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  • Looming Sedona Spring Hatband on Large Wisdom Warrior Loom - Jewel Loom School with Jewels

    May 12, 2023

    Looming Sedona Spring Hatband on Large Wisdom Warrior Loom - Jewel Loom School with Jewels

    Jewels shows how to weave the Sedona Spring hatband, using a pattern & kit, on the Large Wisdom Warrior Loom, which is a designer loom by Jewels. The loom is long enough to create a hatband, but can also be warped on both sides for a belt or something else even longer. It is also a great tool for production work, such as setting up the loom to weave 2 or more pieces on the same warps. Below the supplies list is the tutorial for how to warp your Large Wisdom Warrior for this project. 

     Sedona Spring Desert Hat band Bead kit- 6 tubes of TOHO 11/0 Seed beads, Leather, Suede Cord and Slider Bead for closure and digital download of pattern (pre orders currently…will be in stock in 7 to 10 business days): 

    How to Warp Your Large Wisdom Warrior Bead Loom for the Sedona Sping Hat Band (14 warps for pattern Jewels is using): 


    Supplies Used:

    Buy the Large Wisdom Warrior Loom:

    Turn your Large Wisdom Warrior or Small Wisdom Warrior Loom into an upright loom by buying the stand: 

    Subscribe to the Jewel Loom YouTube channel to access past & current tutorials:      

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    Please contact Jewels with any questions you have about her looms:  email - or text - 1-805-768-0568

    Show Transcript

    okay it looks like Joan usually is in the background going like this or
    something but we both have allergies so we're gonna give each other a pass
    welcome welcome welcome hello hello to everybody oh my gosh it's been
    uh why was I gonna call you Jill we were just talking about Jill Wiseman Joan has
    it been like three Thursdays since I've been gone oh my gosh wow
    thank God that uh oh four Thursdays oh Lord okay let me reintroduce myself
    in case you don't know hey everyone it's Jules Juliana Jules Avalar the inventor
    um the designer of the jewel loom beading Loom and this is the jewel loom YouTube channel where every Thursday we
    do a jewel loom School live at 4 pm East uh 4 P.M Pacific time
    and 7 P.M eastern time and so um every week we'd love to share new
    ideas and tips and tricks on how to use not only the original Jewel looms but
    the wood looms that have been designed as well like the large wisdom Warrior that I'm going to be working with today
    and so I see everyone's coming in Sandy welcome home thank you and do you know
    when April 27th orders will ship I love that Sandy it uh everything has been
    shipping uh if it's from here in California tomorrow's like the
    um I think it's like the last group of things so if you haven't gotten a notice yet and let me just share with
    everyone what you're referring to so while I was gone all wood looms
    continued to ship and um other things like beads and hemp and
    wildfire and say for instance the original um jewel loom starter kit those all ship
    out of California from where I'm at and obviously I was in the Czech Republic so
    um we had posted and emailed and social media and all the things to let you know
    that the shop was on sale um as a thank you for your patience and
    your orders while I was gone and so um Sandy to answer your question
    um if you send me the actual order number I can look at it and just to make sure
    um that there's you know that it's either gone out or going out tomorrow so anyway thank you thank you for that and
    so Maria hello and Ileana and Cynthia and a bunch of folks I invited
    um and Becky I invited the students from the Czech Republic
    um that were on the tour with me to pop in and there's Casey hi oh I can't wait
    to see what you have done we need to regroup um I had
    I had jet lag so incredibly incredibly bad I just got back last Thursday night and
    um from the Czech Republic and so I really it was very painful I've never
    had it that bad before even when I went to Singapore which was further so I am older so I'm assuming
    that maybe that might have a little bit to do with it but uh yeah so
    anywho yes and Joan Joan is with us and a huge thank you to Joan for filling in
    and uh being my big haired sister while I was gone and she shared some really
    awesome projects I hope that you all have been watching um those videos and I know that Joan you
    mentioned you're gonna do something about um how to end the project that you
    showed last week and I'm waiting for a head nod yes because I could see her cute little face
    below mine she didn't probably want to come on but um anyway
    closer Queen Joan is that her is that her new Alias I love it
    so listen I um very carefully here full disclosure
    Marlon Brando is in the house um he's behind me he's
    uh he did okay at the kennel he was at the kennel for like 17 was at 17 days
    eight it was a long time and um and he he dropped
    I don't know he might have dropped like a pound you know he definitely wasn't like eating consistently they were
    wonderful the the resort the bougie Resort um was fabulous but sadly he did lose
    hair again so I ordered some liquid melatonin per
    the vets um advice and I'm super excited to get
    that and and hopefully that's going to help him because he's so far at my tush he is so far
    he will not leave me I mean and I like I'm gonna go play bunco tonight because
    you know Funko is a fun thing for me and and so anyway he's behind me snoring and
    so hopefully he's a good boy and and he doesn't give us any Frenchy farts
    which I'm the only one that will suffer not you so getting back to what we're
    gonna do today I'm actually working with the large wisdom Warrior and so I thought it would be really fun
    to revisit this amazing loom it's been out now for
    I this July will be its birthday and so July of 21
    the large wisdom Warrior she's got 20 what is it 24 inches 20 some inches on
    the Top If You weave her all the way around to the back you can have a piece up to 50 inches which would be wonderful
    for you know belts Amber's always talked about doing like a beaded curtain um there's it's four inches wide on the
    top but the cool thing is that the creative Soul members back in July 21
    were the very first group of people to get the large wisdom Warrior and it was
    really special especially since um I got the covid uh during that time
    frame and I was like she's on her way and you're just gonna have to figure out how to use her because I am down for the
    count and what was really cool is it actually gave all the members an opportunity to
    really get to know their large wisdom Warrior and since then we've just been having a lot of fun making chokers
    um making hat bands Kelly Hawkins loves her for production work and what I mean
    from that by that is Kelly will lay out a bunch of small pieces on the large wisdom Warrior like earrings and
    um I believe Amber has even showed us that as well and so
    um it's just a really super great Loom that uh is is able to do a lot of really
    great things so oh thanks and yes yes birthday wishes to Joshua I'm so
    embarrassed I seriously he's in his 30s I just can't comprehend which one he's uh we were like is he 33 or is he 34
    because I can't it was born in 91 somebody do the math I'm such a geek I
    just don't even pay attention to my own age like I've always been that way you know it's more like a Vibe it's more
    like how do I feel um except for that this last trip really
    made me realize I was uh you know in my 50s
    oh hi Deborah Deborah loves her wisdom Warrior yeah so a lot of people on here
    Stephanie um melon Melanie I can't remember now yeah you did yeah yeah there was a boy
    there was a lot of people that was their that was a huge month that was really really a special month everybody got one
    you get a warrior and you get a warrior and you get a warrior so it was super
    cool um so I wanted today to share the Sedona
    spring hat band with you this was a project that we did in March in the
    creative soul group um I was over the moon top crazy busy
    Trisha stepped in and she did the course which was phenomenal she made an
    incredibly super cool embellishment piece to go on the hat which is really
    amazing um but I never got a chance to make one and I was like I really need to have one
    because obviously I need to do photography for the kit blah blah blah and so I'm gonna work on that today and
    he is really going to town behind me I don't know if you can hear it but he is on logs hi Gloria we got Marlon Brando
    in the house today so this particular kit takes um five different colors
    and um I'm going to be working on the large wisdom Warrior I've already warped it I
    taped that for you earlier today and so you'll uh Jonah you know tag that
    so that you know that that is you know the warping video for this project
    and um I've already started my first two rows because as you all know that first
    row is more fun than humans are allowed to have I didn't want to waste your time uh trying to do it on
    live so I've already done it and I'm wearing my fabulous earrings
    my happiness earrings this is hemp cord by him teak we love love love love love
    him teak I got to hang out with Claire in um Ohio at the namta show and so we're
    going to be doing some fun things together hamtique is um you know they just they make a
    sustainable really beautiful eco-friendly awesome product and so this
    right here is a bunch of fibers that I found at the um I think I got that at Michael's but all of this is is hemtique
    so I just like wanted to show up large all right so Joan if you want you can um
    you can oh let me see someone said last night I reminded her
    of her grandma I replied oh well thanks who is that
    are they saying they're saying you oh my that is
    he's coming on yeah I'm gonna tell you who it was it's right after Neely show
    um Andrea Bieber after this show and I said uh well uh
    thanks neon wouldn't stop laughing he actually fell in his chair laughing
    she said that about you being mine no hers grandma oh I was like you remind
    me of my grandma oh my God that is so funny
    if your grandma is funny oh my God you're so cute oh
    well I think you're yeah whatever you are you can be that is so funny Joan okay so I'm gonna work on the hat band
    um I want to remind you and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself it's again jet lag uh you don't have to use
    the Hat bands on a uh Western hat you
    know like obviously they Rock a cowboy cowgirl hat and they could be for men and women
    um but I'm also thinking that I want to go to the Mad Hatter which is in Ventura
    at the harbor and look for a ball cap perhaps I'm kind of thinking that I want
    to do something a little different and um put the hat band around a different
    type of hat so anyway I'm going to turn my light on so that I can see these
    micro tiny little boogers um the 11 0's can can be
    very fun to work with um but you definitely need to have your lighting so let me make sure
    I'm gonna get this under my arm and then I'm going to reposition the camera I've got my palette on my jewel loom
    board too by the way
    so uh oh oh for Pete's sake what just happened
    let me see oh am I back
    okay there we go I don't even know what that was but that was weird
    super weird okay
    all right so I am so you can work from a pattern uh from you know from the
    website you can print it as I did um Brandy
    um did this pattern she is my silversmith beading rock star literally
    a rock star a girlfriend and um I'd like to have a blank piece of
    paper and I learned this from Kelly Dell because she really did she she's the one that gets the credit for inspiring my
    re-re love affair uh with seed beads and so she does she had she was showing how
    she puts a blank piece of paper over the pattern and then that's how she keeps her
    um you know her eye focused so I've I'm actually on Row three and again I have
    um 14 warps okay and I'm using the Green wildfire
    and I'm coming under the warp so I'm passing the needle over to my right hand
    and then the first three beads are the Shamrock and so I laid them out to where
    I have I'm following the grid um the pattern so I have bead one two three
    four and five in my jewel loom um bead board and so it really it really
    works out pretty and uh pretty well you know so it's a little easier to pick up all all the beads so
    I'm just going to pick up uh three of these guys so we've got one
    two three and whoops I get the three I did and
    then the next color is this gorgeous Peach
    so I'm going to scoop that on and then uh a mauve also that's this
    beautifulness and after that I've got the I am so in
    love with this color like I just want to do a bracelet it's it's called pumpkin but seriously it
    looks like Coral okay whoops don't do two of those it it's hard to talk and
    focus on seed beading a pattern because I don't want to screw it up okay so we got that and then we've got another
    mauve and then we've got this gorgeous cobbler
    and Three A's so shamrocks one
    to three okay so then I'm gonna let all
    those fall and I'm propped up
    I'm I'm sitting on a on my yoga pillow and uh
    I'm kind of I've got the loom like underneath my arm
    and then I'm just gonna come in here now you really want to make sure let me bring the loom down a little there we go
    okay so you want to make sure that when you're passing through
    so I've got my needle and I'm coming back in here now and the needle is gliding through the
    beads and the needle is on top of the warps
    and you really want to make sure that that's happening because if it's not then your beads will fall
    off so I think we did well so then I'm just gonna guide all of
    the Wildfire my students were laughing at me in the check because I was like two Jewel arms you know and then it was
    like all this wildfire and they're like really [Laughter] I'm like yeah you're gonna use it all
    trust me so let me bring this whoops let me bring this up to the camera
    so we have the beginning of um a new hat band and we're gonna lay that back down now I
    did add the kit for this to the shop and so um this will be the Sedona kit
    and once again I'm just going to pull this down so I can go to the next row and so we
    have two of the shamrocks
    and we're gonna have two pumpkins
    and a peach and a shamrock
    [Music] and it looks like another pumpkin
    another Shamrock and let's see CCC okay I love how um
    Brandy makes these easy for us because they've got all the coordinating colors
    um with the with a letter so two pumpkins
    and two more shamrocks
    [Music] and I am using uh the jewel loom needle
    I have a really really really hard time using the short needles
    um they just don't work with my hand so this is so pretty
    so once again I'm going to take the needle going back through
    and I just want to make sure that I am on top
    of the warps because it is more fun than humans are
    allowed to have when that does not happen I mean it's not the end of the world you just have to go back and
    start over your your row okay thank you thank you
    um by the way I did start let's see
    started what is that a little less than two inches and this piece is going to be
    so if you follow the directions [Music]
    yeah so this will be almost to the bottom of the Loom because I'm gonna do
    22 inches and then if I need more length I can
    um I can get that by you know adding the leather closure
    okay so we're gonna scooch down again here and I am on my fifth row one two
    three yep fifth row okay
    and pumpkin and oh this color is Gorge these are
    beautiful uh like a glacier so there's two of those another pumpkin
    and a cobbler
    and did I do that right one two two four six one two three four
    five six yep and then another um glacier
    and another pumpkin no a cobbler
    in another another pumpkin two
    so the ladies in my classes in the check had not loomed before um I feel like there were two people
    who might have loomed but that was it and so they did really really really well
    um and I was just so honored that they took a chance to learn something new and they loved it so
    it was really fun
    I hmm I don't know you've been trying to make a graphic design for looming and
    Peyote Stitch um wouldn't that be the app the the bead
    tool app is that what you need I wonder
    thanks Cass yeah it's the um the jewel loom and we oh I I didn't
    even tell Joan this um but we were talking yesterday
    um and we came up with another bead board
    because why not and so I'm just gonna I need to peek my head in here to make sure
    I just want to make sure the needle is on top of the warps feels like it
    and so I'm super excited about it I think you're gonna like it a lot it's cute
    okay cool yay I'm gonna bring this up to the camera so this is the first
    first five
    first five rows
    okay and then I'm going to bring my little paper down this really helps
    and we're gonna pick up um this pretty mauve
    and some more Shamrock we're gonna go with some double d's
    [Music] and another Shamrock
    [Music] and um see yep C was this pretty cobbler
    and D and another C
    it really helps when you're working with patterns that are laid out like this by the way I don't know how people would do
    it otherwise because I think I would have a breakdown
    it helps the process especially to go faster whoops
    get on there buddy and another Shamrock and ending with a
    moth [Music]
    and again I'm going to take and help guide them up in between
    each one of those tiny little warps we didn't skip any of the grooves on the
    large wisdom Warrior now you can modify this pattern to make
    the bracelet version you would just follow the directions
    um basically it's like six inches for a small seven inches for a medium and eight inches for a large
    but that information is on the pattern when you buy the kit
    it's so pretty I feel like when this is done I'm gonna need like a hat an outfit
    the whole thing and then we'll scooch this down and
    so it's pretty pretty simple procedure I mean you really just have to get you
    know your table set up and get your beads laid out um
    foreign and you know some people work with the Looms when they're positioned in front
    of them like on an easel but I find it easy to
    tuck her in underneath my arm does anybody else who has the large
    wisdom Warrior Is there a way that you've been working on it so let's see
    um again hard to talk and focus here
    so I skip them um by the way you could see that I'm just I skipping onto the
    okay and then we're gonna let those fall
    and we'll pop them up in between [Music]
    foreign [Music]
    Brandy we've known each other since I don't know 13 years old now I guess
    and um [Music] she was here in California in Ojai
    California but they just moved to Prescott Arizona and so she is getting
    the blessing of all of these new um
    sites you know the Landscaping the desert how things look when you flowers
    are blooming in the desert so she's really inspired I was like okay well we
    need this hat band all right so I'm going to move that down again
    and this time we're going to start off with Mom
    and we got two
    this dog [Music] the cobbler
    and warm off
    pumpkin whoops the Glazer more pumpkin
    or months let's see
    and two Double A's
    and a b so that was a moth right yep okay
    did I get it yeah
    fall yeah
    can you see that little flower coming together it's really cool huh
    [Music] can you hear this dog behind me oh my
    gosh whoops
    come down oops come down one more
    all right so we got let me make sure I didn't screw up anything we got
    and now yeah okay so two A's
    [Music] and a cob
    and a moth and two more A's
    and pumpkin
    and two Double A's [Music] okay
    and Mom and the cob
    and two A's so we were all um after we visited the preciosa
    um facility we
    we all had such a bigger understanding of the process that it was like okay
    next time a seed bead rolls off of our table we are not letting it go like we
    are finding it because you just understand the value better when you get
    the opportunity to see how they're made and so
    I I definitely am not just gonna blow off the beads uh that fall anymore
    maybe picking them up appreciating all the hard work that uh
    went in to make them it's quite a process
    okay is that my first Little Flower oh my goodness
    I think it is wow that was quick so
    what's that let me see one two three one one two three four
    five six seven eight nine one two three
    four five six seven eight nine yep so I'm on the tenth row I'm gonna bring
    this up to the camera look in just that short period of time look at how fun
    you thought everybody searched for the Fallen beads maybe it was just me I don't know foreign
    oh that is so pretty okay so that's my first little section that took me to so
    I'm gonna do row 10. since we're all together let's let's do that
    so again we've got a shamrock and a cobbler
    and moth and then we have a ton so one two three four five six seven uh
    shamrocks so one two
    three four
    five six
    seven and then a mauve [Music]
    uh Cobb and a shamrock
    okay so then I'm gonna let all that fall foreign
    weekend Pros project amongst all the other things
    oh that is so pretty it's it's hard to see on the screen but seriously in in real life this is just really really
    Gorge I like to do combinations that are a
    little bit different because there's some standard colors out there for hat bands and they're super cool and I love
    them um but I always like to mix it up a little and see what else we can do so
    pretty so that was the 10th tenth row
    so okay the um directions for warping the loom there
    are actually two different links right here on the YouTube channel there's a
    playlist called how to use your wisdom or your large wisdom Warrior Loom and so um Joan do
    you want to you want a director to that
    and then you can go ahead and um and bring me up I'm gonna get rid of the
    yeah it's okay there's um there's a whole playlist in the
    um on the YouTube channel and it's called how to how to use your large wisdom Warrior and
    so anytime we use the large wisdom Warrior we put the content in there but
    there are at least two now because I just uploaded another one this afternoon
    um videos on how to warp because I I think that's what you're saying where do I find the instructions for warping
    is that I want to see if this let me see if this
    camera is any better
    oh yeah look at how pretty that is
    oh the one from this afternoon is still uploading oh my God that's weird
    it was only 13 minutes long I wonder why it's taking so long huh
    so it reminds me this pattern reminds me exactly of the desert I don't you know when you're out in the desert and you're
    cruising around and then all of a sudden they'll be like this spot this gorgeous Coral flower out in the middle of
    nowhere and you're like how did that happen and that's exactly
    um how this how this uh pattern reminds me of that
    um Landscaping so I'm just looking to see if there are any questions
    um obviously this is going to be a process and if you're looking for the kit it's
    on the jewel loom site it's going to come with uh the leather
    and the suede so that you can make your endings so you can attach it and so this
    is this is the High Desert app band we got a theme
    going on here your friend moves to the desert and and now we got we've got a lot of desert but
    we love it and so this is the high desert hat band This was
    um believe it or not was in my it was only my second only my
    second half band that I ever made and um it's so delicious it's really kind of
    interesting when you have it on the loom you're kind of like okay this is cool this is really cool but then you take it
    off of the Loom and you get it all put together and you're just like oh my God I did this that's how I feel I touch
    even right now I'm just like wow I can't I really can't believe I did this like it's so gorgeous
    and so um you know just stick with your pattern and and know that the outcome is going
    to be amazing and so this section right here
    um you'll get the leather it's a faux I started adding um some faux leather to
    the kit so to um just kind of accommodate everybody's you
    know desire plus it kind of it keeps it keeps it more economical uh which is the
    buzzword right now and then of course the um the suede cord all right
    so that'll be in the kit along with all the beads and then you get access to the pattern
    um I'll uh you'll have you know the instructions and everything
    on that so I'm just looking through we got a lot of Jewel looms found it yeah I
    wouldn't you know trying to find things on in the Facebook group groups a little bit more challenging we organize things
    we Joan Joan just makes me look really good Joan
    organizes all the little you know chapters and what have you so that uh
    they're easily found I periodically go back in and and will massage you know a
    word here there but really I trust Joan she's like she knows what you know how we think and
    how we look for things but um you're gonna have better luck looking for everything on the YouTube channel
    gosh um maybe I'll tell you a little bit I got a few more minutes here
    uh the trip to the Czech Republic was off the charts um the flight from LAX was
    so easy I walked into LAX International and was very overwhelmed and a little
    nervous because it was not very clear where to go and so thank goodness there
    were helpful people and I got checked in got through security all you know
    everything was great um they have the I don't they have the new system or if you have a bio metric
    passport which I do um you don't even show anything when
    you're getting on the plane you walk up to a screen and somehow it figures out that it's
    really you weird uncomfortable
    but uh yeah so that that was different that was very very different
    um and so they fed us very well I did manage to sleep I was sandwiched in a I
    was I had a window seat but um once we got to Prague Jill Wiseman
    and John kurtick from the beads we all found each other as planned thank you
    um and then we got to the hotel in Prague and then we all ended up going out
    um for dinner which was really nice and from there it was just non-stop the
    country is beautiful it is full of History um
    and castles and churches and Cathedrals and museums and stories and cobblestones
    I had to leave my tennis shoes there because I literally walked off my Souls I walked off my Souls
    so um we were doing you know we were what is what is the amount of steps they tell
    you to do every day we we did those easily we did those and um and so yeah
    so that we had a Riverboat Cruise where we got onto a Riverboat which you know
    made my soul happy and um and so we had dinner on that boat and
    we cruised up and down I was most surprised how much water
    is in the Czech Republic and I guess I just you know I'm such a coastal girl
    right that if you're not by the ocean oh you have water how does that work
    um but there was water there was rivers and there was these Creeks that you just wanted to like Splash your face with
    because they were so Crystal Clear and and beautiful and
    um you could see the rocks and it was just it was magical and um and that
    everything was green and you'd go through like a village and then there'd
    be like a castle right in the middle of the village like imagine you're in your neighborhood and then you have
    you have a castle as a neighbor and it was just unbelievable
    um the factories precioso was so kind um we couldn't take photos at that place
    but um they do a lot of what you probably see as far as like crystals if
    they're not Swarovski then they're more than likely preciosa they do seed beads
    um and and uh they really do a lot of a lot of production and then we
    um went to the route that's like sayings Swarovski
    um Factory it's family owned David and Lucas are the brothers and
    they were a hoot I mean we we pulled up in the big old tour bus and they were
    they had a big tent and they had food and they greeted the bus with a tray full of shots
    like yes shots and I don't do shots but um but it was
    just hysterical you know and and we just had so much fun and we shopped for beads
    and all the ladies on the tour were just unbelievably amazing they were just
    um I've never seen 24 people come together and get along as well as this group did you know we just flowed
    together we were just um passionate about beading and jewelry making and uh on that note I've got to
    tell you spending time with Jill Wiseman was on so many levels uh uplifting and
    rewarding and she was so generous with her time and her knowledge and um and it
    was just great so I I hope that there's an opportunity for some of you to come
    with me the next time around I foreign
    it will be a trip of a lifetime memories of a lifetime there is healing there's
    all of the things that you could possibly imagine and um
    and so you know I would just hold I would just hold that in prayer and see
    what comes to you but I know you won't be disappointed if you go it's unreal in
    fact there is a trip coming up in October with um Cassandra from beads to live by and I apologize I don't know the
    name of the other designer um but I think they still have room in that one and that's October of this year
    and so um just so you know that but I think that's all I got I love you
    guys I'm so happy to be home Joan thank you a bazillion times
    um for holding down the fort and um you are incredible and you can come
    on if you want um I I would love to see you owning your
    uh design talents you know well I was
    telling them last week when we were chatting and I was making it takes me forever to design things before I
    actually so that's it nobody ever said that designing is like you know turbo you know you should take
    your time because that's that's more realistic you know and that's to cook in
    my brain yeah but you really are like you really
    are um you're very talented and your work is very meticulous I can see it
    um you know in the screen that it's very well done and you should be really really proud of yourself well thank you
    yeah trying my best to make you proud yeah I'm my God I'm so proud
    I'm so proud and it just it helps me so much you know so it's um it's great
    really great I'm very proud of you and I'm very grateful to you so well thank you
    anyway so you're gonna upload your video on Monday or Tuesday you said you had a
    video yeah I'm gonna try my best to get it Monday or Tuesday at the latest okay yes I'll do it with the blog you know
    with the chat and the finishing together okay yeah that's cool I can't wait to watch that'll be fun to watch and that
    way it's not overlapping too with yours tonight because I'll get that posted by tomorrow well I don't like posting too
    much it's confusing right exactly but we love content and we love
    you know it's always fun for people to learn from uh
    different people because the way I teach and communicate may not
    resonate with someone but the way you do will the way Trisha does does you know
    like we all have we all have our way of presentation well that's what I say too
    sometimes you watch three or four different people do you know do something yeah you take a combination of
    all of them to do what works best for you that's what I do with wire wrapping you know yeah okay all right very cool
    yeah very cool very nice well Kristen's what did
    yeah that's very true I see you answered her yeah so you know you could
    um obviously stitch together pieces if you don't have the large wisdom Warrior you could use your original jewel loom
    make the pieces in the links necessary in fact if you get the jewel loom
    inspiration book off of Amazon um the book that I published you'll see a project in there that's
    prior to the large wisdom Warrior what I did I use the lar you know the original jewel loom and made pieces and sewed
    them together and if you're not sure how to sew the pieces together um actually if you look up Amber's
    firecracker earrings where she made a tube it's stitching the pieces together just like yeah
    to make a tube yeah um that's on the um
    YouTube channel too yeah you're right it'll even be in the blog yeah anytime
    that we've taken two ends no matter whether it's two inches or you know
    it's the stitching but but there's content to help you with that so
    yeah a lot of these projects is just doing totally different techniques and then you can
    come up with your own design with all these techniques yes one thousand percent so Kristen we we
    um we have shipped the Looms to uh Canada what's going on with Canada right
    now that I have found is the last two times that I ship the big looms there um you know there's customs and so as
    the buyer you um you're responsible for those and that doesn't always make one happy
    but there's nothing I can do um and so this all kind of came together
    while I was in the Czech Republic I I was like what's going on so I removed
    shipping to Canada for a hot minute until I could figure it out but the gist of it is is that you the buyer are
    responsible for the Customs the last large wisdom Warrior
    uh the Customs was like 19.27
    I don't know if that would be yours but I I just need I need that to be really clear to all of our Canadian
    peeps because I don't want you to be upset and so I'd rather not ship it if
    it does make it you know like I mean I just I have no control over it you know I'm not the government
    and I feel bad but I guess it is what it is right like you just you have to pay duties so
    um So to that point uh you know I've got to turn it back on but I need you to know that you know if there are duties
    then so anyway
    um I'm going to go collect myself it's Bunko night I know I know I have
    such an exciting life last night it was bingo and um it's fun because I won a few
    times but then I came home empty-handed so I'm not sure but uh tonight is Bunko
    and uh and so and so that's my exciting life
    Funko beads and uh and the boo-boo
    but that's okay I'm sorry I appreciate you all so much thank you there were so many orders one that
    were processed when I was traveling you were so kind and gracious I'm I'm so so
    grateful for you I you know respect your investment into the company when you
    make a choice to buy any product whether it's a string of beads or a large wisdom
    Warrior I'm so incredibly grateful and um thank you and so I'm gonna work on my
    um on my hat band I don't know where I'll be come next Thursday as far as my
    progress but I'll meet you back here and we'll just kind of pick up and hang out for a little bit
    so sound good thank you guys thank you John
    a little bit