going to use some of these guys these are also in the kit so I just used the
    artistic wire to make you know like a head pin so we're just going to come
    over here I'm going to cut off a piece full disclosure as you know I am
    in no way shape or form the queen of making Loops so please give a girl a
    break break no judging um I know you all have your way
    of making Loops I have mine so let's just call it even all right where's my
    other round those okay so I um first thing I want to do is I I want to create a jewel loop
    we're just going to call these Jewel Loops because this is how I do it so I like to make sure that you can't
    feel you know the end there and I've just got it holding in
    and I go back and forth I know you all have the way that you do it honestly it's a lot to do with
    the um to do with my wrists too it's just the way that I can I can maneuver
    so I'm going to get that nice and straight and I'm going to start with one
    of these gorgeous it's almost like a forest green so rich and
    pretty a thanks Lori and then I'm going to take this
    gorgeous um look at how pretty already just already so pretty right so this is
    one of the porcelain beads the porcelain beads by the way um are also coming in the April kit so there's a whole other C
    color palette for April and um there's more porcelain so we've
    got a um little green bead we've got the
    porcelain and then what we want to do is we want to feed the wire bead so we're going to go in through that coil that we
    made and we're just going through the middle oh girlfriend you made it too
    okay so I made it too short here's a little something you can do you can
    actually push this in in so let's push it into
    itself I might just have to cut a new piece it won't be the end of the world let's see if that
    helped it may or may not have I still probably just a little too short okay
    we're just going to do that again so we'll use that for something else and I'm going to cut a longer
    piece so let's do that so this time we'll go really long um again I love
    having the nylon jaw pliers on hand these ones are from Beeton pretty much I
    would have to say that um if my tools most of my tools are all Beeton so in case you're wondering like this is a
    Beeton product um the nylon jaw pliers you know so all right so let's do that
    again and um we're just going to put a
    loop and we'll go back and
    forth want to make make sure it's closed though okay and I'm just going to
    massage it with my fingers and then we
    will where you at buddy string that on and then we're just going to go ahead
    and take the ceramic bead so just doing what we did all over
    again and now we got plenty because I of course I cut way too much but that's all right okay and then we're just going to
    slide that now I still am not keen on let me see how do I like that okay
    that's a little bit better because now it looks like it's sitting on top of the bead um there are some discs let me bring in
    these see there's like these little disc spacers in the kit and I think I'm going
    to grab one of these guys so let's do that and we're going to come apart here
    I just feel like it there needs to be something in between um
    that bead and the wire bead so the fun thing is that you can oh
    yeah that's so much better okay cool I like that a lot okay so
    then again let's just kind of massage that
    out all right and we are going to get the Cutters
    again and I don't need that big of a loop or that big of a loop or that big of a loop is that going to be enough
    maybe a hair right there okay so we'll cut that you know it's a requirement to talk
    to yourself when you're beating right and then I'm just going to come
    down here and make a bigger Loop so you know you could add this onto leather you could add it onto some of your silver
    silk um I know Neely's got some complimentary colors that would look really good I'm just going to bend that
    back a little okay all right so let's straighten that
    out and then what I did was I just took like a bunch of the pieces of wire and I
    made just little tiny pieces so I want the end to be really
    tiny so I'm going to use the tip I actually going to use these round nose
    players you could do do yeah that's hot Caroline I mean seriously there's so
    many I think the cool thing is just I don't like the end of that so
    hold on I'm going to do this off camera so I can protect my eyes
    okay it was feeling a little sharp so I'm just trying to get like a
    really tiny end of course this went very well for me
    off camera [Laughter]
    on camera it wants to be a little booger okay there we go nice all right
    and then I'm just going to grab a heart and I'm gonna um go through the
    heart okay and see those will just like be the little dingli the little dingly
    berries and I don't really need a big loop but let's just do
    that and then I'm going to come in and we're
    going to make a loop here I'm going to keep it
    slightly open so that I can add it to the bottom and then we can close that
    one okay and then you could just do like that kind of looks nice this one kind of
    looks cool with just the one heart and then you've got this one with three different
    pieces so you know when I think of these I
    think easy um perfect for the for not only gift
    giving of course like all day long but if you're doing a boutique style cells I
    feel like this would be a really great addition to your table so like Ilana if
    you're you know if you're out and about and you've got a table and maybe you just want to have like a great say 20
    $25 item I feel like this could be it all day long again just attach it to
    some cording and you could have a bunch of these hanging and it's very much an
    Impulse buy and it's not really going to cost you a lot and it's definitely not I mean I just said that one in less than
    30 minutes and it only took that amount of time because I'm trying to talk and demonstrate so I really love these uh
    not only for personal use but for giftgiving and again if if you're a jewelry maker this is that perfect item
    it's also not for nothing if you're selling a really high-end piece of jewelry what a great gift right just as
    a thank you you could like throw one one of these in there and it's not going to break the bank so um yeah so super cool
    I love that I'm um okay so why don't we
    you want to bring in my overhead really quick I mean my my
    face okay so yeah look at that just two really quick items from the creative
    Soul kit super stinking cute and just remember
    that the higher gauge you I'm sorry the uh because when it comes to
    numbers so 22 is thicker than 28 so if you use 20 22 18 gauge wire
    you're going to have a really substantial very heavy wire bead this
    one is an example and this is really funky okay this one it's got fibers
    hanging on it this one I use 26
    gauge you know what it reminds me of it's like a one of like it's either
    like a super old vintage teapot or like a
    lantern doesn't it kind of like have like a um oh my gosh what is a
    Gibson girl kind of vibe I don't know I see things don't get
    in my head right yes so that is a triple coil
    so basically you would take it up and over um one more time and so yeah so I just I
    love I love all of these they're just it used to be I mean I used to do that all the time like I was doing this all the
    time and I loved it and so it's always really fun for me to like incorporate it
    back into my world now um because it's very much a part of who I am and so yay
    okay so those are the wire wire beads we've got like three different examples
    I'm totally going to take a really nice photo of all of them
    all right so I'm G to I'm going to move these over so the other thing that I wanted to
    show you and I'm going to speak to this one really quick because I I think it is what it is I don't want to take up um
    the time uh because I want I still want to do the tassels so I took the
    owls okay the Baltic Birch owls that were they cut they came in the creative
    Soul kit all right and you also got the ear wires so you had everything you need and I was like you know I really want to
    color them because they're so cute so what I ended up doing was I
    Googled colorful owls and a beautiful assortment came up
    on the screen and I was like I found I found one like literally I wonder if you'll find it too but it looks just
    like this one and I was like oh I totally want to do that so I used my um
    and by the way this is what they look like uncolored so this is how they come in your kit all
    right and I used the artist uh
    colors these are Swiss this is a really nice really nice
    uh set of color pencils okay so I will be at NAA this
    weekend the uh National Association for material Arts creativation you know the
    industry I've been a part of forever and I definitely will be playing around with
    paints and color pencils and I will definitely be sharing my finds how I got
    these so shiny okay and how I sprinkled 11os into
    his little belly was using Mod Podge all right so
    after I colored I did for giggles I did let that set I don't know that you
    have to but somewhere in my mind I was like done
    coloring walk away from the color let them sit for a hot minute and then come back and do the Mod
    Podge I don't know that you needed to do that but in my mind it was just like a
    nugget of like let him cure kind of thing I don't know if it's necessary I
    did it okay so and then when the Mod Podge was still wet immediately after I
    I applied it to the owl I sprinkled some excuse me some 11 O's
    okay if you had no whole beads that would even look cool so I
    didn't have any handy which mod podge uh well Mod Podge is a plaid product and um
    you will all Mod Podge is actually a is a trademark name it's a brand name so
    Mod Podge Mod Podge by plaid and they've been in the industry like for a
    bazillion years so great company right so colored pencils mod podge and the uh
    Baltic Birch owls that's how I got these guys super cute super cute okay
    so spoke to that and everybody kind of get that I mean I kind of feel like
    that's a straightforward idea right I think so okay I'm just looking
    very cool all right everyone loves them Mod Podge dimensional yes very much like
    um you know like I don't want to say it's like resin but you know it's the look it's the
    shiny dimensional really cool finished look I just want to get my
    wire secured because uh where's the other one
    that okay so that is secured I'm going to get this guy I'm really when you're
    done with this move it over because you don't want to get all hung up on that so
    the other thing that I did was I made some tassels now we've had that tassel
    set with um three of the same size for quite a while but we were playing around
    with some sizing I'm like falling out of my chair we were playing around with some sizing um for bellicon and so
    Robert sent me three different sizes to choose from and then I was like
    oh we need these and I added them to the site
    Robert sent me the artwork and I added them to the site so I'm looking for the Jill Loom tassel set
    today and neither one of us ever thought about sending me a set so here's what
    I'm going to tell you ignore the fact that these say bellicon this is not the way you're going to get them okay just
    get that through so if you order the tassels they have the wisdom Warrior on them they say jewel loom they do not say
    bellicon so I don't want you getting upset with me because that's not what
    you're getting okay I'm going to use so there's three sizes so there's a large there's a medium and there is a small
    and I'm going to be using the whoa the small tassel maker and I preut some yarn
    all right now this is going to incorporate remember how I added fibers
    to your kit this time so here's the deal with the fibers these are gorgeous um beautiful
    beautiful beautiful fibers that I get from a company that I just love it's the
    Moreno there's also like this really funky gold green color in your kit and
    you're like why because because I can and I want to
    share the love with you um but really you can do a lot of really cool unique things with them and so I'm going to use
    the fiber along with my yarn and what I do is I have the St the stencil the
    tassel all the dogs are barking I don't know if you can hear that and the Marino
    wool yep so normally what people would do right is
    they would take all of this yummy fiber and then they spin it and I
    still in my lifetime want to do that but not today so I just love weaving with it I
    love doing our cuffs with it I think it just adds a really
    incredible unique touch to your pieces Okay so Joan wants to spin all right so
    I've got the yarn and this is the the end piece right there and I'm just
    letting it lay on the tassel maker and then I'm going to transfer right so now
    I'm going to hold it with my thumb and I'm going to start to bring the end up
    and over and I'm just wrapping okay and then at some point if
    I want to take some of my fiber and we'll just kind of like lay that in
    there for Giggles okay so we're just going to lay
    that in there and we can kind of bunch we can Bunch this up you don't
    have to be this does not have to be like some clean situation all right so then
    we're just going to come up and over it's almost like we're spinning a
    tassel you know like we're going to put a Twist on this
    idea and then let's just bring some more over I can't get enough of this stuff I'm a I'm a little I'm a little crazy
    about it all right so then we'll just put some more in here now you can weave this um you know
    if you wanted to weave it into a bracelet my God these dogs are killing me and then we're just going to bring
    that and then we that's going to be my back
    side okay so I've got my little tassel maker all delicious with yarn and and
    some fibers um I'll tell you what I'm
    thinking let me hold that thought and if I forget that thought remind me okay so I'm just going to take the scissors and
    I'm coming down here at the bottom and I'm just going to kind of wiggle my way in
    and actually got to come from this direction because I'm right-handed okay
    so I just cut that cut the bottom this isn't science it's not like rocket ship
    type of like you know so just be cool with it and then I'm going to grab all
    of that and I'm going to Bunch it
    up and of course I thought I had cut enough dang it um hold that I
    [Laughter] thought all right I remember saying to
    myself self leave a little extra to tie with so I'm just going to cut some more
    off and really quickly so I just got to have it like bunched up right here and
    then I'm just going to take this extra piece and let me just do it down here on the table because I'm not going to
    pretend I can do it in the air all right so that's just kind of like my first
    little knot and I think I just got it a little uneven so let me clean that mess
    up so you just kind of have fun you know getting it all to where you
    you want it but this is like the small you can come back and you can trim that
    that's a little long okay and so then you can see the now if
    you wanted to right so you can come in here with your scissors and then we'll
    just I should have been a stylist a hair stylist give me your head of
    hair okay so we just have like this really fun funky little thing right so
    then two ideas all right because that's cool but come on now we need to come on now um when I was
    first playing around the other day what came to me was oh how cool take one of the buttons and then attach it right and
    then on this one I just put some beads on a headpin
    and then I snuck it in under the button so I kind of have like this really cool little
    goddess you know with her little roped piece here hanging down and I
    could definitely color her in and do some resin or Mod Podge if I want so
    what's the deal with this so again I'm just thinking you know if you are packaging
    if you're making jewelry it's always so fun to receive like a little free something and what an inexpensive way a
    package topper something that could go on a card like look at this friendship
    card right like this a friendship card and I mean you could even tuck it in as
    a gift like that would be super cool right or it could actually be planted
    you know on some card stock I mean so many yeah so many cool
    ideas right there's just so many things to do and again you know we're normally
    taking the kits from the creative Soul collection and we're weaving which we do but I also really
    wanted to make sure that you knew that you could do other things like you know you could put the bead on the head pins and you could make tassels so with the
    one that I just made I got to get this out of the way so I made this cute you know here's
    an example just here's a cute little head pen with the beads from the collection and yep I left my Jewel Loop
    open you can make a brooch yeah totally see there you go that's what I want you
    to think I want you to like think out of the box because there's just so many cool thing so I'm just
    attaching this to the tie there but look at how oh my
    God it's so cute look it okay seriously you could do a bazillion of these and decorate your
    Christmas tree come on now where's Robin for the come on
    nails so super fun cute little ideas of what you can do with the collection you
    know like if you're just like hey Jules I definitely am going to you know weave something you can weave your rings oh my
    gosh so I wanted to go make a ring last night and realized there's not an 80 in this place how did that happen I got 11
    O's everywhere and I don't have any 8 O's oh Jenny's giving me a come on now I
    love it so we got cool tassels you could use um oh here sorry I did use the ow
    button so I just kind of did like this real funky like um you know how much I
    love this material I picked up at Michael's like every time I go there I just buy another ske and then I just put
    the button on this is the button not colored but you could certainly do that as well and
    then you could see the fibers it's just very boho very organic um I just love it
    I love the idea of the tassels I think they're a very simple very economical
    way uh to create things either as gifts things that you're going to sell
    and what I was going to say is yeah I go to Michaels Joann's Hobby Lobby um I I
    have a small yarn shop in ohigh but it's a very high-end product and so you could go to a
    retailer you could go to an independent yarn shop you could go to the thrift store right you just need to make sure
    that it's obviously clean but many times people are cleaning out their homes and
    they've got like a plethora of yarn some of the best ribbon yarn button
    finds right are at like your at your local thrift store so you could totally
    do that I asked friends for leftover yarn see there's so a very very
    economical way to just take a few beads make a cute little headpin assortment um
    add one of your jewel loom buttons If you so desire you know add your fibers
    they're just really fun I really love them and so I I think that I think it's
    a great idea so there's the tassels you know we got the
    pendants we've got the pendants and I love love love this one too really funky my little my little
    Gibson Girl Lantern I could just see her walking with her Lantern right put my
    hair up I'd be that Gibson Girl and okay what else did I want to
    tell you I'm just so excited I get excited all right um what I wanted to say was holy cow and let me just scooch
    this over without spilling anything I mean come on now look at everything
    that's still left this is everything that's still left
    from from mine I mean it's crazy this was seven
    strands of check glass beads a bag full of porcelain beads the owl earrings the
    owl button some findings the fibers the fibers I tell you the fibers are in the
    kit okay and come on now a cookie and a teab
    bag but really in all honesty um I really really really do work at getting
    a lot of really great quality items into the kits and if I'm being really
    honest I'm looking over at the months that are coming up I actually scored so well that for
    you uh I think we're GNA get through like probably August with some a lot of
    stuff a lot of stuff now we do have Papa Joe hatband kit in May and I gave Joan a
    sneak peek and even Joan said that it was to die for so I um I'm going to let Joan
    come on now because I had asked her if she would share her finished pieces and so Joan's gonna come
    on and she's gonna share with you what she did Joan and I have been having Joan you could get rid of my overhead if you
    want um you'll have to get rid of it okay if you want to take it off because
    there's no way huh it won't say oh remove okay okay
    Joan and I have been talking a lot about the kids and you know really quick here
    you know it they were born because creative Soul was born out of the desire to help people learn how to weave and so
    that I could share project ideas and ways to use the plethora of looms right
    mostly the original jewel loom but as you can see likes
    to okay mostly the original jeom but Jonah and I have talked a lot about like
    okay what if a person doesn't use a loom and we've got these
    beautiful creative Soul kits and we have this amazing creative Soul Community how
    do we start letting people know because I'm not a shop that carries all the findings and all the
    this and all of the that okay I love Cur rating gift gifts I love curating these
    boxes I love putting them all like Fine Chocolates putting in the Box for you
    and so Joan was really passionate about trying to help me figure out how can we
    attract other jewelry type makers and Joan you knocked it out of the flipping Park I'm so inspired by you I'm so
    grateful to you I'm gonna let you speak and you show off your pieces okay let's
    see if I could do this okay you're got to look at my piece instead of me um do
    you just why don't you get rid of me and you take over here I'll just remove myself for now let me move my
    a I just knocked over my
    camera sorry about that don't be you're excited all right let me get rid of
    myself so I'm gonna go ahead and um oh okay this is what I'm gonna do sorry
    this is I didn't realize my cords are wrapped everywhere oh my God you so stinking
    cute okay so this is my necklace and I did the I still have to do the coating
    but I did the out like Jews I just fell in love with it and I used um leather up
    here um and attach it to the ring and I just use artistic wire um to hold it in
    place but I used a large whole bead to hide the ends oh so you know I just folded it
    over through the ring and um fold it over through the ring and
    wrapped artistic wire three or four times what when I was wrapping I would um tighten it up with a pair of um
    flatten those pliers so and then this H is knotting
    it's three knots in between each per each be uh and and in this case I used I've
    always wanted to try um waxed Irish linen so that's what I'm using here and
    is7 uh millimeters thick and to be honest with you to get it through you
    need a to use what they call a leadered needle so I think I'm going to do a
    short tutorial on that so you can see what I mean by a leadered needle because it made a a difference I couldn't just
    string it through there and then I chain and this one actually is three strands of that wax
    styish linen which you can use whatever cord you want to and then I was looking
    for something brown you know to go with the wooded theme and um the charms are
    hanging from uh you know I made loops on the
    top and um and then I just used I just
    um my brain's not thinking clearly uh I um braided it and put these in between
    and then also in between the braids I put um a bead on one strand and so I like I braid like six
    steps put some you know leaf on six steps put a bead on at the top I put
    three beads and three beads and
    then my earrings I made them so when they hung
    let's see if I can get them to quit moving when they hung they'd be facing forward so that's why I can't hang throw
    it because it'd be sideways if I showed it um the front of the thing so what I did is I just took like Three Links of a
    chain or in this case one link of a chain and then I hung a bead off I F
    five lengths of a chain because I was measuring against it and put another heartbeat on and then n Links of a chain
    heartbeat but it really depends on the size of the links and then I put it on a um bigger jump ring and then hooked it
    to my ear wire and then the bracelet since we had
    pinch beads in the kit um NE likes using pinch beads in his hollow mesh so that's
    what gave me the idea so I just got out some Hollow mesh um you know with the
    wooded wood theme and I put the green pinch beads in it
    and then the second strand is beading wire and oh speaking of which if you
    have a one-step looper looper don't use it with these leaves because I thought
    I'll take a shortcut I'll use one step Looper I broke Four Leaves no matter how careful I was so I went to did it by
    hand I don't know if it just tightens it up you don't want to break your leaves and I ended up M and then I just hooked
    all three to um a didn't have any closed rings so I made my own by making wire
    loops and put it um bead in it because I did I didn't have Guardian wire and I
    didn't want any of these wires to slip out of the jump ring um hole so that's
    um pretty much what I did with those wow I'm just sitting here like my
    mind is so blown I'm so proud of you we can't see your beautiful face
    though because you're because of the camera mix up yeah
    thank you so much um you know we've always wanted to get ahead of the ball
    game and and it's been hard and so this time it was like all this stuff came in thank I mean
    thank God for my mom because really she busted her butt getting everything
    prepackaged through like like I said at least July and then I was like oh my
    gosh I could like totally get these to Joan and see what she births and you did
    not disappoint mama you did not disappoint you you have
    really um inspired and really made a lot of people happy I hope you go back and look at all the comments um and so even
    Lori says I've been making some multistrand jewelry love it Joan Thank You Caroline says they're
    fabulous fabulous and of course Maria um and it and it's just true like it's
    really great to be able to see the versatility of these kits we can do our
    beadweaving you know if you choose you can make tassels which are in I
    mean the gift category the paper crafting
    category um you know our pendants which cover the jewelry the
    earrings I mean there's just so many different things you know these cute
    little tassels if you made them any smaller like maybe with a small one you could almost like do some really fun
    little cozies for your stem wear well you know I was just thinking I don't know I if I would mail it but if
    you want to make a um with those little heart beads or you know one of some of the other flatter beads you could um
    yeah maybe take some green wire make some um stems or something and make like
    little flowers with them and glue them on to card stock or something for a card I mean there's all different things you
    can do that's outside of be world yeah no there are so many different things
    and and I'm just so grateful to you for showing that the March creative Soul
    it's a hoot kit really be utilized in a plethora of
    cre ity um and so we really want to communicate that and I really just um
    I'm going to highfive you right here high
    five doesn't work we need to go side to side there no this way
    [Laughter] oh no you go the other way I go this way
    well I don't know I'm on the left side and you're on the right side on my screen oh my God Ser we need to practice
    that oh Nilda I'm not sure if be able to do that nild I'm so happy here I really
    hope like Nilda I had you I had you in my mind you know like when you were we were emailing and Nilda has some really
    great questions and I think that Joan was able to identify a lot of the beads
    and so she may be able to help you better than I was able to because I felt so bad but um Nilda was asking about the
    different Styles basically and so um anyway Nilda
    I'm so happy you're here uh Claire I believe Claire was in here earlier and I
    just want to give a shout out I did get your message of you and your
    granddaughter Claire is um oh how come I just went Ireland Claire is
    French Claire is French and I'm speaking Irish can you speak Irish anyway
    adorable picture of her and her granddaughter um beating and that was so
    lovely and I'm just trying to think I know I'm just it's too funny Portuguese
    would be a little bit closer to French than Irish would be it is the same I'm just saying to be
    a little bit closer well I'm just saying oh Portuguese to French I'm saying you'd
    be a little bit closer to French by using Portuguese accent than you would an Irish accent
    even though it's still not the same yeah I can go Latina like really
    quick do my portuguesea but that was funny that I just like did Irish who well it was just
    St Patty's Day we're working with a plethora of greens and I do think my mom has Irish
    in her in addition to being chaa Chaka uh Native American I don't know if you
    all know that but my grandma her mom's Mom I'm sure my aunts will correct me if
    I'm wrong but she was was she full and then my grandma was half I don't know
    like goes down I don't know I'm a 1 18th or something of what so but of chiasa
    Chaka and so duh that I would be a weaver right so cool so Jerry's highing
    everyone's High fiving I love it okay it's 503
    uh and there's Claire okay gotta get going yeah but
    you're French right because you said you said oh for the love what did you say
    that was French you said bonjour I think you said
    bonjour and I think I think she's I think you're French are French it looks
    like a French name yeah she adorable adorable picture that she sent of her
    and her uh granddaughter and so anyway we just have a fun time here and I appreciate
    everyone coming on and watching we so appreciate it when you subscribe and we
    love it when you like something um and we're just sending you chocolate Sparkle
    kisses when you share the channel and so we appreciate you so very much oh my God
    we just did a live without David David I don't know I just realized David
    was not anywhere in the chat so David if you watched this on replay we missed you Deborah just came into the house and she
    said try Irish with a Texas accent that's a very sexy
    proposition I want to hear that one yeah I'm gonna work on
    it Mama will be working on that one so anyway hey Bunko is tonight so the dice
    are in the house I'm in charge of uh chips and dip so I did the um my
    favorite Trader Joe's spinach artichoke thingy that you know is love that very
    popular uh was some pea chips and I did uh some Trader Joe blue chips with some
    salsa I think I did good did I do good I think I did fine so I'm always nervous I don't know why
    oh my God are these right so anyway so that's Bunko tonight Hey listen I leave
    for Napa do you want to see my finished piece yeah show them
    okay so it went in a whole different direction because
    remember it was it was neutral and I had made this beautiful piece on the large
    goddess and then it went in a different direction and I reached out to Robert I
    said you got to save my butt because i' done screwed up and I
    need you to make more of those eyes those wisdom Warrior eyes and and it's a
    good thing because we totally didn't think it the jewon wasn't even on there so it all worked out for the good I love
    it I'm hand carrying it nobody better take it away from me at the airport I'm GNA be really mad all right here we
    go it's total M gr total
    MRA so this is the letter i for creativation does it get closer Joan if
    you just have me on for a sec yeah we don't need me on there anymore oh oh there we go I didn't mean to bite
    that way so this is I was in charge of doing
    the letter i for creativation for the NAA Association trade show in New Orleans I leave on Saturday I'm hand
    carrying my eye um and I'm just going to come up a little closer look at the
    detail look at that gorgeous gorgeous piece that I made on the original blue jewel
    loom I also wanted to do what ended up being remember these guys I made them on the earring Loom so there's two of them
    and I wanted it to be like a like a watch like a pocket watch right so it's coming out of the pocket down
    here and then I couldn't help but add the ow because it's just so stinking cute for the
    wisdom and so yeah what do you think it's a oh wow for sure I I love it
    several months and then it all kind of like transitioned at the last minute into a different color wave basically is what
    happened um I told Robert that uh maybe people would want to do a workshop that
    maybe we could get things uh smaller and you know maybe we could actually do
    like a similar Workshop I think that would be fun okay oh my
    God all right it's heavy I can't believe I'm G to carry it oh well it's only there I don't have
    to bring it back strong all right I love you guys Joan thank you a thousand times thank
    you for watching um I will definitely be reporting in from the show I'm
    definitely going to be taking lots of video I'll go live as often as I can we
    have one event after the next I land at 1:30 on Saturday and we go to the hotel we
    freshen up and then we're off to the show where we're have there's like a big big manufacturers event where we're
    going to be able to learn about a lot of uh new products and um we have a huge
    designer dinner that night the next day I'm taking a class with Tammy haniman
    which I'm super stoked about I'm also taking a class with sizzix die cutting
    and um who knows what else is going to happen on Sunday and then the show starts on Monday and I'm really excited
    about that I'm going to be hang hanging out with the guys again the glue company um and so yeah and I'm just going to be
    looking for like a lot of really cool stuff to share and possibly use and I'm just super stinking stoked
    so I will be reporting in and um and I will I will have you with me I have you
    with me so I love you guys thank you for being here Joan thank you again and we'll see you next Thursday I'll be back
    maybe it'll just be a showand tell because I'll be tired good night everyone okay all right love