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  • Lacey Anklet DIY: Jewel Loom School Live with Amber and Trish

    July 29, 2022

    Lacey Anklet DIY: Jewel Loom School Live with Amber and Trish

    Learn how to give your projects a lacy effect with this great technique. Amber teaches how to make a lacy anklet, using 8/0 & 11/0 seed beads, using the  Small Wisdom Warrior Loom, which can be an upright loom, using the stand, & is made of sustainable baltic birch.  This lacey techique would be great on chokers & bracelets, also!

    Supplies needed: 

    Small Wisdom Warrior:

    Original Jewel Loom:

    Jewel Loom Starter Kit, including Original & Baby Jewel Looms, needles, wood button, hemp cord, & a package of 100 czech glass beads: 

    You can also shop through Amber’s affiliate link:

    You can find Amber and Tricia online through our link trees:  

    Subscribe to the Jewel Loom YouTube channel to access past & current tutorials:

    You can subscribe to the monthly workshop with kit (Creative Soul Box) here:

    Sign up for the Jewel Loom newsletter & get 15% off your first order, plus a free pattern:     

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    hey friends hi guys here we are again hey wait it's so fun you're here early
    already in and maria is right there behind them nice
    we have such good followers don't we we do you guys are the bomb
    oh my goodness you are definitely how's everybody doing how's your
    week how have you been what have you been up to this week amber any updates on anything yeah lots of doctor's
    appointments okay i think the whole week was doctor's appointments so yeah
    um surgery set for august 23rd okay so moving forward
    and it looked like things the mri came back looking like things are shrinking
    and so yeah that's wonderful so beautiful yeah so excited
    everything's on and tomorrow as long as blood works good last chemo
    that's a gift right there yes yes hey patty hi patty
    yeah yeah super excited to have you guys here of course yeah and we're gonna own the
    project this week guys oh my gosh yeah it's a very summery project
    so i'll hold it i love the lace oh my goodness up your alley yes it is when i
    saw it i was like oh i know i know that trisha's kind of laughing i do
    and i will make one i'm just not going to make tonight but believe me i'm going to make one
    yeah uh if you saw in the comments uh we're ha julium is having a great sale right now
    the 9x6 gem cut fire polished beads for only 38
    and they're they're beautiful trish is used a ton i've used some yeah yeah i should have brought all mine
    up here so i could shut it off a little bit yeah i didn't think of it either i
    is the sun okay do you think is that i'm gonna be coming down yeah can i close
    the curtain on the top of your desk not totally
    let's see i'll flip down and we'll see how it looks let's see how oops i did not need to do that wrong button
    stop the camera hi zach hi honey so glad to see you let's see i
    have this camera up so high it looks like um oh yeah it is i'll have to go okay
    i don't know yeah that's bright all right give me a sec i'll be right back patty that'll be so pretty to use the technique with it with a choker oh yeah
    that'll be gorgeous that'll be really gorgeous i'm just gonna drop this down here guys
    so it doesn't look so creepy that i'm looking
    excuse me there we go we don't care sun here in central pa so i love
    yes we're glad for that we're definitely glad for the sun so if you haven't seen yet this is our
    project for tonight lacey lacey nicey
    so i made it as an anklet but you can certainly do it as a bracelet or it would be a
    really pretty choker too beautiful yeah i think patty said she's gonna do that yeah and then i have a wooden button
    just with a pretty design on it but um jules has lots of lots of and she has
    plain ones so you can put a pretty design on but for today i'm going to use this one
    but yeah so i'll show you what materials we need for tonight
    so spotlight you babe how about that oh yes please
    there we go so we have eight o's two colors of edo's
    and then two colors of eleven o's is what you're gonna need and a fun bead board
    i think last i heard there was three more left for this month's uh
    creative soul box and this comes with it so i love that little board oh my goodness it's perfect size
    i know so cute uh you'll need some hemp now somebody from another country was asking
    what other kind of material i would say anything that you feel is strong enough and holds
    together um maybe waxed linen um [Music]
    i'm trying to think what about like s lawn or cedar oh yeah start thank you i couldn't pull those words
    that's okay so you want a heavier kind of thread you know if you want to do it with the
    wildfire by all means you could i i just i i i felt like it felt beachier and
    just kind of you know gave it a a beachy summery vibe by doing this but
    you can certainly do it with the beading thread too um
    a pair of pliers to help put your thread on your needle and a pair of cutters
    and a loom so not too much is needed tonight i know some people already got
    their their supplies and so hopefully
    if you're new tonight i will go over warping this is our small wisdom wire
    it is the same size as the original jewel looms you could definitely do it on either of those looms you you could
    do it on the large wisdom warrior too um
    so to do an anklet you'll need um i used a sewing measuring tape so you'll
    need to measure your ankle and then you're gonna take one inch off of that
    so like i have a nine inch ankle i'm gonna bead for eight inches
    um and then that leaves same as bracelets leaves that room for the button or however else you choose to
    close it you can choose to close it in different ways i just like the way the button looks for for the anklet i don't
    know it's going for that summery yeah i think you nailed it
    but i am going to use blue in the original yes i used white but i'm going
    to use blue so you can i hopefully that'll pop a little more for you guys to see
    white kind of is hard to see online um
    so it is only three beads wide so we're gonna
    make a base first very simple base that's three beads wide the pattern is
    two rows of a solid color and then two rows that has two solid
    color and then your accent color in the middle so the one i used i it doesn't come out
    online how pretty this bead is but it is um
    the transparent rainbow black diamond it's like this gray shimmery
    uh toho that that jules has and when you look at it in person it kind of has like
    because of the a b on it it has this shimmer to it so it's got like a jewel-ish tone to it so i really liked
    almost felt like diamonds obviously not diamonds but it was it was fun
    so you're gonna take your loom and whether you have the original or the
    small wisdom warrior you're gonna take and you're gonna tie a knot
    oops hit my light there
    see we've got some new friends if you want to say hi so let's see let's scroll up
    and see who joined us here i think i saw yes i did
    kelly came in rosalinda debbie nicole
    joanne is here hi everyone let's see further down vicky i said did
    i say mickey already no i don't know i think he's here robin
    wow lots of friends um deborah
    jones [Laughter]
    becky oh robin got her bot her beads today awesome very cool very cool
    so i'm just linda says that was her favorite seed bead color i really love it too i'm surprised i
    hadn't used it yet but um so i have this the thinner hemp so this
    is 0.5 so yeah so just you could do it with the thicker i just thought it made it more
    delicate doing it with the thinner so you're gonna lay it in a groove up
    top and then come all the way down and try your best
    to eye it in to the right groove on the bottom and then with
    the small wisdom wire i hold it right here to hold the tension and i
    actually i wrapped twice and i have some old stuff on there excuse me
    it happens yes come on all right we'll wrap twice
    and that helps hold the tension since we don't have the bar like the original and i'm only gonna
    skip one okay then we're gonna wake make our way back up to the top
    skip skip one hold it there and wrap twice
    and back around so if we have three that means we're gonna do four warps
    skip one laid in the groove come to the bottom
    wrap twice skip one and of course
    my hemp would get knotted right there [Laughter] that's how it always is right it's like
    it plans to do that i don't know that experience myself them with wildfire too
    and then wrap twice and i hold it when i need my
    cutters gonna trim it
    get my extra hemp out of the way
    and then i'm holding it down here so that i can slide it underneath
    and tight tie it off so i slide it underneath create that loop while i'm holding everything
    and then pull it tight and repeat the thing that's really nice about the
    0.5 is it falls into the grooves nicely you get the larger hemp
    or larger thread it may not sit as nice in the grooves but you can definitely
    push it down that it holds it
    so when you get your wildfire you're gonna do about if you're if
    you've loomed before go ahead and do like two wingspans if
    you're new to looming do about one to one and a half okay uh doing the two gives us enough to do
    the lace up the side but if you're new to beading it's a lot of thread to be trying to handle so
    bonnie is in hi bonnie of course miss sack is here we're always
    happy to see her and melanie says forgot it was thursday and then saw the text my bad oh good oh good
    she said thank you for the text so thank you joan for sending oh yeah we do appreciate you i'm so glad you saw that
    that's awesome all right so you're gonna take one end of your wildfire now make sure you need
    enough up here um to either do your button or to do your button uh
    hole so we're gonna start somewhere around here so the the one thing i've noticed
    with the small wisdom wire and the large wisdom warriors is you don't have as much extra waste
    so you need to move down a little bit more but you know if you have a larger ankle make sure you measure out and make
    sure you have enough room for how much you move down if not you could do this on definitely
    do this on the large wisdom warrior and have plenty of room
    but you have to move down a little bit on the small wisdom warrior compared to the original just so you have enough
    extra leftovers it's just a shorter distance from the
    knob and for our new friends and old friends uh
    just taking your pliers and squishing down the very tip
    of the wildfire makes it easier to thread on your beautiful jewelry needle which for me was sticking out right
    there hanging out on my little piece of cork waiting for me i love that
    when i first opened my box i thought something was wrong yeah i did what happened
    to you and then it dawned on me took me a moment
    so our pattern tonight as i showed you earlier is
    a total of four rows so two rows of your solid color and then
    two rows with your accent color in the middle okay and that's what our pattern
    is pretty straightforward um so i'm gonna pick up
    first time using my board yay now pick up my three seed beads
    make sure you go underneath your warps
    and slide your beads all the way down now i like to start at the top of my loom but i know that trish likes to
    start at her bottom of her loom and either way is fine um
    it just looks a little different when you're so you go underneath first
    and then you go over the top through all the beads and make sure i always look
    to make sure i can see my needle in between
    the beads i don't know if we can get that to focus there there we go well
    so that's a good way of knowing whether you've made it through and having a different color hemp always helps when i did it
    with the white hemp i'm like inside so okay so you can see it really
    well um jones says i cheat and use the beadalon big eye needle for looming more
    than half the time lol sabrina says hello and vicki say is says
    i eyeballed it if it's too short for my ankle it'll be a bracelet if it's too long it'll be a choker
    oh there you go great idea so i picked up three more of my solid white color
    and irina says what am i doing wrong i'm trying to place an order but it will not work oh
    hey senjul is a text yes she'll be able to help you walk through that that's a great idea
    ah did you use one of our links maybe our links are broken does joan need to send you a new link
    you could try through a new link i don't know does anybody else try and have trouble
    it's fun
    all right so now we're gonna add in our accent color i'm gonna pick up one solid white
    my really pretty gray sparkly and another white
    i'm just sliding it down so since it takes a little bit since i
    picked up two wingspans if you don't know what i mean i hold my arms out completely and
    take make the thread as long as my arms would be one wing span and two would be
    doing that twice but if you're new to this maybe just doing one or one and a half
    would be good so you don't get all the tangles and
    it's real easy you just add in the same way just tie off the new piece
    and add it in as if it was the original
    so i'm picking up one white one gray and one white
    hi elizabeth welcome in i'm glad you were able to get in
    and then so under the warp lay in the beads go and then go over top
    of the work and go back through the beads same as as we do each week
    basic basic weaving here so i'll do a couple more and we'll move
    on to the lacy goodness since that's really the newer stuff
    unless we have new people and i can repeat a couple more times not a problem just let us know
    oh it's lizzy okay hi this lizzy
    so i picked up three i'm going under the warps pushing the beads up through
    and then going over top of the warps with my needle and making sure i see my needle
    and then pulling through i often beat on my couch on my lap
    so it's different to beat at a tip you do too yup
    i like to have it at an angle i angle it up but that doesn't work to teach you guys
    no no it works for my vision though
    so as zach says the gray aurora borealis beads remind me of kind of like
    labradorite yes yes so
    oh and melanie's using her board right now awesome they are lovely
    lab dora is very pretty yes yes so you could just tell everybody it's
    labradorite right [Laughter] not quite but we're all fancy it's
    laboratory color there we go
    all right now i'm going back to the pattern one white one accent
    and another solid so really whatever color this real simple pattern so
    whatever colors i have my light right here and my
    microphone so i don't have a lot of mention yeah i hear you girl you have all the arm
    movement i normally do
    but yeah yes elizabeth or lizzy excuse me sorry
    um she is using a does on the base you're gonna need two types of vados and two types of the lemon o's for this
    project two colors so i'll show the project again for those who came in a little late so the
    base is eight o's and then the lacy part is lebano's and i'm doing it with hemp but if any
    kind of stiff kind of beading thread you want to use for your warps works and you could use
    the wildfire too um all of that works it's just a four row pattern
    um two rows of the solid color and then two rows with your accent color in the
    middle so we did warped four and we have three beads
    going across for all our new friends
    and then go on nut so it went under the warps and now over the warps and that had a big
    profile waffle
    does anybody need me to do another row or do we feel good with the
    base i don't know how many new people we have or hi carmen it looks like carmen's just
    joining us hey hi carmen does anybody need me to do another
    base row i certainly am welcome to but i want to make sure i get to the lace
    well i can bring it back up if we need so i bring over
    woo get that out of the way wow look at that that was so quick you were on it
    wayne says okay to move on great all right now you can certainly
    um for the lace part use your jewel loom needle you can certainly
    do that my preference personally is to switch to a a beading needle
    so it's just slightly shorter and they're they're
    made for beating um yeah so up to you you could do either this is
    just my my preference so so i finished off this one over here on
    the right and i'm just gonna do my lace up this side so i'm gonna go back
    underneath all the warps so don't pull my thread out and just
    start so um
    so what you have to do though is i have to get myself up to this bead
    so right now i'm still at the bottom and i'm gonna work my way back up to
    this row to start my loops that way
    i start with the smaller loop and go bigger and then that helps me get back
    to the place i want to go for the next round
    so now since since we're done weaving the beads except for that bottom one it
    doesn't matter if you're on top or bottom
    so for this first one now if i can remember i have to look what should i do the
    first little loop so it's going to be the first one is going to be teeny tiny i
    don't know there we go it's just the first one is just
    three beads the second one is seven
    and then the last one is eleven so we're doing three
    seven and eleven that's what i found helped it to lay nicely okay
    so we're gonna go so you'll see how we weave back and forth to make this happen
    so i'm gonna pick up now we're moving on to the edo's so this part uh not edo sorry levanos so
    i'm gonna pick up one of our aurora borealis i think somebody called them
    graves or labradorite pick up one of my like
    light blue and then another one of our grays
    i like the other names better so
    so i'm coming out of the third row
    so the first row with our accent bead and i'm go i picked up my three
    beads for our first loop and i'm going to go in the next
    row with our accent
    and i'm go i one of you can go all the way through because they're eight o's so and it's
    only three beads so it's not a big deal to go back and forth at this point so then we
    have our first our first loop there
    i can get it very cute okay now
    yeah so now i'm over here coming out of our second accent row
    i'm going to go into the next first solid row
    and come back out
    and now we're going to pick up seven still only one blue accent so
    one i think i put too many in my tray
    wayne says it looks like you used an 8-0 on the other anklet no 8 is the base and 11's
    those are 11's yeah they pop though they do look bigger
    so i picked up three of our gray and i'm gonna pick up
    one blue so that gives us our seven and then three more gray
    um debbie she's using eights for the base and elevens for the loops correct
    so now i'm gonna go over top of my first loop and back down to the bottom
    so we picked up seven so three and three gray and a blue and
    seven i found with the 11 0's goes over nicely over top of itself
    so we've got our first two loops there and now we're set right in the right
    place for our next one go to the bottom one again
    weave back out to the same side and now we're gonna pick up eleven
    so five gray one side a blue and then five gray the
    other side and doing this without my magnifiers
    takes a little more effort so vicky here i'll put this question up for you
    she is asking being and don't have the magic of the internet can you do the loops at the end of each section
    i'm not sure what like as at the end of each one of your edo sections is that what you mean vicky
    as you're putting your edo's on you could just pop your lemons in you could do that but what you'll see
    will happen is that um with the pattern i had chosen
    i got caught on my bracelet here there we go um
    it doesn't it fits the pattern nicely but then you'll have to remember in
    order to keep doing that this middle one like every other one is this is just a
    five so we have the three loops and then we have a single loop the three loops
    single loop so you i mean you could certainly do that i like doing it separate it reinforces the bracelet and
    then i don't have to think about as much either but you could certainly
    do that all right so let's see got my blue i got
    five more gray to go
    woohoo three that time
    all right so now you're gonna go in the second
    solid white of the next grouping
    so it kind of comes that the pattern is this grouping
    and then this grouping then back to the bigger grouping and a little grouping you'll see as we work
    along and then the 11 sits nicely over top
    of the other ones
    and you see my threads now coming out up here so i'm going to go back down through the
    the next grouping with our accent bead and i'm just gonna
    do i'm gonna pick up the five
    so pick up five i pick up two gray a blue
    and then two more of the gray
    and then just go into the next one
    so now very pretty so now we need to weave back up to get
    back to the middle up here so going through
    the two solid
    and back through the first this first uh grouping with your accent bead
    so as you can see we're coming out here
    and now we're going to pick up our three again so starting our pattern over
    she said well vicky says well i'm trying to do this along with you and not quite as fast as you are
    i want to do a lace section with you oh so she could probably yeah
    just work it by the sections definitely now you get a feel for it yeah so now
    we're gonna pick up our seven
    picking up three our blue is not two blues one blue four
    and three more grey
    and we go around our three and down through the solid row
    then we've got the two and we need to do one more with the 11s
    you're watching me on the big screen tv oh boy
    that's what i do to trish when i'm not on with her
    oh good to know good well then i pull you up on my devices to leave messages so yes
    well she says she likes to re-watch them on youtube after you've
    had them live so she can stop in between nice that's awesome that's the best way i
    mean of course being live is the best way but of course learn afterwards that's the best way yes
    so i pick up five grays and a blue my pretty bead board right now this
    board is only available if you get the creative sole kit
    and workshop believe it will be available with
    something in the future do you remember or yes can a good person if she remembers
    i don't um joan might know i don't know if she recalls but um
    she's usually better at that stuff than we are but i'm not sure off the top of my head
    that's fine something else i wanted to mention tonight and i can't even remember what
    it is all right so i picked up 11. so two groupings of five gray and a blue
    and i'm going from this white all the way down here over to this white all the way over here
    going around my other two loops and getting caught on myself again
    the dingle dangles on my bracelet got caught okay so um of course joan comes through
    for us again yeah you will also be able to get it with the small whistle here so
    yeah that'll be awesome thank you june so the big thing with the lace if you
    can see is just making so i found starting with the little one
    it it uh you come it's all about directions so it brings you this way and then i go back with the
    second loop this way but with the third loop it helps me go up my bracelet so
    that was kind of why i'm doing it this way that makes sense um so i had to
    think hard about how to make that happen i hear you
    and now we're just doing the extra little mini loop of five
    and that's the pattern i can i'll keep going or let's see how are we on
    oh correction you can get it with the small wisdom warrior now oh well there you go guys
    get your little bead board if you don't have the small wisdom warrior that's a great deal yeah it does
    let's see um time-wise we look like you have plenty of time if you'd like to continue okay um
    go ahead i was just gonna say um usually to do a tie off a cut off the board i
    usually wait till about 7 45 but of course that's up to you yeah whatever works best for you that sounds good
    i forgot to make the next one but this is fine well we can tie this one off
    who knows in 15 minutes a miracle might happen you could get there you go do we have any questions about either
    the base i can go back and look at that or about the lace zach says dingle dangle's messing with
    you amber i know see they're right here from my my buttonhole bracelet yes
    that's such a pretty one going for those vibes too yeah going for
    the whole beachy beachy vibe right
    picking up our three here for our first loop
    now i won't be here next week but trish will be teaching you guys you want to tell them what they have in
    store for next week we're going to do a project with soft flex on the original
    loom we're going to do some earrings with some pyramid beads i will pop on
    hopefully tomorrow to give you the materials list but it's going to be quite fun something
    new something exciting for us to try so hey i can't wait i'm excited
    i think it'll be fun for everyone to give them another another uh use for their soft flex
    now i'm picking up the five so i gotta remember two gray not three gray a blue
    and then two more gray awesome zack says very beautiful creations
    bracelet darling amber oh thank you she is a darling
    can't visit the beach this summer so i had to bring the beach to me and there you go that's the way to do it oh not five
    sorry folks this one's a seven i'm not brain that's all right beautiful
    there we go we got sharp sharp people in our group here though they have figured
    out yeah so i just pulled it back out so i can add in
    i need to add in a couple beads here bonnie says it's awesome that you give
    the material list early yeah that's something we just started and it seems like everyone likes it so
    we're gonna try to continue that yeah seems like
    it helps out so hey let's we can certainly do it yeah
    it was fun to see some of you had gotten your materials beforehand that's so fun
    [Music] love that you're beating along with us there we go
    originally i tried five but it didn't lay right so that's probably why it's in my head so three seven and now on to
    go gotta just weave back to the right side and do my eleven
    so this is the odd count out odd count anklet
    robin says i can't wait to get my sun weaver board that i cool
    nice we'll have to do a project on that someday for sure
    i think i'll have to get an updated one i don't know you have the older one don't you yeah i do
    i mean which is fine it still works for sure but to see you know always kind of get the
    news yes maria says she's beating along and nicole
    says this is very pretty oh thank you
    blue sky 75 says thank you so much amber it's so pretty and fun oh
    thank you blue sky welcome welcome do we what's your name
    do we know you we probably do no one else and we just forgot um
    let's see here um carolyn says also pretty project amber
    with a smiley face thanks we have the best folks that hang out i
    know so yeah so there we go we got the the three the five and the eleven and now
    we don't have to weave a lot for this little extra fiber uh fiber here
    how are we doing on time um it's about 22. you could certainly stop if you'd like
    if everyone feels comfortable how are you guys feeling
    yes you know me as joanne blue sky says oh hi joanne becky says very pretty
    are you guys feeling are you ready to take it off the loom are you feeling like you kind of got the concept or do
    you want us to do a few more whenever to do a few more because i'm being lazy tonight that's okay
    i tell you what i worked so hard yesterday i am more out i'm sure tons of videos and
    all kinds of stuff so as you can see uh to make the the loops here work
    i just add in this little extra loop in between them to bring this is yes ready to
    move on where's the link for today's special
    joan can you put up uh the uh what was it the gem cut special again
    yeah the gem cuts yeah for deborah there that'd be great okay well virtually you just keep doing the
    lace until you get to the end yeah so that's i'm gonna tie a little
    knot here and i can just finish it up fix it later off the loom it won't be as easy but
    it's certainly doable so yeah i've
    just tie so don't lose any beads
    yes that's a good idea if you do ever have to stop and for some reason guys
    just make sure you know where your needle is and you know you don't want your thread to
    get pulled because of you know it can pull off the beads things like that
    that handy dandy little cork piece yes right of course i'll probably get myself
    tangled here but ah all right the original loom you have to turn all the way over this one's really
    pretty if you want to turn it over but you don't need to it's just on the ends you need to cut off
    maria says this is my first time using eight o's and something other than thread slash wildfire oh fun this is
    exciting nice good so
    do turn it over a little always hold your beadwork whether you're on this loom or any of the other looms when you
    go to cut it off just so it doesn't go flying on you get your cutters in there i like to try if i can
    cut all the way back here it doesn't always work but sometimes i can save some of the threads that way
    sometimes not but it's always an attempt
    and it's harder to cut there but on the small wisdom warrior you just don't have as much extra
    as you do with the original
    there we go so it takes a little longer to try and get cut it off that way but
    i like and then the other side you should be able to just unravel
    there we go let's get that out of our way
    so you want to pick the longer side obviously to be where you're going to
    put um where you're going to tie off to slide your button through
    um and then this side will be just your button as you can see i don't have as much
    on this side so i just put my button on the shorter side that way i have enough room to make
    extra loops if i need and then i'm just getting rid of all
    this extra stuff out of my way cut this
    and then you're going to take your ends
    and just tie them off am i still there
    everything got quiet oh you muted yourself for just
    so two knots make sure you don't pull too tight that you warp your warps
    um so i just like to do two knots i find with hemp i don't always have to
    use glue but if you want to you can but i feel like it stays
    a lot of the time pretty well when you nod it
    maria said that it's building faster than the 11 0's i'm used to using
    yes it's a real quick the base is a real quick build yeah which is nice that's where the
    edo's come in nicely and it gives you a lot of space particularly to go back and forth and do
    the lace um with the edo's it's harder when you do the lebanos there's just not as much
    space so i have that tied off i threw in my
    wildfire in with the knots where you can burn it off glue it
    up to you and then i'm just gonna put my button on so i take two
    of my threads through one hole and two of my threads through the other
    hole and just tie
    an overhand knot nothing too fancy
    so two overhand nuts
    there we go got your button and you can trim these if you want
    um sometimes i might trim them to match but otherwise i like to keep them a little longer
    but that's preference see as you can see i kept
    this one a little longer it also allows me if i need to move the button out a little
    while i'm trying to get it situated it makes that possible so i have to cut
    the ends of my loops here what were you gonna say trish um um lizzy had a good suggestion she thinks the knobby should
    be a screw type something screws type she said something to think
    about huh so yeah the knobs on the end of the looms
    could be like a screw type yeah you can mention that to
    yes absolutely yeah i don't know if i'll remember to tell you tell her that
    well she usually watches these so yes she'll probably see it or hear it um
    let's see so i trimmed and now i'm just gonna not up against the warp again
    go ahead trish if there's another question um not questions but wayne says he agrees with lizzie and vicky said i
    gave up trying to keep up she said kitty time is important too especially when she's demanding verbally yes and sherry
    says beautiful design thank you thank you everyone and that's so sweet
    we do appreciate it i'm not that i had anything to do with this design but i'm just saying in
    general we appreciate it when you say those things
    when it's my time i appreciate it too yes it means a lot yes
    that's what i'm trying to say my interpreter cleared that up for me
    though so once again i just knotted off the warps make sure it's not too tight
    uh and uh and now i'm going to
    lay it out and what i do is i bring my button up and i kind of
    gauge how far i need to make my knot from my work in order for my
    button to fit in nicole has a question for you that i put up on screen
    would a slide clasp work oh yeah most certainly i don't know
    how that would hold up on an on an anklet but yeah you could definitely i've never tried a slide class on an
    anklet but you could certainly do it i mean it's eight o's so you could it's harder to slide the clasp over the
    hem sometimes but if you do the thinner hemp and yeah you should be able to i to
    slide it over and we have some wonderful love coming through your tutorials um
    mean a lot to us julian this is a lovely design maria says and
    vicky says i look forward to my time with you ladies it makes my day we feel the same
    [Music] and then there we go
    and i like that on our lives that our followers or folks
    that join us are such a part of our um broadcast
    yeah we'd love to include your comments and questions um in real time i just think
    that's super a super great way to do do it you know it's a little different yeah then a lot
    of people do it but that's that's what we enjoy and i think i think it's a great thing because we
    can kind of address things in real time yeah and we're here for you guys so
    if there's projects you want us to tackle like i think somebody mentioned soft flex and trish is like i'll give
    that a try so i'm always on this one yeah me too and the buttonhole i mean
    that came from you guys like can we do a buttonhole don't hesitate to reach out
    guys and give us your ideas we love playing with our looms so yeah oh caroline i'm so sorry to hear that oh
    feel better friend she said she has relapses we could help you as much as we can from
    this far away marianne that's so fun you've been making anklets for your grands oh
    can't wait oh i remember what i wanted to share here we go
    um hopefully joan can put this in the comments for us we i know not everybody has facebook so we
    want to see all of your creations so jules is very kindly created in the jewel loom school a f a
    free class for you to post your jewel loom live
    projects yeah so i don't know joan if you know where that link is but
    if we can't find it we'll put it in the comments for you guys um and figure that out so it's so
    exciting i know some of you just don't have facebook and that's part we want to make sure we include everybody
    absolutely yeah caroline will definitely be praying yeah for the folks that join us on
    youtube if you don't use facebook this is a great opportunity for you to talk
    with all of us and show us what you're making and there we go
    so you'll have to sign up for it if i remember correctly but it doesn't cost a
    thing all it does is it's our own group for you guys to ask questions and it
    sends us a message letting us know that you guys have posted um and we'll go out see your creations
    we'll try and remember to post our creations there um and in facebook so if you're on
    facebook and you don't want to do this one that's perfectly fine but we wanted to reach out to those who don't have
    facebook and make sure um and if everybody wanted just uh um
    one place for all of us to come together from our show here that we hang out with all the time it just would be
    a fun place for us all together and be able to chitchat also yeah super exciting i think this is great it's a
    great idea you and joe nand yeah so it's it's the jewel loom school
    community so any projects it doesn't even have to be alive if you have a fun loom project you've done
    you want to share it with us you know you could share it there or on facebook yeah we we would love to have you join
    us in both places whatever works for you um yeah
    so everyone is very thankful i'm very grateful yeah sandy says thanks for the health update
    amber i'm going to try this oh awesome sandy see all that wonderful
    stuff oh yeah any questions before we head off tonight
    you could if you haven't signed up for the newsletter or also texting
    the texting um those are great ways to know what's going on jules
    julum is up on top of sending texts and emails about lives about projects everything
    so vicky um you said that you saw daniel wickish use soft flex did she use it on
    the um silver silk loom or was it the original oh she said a peyote stitch a piano stitch but yeah
    let's i don't think you can do that on the other one for myself
    i can't wait to see your creations friends absolutely absolutely so yeah super fun
    i'm just waiting to hear back from vicki i'm just curious yeah no i want to know what danielle did too
    yeah i love her creations too yeah i actually have the project sitting in front of me right now god's vegeta
    now [Laughter] you don't know
    yeah it's a little teaser what if i just
    go i can't wait i am so excited because i'm so glad one of you suggested it and
    the button yeah and we'll do a pendant i know someone asked about a necklace so we'll
    have to bust out doing a necklace here sometime soon for sure yeah
    the only problem with doing like a necklace on lives is
    that we can't try to make them in real time even like bracelets are touch and go sometimes with that or ankles yeah
    earrings we can kind of do real time most of the time yeah that's the real in-depth but
    we'll make it work we always make it happen oh she said the flexibility of the soft
    flex was inspirational but it wasn't on it okay well we're gonna do it
    i'm so excited i'm excited too all right guys well thank you to amber and to joan as always
    for doing a wonderful project and joan for helping us out in the chat and being so
    wonderful and thank you all for joining us we love you we appreciate you and
    we'll see you next week bye guys hi friends