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  • How to Make a Beaded Ring on a Bead Loom - Inspirations with Jewels

    April 09, 2024

    How to Make a Beaded Ring on a Bead Loom - Inspirations with Jewels

    Learn to make a beaded ring on a bead loom with Julianna C Avelar, creator of the Jewel Loom. In part 1, she shows how to weave the base, then how to embellish the top of the ring with loops & decorative beads. In part 2, she teaches how to finish the ring, stitiching the ends together to form the ring. 

    Part 1 Tutorial - Weaving & Embellishing the Ring

    Part 2 Tutorial - Finishing the Ring

    Jewels uses the beautiful Mini Moon Goddess Loom, made of sustainable baltic birch wood, to weave this fun & decorative ring.

    Jewels uses Size 8/0 seed beads to weave the base & 11/0 seed beads for the loops, with decorative beads being used for the center of each loop. This is a great way to use leftover decorative beads from other projects.

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    Transcript for Tutorial 1:

    welcome welcome thank you for being here oh my goodness I just got to get cuddled up it's it's chilly as Californians
    cannot quite handle this this uh cold streak whoa what was
    that all about that was interesting kind of Brave going live today aren't
    I welcome to the jewel loom uh Channel with with me Juliana I am trying to I
    need to I don't know maybe I need to invent something here so I like putting um little
    braids in my hair especially when they mean something and um yeah so I just
    wrapped the end with a little bit of wire because I just don't like the way a rubber band looks
    so hair problems so I see you uh Janette I'm oh
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well today yeah staying home and cuddling and watching watching the YouTubes and the
    Facebook can't can't go wrong there so again once again welcome to the juwel
    loom uh Channel this uh we normally go live on Thursdays but today I wanted to
    shake it up a little bit and do something fun you know the the whole world is uh engaged right now with the
    total eclipse and so a lot of people have been sharing their photos and their stories and it's really exciting and so
    I thought I would share the total eclipse bead kit that I put together for the creative Soul uh monthly um box that
    I do and it's quite gorgeous and I'm also working with the mini moon loom so
    good morning good morning Jenny oh so cute oh and the kitty cat's watching wonderful Marin bradoo ditched me but
    maybe he'll be back scratching on the door who knows so um totally uh totally
    so today for some reason I see that the screen keeps going in and
    out not too sure why that is so weird so we don't have Joan with us today and um
    so it will be me myself and a and a bunch of beads and some the wonderful juw Loom Community tuning in and um Hey
    listen I think this is possibly going to turn into a two-part
    demonstration um just because it does take a hot minute to do the loops but
    we'll see where we get to and regardless you know I always make sure to show you
    how to how to get from the beginning to the end so without further Ado I am
    going to um well you know what actually let's see this might be fun let's see how this looks so I pulled a bunch of
    rings and today we're probably going to be making a ring that is most similar to
    this style right so you've got your band and then you're just sewing in like a
    bunch of what I refer to as decorative beads right so they're not seed beads
    they're decorative beads they're different styled beads they're different sizes of beads um from there you can
    certainly just go with a band I love the idea of a band this one is actually with
    11os and then I did a Pico stitch on the top so that would be really quick and
    easy and um something fun to do of course you can do it in the color palettes that you know make your heart
    smile so that's like a a deeper green and this one was a lot of fun we did
    this in class A while back this one was the definition of go big or go
    home so I mean come on now right I think this is going to be
    the new uh the new church version so we really you know I I say we what
    I'm always talking as if there there are more than me but I feel like when I say we I really just I mean myself and this
    beautiful jewel loom uh creative Soul Community everybody so you can really
    you know go big um I love this one this one is gorgeous and so this one is all
    look at this one is so big I almost have to like take that off for a hot minute this is s off ski crystals I made this
    many many moons ago um I used Nyo and you can see it's kind of coming coming
    apart so I probably need to rescure this one at least U probably with some
    Wildfire Frost I don't know why I'm getting so stuffed up that is so [Laughter]
    weird total eclipse so expect some funky stuff right I'm getting stuffed up
    anyway so that's Swarovski again this is um the big one that I was showing you
    you can also do the gemstone so like this has got a lot of amethyst nuggets look how cool that is that is super cool
    um here's another one that I did with the sore off ski I'll just put that on top because you can never have too many
    look at that holy cow go out with that on your
    hand and and then of course um this one was done wait how am I going to do this
    let me go I'll put this one over here this one was done for the um Fourth of July and just you know in the uh colors
    of red white and blue of course if you're from another country you can uh personalize it to be your country Colors
    Let's see Portugal red um yellow and green am I missing a color so I could
    also do one in those delightful colors and then this was really fun too this is where we use the boomerang beads
    and then a band so sky the limit on
    beaded rings made on a beadloom you really can create many many many
    different styles and I'm here to tell you that's just the truth so fantastic
    lots of fun lots of fun so I'm going to go ahead and take those off whoa therea just did that again that is so odd
    I would love to hear from everybody if uh from your end it looks like I'm consistent in the streaming and that my
    volume and everything's okay because my screen just kind of like keeps
    doing could just be where I'm at so we'll see all right I'm going to bring
    up the other
    camera and nice beautiful tabletop here so let's just bring out the
    April the April total eclipse kit these are gorgeous these are
    like a peacock these two colors right here are just really really really
    pretty um you stop and go on my end yeah that's so strange I don't know why I'm
    assuming it's the interwebs right like it's just probably whatever's going
    on actually I do hear sirens H I hope somebody didn't hit something but hey
    show must go on and hopefully they're okay so we've just got really really really
    gorgeous um
    beads and yeah too too
    interesting yeah so you'll have to let me know how we're going because I just again hope that somebody
    just didn't hit something cuz now I'm hearing Sirens everywhere so we'll just do what we can do that's what we do um
    and we'll just keep going but 15 is it 15 strands I might have to count again
    of gorgeous check glass beads I mean there's just a ton been getting some
    really great five star reviews on the quality and the quantity that always
    comes in the kit certainly okay my goodness just bear with me I'm not too
    sure what's going on in the inweb world but um we shall see so in addition to
    all of that we've got these beautiful etched pendants that are also coming in
    the kit there's two of these I mean these are just stunning so so pretty don't need to do much to these you could
    literally put a jump ring um through the hole up there and then add it to a
    leather cord I think would be delightful that would be really really pretty and then of course in add addition to that I
    um have started to put in some really pretty fibers so that if you're going to weave on the loom to make a bracelet or
    a pendant I just always think that a little bit of fiber gives it that extra little unique
    touch and so something that actually speaks to your personality perhaps or
    just sets you apart from the other items that might um be on a table somewhere if
    you're at a craft fair now we also made you one of the Goddess buttons and of
    course in honor of today with the total eclipse we just thought it was really fun to make some moon charms and
    so um those are also in the April kit so the April kit is full like
    usual and if you are a subscriber um
    those should be getting to you hopefully not if not by the end of the week definitely by the beginning of next week
    for sure and so they're all ready to go we're just waiting to um get them packed
    up and um and and out the door so that is the kit
    that I'm going to be working with so I'm just very carefully going to put um the
    pendants there are two so there's two of these gorgeous pendants that come in the
    total eclipse kit we
    whoops scooching those over let's count these again so one two 3
    4 five 6
    7 8 9 10
    11 12 13 14 15 so there are 15 strands
    of gorgeous gorgeous beads and um the pendants the button and
    the moon charms okay so I'm just moving this in it really does look like we're getting a little bit of a delay there
    I'm not too sure hopefully there wasn't a serious accident all right so we're going to scooch that over here is the
    Mini Moon Loom so incredibly gorgeous I did did
    this artwork A long long long time ago and um
    she has she has been born into a few different versions she was actually a
    finished jewelry line that I was working on as well and so of course um you know
    anything that I love from the design standpoint has to turn into a loom somehow but I really love it I love all
    the little stars and I love the little peekaboo space it's just kind of fun to you know
    it's I I guess it's like your little dream area right so you have this gorgeous moon of course she had to have
    some spirals coming out of her and actually she's yeah catch my breath I don't know what
    just came into this room it it's awfully cold so maybe that's just it but The
    Show Must Go On so anyway so you've got this really cute little peekaboo area and uh it
    could be the dream area right it could be like your little dream area where when you're weaving you're just kind of
    thinking about the next project perhaps that you're going to make and or your lake house that's my dream I'm sticking
    to it okay so I'm going to let me just scooch the beads over here really quick
    and my computer is wanting to okay there we go was on top of the Wildfire which
    by the way I am using the Wildfire pink it's absolutely
    beautiful and this is the 0.006 looking forward to playing with the
    0.004 I think that's what Wyatt just gave me super stoked about that and yeah
    so let's go ahead move this out of the way a little bit more and perhaps move this over I do
    think I think I can get rid of myself somebody can let me know I'm going to
    remove all of the fabulosity and let me know if my if my
    voice uh is no longer
    okay can you hear me now
    let me know if you can hear me
    now can now hear you okay just it's like we have to have your
    face for whatever reason all right so again tied off at the top here I'm using
    the 0.006 pink wildfire and I've laid the first warp down into that first
    group Groove all right and then I've got I've got it nice and taut in my right
    hand and I'm going to pull it down to the bottom and I'm going to lift up
    here and I'm going to bring it around the tooth and you can see how I've got
    my pointer finger on my left hand
    and then I'm going to lay down the warp in the next
    Groove yes Jenny all the Looms are sold separately she's not aart if that's what
    you're asking she is not um she's she's sold separately she's not a part of a
    kit okay so again I'm just going to do that a little bit I felt like my my kind
    of got a little loose so I want to just do that
    again and trying to show you without just being so obnoxious here let's see
    so I'm going to put my thumb on the Wildfire back here and then when I bring
    it up and over you can see there's a little a little looseness and then I'm just going to guide
    it okay and then making sure that that nice and taut and then
    I'm going to bring it up and lay it down into the groove and
    then I'm going to bring that back around the back tooth and I just continue to
    help guide it up and over all
    right and we're going to lay it down again bring it down and up and I'm only
    going to be going four rows across or I'm sorry yeah three beads
    across so I'm going to do four warps so I have a pretty thin a pretty
    thin um wait is that what I wanted to do hold
    on what did I want to do actually I want to do four across because I got enough
    I've cut enough wild so I'm going to go four beads across which means I need five warps
    okay all right let me just check my warps they feel nice and good so I'm a little concerned because when I look up
    I feel like um the connection keeps kind of going in and out I don't know Joan if
    you're still there maybe you can tell me whether or not it's okay maybe it's just on my end sometimes
    what happens during a live is that it is a little wonky but then when it when it settles it seems to be okay on the
    replay so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's happening yes I totally love that Robert
    did that for us too I think it's going to be a a major um thing for the for tying off so I'm just here at the bottom
    and now what I want to do is the goal is to just simply tie okay and so however I get
    there however you get there whatever's easiest for you I think everybody's kind of got like a different way to do it
    I've got my thumb pressed up against the back here whoops let me bring it
    down so my thumb is pressed up against the back here and I'm just going to take the tail of
    the wildfire and try to get it in between
    the warps there so all the goal again is just to
    get a nice um tie off so that you don't
    lose the and you know the oh Haack and of
    course hold on I got to reach all the way over to the other side of the world hold
    on I want to bring there we go going bring the warps out it's always
    just you know trying to make these knots when you're also trying to
    demonstrate sometimes can just be a little more fun than humans are allowed to
    have so just going to ask my scissors for a little
    assistance here
    oops okay awesome so yeah so you know if
    you have both of your hands available and you're not trying to keep them in a position for uh taping then uh
    you know it's not as fumina so again just trying to make sure that's nice and tight so that I don't I
    don't lose the um the totness of the warps so perfect okay so let's see Jan's
    going to check the laundry she is so funny all right so I'm gonna bring my beads in and I'm working with let's just
    get those a little closer I'm working with the um the
    Rosaline one of my favorite base colors when I'm working with a lighter
    um a lighter palette and what I'm going to do is I've
    already got the Wildfire on to the jewel loom
    needle and I'm just going to do a little under over I love when my warps are nice
    and taut so we're just going to do a under over over instead of a knot this time
    everybody also just gets to a point where they kind of have like their own way to start sometimes I KN on that
    first warp sometimes I just do you know this little over under over
    under backwards and forth to attach Danielle's got um a way that she does it
    like everybody just kind of ultimately decides how they want to start
    the process so I'm going to actually I'm pretty sure funny enough
    the length that I want might be the length of the um Moon Goddess so hold on I need to I went to get my tape measure
    earlier and of course walk back over here without it so the way that I
    determine the um length of my ring is I
    take a sewing measure tape and then I pick the finger you know that
    I want so I'll pick like my I'll pick my I'll pick my ring
    finger and I just put the
    sewing yeah I just put the sewing tape measure around that
    and yeah so I'm not bloated obviously because this is saying two and a half
    that's not so much the truth so I usually do 2.75 so do take into account
    if you're somebody who tends to at some point in the day swell up which I think
    most of us do it's freezing right now so my whole body is like deflated right um
    so my length of my base let's see if it's the length of her oh how funny I do
    think that it's it's going to be slightly less or yeah right there to the bottom
    of that first moon so how funny so we're going to go from the top of her head so scooch up just a little bit to the
    bottom of the Moon and that's going to be my base so I need 2.75
    Ines love love love a sewing tape measure I have a bazillion of
    them and um of course I didn't have one on the tabl toop but oh well all right so let's get started we are going
    to readjust just want to make sure we're good okay so we're g to come
    under got the needle and thread are in my left hand okay the loom is facing my
    body all right so it's in front of my body and it's facing my belly I'm going
    to bring the needle under the warps so I'm under the warps transfer that into
    my right hand and because we did five warps we're going to do four beads
    across so remember it's always one more warp than it is beads across so I'm
    going to go ahead and pick up one
    2 3 four okay and then we will let those
    fall and I just like to guide the Wildfire
    because it can get really um it can dance and want to be
    everywhere so very carefully if you can kind of see that I'm going to bring it up to the camera
    actually so I'm letting the beads rest on my pointer which is a part of my
    hand okay and I've got them popped up in between the
    warps and now what I'm going to do is take that needle and I'm coming back through the tops of the bead and I'm on
    top of the um the warp so I'm going back through the beads the needle is on top
    of the warps and then I'm going to pull that through and then again I just like
    to guide that Wildfire so that it doesn't dance around or get caught on anything cuz I'm working with just about
    two Jewel arms which is about two yards and then we're going to
    pull and we'll just snug that in there you almost I don't know if you heard that but that sounded
    perfect okay all right and I'm just going to
    scroll here really quick and if somebody could just let me know that we're still good that would be awesome and again I'm
    going to come under and pick up
    Joan you're such a sweetheart for uh peeking in I appreciate you she's
    like help help a girl out
    here all right good good good so we're just going to pull that pop it
    under again we're just going back and forth and I'm going to build the base that's what we're working on and it's
    really important um to just give it enough of a tug so that you don't have
    any I call them like little ribbons of wildfire sometimes if you don't pull all
    the way through you could end up with like this little peekaboo Wildfire you
    know ribbon and then it's a bummer because it's really hard to go back and and make it go away but you you also
    don't want to pull so tight that you distort your warp so it's all a part of the learning um but if you're aware of
    it then it makes it a lot easier so we'll just keep building the
    space pop it up in between the warps
    and go all the way
    through and by the way um we call it a subscription box
    but you know it's also available as a pay as you go the benefit of the
    subscription is simply that you will always be guaranteed one and so there are times there have
    been times where I have only had enough for the subscribers
    and so the other cool thing about that is that if you are a subscriber of multiple
    months then you also start to qualify for automatic uh
    discount in the jewel loom shop and so that's always a fun little perk as well
    but by all means you can pay as you go you know choose one month and do
    whatever floats your boats
    this is the meditative part you know where you can just get quiet I always loved when I was teaching in person
    because as soon as everybody got their Rhythm down and we got past warping the loom then class would get really quiet
    and everyone would just um get [Laughter]
    calm and so it was always a fun it always made me feel good as a teacher because I knew okay they're getting it
    they're they're they've got their warps down now they're doing their WS building
    their base and they're really seeing and feeling that
    relaxation come
    in so for any of my bellicon students who
    might be tuning in this process right here what we just did with the
    warping and what I'm doing right now with creating the
    base um this is going to be a
    step that you're going to do for your embellished piece on Eileen's sewing
    box and so you're kind of getting a little whoopsie yeah so you gotta do as I say
    because what just happened here oh there we
    go so we'll be warping Eileen's Loom and then um creating a base the base will be
    bigger there'll be a little bit more time involved but at least you won't be totally in the
    dark I do want to bring that down just a little here so when you're building the
    Rings and let me just interject this really quick when you're building the Rings you want to make sure
    that you have enough warps on each end that you can get your fingers in there
    and tie and so as I'm looking at this I want to bring my tape measure back in
    because I'm my goal is 2.75 inches so that that's going to be
    so that's right so you want to center it so I'm
    good all right so we're going to come under the warps and once again we're picking up
    the four these are too 80 beads seed
    beads pop them up and in
    between so if you're thinking about the um the
    loom the loom is most similar to the boo
    boo Loom and so it's got a five wide by five um long area in which to weave in
    and so like if you wanted to make cute little 4x4
    squares you could do that I guess it's the the feminine
    version we got Marlin Brando the Frenchie and we've got the Mini Moon
    Goddess so they're they're a
    what's really fun like I said earlier too like you could just make these um these
    bracelets with these bracelets these rings with um just the seed
    beads super quick and easy you could just like take all of your leftover seed beads and make a bunch of
    rings probably something that would be very
    attractive um to a younger person too you know something that is not to in
    your face some things um our younger our younger peeps like in your face and some
    things they like to be modest about so I think that these uh simple Rings would
    be similar to like friendship bracelet so they could be like little friendship rings for you and your
    girlfriends and even big girls and
    guys it's coming together really pretty just going to scooch that over a
    okay let me just bring it up for a sneak
    peek I'm sure um I'm sure a lot of the skips right now
    are you know as I've mentioned a hundred times before I live right by the military base
    so probably have a little
    um I think you could try any I don't see why not um I think you could try
    delicas I think you could try
    um different sizes I mean I have done a a a ring with sixo and that's really
    cool just sixo like nothing else and that makes a really cool
    band and so um I think you could try different styled seed beads and sizes
    for sure why not I I think ultimately it's going to
    be how the ring feels on your finger because it's
    definitely going to be something that's touching your skin it's definitely
    um something that as you're maneuvering throughout the day you know the reason why that big Swarovski ring I did with
    the Nao is so Frid is that I made it so long ago and I made it right before I
    went to a beat and button show in Milwaukee and I wasn't taking it off to
    wash my hands and so you know the Nao didn't appreciate
    that and so you know you just have to think about about those things and
    um but I don't see why not I don't you know the only caution I ever really kind
    of talk about is if you're using the bugles specifically the big
    um you know the big long bugles that for instance what I used the other day in
    the project and I didn't speak to it that much because we warped with wire so I wasn't concerned but I've told the
    story where I taught the Mixed Up Bracelet at Tucson and my emergency room
    nurse who was a student taking my class um you know I we giggle now but I mean
    my goodness she was pulling so stinking tight on her on her WS you know she was
    she was using her her emergency room skills and um she just like sawed her
    Wildfire right off off and we had to we had to then go into the bead emergency
    room because um you know trying to save the project and repair it was it was uh
    we can giggle about it now but um you know so really that's the only type of bead that I ever kind of say hey be
    careful because you know like if you pull too tight or if your bugle bead is like really rough on the edges that's
    why we look at them really carefully here my mom was a QC inspector for 25 years for 3M can't get anything um past
    that woman so um so you know that's kind of the
    only you know be careful or or you know because I would never say don't use a
    bugle like I flipping love the the big bugles they're
    gorgeous yeah I think I think what's so cool about um juel Loom as a brand and
    myself as the inventor designer artist teacher educator person is that I've
    always come from a place of let's learn the technique and then
    let's let's just weave like I'm not full
    of I want your piece to look good absolutely I want to teach you well I want your piece to look good but I want
    you to have the freedom to explore and I want you to know you know
    like um who's in the group right now just now learning who who who oh gosh is
    it Teresa maybe and so you know she bought the original
    jewel loom and a bead kit that didn't necessarily have the best beads and what do I mean by that well we all know the
    Beats from Japan are just you know they're they're amazing
    um seed beads and so these beads were not all in the same size or form and so um
    but it was fine because she could play around the most important thing that I'll teach you is you've got to just get
    your warps right you have to have that really nice tautness and the original
    blue jewel loom definitely brings that home each and every time um and so yeah
    so I I just want you to explore I want you to have fun I want you to know that the warps are real important and then
    from there try everything weave with different types of
    materials you know shred your old denim pants and weave with them and you know
    go to an alpaca farm and get alpaca fibers um and yeah there's just
    there's just so um many cool things that you can do see I'm there is something
    I'm just telling you when I warp these looms these wood looms especially the um
    sunweaver and now the Mini Moon Goddess H I'm just like
    there's I don't know they just get me they just take my breath yes and don't be afraid to experiment
    absolutely I think there's a lot of great things to
    be said about uniformity and patterns and really honing in on your skill and
    you know becoming a you know a a master at your Craft um but I also want you to
    have fun and explore so let's bring in the sewing measure tape here where we at
    okay we're almost there so coming back under the warps and for
    those of you that might just be tuning in I am building the base for a beaded ring I did five warps across on the mini
    um the mini moon loom
    and I'm almost completed with the length of my
    base so I think I just got like a few more rows here
    it just looks so pretty is it just me there's just
    something about when you can see the design like you do on the sunweaver especially the large sunweaver she kills
    me every time I warp her I just I literally cannot not cry like I'm just a
    baby when I Weave on her it's just something something that just really
    gets into my heart okay the necklace and bracelet oh
    cool yeah Joan has been um she's already uploaded one video on like a different
    type of idea she's got another one on the um 18th of this month that she's
    going to share because I'll be traveling on that Thursday all right looks like I need two
    more two more rows
    so I love it when um I love when there's just like new ideas on how to do
    something because there really are infinite
    Creative Concepts that you can do on the looms all right
    so let me just see sometimes you think it's going to be two more but then you'll be amazed so
    actually yeah so I'm going to go ahead and stop there that's 2.75 inches and
    and if you want let's count one two three four five six seven
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 so 24 rows if
    you want to make note of this 24
    rows of 80 too seed beats equals 2.75 in
    all right so if your ring size happens to be similar so what I'm going to do
    now is I'm going to turn well let me bring that up to the camera see if the camera won't accept a closer shot look
    how pretty it just it's like you're designing the loom right it's so
    interesting to me so I'm going to go ahead and what did I say I said 24 24 / 3 is
    8 so what I wanted do is leave eight rows blank on each side and then Loop in
    the middle eight rows so this is
    one so I'm weaving back
    up so
    three and this is going to be
    four and five let me scooch up a
    little one of the things I love about the 5x5 looms the Boo boooom and the
    moon goddess Loom is the way that they're constructed it it's so cool because you can literally sit with them
    they're definitely a bed Loom you know what I mean so I love that okay so I lost count
    one two three four five six I'm coming back up the sixth row right
    now and this is going to be the seventh
    okay oopsie it's gonna be the seventh
    and then this is going to be the eighth all right so we'll come back
    out I'm going to turn the loom I've got so much Wildfire here I do not want to
    get okay there we go awesome okay so now I am out here on
    the eighth row up
    I'm going to scoop my into the little caddy here to get
    them out of the way and I'm going to bring in some gold
    Aqua these are to die for um 11
    O's and I hope this is not going to make too much noise but if I don't turn the heater on I'm liable to
    um be frozen so we're just going to do
    that I think I've had it on in the past I hope it's not too loud but let me know
    if it if it bothers you and if it distorts the noise uh the sound I will
    definitely turn it off and just be
    cold all right so I'm over here on
    the where am I at I'm over here on the right side of the eighth row and I'm
    going to start looping on the ninth and I'm going to do eight eight rows because
    I have 24 rows divided by three is eight last time I
    checked okay so what we're going to do is I'm going to scooch over just a little let
    me get these guys it was hard to pick what decorative
    beads I wanted from the total eclipse kit because they're just all so stink and
    gorgeous I'm just going to scoot just doing a little
    scooting okay so let's bring that
    in and I'm going to I'm swimming an artistic
    Wire yeah I love warping with artistic wire okay so I'm taking my needle and
    I'll come up to the camera I'm out here on the right
    side on the right side of my loom my needle in the right hand and I'm going
    to take the needle and I'm coming from the right side
    through the first bead on the ninth row and I'm just going to bring that up to
    camera you see how it's coming it went through the first bead on
    the ninth row and then out and in between that first and second bead from the
    right you put your needle through the first bead and the second bead and you came out through the second and the
    third fine like don't don't don't worry it's okay like it's not it's not in game
    right you're fine you're fine um you'll just learn what it looks like then and
    you may at some point in your project be like oh I really wish I would have put a loop on that first beat well you just
    weave your way back to that first bead and you add a loop it's not a deal breaker so I'm G to take the needle I'm
    coming through that first spead and now I'm out in between the first and the second from my
    right and I'm going to come over here and now here's the
    thing if you pick up six size 11 seed beads a decorative bead and six
    more size 11 seed beads your Loop is going to
    be big right if you picked up three if you picked up half of all of that three seed
    beads one decorative bead and three more seed beads your Loops would be
    tighter I thought maybe I would have an example let's see well you could tell
    you could tell on the on the ring I did here with the amethyst you could tell that's really a
    tight a tight Loop so by the looks of it
    I I think I think there's like two or three um Els in there so this is really
    tight where my go Bigg or go home I mean come
    on now look it I think I did more than sixy beads I think I just like picked
    them all up wh so you could totally see the
    difference let me bring that in so I'm going to put the go bigger go go home on one hand
    look it lots of Wiggle lots of fabulosity and then I'll bring
    in the amethyst I see that the the screen is kind of for some reason there
    we go I don't think it likes it when I move so you could see a total difference
    right so it's going to be a matter of what style what type what statement do
    you want to make what Comfort level I mean let's face it when I wear this big
    guy he is all up in my business like you know he's getting in between my
    other fingers and I'm having to like maneuver and so it's a conscious choice
    to like okay I'm wearing I'm wearing my cocktail
    ring and then if I come over here and I put on the
    you know still chunky I'm not going to lie like I you know I'm a go bigger go home girl but
    definitely not so much in my business so totally up to you I'm kind
    of thinking I'm gonna go three seat beads I'm gonna do three seat beads so we're gonna get back to
    business over here and I'm going to pick up three
    110 and and because this is going to be on the side of my finger I'm going to
    kind of go small with the decorative bead that I
    choose Okay so we've
    got three seeds a decorative and oh good thing I counted four on that end again
    had I not caught that it's not a deal breaker the ring police are not coming to get you all right so we're going to
    let that drop and I just help to guide it all the way
    down okay and I'm going to let the camera catch up with me here because again I'm not 100%
    sure so all those beads are now I'm I've got the wildfire in my left hand because
    I'm helping to just guide it and now what I'm going to do is I'm
    going to take the needle and I'm going back through the first bead through the second through the third and then out
    and in between the third and the fourth bead and this is going to make our very
    Loop okay and I'm going to bring that up to the camera
    so hopefully you're seeing that okay so that's our first
    Loop and then we're going to go ahead and make another loop so I'm going to pick up three more seed
    beads and I think I will pick up something with a little more color so you could
    probably see better so again all these decorative
    beads are in the uh total eclipse kit so three seed beads a
    decorative bead and then three more seed beads then I'm going to go on the right
    side of the third
    bead okay and then all the way out through
    the fourth and this is going to be my second
    Loop okay then we'll turn the loom
    around okay and now I'm going to go through
    the first bead and again you can you can do a loop on every
    bead fact if I'm being [Laughter]
    honest but no okay yeah so it looks like I did three
    two sometimes I'm brave this one feels really tight the Swarovski one
    and that feels like it's on a lot of the a lot of the um
    so it just gets really tight it almost looks like a big old
    hunken diamond or something can you
    imagine can you imagine all right so I'm going to pick up
    another three and I don't know is this going
    through your head are you thinking hey Jules in the middle of my ring or somewhere in my design can I switch it
    up can I make bigger Loops can I go start with three seed beads and a
    decorative bead and three seed beads maybe do a couple rows of that and then can I transition
    into add add a bead or two absolutely it's all going to depend
    on what you want your piece to look like so and and I encourage that kind of
    fun all right let's pick this gorgeous blue I can't get enough of that blue
    that's also in the kit so it's a fun color combination of
    some beautiful aqua and lavenders and Blues and a cobal blue it's really
    really pretty I keep picking up four seed beads I got to drop one
    there and I think this time I'm going to go all the way out and put a loop on that far end because this bead's a
    little bit bigger it might take up a a little more space so we'll see how I like that in the end I've definitely
    been able to go back and sew in Loops in places I mean think about stitching you
    know really that's all you're doing right you're you're just stitching and you're
    adding Dimension and height where you want
    to thank you Judy
    oh what did I do wait a minute wait a minute oh there you [Laughter]
    are I thought I like am I losing my mind okay it's possible all right so I'm
    going back through the right side of that fourth bead and now I've
    got four Loops this is really
    pretty um oh you you know how uh what are those Rings called they're like Mother's Day rings
    and used to be really popular and you would get the birth stones of of
    your kids of your grandkids of your people right were they literally just
    called birthstone rings or mother I don't know what they're called anyway you totally could emulate that in a ring
    I mean how fun would that be for a gift
    I don't know why the overhead keeps leaving I'm sorry if that's happening on your
    end oh hi Lori this is the um Mini Moon Goddess
    Loom she's like what so this time I'm gonna go
    in through the first and the second so when you have five rows across
    when you have three rows across when you have any type of a odd amount of number
    of beads across you can kind of do two loops on one row three loops on another
    low and then you just keep alternating right so I've only got four so I'm kind of laying out my game plan as I go I'm
    seeing that like for instance I want to get a loop in this particular area to
    balance out everything and let's see am I going to live on the Wild Side
    I think okay so this is going to be my third row okay no not yet I'm not gonna
    love too wild just yet all right did I pick up seed beads see I can't talk and all right I need to pick up my seed
    beads first hold on so
    one two three and then so the Mini Moon Goddess Lon
    was out when did she come out she might have come out in
    22 I think was it
    22 I don't remember
    and thank you Kelly gosh that's awfully kind thank you
    now I can't remember what I was saying oh heck
    anyway let me pay attention so I don't screw up my my situation here sometimes you got
    to like get that needle there we go okay so I just went through the right
    side of that
    bead so cool and yeah I think I'm GNA put like a
    little bead on that
    side I think it's interesting too like depending on where we are in life what
    we what we want how we want to create right um everything I
    do is with purpose everything typically is birth
    because of where I'm at where I see my community at um and it's all storytelling it's
    all it's all from the heart it's what what do folks need right now um you know
    I've talked to lot about the about the um weaving goddesses that came out in
    2019 you know they were so heartfelt so
    heartfelt oh my gosh I'm loving where this is going so I'm just turning
    and yeah so I definitely want to do one on the end here so this is my this is my
    fourth row and I need I'm going to do eight so I really want to think about
    where I want to put this Square bead that's in the kit it's so stinking
    cool all right it might be the fifth row I think I'm going to do it on the fifth row so let's just keep
    going and let's see have we we haven't
    used we haven't used a heart yet but I kind of I think I want my heart over
    here on this end but the color of the heart might pop if it's over on this end
    then on the fifth row I'm going to be square okay I'm going to do this I didn't
    hadn't planned on using any of these but I am so I'm bringing these guys in look how
    gorgeous little bit bigger but I don't
    okay so pretty and that one's going to be pretty big so I think I'm going to go all the
    way out and see how it sits
    oh yeah right on so pretty look how it just yeah
    that's so gorgeous and then over here I feel like
    I'm going to sneak
    [Music] in there's so many beads in this kit and I was trying to be good and like oh just
    use you know but I can't all right I'm going to use this
    one whoa this is really fun too where's the hole
    though there we go could probably have just used like
    one of every type of bead in here maybe that would have been fun and who knows I'm not done yet anything's
    possible so are you going back back in where you are coming out of from the loops or are you yeah so you're always
    coming so like right now Judy I'm on the left side of the
    bead so now I've got to come back through the right side of the bead to
    make the complete Loop does that make
    sense yes Lori yes this one might be a little more
    tight knitted because I'm only doing three seed
    beads so I just came on the right side Judy and now all the way back
    out it looks like my I don't know why it keeps doing that
    so weird okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to
    turn and this this is my fifth
    row and what I want to do and it's starting to get like really chunky so if I lean forward it's because I I got to
    see past all the height here so I'm I'm
    going to come through the first and the second and out between the second and
    the third bead and I want to use this really cool
    Square so so I'm going to put the square on
    here who oh that is so cool okay I want to put the squirt on there and
    then what I want to do is I'm GNA pick up a seed bead all
    right I'm GNA let that seed bead drop on top of the
    square I'm going to pass the seed bead I'm going to bring the seedbead up towards me do you see my
    needle and the seedbead so I'm pulling it up towards my body and then I'm going to go back down
    the hole and I said that I came up between the second and the
    third but I want to go back all the way out so I'm going to go through I'm going through the third and
    the fourth just play around with this don't take it
    too serious you can get it done okay and now I'm
    pulling oh I love it okay oh my God it's so cool okay I could totally see a ring
    just with all these squares like seriously it'd be so cool I want to show it to you but this darn
    overhead let's see I'm gonna come up
    slowly can you see
    that this ring is going to be gorgeous like you could do three
    across three 8os across and then just do the square beads that come in the kit
    straight down the middle bead that would be unbelievably gorgeous not around the
    whole bead or you'll never be able you know you'll be walking around like this you would just do it like probably three
    or four will fit in the middle my gosh I'm so in love okay I'm
    turning I can't can't even wait to to wear this it's so cool all right so now
    what I'm going to do is just coming through the first bead on that next row
    that's my sixth row and let's see let's see what happens
    here so so I'm going to pick up three
    seeds I just wonder too I don't want to screw anything up I'm going to come here
    let me just see for
    Giggles okay so I have three seed beads
    and I knew this was gonna happen such a geek
    all right I'm bringing this over you can't have 15 different beads
    in front of you and not use them all right so then the right side of the
    bead and all the way out because that square is like in the
    middle it's taking up a lot of space so we'll see what I
    if I like that see I may end up going back and putting a loop on this top over
    there so let's just do this um
    one two three I think it's time for the heart let's bring the heart in and I
    want the heart to to be in the right position so I'm
    going to go through the bottom hole right I think I'm doing it right let's see what
    happens oh well I'm not going to worry if it's not exactly what I was
    thinking and then okay so I'm going through the right
    side of that fourth bead
    there and just pulling so this is my heart it's a gorgeous jewel blue heart
    that comes in the kit so pretty so so pretty so I
    mean o ooi what do you think Jules what do you think girl um let me just turn
    really quick here what I'm contemplating is whether or not I want to go back in here and I think I do
    so what I'm doing is I'm actually working backwards here because I just
    realized I really do want a loop next to the to the square so I came back towards
    me so again if you just kind of keep in mind that it's like your stitching don't limit yourself
    um you can you can auto correct and I'm just going to pick up a
    little um fire polish here
    and we're going to go on the right side but this time I'm going to go all the
    way all the way out so I'm just filling in that space
    Hinds side I should have just put a loop there and yeah I'm going to be really happy with this okay that's fantastic
    and then I'm just going to do another quick one so I put the square bead in the
    middle and I loved it and then I realized I should have put a little loop on each side of it and what I was able
    to just do is just to work back towards myself and fill it in and and all is
    well in the
    world okay then I just got a snuggle in here because hopefully it's getting
    tight all right there we go thank you thank you
    oops okay good and you know when you're getting this tight like you just kind of want to make sure that nothing
    Twisted so yeah it's all good yeah I like that a lot
    better oh my gosh I'm so happy okay now what I
    got to do is I got to turn and then I got to come through the sixth row that I
    already did and get back on track so just bear with me here because it's a
    little crowded just trying to get make sure the needle going through the
    beads are we good I think we're good
    okay so now I'm going to finish up the seventh and the eighth row okay and I
    want to get back to where I'm working on the right side
    here oh my goodness that is awesome Lori congratulations that makes my heart
    Happy okay I gotta stand because I can't see it's like getting really crowded in here okay where am I
    okay so since that heart oh gosh I don't want to like I'm good with it it's
    laying yeah I don't need to okay okay so I'm coming back in coming back in I'm
    gonna go through the first and the second and then out and in between because I could see like there's an area
    right there that definitely needs
    something okay and now what is it though I feel like maybe it needs that blue
    that really beautiful cobalt blue so because I personally cannot have
    enough blue in my life I like blue all shades of blue it's why I'm a water
    baby somebody asked me the other day if I would ever live on a boat
    again I honestly don't have the answer I don't know I don't know okay so I'm got to get
    on the right side of the second bead and I'm going to
    go all the way
    out so I'm just going to go slow here because I want to make sure my needle's actually in the right
    spot okay oh that looks really really pretty
    so I guess my question to myself is do I want to put a
    loop on the end because I basically have one I mean it's getting crowded I think
    I should be okay but I'm going to tilt it up and just kind of
    look yeah I think I'm okay I'm not going to worry about it
    all right so I'm going to turn now and this should be my last row so
    I'm definitely going to put one on the first the first bead of the eighth
    row and this is where I just kind of start to look around to see like okay well what color you know what do what am
    I missing what kind of balance am I worried about any balance you know
    or am I just
    gonna I think I'm going to use this gorgeous M right
    here okay and then we're just going to
    go through and all the way
    out and I definitely want another
    loop do I want an aqua I think I want one of these Aquas these are so
    beautiful okay so let me see I got a
    look okay so what I'm going to do so that's
    my ring I'm really happy
    okay and now what I'm going to do is take the needle and I'm going to go and
    weave back through the next eight
    oh Mr
    bead I don't if it weren't for the camera I
    would not be working this way I'm just trying to let you see I feel like I'm
    kind of working upside down that's all
    right still guiding that Wildfire because again I I you know I've got quite a big piece it's like two two
    yards so that's a lot to guide whoops
    all right
    and so now got the phone uh bye Jim thank you oh my gosh
    such a cool cool thing that you came in to help
    out I I get the famous Joan on uh on
    Thursdays so I'm I'm so honored that she had time to come
    in all right so what we've got now
    is probably because we've been at this for like just about 90 minutes I'm going to go ahead and scooch the beads
    over and bring this back
    in and I can tell that I can tell that
    this top row is just a little out of control right now I'm
    gonna go under let me see if I can show you this I like to go under the warps
    now if my top and bottom rows are just like
    um moving too much and I don't feel like they're really secure I will go back through them but I'll go back under the
    warps and through the beads and I just try to guide it so that I'm under the
    warps and so what's happening it's like locking it in a you're so
    sweet yeah I love I don't know that there's ever really a time that I'm not
    wearing a a beaded ring so I'm just going to go back through one more time for
    Giggles okay and wait a minute did I just
    undo no okay why' you do that Jules all right so as far as this guy
    goes we're not GNA see him so I'm gonna bring it [Music]
    under just going to do a side knot here but you're not going to see that so I'm not worried about
    it and I do need my my
    burner yeah I'm not going to be too brave with that right now because I don't want to break my
    warps um so in the this
    moment I'm going to trim this because it's bugging me in this
    moment we are still connected with the needle in the thread and we're going to
    leave that connection okay we don't we don't cut it off
    and because we need that needle and thread to now sew the two ends together to make our
    ring and um I think what I will do is I will take the ring off of the Loom so
    that you can see that part and then I'm going to tape the
    final piece of putting it together because I feel like it needs to be recorded and not whatever might be
    happening with today's universe and so um yeah okay so let me cut it off very
    carefully so we're just going to come as far back here on the warps as I can cuz
    these are going to be short and it's going to be a little fumina to tie so I want to really make sure I
    have as much as I can and then these should just slide off
    anyway look at how pretty she is such a beautiful Loom
    okay so we're going to put the loom to the side and I'll show you now so this is
    our our ring off of the Loom and I can actually
    let's play around here yeah see look at how pretty that came out oh my
    goodness it almost looks like a bunch of
    gemstones right right it almost looks like a bunch of
    gemstones and if we come back here we can see that once I finish it and sew it
    together it's going to be a perfect fit so um
    yeah again 2.75 inch ring size measured on a sewing
    tape right was 24 rows
    of too size Ado and that was four
    across and then I built it in uh sections of eight so eight rows loops on
    the eight rows and then and then the eight rows over
    here I mean I'm looking at all my rings that are really red and really
    gorgeous kind of really really in love with this one wow do you see how the
    middle how the middle um Square came out too that square
    bead oh my gosh so so
    pretty okay so yeah so I'm going to record let me just
    um say goodbye to the overhead there we go so I'm going to
    record the part where I'm sewing it together
    um that way you can really see nice and close and
    uninterrupted how that happens there are videos here on the YouTubes uh that
    I've done you know that if you don't want to wait for me you can fast forward and go
    check that out uh and if you have been in the creative soul group for any amount of time you know there's that
    whole course I did on the ring so you already have access to the instructions
    but this is just one project from from the
    um total eclipse kit and even in this moment if I was
    like ah dang it I wish I would have added a loop or I want to break up some
    of the color or I want to add a little more you can by hand even in this moment
    or even right before you cut it off you can still go in and Stitch like don't
    ever let that anything stop you from doing that like you you still have the power to do that
    okay so excited okay thank you for coming and joining me on this
    like interesting in time of the day when we normally don't get together but I love this and I'm so happy that I can I
    can share with you again this was the total eclipse kit under the creative Soul it's
    on the homepage of the juwel Loom shop and the Mini Moon Goddess and by the way when you do
    buy the total eclipse kit and the Min Moon Goddess there's an
    automatic $8 discount but if you're a longtime
    creative Soul member you get even more off just saying hey it also comes with a
    needle so that when you're doing your fiber work you got your needle and I love the
    comb oh wait and the needle says love you to the moon so appropriate for today love you
    too Cil thank you and then rise up rise up so that's the comb so you know when
    you're doing your fiber work you want to push your your fibers that's a whole other
    demo but um okay yay success I feel really good I
    feel really good about today and thank you like that was 90 minutes it probably would take a whole another half an hour
    and I have got to go and um do some go to Ventura to do some things or I would
    stay on my intention was to stay on but this meeting came up and I have to do it it so sorry but I will record the end
    for you because I want to wear my ring I'm so excited okay that's
    it I love you um Thursday I'm gonna take it back to the original jewel loom the
    blue one the blue original jewel loom where it's all at show you how to set it up properly talk about things can never
    learn about that enough and I will be working with a new Jew Loom kit that is
    so pretty and um and Priced Right like I'm trying to do these like you know
    kind of entry level kits that don't you know like if you just want to try it out or whatever so it's very very pretty it
    comes with the hemp cord gorgeous gorgeous kit I thought I had one right here here this is what I'm going to do
    it's not on the shop it's not in the shop yet so I'll give you a sneak peek so
    these beautiful beautiful um glass beads look how pretty they're all they're all
    Jewel right all the colors gorgeous gorgeousness um this beautiful beautiful
    hemp cord and I don't even think you've seen this yet I made a jewel loom button so
    this is our logo button so this is going to be your jewel loom bracelet so when you're out and
    about you're just going to be like Jew to
    you all right Lori squeeze the girls everyone have a fabulous day um if
    you're doing the whole Eclipse thing I don't know if it already happened it already happen I don't know I think the
    world was supposed to stop nothing stopped all right I love you have a
    blessed day and I will see you
    Transcript for Video 2:
    well good
    evening it sounds like there might be an
    echo I
    muted that could be part of the problem
    of why you can't hear
    me okay so we're going to mute this one
    so there's no
    Echo and then we will add except for I
    want to be in the reverse position here
    so I
    think and then add awesome okay
    fantastic so Hey listen if anyone could
    just give me a heads up that um that you
    can hear me and um see
    me that would be fantastic I know that
    um I had said that I would record the
    ending of how to finish the ring but in
    all honesty with the interwebs today I'm
    just thinking that it might be a little
    easier to stream live and then that way
    um it's uploaded and we don't have to
    wait for um the inner web
    Gods to get over themselves hi Rosalinda
    hi Jenny thank you for letting me know
    that thank you awesome so yeah um
    earlier today was vantastic I really
    really loved doing the demonstration
    with you by the way hey I'm Jules
    Juliana the inventor of the original
    blue JW Loom right back over there and
    earlier today I did a demonstration on
    how to use the total
    eclipse bead kit for the creative soul
    membership and the Mini Moon Goddess
    Loom and so what a perfect day I've seen
    all your photos it looks like it was the
    most amazing magical treat for some of
    you across the country it looks like
    really really saw it very well uh the
    photos coming out from Texas look
    amazing so I wanted to just do a little
    something fun based on today's um
    celebration with the total eclipse and
    people were really enjoying it and so I
    just thought it would be fun to support
    that okay so where we left off was I
    finished the beaded ring and I'm so very
    very very happy with it I'll just put it
    on my finger right now so if you weren't
    with us earlier I created a base to fit
    my middle ring finger and it was um or
    is 2.75 Ines long I use too 80 seed
    beads to go
    um four across so I had five warps on my
    Mini Moon Goddess Loom and then I built
    these really gorgeous loops with the
    beads that come in the total eclipse kit
    now I am loving obviously this Square
    bead right here I had a lot of fun with
    that make sure you go and watch that
    video the cobalt blue um beads are just
    oh well they match my sweatshirt I had
    to like dress a little bit warmer I was
    so freezing we are freezing in
    California we are big babies just going
    to admit it so also having a little
    weirdness with um things kind of
    stopping in the Stream but coming back
    so I just think it's the day it just is
    what it is plus I live next to a
    military base all right so I'm going to
    go ahead and um show you what I'm going
    to do next and so just to refresh
    everyone um when I took the piece off of
    the L
    I left the original needle and thread
    attached we don't want to get rid of
    that because we're going to use that to
    sew the two ends together now I was
    playing around and I did find that I can
    ever so carefully use the um pulling of
    the warp
    technique it doesn't always work when
    you have loops because as you're trying
    pull the warps
    sometimes they get stuck so I was kind
    of hoping that maybe let's see for
    Giggles if it works so what I'm going to
    do is very carefully I've got my hand
    over the ring and my goal is to pull
    this bottom warp where I didn't have to
    cut it so I'm
    hoping and it looks like it's going to
    work so I'm just going to pull that ever
    so carefully awesome and so the cool
    thing about this is that it eliminates
    the whole
    having to tie um those short little
    pieces and so let's just see what
    happens see I've got a knot though on
    this other end so I don't know
    exactly how successful I'm going to be
    with the rest of them but let's try for
    Giggles let's just try let's see so it
    coming forward but then there's that
    let's see what happens down here I'm
    just going to play around and see if I
    yeah see then it just gets a little oh
    well there goes one there goes
    one yeah all right so I'm not too bummed
    if I have to do something here because
    that's already
    knotted okay so let me just think really
    quick here I don't want to get myself in
    pickle and
    yeah so I'm just very oh jul see and I
    wasn't paying
    attention get back in
    there gotta pay attention so I just kind
    of shifted my my last row right
    here okay there we go get that down
    again so I don't think I'm going to um I
    I don't think I'm going to push my luck
    I'm going to bring the Wildfire
    in I'm just going to be super careful on
    that and then there is a knot here so
    I'm not going to worry about that I'm
    just going to do very little okay but on
    this end and I want to make sure that I
    don't cut or do anything weird with that
    piece and we're just going to spread
    these and then just going to start to
    and when you put the two ends together
    you're never going to see these so you
    don't have to like stress out too much
    about the nodding but you do want to get
    it secure because the last thing you
    want is for your ring to fall apart
    after all the work that you've done to
    it so I'm just literally
    the warps on the opposite end and
    I'm I'm nodding
    them so we'll just come over here now
    and do this
    side okay I know it's late in parts of
    the country right or three hours ahead
    so some people it's like 9:00 they're
    like what is Jules
    doing all right so I'm going to come
    back over here and just really really
    carefully I'm going to bring my Wildfire
    in and yep careful careful careful and
    careful okay cool all right so now what
    we're going to do is we're going to
    bring these two ends together and again
    I have my needle and thread let me make
    sure that I'm in the picture and I'm
    to put these two
    ends together and I'm going through the
    side okay and then we're going to pull
    this and you can see that's the first
    time we see the two ends kind of come
    together it's still like a little wonky
    but that's all right then we're going to
    come over to this other side and
    basically what we're doing doing is
    we're spinning the first part just
    getting these two ends to meet and then
    we can clean it all up after we are
    successful in that so so now that we got
    these two guys together I kind of want
    tuck tuck the knots in
    there and then again I'm just coming
    through that
    row we're going to do this just a couple
    of times
    times okay and what I'll do as well let
    me bring this up here because I don't
    like the distance in this one so I'm
    actually going to go through here and
    then I'm going to hit the roow next to
    it to hopefully pull that back together
    because it's spread a
    little so I'm going to come over
    here see if I can't fix that
    okay cool yeah that
    worked okay so now what I'm doing is I'm
    just continuing I'm going to weave back
    through some of these
    rows and in my book you can't do it you
    know too many times right if you can
    keep getting the needle through then I
    just keep weaving because it just makes
    it even more you know secure and
    so just going back and forth and then
    I'll do it all the way up to um up to
    where the decorative row
    starts and then I'll turn around and
    come back the other
    direction okay so now I'm going to come
    back this way
    okay and you can you can feel it
    starting to stiffen up right like you
    can feel the um band starting to really
    get nice and
    strong so now I'm just coming back and
    then I'll go all the way over to the
    side it comes together very quickly
    after you get it off of the Lo
    and if you can pull some of those warps
    to where you don't have to tie the um
    the bottom ends as well as the top that
    kind of saves some time as you could see
    it doesn't always work out that way
    again because when you do the loops you
    have that you you've been sewing over
    the warps and so sometimes it gets
    caught but this time I got lucky so a
    little bit harder on the uh
    bracelets so I'm just going to switch
    let's see where am I at
    Maria oh there's MB scratching at the
    door so now I'm just
    going the other
    direction I'm so excited now I have to
    wear this
    somewhere what do I have coming
    up well I have Bellon I definitely can
    take it uh to Bellon the girls will they
    get a kick out of
    that so yep so now I'm just going to
    keep going until
    I weave right up to um the decorative
    here and we'll go through one more time
    time and then we'll come back
    down so I can really feel it you know
    it's really feeling very nice and and um
    secure it's got a little bit more
    stiffness to to the body of the
    so at this point it looks like I might
    be safe
    to I know let me see I'm G to see how
    this middle part's going
    here is it one more see I feel like I
    got to figure out how to kiss these two
    together a little I got a little bit of
    a slippage I'm going to come um through
    the first
    and second bead on this
    okay and
    then then I'm going to take my needle
    and go up one so I'm kind of like doing
    a zigzag
    Stitch to um my rows kind of split just
    a little bit and so I just want to yeah
    that helped okay I just wanted to to do
    like a little
    zigzag my um knowledge of how to hem my
    own pants in high
    school how about that
    zigzag I would say that is a certified
    zigzag thanks
    Rosalinda I hope I get to see you when
    I'm in Vegas
    I'm not going to have much time but I do
    think the one day that I
    um if you're in town we'll have to see I
    don't know how close you are um I'll
    have to text you I don't want to tell
    the whole world where I'm at probably
    not a safe
    idea okay so I'm coming back um the to
    towards the um decorative beads because
    I'm going to hide my hide my knot up
    here I don't particularly think it it
    will be seen so I'm not too
    worried yeah it's really gotten very
    nice and TP I mean I could keep going
    like if my needle wanted to keep going
    through the rose I would certainly do
    that but I think I'm good so we're g to
    come out now at this point you could see
    all of this extra Wildfire I
    have and so if I had looked you know at
    my ring and was like oh bummer like I I
    wish I would
    have done something you know added a
    loop or maybe a different color then you
    could weave back into the ring in this
    state and do that you totally could do
    that so but um I'm good and so I'm going
    to come back
    down and I'm coming through the first
    and the second bead here no where am I
    coming where am I at there I am first
    and second
    bead and I'm just going to
    peek in here and
    hopefully my
    goodness I don't know I might have
    gotten a little too
    tight all right on second thought what
    are we going to do here I'm trying to
    grab one of the warps so I can just do a
    knot but
    it's being a little bit of a
    buah me see if I
    can't let's see maybe that's a good
    thing let's
    see my goodness when we were on earlier
    today the sirens were just like going
    like crazy and now they're doing it
    again okay so I got one good knot in
    there and I'm just going to take my
    needle and push it to the
    back all right and then ever so
    carefully ever so
    carefully okay beon we need we need a
    little light can you put like a little
    light on the Wildfire
    burner I think that might help like when
    um miners are underground you know and
    they have their helmets on and they have
    light yeah we need that
    you need that so I'm going to do
    okay so excited okay I'm a little
    pooched because it's the end of the day
    but it's perfect oh my heck look
    it so so good so good I love
    it oh my goodness let me get my hand
    back in
    there my hand modeling days are
    over so cool okay let me come up I'm GNA
    get rid of this there we go look at it's
    it matches my dodger blue um
    sweatshirt isn't that great so super fun
    I mean the majority of the time you know
    that we spent earlier working on this
    project um was just because we were live
    and we were conversing and and um and uh
    else it's been a day look and now I look
    like who's the chick from uh Darth Vader
    Princess Leia I totally am channeling
    poort princess Le even my
    earrings oh my
    gosh yeah Jules at 6 o'clock at night
    this is Jules at six o'clock at night
    very fun
    I I stink and love this ring I'm so
    going to like this is going to be my
    ring for the rest of April so I will
    have to um coordinate my wardrobe to be
    to be in jewel
    blue which is fine with me I love blue I
    would just wear blue all the time blue
    and black because you know I got that
    East Coast thing going too but fun all
    right so I hope um you know if you did
    Miss part one um I was on earlier today
    and that's about 90 minutes and so you
    um definitely will want to go back and
    these are the beads from the creative
    Soul kit for April the total eclipse and
    then again I
    used the gorgeous mini mooon loom she is
    so so
    beautiful and I used Ado
    rosalin like Rosalinda and I used
    Aqua gold lined 11 O's it didn't take
    much of either of those really so I
    probably could get another ring out of a
    tube of 8os just depends on how you know
    how big your um your finger is that you
    to you want to wear it on yes thank you
    Maria for popping in I know it's late
    for you so any who we're all done and
    now I'm going to go eat cuz of course
    the boo boo I already cooked for him you
    know that already went
    down that
    dog so I'm gonna go eat my dinner
    Rosalinda yes let's make sure that
    somehow we find each other in Vegas on
    the 23rd of
    April and okay she
    says I think and then I'm coming home so
    we'll we'll see each other here
    too any who all right y'all thank you
    thank you thank you for this quick um
    lovely time together I appreciate you so
    very much and if you make a ring please
    share it and you know what if you
    haven't subscribed to the Channel please
    do that and if you like what you see
    please like it and um if you really like
    it share it because that helps us that
    helps us big time when you share when
    you subscribe when you like when you do
    all the things that YouTube is asking
    you to do and we really really
    appreciate it so very very much so yes
    God willing
    all right good night